Times-Advocate, 1978-07-13, Page 15 (2)•
EXPERIENCE '78 PROGRAM — Kim Flood, Mary Manders, Bev Huffman, Janet McClure
and Pam Curtis are running the lucan playground program this summer under an Experience
'78 grant, 56 children from ages 5 to 12 ore registered for the playground -progrT-A photo
and district news
Honor award winners
at Biddulph graduation
The Grade 8, 1978;
Graduating Class with their„
parents and invited guests
gathered on Thursday
evening in the beautifully
decorated gymnasium for
their banquet provided by
the P.T.A. and the mothers
of the Grade 7 students and
served by former graduates.
Following grace before
and after dinner by Father J.
McGraw, Mr. Des deSalaiz,
principal introduced the
head table guests.
David Hartman in-
troduced the boy graduates
while .Susanne Giesen in-
troduced the girls. and Lisa
O'Brien proposed a toast to
all graduates.
We'll Do
the Job
Grade 8 teacher, Mr. John
.'tiler presented the
Graduation plaques,
. baoklets and certificates and
'Mrs. Rhea Vanderloo,
C.V.I.. President gave each
graduate a religious
Additional awards went to
Barbara Biemans, and John
Broeders for Academic
standings. Jane Straatman, •
and Joe Van Boxmeer for
most progress. the ladyship
award to Louise Morkin and
gentlemanship award to
Richard deBrouwer. These
latter'-tWo provided and
presented by Father
McGraw, and the Music
awards were given, for The
Whatever the protect, call on us for
Ready -Mix Concrete
• FARM (Including Manure Tanks)
Plant: 235-0833 Office: 228-6961
Several ifljured.-in crashes;
1 6 to face liquor charges
Lucan Ontario Provincial
Police had an extremely
busy weekend with 16 liquor
seizures, six automobile
accidents, and several
people charged for un-
necessary noise.
There were no injuries in
an accident at 3:45 p.m.
Friday when a car driven by
Judith Elaine Porter, R.R. 2
Condon was in collision with
a car driven by Gary Bullas,
London op Highway 4 at the
Ilderton sideroad. Damage
was estimated at $1,200, -
Early Saturday morning a
car driven by Tracey Turner
of Exeter left Highway 4
north of the Ausable_ River
bridge and hit the ditch.
Minor ' injuries were
sustained in the accident
which caused an estimated
first year, to Lisa Vanderloo
and Jacqueline Van-
den oomen.
Vledictorian for the
Graduating class was Louise
Morkin who gave everyone
present much to think about.
Mr. Robert O'Neill,
Program Superintendent for
the London -Middlesex
Roman Catholic School
Board, brought words of
greeting and commendation
from the Board. .
The' guest speaker Rev.
Father Paul Crunican, was
introduced by Mrs.- Peggy
Rooney and thanked by
Bruce Haygarth, who also
presented Fattier Crunican
with a token of appreciation.
Philip Crunican gave each
member of the head table
one of the Graduation
Booklets as a remembrance
of the occasion.
Mr. deSalaiz introduced
and thanked all those who
helped to make the banquet
sosuccessful the P.T.A., the
convenerelpers from
the Grade 77 mothers, the
'past graduates who served,
the -teachers and especially
,John Ziler who put the
finishing touches to the
grade eights primary school
year, to the Lucan Com-
munity Centre Board for the
loan of tables, to M. & Mrs.
M' Mesman for a special
gruation cake and to
FatNt?r McGraw for his two
mill r,rre
J0RNS0WS, goz.
81,200 damage."
A car driven by Robert
Yeo, London, and a car
driven by Robert James
Cornish, London collided 3'
kilometres west of Elpjnfield
p lan
Members of the Lucan
Wogten's Institute are
reminded of the Pot .Luck
Luncheon Picnic at 12:30
promptly in the "Market
Square Park". on Wednesday
next, July 19. Please bring
your contribution to the•
lunch, utensils, something
for the program and most
important a guest who_might
-become a member.
There is a correction in the
'report "df the last-meeting:-
ast-meeting;-and my humblest apologies
to those concerned - Mrs.
Cecil Neil will take over the
group formerly contacted by
Mrs. Cecil Robb and Mrs.
J.F. Tuke will be responsible
for Mrs. Frank Hardy's
The County Rally will be
held the following Tuesday,
July 25th at Weldon Park,
Arva, with Registration at
It is also a "pot luck"
luncheon ate'noon. Each
--Branch-is asked-ic :bring"a
luncheon cloth and its own
utensils. Beverage is
Saturday night. Minor in-
juries were sustained by
both drivers and a passenger
in each car, with damages to
the vehicles set at 82,300.
A car driven by John
.Tattles, St. Marys collided
with a deer on Highbury Ave.
at 11 p.m. Saturday nighL
Damage • to the car was
estimated at $600. the deer
was destroyed.
At 5:30 Sunday morning a
car driven by Gary Moore,
R.R. 1 Arva, left the road,
rotted over and hit a
telephone pole. The driver
and a passenger.- Paul
O'Neil. St. Marys were taken
to University Hospital in
London by private" car.
About 8500 damages was
caused" when the hard top,
tent trailer hood blew off a
' trailer behind a car driven
by Victor Newcomb, London.
The accident_ occurred two
miles south of Dashwood
Industries on Highway 4
Times -Advocate, July 13, 1978
Page 15
your own carpus
(Ati doiliyuuoIfpPico) ,
RENT OUR RINSENVAC—the naw coWact caipet
cleaning .serine that lifts dim pima and,ssidoo --:—)
out of carpets . " . and dots the job proteisronal
cleaners charge up to a hoicked dollars tor. We have
clearing supplies which car be purchased
at a surprisingly low cost We'll help
with easy operating instructions.
4 hours $7
8 hourssl2
Rese'.e RINSENVAC Re °" we ca,pet* really clean
'Fisher Pro Hardware•
391 Main St. Exeter
0== \\ it=
LUCAN POOL STAFF — Adam Stotts, Linda Dickson, Ron Glenn and Sheryl Noyes are part
of the. Lucan swimming pool staff this summer. Missing ore Kathy Wallace and ChrisTSA photo
Cuties coming to town
Rec school attracts 56
Summer Recreation aftet.Ioon July 18 Children and 6:3(18:00.
not alread si ned u can The Lucan Arena Booster
School started on Tuesday, y g p
July 4, with fifty-six chiidren still sign up for the summer
Club held its meeting July 6
in the Committee room with
signed up. The Ministry of or daily.
Culture had a special craft Swimming lessons -are in sixteen in attendance. It was
day on Thursday where theyfull swing at the pool. The decided to have a booth for
showed- a • film .on- native second session will start on the fair. Anyone with a free
people and made beads out July 17 with registration on air oau s the weekend
tf ikentoohe f e
of dyed corn. The children July 15 at -1 p.m. at the pool _the booster uld l lease .cap
or in the office before •hand. p
spent a most interesting and leave your name.
morning working with the Public swimming is from 2 4 • The California Cities play
against the. Lucan All Stars
Another special craft day
will be held . Thursday Biddulph
on Saturday nite at 8 p.m.
July 29. The California
morning July 20 and a Cuties are a team of men
Puppet Show on Tuesday buy grader dressed up as women
• Advance tickets at the arena
Amoco Canada Petroleum office. Come out and watch
Food group
asAnds. award was given to organizing
Father 'McGraw from the
staff. parents and students The Committee appointed
and the 1978 banquet closed from the Lucan & Clan -
with "Songs by the deboye U.C.W.'s to plan'the
Graduates"• introduced by joint food booth and rest area
Lisa • VanderLoo. at he Lions Club Fair in
gust, met at the home 'of
Mrs. David Park on Tuesday
Cancer receipts Publicity for the booth was
total $6654.05 discussed and members
agreed• that an ad Should be
The Lucan-Bidd ul ph placed in the Lions Club Fair
Branch of the Canadian paper. the large sign
Cancer Society is pleased to repainted a ,brighter colour,
report that the Campaign, four posters made giving
including the bicycle ride is 'directions and food available
now complete. Including the and two large arrows to be
house -to -house --canvass, the placed at the entrance of the
-bake sale," the daffodil walkway beside the Bin o
boxes,' a .donation iroal_the..._broth.--pointing:VE3vvSrc�-L"e
-Li-diss'ttiu"6 and the bicycle food booth which will be
,ride the final figure has located at the end of the
reached $6.654.05. walkway at the northwest
'IThe• Campaign Chairman. side of the -grounds. Time
Mrs. Dean .Gibson. would schedules were discussed
like to take this opportunity. and set up. as well as food to
of thanking all who par- be served and the price
ticipated in any way in thereof. Currah, lot 30. con. 13, an
making the 1978 campaign so ' There is still a need for addition to barn.
successful_ .. refrigeration, so if any
The Lucan Biddulph .and member of the Church, or CHURCH NEWS
Ilderton branches are friend, has a refrigerator for
sponsoring a Blood Donors' loan, please contact Mrs. Speaking from Matthew
Clinic at the Ilderton Carling Park, at 227-4674, Mrs. Ross 14;22aki . Keith Brown
club, on tilonday, July .17 McRoberts 227-4641, Mrs. 14:22-23,
Rev series "Now to
from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Gerald Lynn 227.4677 or Mrs. Livecontinuethe Christian Life" this
We need you Ralph Lynn 227-4189. week'stheme Christian
being on "How
Every 24 hours this When you are called to Overcome bear '.
summer. in Ontario, 1300 help in some way, please say e FFear".
people must donate blood to - "yes" it makes the 'pboner's can Mr. Brownrosaidd, but it can
keep ahead of -the demand. jobs much more gratifying. can overcome-us,
me-uer the touch n
Support your Red Cross.. Better still. call one of the . the disappear un's hand." He
summer clinics. Make up a above and ask "What can i answered the questions
carload and go to this one. do to help?" "When and Why does fear
arise and what can dispel
it," and closed his remarks
by saying that "We too can
walk on the waters of our
particular -fear by faith in
God. The rescuing of Christ --
is extended to as as it was to
Peter in his time of need, if
we but call on Him for help."
A "minute talk" on one of
the Live•Love Projects of the
Church, was given by Mrs.
M.H. Hodgins, and Mrs. A.
Jones sang a lovely solo "Oh
Love that Wilt Not Let Me
Tfle• Prayer & Share
Fellowship Group will
continue to meet during the
summer, each second
Thursday from 9:45 td 11:30
a.m. meeting next on.,july 20.
ULTRA fA`,75127
mum Deodorant ,r_
3 IitrC
poWpEREO OETER4on gtit,
wtt.KINSON, Sts
Co. Ltd. received permission
to conduct a seismic ex-
ploration program► on side
road 20-21 from Biddulph
Township Council at their
July meeting. .
Council also authorized the
purchase of a new motor
grader with snow plow and
wing . from Goderich. The
cost of the new equipment
will be 1.67,000 with the trade
of the old grader.
Council received a bylaw
from Middlesex that will
give Lucan and Biddulph one
representative on 'the
Middlesex Board of
Education. This will be in-
creased representation for
the area as previously
Lucan, Biddulph and
McGillivray only had one
Building_..permits--were -
-a'pprovedfor Ken Muir on lot
13 South Biddulph, a house:
Marjorie Johnston of
Clandeboye., a house; Al
Forest on lot 2 N.L.R., an
addition to house: Frank
Toonders on lot 19. con. 4. a
shed; Austin Hodgins, lot 28
con. 2, a shed; and Lee
Exeter Pharmacy Ltd.
Main Street 235-1570
ors rAV'fOnn
yilttr wedding invitations -with
to confidence from our
includes announcements and all the
correct welding accessories.
Next craft sale will be
October 14.Mystery Train is
playing for a dance after the
Craft Sale.
When it seems like "do or die. to please your company s appetite, rely
on Dixie Lee. Dixie Lee con pacify any hunger with chicken, salad, or
seofood - - and that a;n t no line.
TAKE OUT 235-2665
UZI VIP ir trt
How lobe
ol customer
Be as :001.as a
• y.
Keep it light
and breezy It s
cool to wear
lighter clothes
with lighter colours 't s also :00t
Prutts'and salads are cool
and refreshing And whtsn
you stay away from the c\er'
prepare meals you also stay :ale!
and save electricity
Drink up 4h, theres nothing
Ake a talc. cool. refreShingdnnk to
make things cooler But remember
when the cefriq rator door is left
open. valuable energy escapes
APUse your air
c onditioner wisely
Make sure it fits
tightly to the window Keer •
your doors and windows ,
closed Cleanthe'fllters
regularly if you leave your
house for Dart0f. the day
cut back the air conditioning
Going on vacation'' Turn It
off completely
your hydro
_,;r c iothes dryer
nfey. Jut.70Crs Heat
,, :suture won t be
• _.,.,e Better
sti, ".: :ur clothes outside
;:".PS -lrac,r -,. 'I,e Sunny side
•sur . is shut out while
nes5 , kept tr. At night.
keen lights tO 3 "„n,mum It s
saes electricity.
s , ,
`I ;,Ii Ii l� II t li
lllt11"A>!1!11 11.