HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-07-13, Page 16 (2)6 Services BLUEBIRD LANDSCAPING COMPANY PROFESSIO\':V DESIGN 6 yeah esperierice - - Limestone walls, water foun- tains, flagstone patios, (lower, tree and shrub keds Designed to please customer Sodding, maintenance and prun- ing done on request. Call 243-2090 Port Franks 886-7134 Waterloo Gary Hugill Custom Swathing 9 ' HAY & GRAIN Call for booking G. W. ROWCLIFFE 235-1556 24t 22t EASTON WELDING Specializing in custom built trailers and service. utility trailers, goose neck trailers, cat- tle trailers, etc. Phone 234-6755 or Res. 237-3473 21t Clandeboye PLUMBING and HEATING New Installations General Rep,tirs Rural. Residential. Commercial Greg Wragg RR 2. Lu:an Phone 227-4026 20! DAVE MORRISSEY PAINTS LTD. Barn and commercial palming. spray painting, the experienced and modern way (airless). In- dustrial paint, sandblasting. high pressure water cleaning. Free es- timates Phone Dave Morrissey 234-6202. RR 3. -\ils5 Craig or Floyd Baechler, Shakespeare. 655.2794 (ullect 1st D. W. KYLE'S DECORATING P\I\lIv, •\\U PAP! RI\(i SER\ I(i S (u\1 -\(T DOUG KYLE Hensall, Ont. Phone 262-2249 after 5:00 p.m. I8t ANYONE wishing barns white washed call Hill \\ atson, new number 236---'2 1St a THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires OCCASIONAL TEACHERS to do supply work in the elementary and secon- dary schools during 1978-79. Written applications, in- cluding qualifications, social insurance number, and telephone number must be moiled before July 28th to R.8 Allan Superintendent of Education Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert‘Slreet Clinton,,Ontario NOM 110 Applicants. should in- dicate the grades• and/or subjects they ore prepared to teach and the schools in which they would serve. From this information lists of ovaitable teal Refs will be prepared for each school. Principals will then contact applicants when their services are required. Persons presently ser- ving as Occgsionol Teachers in our schools need not re -apply. Names will automatical- ly be included for the coming year unless notification to the con- trary is received from either the teacher or a principal D,J. Cochrane, Director R.J. Elliott, Chairman Page 16 classifications T Lost, Strtrsrd 2 Found 3 Situations N anted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm M,ichinen 9 Sports Equipmem,\ eh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Al usical Instruments 14 Appliances. tele\',ion. 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Huy 18 Wanted 19 Property Eorsale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 AA anted To Rent 24 Property.11.l:itrd 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales Times -Advocate, July 13, 1978 PIM CL4S$IFIED AO �U!CK! .EASILL JUSTPHONE DRIVER INSTRUCTOR REQUIRED A qualified driving in- structor is required to in- struct both in .the car and in the classroom at Seaforth District High School and Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton. Specific details are available from the Prin- cipals. Written applications stating experience, training, availability. salary required and if car required will be received until July 25. 1978 at The Administration Centre, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 R.J. Elliott, D.J. Cochrane, Chairman Director 1 Lost, Strayed CLASS. flying' helmet and head set from an aircraft east 01 Dashwood. If found please con- -tact Albert Erb, phone 236- 4884 s' 2Sc 3 Situations Wanted N ILL BAB) SIT in ms home. \ion - Fn. Phone 228-6836 • 2' 28 29 30c FE\t ALE 24.4 sears general of- fice experience (in automotive) seeking einplojmerit in the Lucas area Ayatlahle Sept 1 gave references Call atter 6 30 p m '93.3038 ask for Nancy 26t \t I LL 13A131 -SIT summer months. VI)/ information phone 235-034' 25• 4 Help Wanted \PPR/.\ rl( 1 required to train • for serytcing P. towers. must be 18 with valid drivers licence Lucan Electronics 21'-4621 between 1 and s p m 8c L1\ fi-I\ housekeeper needed` by August I. to give day time care to insalld lady Phone 565- -2833 65- 2833 , 28'29c ( ARPE\TER's helper. full- time position. pole frame con- struction Call 236-405 i after 30 25t THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL FULL TIME EMPLOYEE for duties at the Hensall Arena Community Cen- tre and Park Written applications must be received by July 21, 1978. Send applications to Wayne Reid, Chairman Hensall Parks and Recreation Board P.O. Box 279 • Hensall, Ontario NOM 1X0 AUTOMOBILE SALES' We are taking applications for aggressive Sales Oriented Personnel are you presently employed in sales of any kind, store, delivery salesman, insurance, real estate?), to state?)- to join our expanding new and used car - truck sales department. We will provide ex- tensive sales training and the opportunity for excellent earnings combined with an in- teresting challenging career. We require a good attitude and a strong desire for success. Apply in Person Friday, July 14 and Saturday, July 15 to BILL CHANDLER General Sales Manager. Plymouth IIK151fK J^ (lc 1H IP9ON IA R Open 7 days "Nle People to DNI Whh" GRAND BEND , 238-2391 EMPLOYERS Would you appreciate help with the high cost of training new employees? Would you •welcome the opportunity to provide work experience to unemployed youths, between. the ages of 16 and 24? OLAP (The Ontario Career Action Program) will give you that chance in a term of up to • 16 weeks — at no expense to you. Through OCAP, the Ontario Government pays participating young people $100 a week and there are few limitations on the kinds of work they can do — providing it offers valuable job experience training. If you would like more information, or an OCAP application form, call: Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology Andy Clow 653-2511 Ext..216 ConestogaCollege of Applied Arts and Technology • we've got a lot to share. \ CLASSIFIED RATES -WORD COUNT — Charges ore based on the number of words Sets of numerols as for serol numbers street numbers phone numbers or prices count as one word per set Words .joined by hyphens count os separate words FIRST INSERTION - - 20 words S2 40 9c per word thereAfte, SUBSEA Y '4T INSERTIONS'-- No copy changes 7c pe word mrmmum 51 40 ' SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -- 52 50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 52 00 per column inch ,Minimum s.re in this category 1 '7 inches. Accepted ,n mult,ples of holt ,nch BOX NUMBERS to th.s othce'-- S1 00 per ,assert on BIRTHS — 20 words S2 00 8c per word thereafter MARRIAGES. Engageme4ls. Depth Notices. — 20 words S2 00. each addlhonol word 8c IN MEMORIAMS — 5200 plus 12c per i.ne of yirse COMING EVENTS — 20 words 52 00 each additional word 8e Three msertions for the pnce of 2 CARDS OF THANKS -- 30 Words S2 00 4c pei word. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURbAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m Tuesdays. When possible late insertions will be inserted at an extra • charge of $1.00 Phone 235-1331 4 Help Wanted Township of Usborne -DRAINAGE COMMISSIONER WANTED -Applications for the part time toh of Drainage Commissioner for the Township of l sborne will he received by the under- signed Clerk of the Township up to \tonday July 31st. Duties consist of the supers ision of the construction of and repairs to. municipal drains in the r9umcipality Applicants should state experience in drainage work and remuneration ex- pected H. H. G. Strang RR 3 Exeter. Ont Clerk 28.29c Li\E-IN housekeeper to care ;for con%alescing woman at cot- tage on Lake Transportation desirable. good wages Phone '36-415- 22t Conestoga College Continuing Education. Clinton Campus requires Port -time faculty. These positions are open to both men & women. We are in- terested in receiving applications from persons who are qualified to tench the following courses,- Mathematics E glish Shorthand & Typing Photography CorJversational French Candidates should possess expertise in the above areas as well as above average com- munications skills. Experience in teaching adults would be an asset. Letters of 'application should be forworded to: -Employment & Benefits Officer 299 Doon Valley Dr. Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4M4 4 Help Wanted AVON To Buy or To Sell Call Exeter 235-227.5 London 451-0541 25 26 2 2. 29 30 31c 6 Services CASTO\1• Swathing and Com- bining. two combines to serge - 500 Call Don Geiger. 236-4567' or Ralph Geyer, 236-4-84 2St elding aIker's Mobile sen ice Let us conte to you for your reef i r. Phone Exeter 235-1298 25 29 30 11 3'33 14 35c HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, Additions - and Siding Phone • Kirkton 229-8947 . Keith Watson 26t CUSTODIAN CONTRACT TENDER Plainly marked, sealed, tenders will -be received by the undersigned up to Friday, July.21, 1978 for contracting custpdial services at COLBORNE CENTRAL SCHOOL - - COLBORNE TOWNSHIP All tenders must be sub- mitted on the official tender form which are available at the Huron County Board of Educa- fion, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ont. - Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. McVean, .Plant Superintendent R.J. Elliott, D.J. Cochrane, Choirman _ Director MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN $296.00 to $305.60 Weekly, plus benefits The Ontario Development Corporation requires a Maintenance Electrician at its Huron Industrial Park (Centralia, Ontario) to provide and maintain elec- trical services to numerous buildings, housing units arl,d other facilities including low intensity runway lighting for airfield. Applications are invited from •individuals with o minimum of Grade 8 education who have successful- ly completed an apprenticeship in the electrical trade and who possess .a current Ontario Depart- ment of Labour certificate of qualification. Write or telephone for an application form which must be completed and returned by 12 o'clock noon Tuesday, July 25th, 1978. Manager, HuronIndustrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario. Telephone (519) 228-6657 r- 1 6 Services W. D. CONSTRUCTION Houses, Additions. Sheds Siding, Rooting; Renovations I roe i-.stlrinate7li Phone- Hoh Willis, 235-0320 Keith Davey, 235.0947 after 6 00 p.m 17t CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R R. # I, Centralia Open 6 days a week Lathe Work, .Pottable Welding, Vs rought Iron Railings and Column Posts 229-6542 3t ED ALLEN .- INSTALLATIONS Carpet & Vinyl Flooring Professionally Installed Restretched or Repaired Phone 237-3747 4t 6 Services Huron Dead Stock Removal Clinton, Ontario ATTENTION FARMERS For dependable, efficient. free pick up service on all fresh dead or disabled farm stock CALL COLLECT 482-9811 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Call us first. coo won't have to .:all anyone else. 40t DON•PENNINGA General Construction - RFNOVAT ONS, .ADDITIONS . REMODELLING FRAMING & TRIMMING 235-0218 4t 235- 1331 6 Services • (i & C SALTER, R, livestock trucking, Denfield, Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto, RR -2, St. Marys. Phone 349-2119, call collect. 21t 6 Services 1. I STOM SW:\THING - hay and grain. taking bookings naw, 12' swath. John Brock, phone 235-1I(x) ask for John or Res 128-6264. 26t FOR SALE Attractive 4 year old Raised Ranch located in Exeter. This quality home has 4 bedrooms, office, family room with fireplace, Rec room and laundry room. Living/dining room has patio door leading to cedar deck. Kitchen features Hanover (walnut) cabinets. All windows thermopane. All rooms carpeted. Kitchen and bathroom hove no wax Solarian floor covering. Above home situated on mature treed lot. Call Brian Veale 235-2958 for further information and appointment to view 235-1232 & 3 430 MAIN ST. S., EXETER REALTOR FRED EYRE Eves. 229-8936 SALES ARE GREAT!! SALES STAFF NORM STANLAKE 235-0524 FRAN RITCHIE 235-0588 - ADRIAN J. EYRE 229-8936 We need new listings to replace our sold properties. Call in now while market is good. NEW HOMES 4 1 EXETER COMPLETED — If living near school is impor- tant to you, than you should see this newly constructed three bedroom brick bungalow. Living room with fireplace, dining area with patio doors, kitchen and four piece bath. Close to park, • swimmingpool, schools and shopping. CaII Fran Ritchie. SIDE SPLIT — being constructed on a large lot sur- rounded by spacious green lawns and park area. Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, one 4 -piece both and one 2 -piece bath. Laundry room on grade level, patio doors in dining room electric hedt, Pelld windows. If you act now you have your choice of carpet and clshion floor. Priced of $66,500.00. CaII Fran Ritchie. - THREE BUILDING LOTS ori main street of Ex- eter. Pre}ently zoned residential, new plan shows commercial. Asking $36,000.00. Call -Fran Ritchie. TWO STOREY BRICK HOME — We're looking for a special kind of family to live in this older home. The house is a roomy four bedroom, two storey - brick. large eat -in kitchen, dining area and living room, plus a room j4' x 17' that could be used for an office or a family room. The pool sized lot has nfstijre trees, a -private -drive and room fon a gar- den. Asking 545,000.00. For further information call Fran Ritchie: BE4UTIFUL 2 STOREY -- 3 year old home, 4 large bedrooms. Frinil, ruorr. with fireplace on ground level. Big eat in kitchen. On Dow Subdivision. CaII Fred Eyre. ONLY $29,900 — for this 2 bedroom bungolow -near Pryde Blvd. Attrpctive lot. Newly weds or starters. CaII Fred Eyre on this excellent buy. EXECUTIVE 2 STOREY -- Brick house. One of Ex- eter's finest homes of distinction. 5 bedrooms, for- mal dining room, large bay windows,. Beautiful lot and pool Close to river. Asking 579,900.00. CaII Fred Eyre for aFfpointment to view. GOOD BUY — Only $29,900 for this 2 bedroom bungalow near Pryde Blvd. Attractive lat. Newly weds or starters. Call Fred Eyre on this excellent buy. $38,500.00 THREE BEDROOM — Large living room, separate dining room, eat -in kitchen and sun porch on large treed lot. Call Norm Stanlake. CUTE AND COMFORTABLE — 3 bedrooM bungalow on well kept lot, Ideal starter or retire- ment home. Close to separate school and down- town. Asking $28,500,00. CaII Adrian Eyre. 4 BEDROOM — 2 storey modern house on nice Iqt on Dow subdivision. Attached garage. -Call Fred Eyre. - PROPERTIES OUTSIDE TOWN WEST MPcGILLIVRAY 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW — with rec room and bar plus extra bedroom and income apartment. Op- posite West McGillivray .Central School. Only $39,- 500. CaII Fred Eyre. HENSALL $56,900.00 — 4 bedroom.brick home with ground floor family room. Modern' kitchen and we II landscaped corner lot. For details call Fred Eyre. CENTRALIA A MASTERPIECE IN PLANNING — Three level side split. Large eat in .kitchen family room with floor to ceiling -fireplace and patio doors lending to in - ground pool and patio with built in Bar -B-0. Living room, dining room and three large bedrooms. Two ' three piece bathrooms and utility room on main floor. Twb cor garage and shop. Large lot, mature trees, drilled well, good water supply. Asking S63,- 900.00 CaII Fran Ritchie. CREDITON FOR RETIREMENT — 2 bedroom bungalow, gray brick, large secluded lot. Garage separate with a workshop for the active man. Asking 542,900. CaII Fred Eyre for appointment. SMART 1 '/z STOREY - frame over brick home on large lot. New modern kitchen and bathroom. At• toched garage. Asking 533,900.00. CaII Fred Eyre. DOUBLE STORE — presently used as livtng.accom- modation, easily reconverted back to commercial. Two large apartments above. Some 'emodernizing is_.necessary-_Priced-at- only. 527;900-00 CaII-Fred' .--- Eyre. $30,900.00 4 BEDROOM . New ad$fit,on to older home. Steel -siding, new bathroom and kitchen. Large lot. Big basement. Call Fred Eyre. LOCAL ACREAGES ZURICH — 16 acre smallholding. Well kept steel sided home. Good bgrn. All land •is clear and workable. Only 550,000.00. -Country lovers. CaII Fred Eyre. • 3-4 ACRES 6 bedroom brick house. Remoder- nized. Close to Kippenust off hard top road. Only asking $42,900.00. Call Adrian Eyre. ABOUT 1 ACRE — Unique schoolhouse property. 3-4 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, ground floor family, fireplace in sunken Iivingroom. All Tudor Styled, cen- trol air conditioned. CaII Fred Eyre. NEAR PARKHILL — 50 acres - 20 acres clear, balance with riding. trails. New 8 room bungalow. For appointment to view call Fred Eyre. SUMMER PROPERTIES _ NEAR ST. JOSEPH'S — Building lot in Copper Cove Sub -division near St. Joseph's. 100 feet by 130 feet. Asking $12,000.00. Call Fred Eyre. INDUSTRIAL TWO LOTS — 58 x 150. One vacant, one with older insul brick home. Four bedrooms, living room, kitchen and laundry room. Call Fran Ritchie.. BYSINESSES NEW — 16 ACRES --land-on ,ural land on edge of town. CaII Fred Eyre. 9..! DINER 8. GAS PUMPS --- on highway near Grand .end. Seating about 32. Doing good business and has excellent. potential for more. CaII Fred Eyre. WELL POSITIONED GROCETERIA with meat counter. Fully equipped with walkin coolers, freezer. Good opportunity for go-ahead couple. CaII Fred Eyre. LIST ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOR BETTER RESULTS. WE HAVE LOCAL BUSINESSES FOR SALE. CALL OFFICE FOR DETAILS Member of the Huron Real Estate Board