HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-07-20, Page 6 (2)Wig• 6 Times -Advocate, July 20, 1978 BY ELAINE TOWNSHEND I've been— home For a month, and since I didn't keep a diary of the trip. memories come back to me - in odds n' ends. Please bear with me while I reminisce about some people:- places and things • It t7cil • Odds 'n Ends People, places and things e ?People — first,there were store. fed one to his dog and minutes trying to get out of. the .mechanics in g a garage shared the other one with his Next there was a shopping where we stopped- for as girl One of their buddies was getting married that after- noon, and they were fixing his car, making sure the porn looted when he pressed the brake. Then—there-was the fellow who drove his pick up into the parking lot of'a take out - restaurant. His -girl . friend was on the seat beside him. and his dog was in the back of the truck. He brqught two ice cream cones out of the 100 MR. AND MRS. STEVE DIXON - Elizabeth Anne Adair and Stephen Douglas Dixon were join- ed in marriage on July 8 at Brinsley United Church;The bride's parents are Mr, and Mrs. Claire Adair and the parents of the broom are Mr.. and Mrs. Douglas Dixon. Mr. Peter Snell and Rev'. Keith Brown performed. the ceremony' The bride was attended by Dkbbie Grant, Joonne,Scott and Shiela Bonish. The groom's attendants were Dwayne Ritchie, Jerry Thomp- son and Brad Dixon. Following a honeymoon to northern On- tario the couple will reside at RR 2 Ailsa Craig. OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK FRI. NIGHT TILL 235-0212 Sidewalk Special Galaxy Malted Milk CHOCOLATE. BARS each freshWhol PORK L Cut. Wrapped for your Freezer • 12-14 1b. Avg $ 1 . 5 3 !.53b COOKED RAM : s 1.98 Ib. • • Next came the guide at1mall in West 4 lb Avg withe its shops the Parliament Buildings in laid out in circles and semi - Victoria, who said the size of circles on two levels. I felt the group didn't_ matter. like a mouse in a maze. Instead of making us wait On Vancouver Island was . for more people, she gam the dog and cat Holiday Inn the two of us the grand tour Bears pop up in unexpected Her information' ranged places. We didn't see any in • from the name of the the Rockies. but on a fairly _architect. who designed..the- busy road leading to a lake building. and the origin of in the interior of the Island, the .marble columns. that to our astonishment, wp were_ used inside the struc-' spotted a bear in the ditch lure. to the issues currently , about fifty feet from the car. under .discussion in B. C We would have had a picture Parliament and other free if a truck hadn't barrelled attractions in the city that past. and scared the bear .._.would be worth our while to . away. see. Then came Victoria.. the Best otall. she had visited Garden City. with its parks. Clinton. Ontario Wien she museums. souvenir shops. was a kid and thought it was double-decker buses. horse- "aret 1 g a p ace. drawn carriages and har- Thene was. also the bour boats. The pacee-seem- r manager of the motel where ed more relaxed. and even we spent our last night on rush ,traffic seethed less Vancouver Island: -When we Frantic (hen in Toronto or registered. he asked what, London. Ontario. In five time our plane left in the days. we head only one ex - morning. and when we change of horn blasts. answered 7:55, he produced Outside Victoria was the an alarm clock from- under famous Rnrrh�� the counter. --wt`-6ardens- • Fina{lt'there was the lady • bloom.Netharmillions of the' Gardens 'ON hp sat beside us on the was the Fable Cottage - a flight from Vancouver to fairy; tale house that a man Toronto. "You two must be • spent ten years building (Or experienced travellers." she his family. Every shingle on said. - the roof. every board in the - We sure fooled her. didn't " floor and every piece of fur - we' - niture was lovingly fashion - Then she added that .she ed by his hand. He made was. glad to sit beside two such a good job that he and such nice girls. On the flight his family had to move to Vancouver. she sat beside because of lack of privacy. r a drunk. - Next week I'll continue Places as well as people with the things that stick stand out in my mind. For my mind and some of the example. there was the lessons I learned that I'll washroom iii Penticton, • probably rOmember for -a B.C. that I spent fifteen long Time. Wilson's Jewellery Beside Bank of Montreal Exeter PURCHASE A FINE QUALITY i bbBRIDAL-KNOT DIAMOND PLENTY OF PARKING BEHIND OUR STORE INS Pp'r Lain Roasts - 1.63 Centre Cur Pork Loin s Chops ib,s1.83 Burns Pride of Ciincrdo ' Wieners -vac Is, Ib $ Burns European Style 1.09 Polish, Sausage Ib. • 1:045 Burns, Side Bacon"1 Ibvrr pock $1.79 Subject to Stock Free Annual Insurance Pleasing you pleases US SUPER Fi CHEEZ WHIZ 16 oz. jar '1.39 . Maxwell House COFFEE 1 Ib bag x2.99 Clover leaf Chunk LIGHT TUNA 6 Y' oz. 7 5° Allen's Reconstituted Fleecy Colonial Apple - Fabric •1?jug $ Oz.hocolrite Chip or 21b. bag" 9 Cream Filled Juke 48 or tin 69` Softener $1,99 Cookies $1.69 Ontario No 1 FRESH PRODUCE BUNCH RADISHES ek,1.9' ' Ontario' . Ontario No. 1 ChiQUi'a - CUCUMBER 49` Good 5 �e,Z/ BANANAS PO TAT OES F,tesh uar No. 1 Ontio ( Eggs may soon be oiled All egg -producers in Canada may soon be oiling eggs on the farm to provide consumers with a higher -quality product. Recent investigations at Agriculture Canada's . research station at Agassiz. • {-1 B.C., confirm that covering eggs with a light coating of an inert mineral oil prolongs their shelf life. The treat- ment already in use at some egg -producers' plants. results in a higher-otlality albume(.- white cf the egg • Oiling is practised now in "a limited way in ('anaifa. Agriculture Canada's poultry division is en- couraging a wider use of On - the -farm oiling of eggs as soon after laying•as possible to minimize quality loss. MR. AND MRS. EDWARD PETER VarnESBROECK Marianne Petronella Luyten and Edward Peter VanEsbroeck recently exchanged vows in -St. Patrick's Church, Kinkaro, with Rev. A. -Nolan officiating. The bride is the daughter $f Mr. and Mrs: John Luyten, RR 5 Mif?hell, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. ;Aloysius VanEsbroeck RR 1 Hensall. The - bride was attended by Clasina deBont, RR 1 Crediton; Maureen Dwyer, London and Martha-VanEsbroeck, Florida. . The 'broom's attehdants•were Rick Hoffmon, Zurich; George aDFchroeck, Gi eiph_ond-Greg-Luyten; RR -S MitclrelL-Flower-- girls, -were Patricia Luyten, RR 5 Mitchell, and Jeanette VanEsbroeck; RR 1 Hensall, sisters of the bride and groom. After a wedding trip to Kingston and Ottcawa-the couple took up residence at RR 3.Exeter. •. • FABRIC MASTER CLEANING SYSTEMS P.O. BOX 877 TELEPHONE EXETER, ONT. NOM 1S0 (519) 235-1451 WILL BE CLOSED JULY 1-10 Carpet Cleaning SPECIAL , July and August Only Living Room & Hall 39°° Living Dining $ Hall IDomesnc only • stow extra -work to be qualified, CALL NOW! for your appointment 235-1451 4900 (RentotCarpet Cleaners - We Deliver $ Pickupl i Clark in Tomato Sauce BEANS Tetley TEA BAGS 72's s1.58 BATHROOM TISSUE 2 2 Roll Pkg. 99' A real cool buyis what you'll get when you buy -your refrigerator from Glen Robinson at Whiting's. Glen is well known in the area and will be looking forward to serving you at Whiting's Warehouse. He's also a 'good person to see about furniture, carpeting, bedding, etc. Universal SOCKEYE SALMON 73/4 oz. tin s1.33 C/S of 24 tins PEPSI x3.98 Limit 5 c s Spoon Sire Shredded Wheat 525 G STALK CELERY S 51OIbbog 1 • 1 • FRESH BAKING Superior or Peter Pan BREAD 24 oz. Enriched 3/89' Limit 12 Per Customer • 73' n49 2 lb 49t your choice Laura Secord :v Puddings 99' Maple Leaf Regular or Hickory CANNED HAM 1 ' • Ib. tins x3.44 Glad GARBAGE BAGS Sunspun 12 oz. tins Pkge. of 10's 1.05 FROZEN FOOD Clover Cream ICE CREAM 4 Titre plastic pails 2.83- Nescafe Instant Large 10 oz lar Lemonade 3/$ 1 Coffee $5.39 Alitfil 11;1E1;1;7 WHERE -YOUCAN DEPEND ON FRIENDLY, PERSONAL SERVICE. WE DELIVER. i •) •