HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1978-07-06, Page 22 (2)BOB & SHIRE'S JUST SOUTH OF EXETER ON HWY. 4 • Times -Advocate, July 6, 1978 BIRTHS -- LAYE - Bob ' iid Barb are pleased to ani nce the arrival of their ughlcr Dianne Elizabeth ore on .lune 29 197R at Viet( ra -Hospital London Weigh g 7 Ihs 3'. oz Proud grate parents are \1r and Mrs Janes (Live Dashwood and Sir _ wind \1r, .kr-rk II her ilnrchester 27c LYNN Jun and Darlene nee Hader• 01 ('entralra are very hoppv and proud to announce the birth of their on "l. ('tlrlsenphe'r -Lloyd John born .lune 271h .It St Josephs Hospital I.ondnn weighing 6 • Ihs c uz \mother grandson for \ir and Mrs .1.Iitsd Hader Dashwood./And \Ir and Mrs Elson Lynn V oodharn Chris's great grandparents are Mr and Mrs -'Harvey-.Sk.!nner- Sehrineville • 27e Stara N ALF) .Jinn and (.aura are pleased lu :innounee the arrival of their daughter \tars• - \nn Gladys' - 3 n ads th.s z on .Ione 25 r978 at south Huron Hospital Exeter -\ sister for. Rob - 27n Br )t'K Keith and Sue are very proud fii rrnounc•e the safe arritat o1 thea little darling. Karen Dianne on June 17 1978- 6 lbs to ni ,randpari'nts are; \cion Rock t:.trkhill and • (Huth and Le, Pursagloye Lon - ton 27c ENGAGEMENTS - \lr and Sirs A 11 Horton are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their only daughter Kathleen Marie to Charles lnies Moore son of Mr and . Mrs (' 13 Moore of Prince Rupert 13 C The wedding 'to lake place August 12 1970 at Exeter hilted Church Ex- eter Ontario 27p \Ir and Mrs .lames Cowles of Sydney Vancouver Island wish to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Joan to James Keith Flay Vancouver son of Mrs Verna Has of Exeter and the late Lorne K Hat The wedding to take place on Saturday July 29 in ('adboro Has United Church Victoria 13rilish Columbia 27c \lr and \Jrs Fred Iaberer Zurich are pleased t.l-tnnounce- the torthcoming marriage of !heir daughter Christine to Mr Gary F.ag'eson son at \lr and \1ts liarsey Eagleson. ;reertwas The marriage will Ake' . ,cal 3 >< t p.t m Juts P n u l 29 ai St Peter s Lutheran t'hurch Zurich 27 28e Mr and Mrs Hotand McCaf- frey Exeter and \Ir ,ind-\Ir.. i)oug!as Court Ton,nto are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their children Sharon Elizabeth .ind Bruce Douglas The wedding will take mace Saturday August \ at 4'p rn in The F.tobicoke Ternpte with Rev i:'en V right of- ficiating 27c O Zion Lutheran Church_ Dashwood Pastor REV MAYO MELLECKE Sunday July 9 - 9 45 a m -Sunday Schoolr� 1000 a m -Bible Ciass • 11 00 a m-Worsnio Service All Welcome Christian Reformed Church\ Minister REV CLARENCE BISHOP B A 8D Sunday July 9 • 1000 a m -Morning Worship 2 15 p m • Atternoon'terviee Everyone Welcome ' The Back Tn God Hour CHLO 4 30 p m Dial 1520 - 5xeterUnited Church • James at Andrew Minister REV JAMES FORSYTHE _Assistant Minister . REV GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster Mr Robert Cameron . Sunday. July 9 Peace • Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets VICAR - DOUGLAS PRIESTAP Sunday, July 9 900 a m -Morning Service Welcome Calvary United Church of Canada- Dashwogd. Minister REV BRUCE GUY 8 A - Organist Miss Idella Gabel. A.R.GT Sunday. JuIy9 1030 a m -Joint Service at Zurich United Church Rev Harold Snell Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East. Exeter Evangelical in teaching. presbyterlan in churchgovernment • welcomes you Sunday. July 9 10 00 a.m.-Worship 11 10 a m -Sunday School 7 30 p m -Evening Worship r Pastor REV HENRY VAN ESSEN BA BD Telephone church 235-2084 manse 235-1435 • 11 15 a m -Joint Worship al Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church Courtesy Car 235-1417 • Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church Main at G.dley Rector -Rev G A Anderser DFC Organist Mr Gerald McAuley Seventh Sunday after Trinity Sunday July 9th 8 00 a m -Holy Communion 11 15 a m. -Holy Communion and Sermon We welcome as our guests the members o1 Exeter _ United Church 'and Caver Presbyterian Church as we praise and worship Goo in these holiday serv,ces Centralia Faith Tabernacle REV BO8 DEGRAW Sunday. July 9 • 9 45 a m -Sunday School 11 OO a.m -Mor,. Worship 8.00 p m-Evangetestrt. Servile Everyone Welcomer Centralia and Zion United Churches Sunday. July 9 Minister Rev Grant Mills ZION Organists Mrs Lorne Hem. Yvonne Jaques 9:45 a.m.-Morning Worshjp CENTRALIA Organist Mr. Douglas Gill 11 15 a.m.-Morning Worship Everyone Welcome Emmanuel Baptist -Church Huron St West Fundamental - Evangelical Pastor REV LINN LOSHBOUGH Sunday. July 9. 1978 9 45 a m -Bible Schogl 11 00 e m -Morning Worship 730pm-Warship • Wed 800 p.m -Prayer. Meettnj • - Nursery Factilihes Everyone Welcome MFs E A Keyes Organist EXETER PENT ECOSTA L TA BER NACLE Main at -Victoria REV DON FORREST .. D J ADCOCK. Youth . Sunday: Juiy 9 11 00 a.m.-Morning Worship T. Prouty 7 00 p.m -Evening Service D. Adcock Wednesday. 7 00 p m Bible Study Thursday. 2:00 p.m Ladies Prayer Meeting Friday, 2:30 p.m. Youth Camp -Out 78 Saturday at 5:00 p m: Nursery Facilities You ere Welcome Caven Presbyterian Church Interim Moderator • REV. V. TOZER Organist M►. Robert McIntosh Sunday, July 9 Joint Service at Trivltt Memorlal at 11:15a.m. NSE ANNOUNCEMENTS - The family of Mabel and Len McKnight' wish to invite friends and acquieiptances to an Open House Dashwood Community .('entre in honour of their. parents 45th 'wedding anniver- sary on Saturday July 8th from 9-12 p m Best wishes only please 26 27c CARDS OF THANKS - 1\r wotIR1 like to thank all or our friends neighbours and rel:itisefor helping to make the celebrations of our 40th wed - 'ding anntsersary such a success Your cards gifts, and hest wishes were much ap- preciated but without your presence ser couldn t have had much of .i party Special thanks ro our Luro(Is who put so much work en1 t t inc, organizing such a ntenuir,ible evening for utc. Gordon and Agnes Hob son 27e I wish tit thank all those who sent me cards and flowers while a patter.* in Seaforth Hospital. and 'rose ret r in n u n g home Special thanks' to Dr •Rndnev I)r Malkus and Underwood and the wonderful nursing staff A sect special thank -you to Marie *,ind Fd Nethercott who looked after the girls sit well and with rttuch no1ienre Everything was ert,,,Tk appreciated and will always he remembered Sands Falconer 27p .7p Miser.- thank, t., al! nt. • is netghh„.ire and re; - .<, t„r their stat., cards 110w„• ,,,, 2,R: i hale 1 seas ,1 Lseph , it ,ptr,d • :'nine horn, your -. and ms •,!' The• far: 'tie , i•• \lr, 1\llrna ?incr.::: wish 11, r.,k the. ot,p•lrtuniti -thank thew mans • ,'1,i1l ye, friends and neighbour, for the many acts of kindness flower, memorial donation, sympatIts cards 'food thuuihts and prover, were ere:it's appreciated in the Jo,‘ of ., 4,yin: w ite mother and graniitliother 'mcerels Itud% 7.ndae \1r and Air, .lack Zon Lir,! ! ernt!y \lr .ind Mrs - Zondav and !aunts- \Ir and \Ars \rn„!d Sreckle and taints 27p ,ince-. ': ank, 1e relative, neighs, u-- std !mends for card, t .e. • - ind s 'sets durine ms ,T.,'. .er,riv hospital Special ' 'i.. • „ Dr and nurse, on R flog! •,H.., special thank, to Mr -s Lorne Archer for here kindness while 1 was ewers Mrs Herb Redden 2'P \\'e would like to express our •ipprec'!ation to relatives friends and neighbours for cards gifts and flowers and to • Al those who helped make our 25th wedding anniversary such a- memorable occasion A special ;banks to our children Peter and Helen Toornstra We wish. to express our gratitude m our friends and neighbours for all the wonderful things they did for • us while I - was in St Joseph's Hospital. to our daughter and her husband and family of pt Edward. to I)rs Patterson. Goddard and Leigh to the staff of 3rd floor, south to Rev. ((eith Brown for his sails. to the L' (' W . the Sunshgce Club and the Lucan W 1 Sincerely. Cec and Reta Robb 4. , 27c Words -are inadequate to ex- press my sincere appreciation for the kindness and thought- fulness during my - slay in St Joseph s hospital as well as those who remembered Raye in any manner Mrs Raye Pater- son 27c Ms' sincere thanks to my family 7 relatives and friends for cards flowers and visits while i was a patient in St Joseph's Hospital London and Since returning home..to the Rebekah Lodge and anyone who has helped in any way Thank you Dorothy Jones 27c. ' George and Rae Aikehs of Centralia. Ontario wish to ex- tend their most sincere thanks tg their kindly neighbours. Friends and relatives for. their assistance and- thoughtfulness during the past six weeks of il- lness and hospitalization, at ' Souttelluron Hospitalat Exeter Thanks. also. for the cards and ivies Special thanks to friends and neighbours who provided transportation and com- panionship to us both 27c I wquld like to thank all those wonderful people for the lovely cards. cakes and floral arrangements that Made my . birthday the happie,st one yet Friends like you 'people all mean so mueh to me Atsn thank vnu for helping to rut the lawn It was all greatly appreciated Thanks Nancy 27c JULY 7. 8 and 9 - 2nd Annual - Heritage and Antique Show. ilderton Fair Grounds. ilderton. Ontario 25 26c 27nc BiNGO - Every Tuesday night at the Vanastra Centre. RR 5 Clinton at 8 p m First regular card 11 00. 15 regular games of 115.00; 3 Share the Wealth and Jack Pot of $200 OP must go Ad- • mission reatrieted to 16 years or over S2fnc RECEPTION DANCE for Laurie Rithard and Marten Dykstra (bridal couple) on Saturday. July 8. 1978 at 9 p in at Exeter Legion Hall Relatives neighbours and friends are welcome • 27p THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit inyites•you to attend the Child Health Clinic held at -the Health Unit office. South Huron Hospital. Exeter on Mondayy. July 10. 1978 from 9:30 - 11 30 a m for • Health Surveillance. Anaemia Screening, Immuniza- tion and Fltloride. . 27e CARDS OF THANKS- IN• MEMORIAM. - The family of the late Elsie Paton wishes to express their appreciation to all relatives. friends and neighbours at tjte time of their bereavement The floral tributes; donations to the heart foundation and other societies. gifts df food. cards and many other acts of kindness were deeply appreciated and gratefully .acknowledged Special thanks to Rev J Latham and F Ralph. Dr 'F F Boyes. Dr N 43uma. intensive 'care unit and 2nd floor nurses. Strathroy. Parkhill Chapter No 265 Order of the Eastern Star and the M Box Funeral home. Sincere thanks The Paton faintly 27c It seems that anniversaries are perfectly designed to bring those golden memories of other .days to mind Memories of the pleasures shared through happy times iugether -Days-.of sunshine. skies of blue and even stormy weather So while it's hest to look ahead as present hours unfold there's ,a special iov that's only found in memories of gold •The joy of celebrating our fiftieth wedding anntversary was multiplied many ernes over because of the tits! wishes we recessed from relatives and friends through cards flowers and gifts- and Your personal visit at our "Open House ' We thank our children ,nit er.,nde-hildren for making •h•, (1,0. ,i happ. occasion Pearl rtil \\'liter _lm -f inches 27nc I i 411 ro Ih.ink my tanuls rt L.1'ie .•end mends for the !Hans 1..VVk cards greeting, gifts and 1?'syers received on my Birthday Special thanks 10 Ins Lands for arranging the parts ,. 111 t, deem• appreciated end w111 !one he remembered \Liegu. ('.irtnpts'l l Mensal! 27i. IN MEMORIAM-. HI'TF: Irl los ing mentors o1 •1em son -in hese and heather Kann,'t e'h!re who pas. : .Ise C. " • ,e.. Juls ri , ; ,•nun o" seas .,rid 1e.,, se•sre•rdav it ,n.4 the words for this e• et4 It , the In\ane !r.7li ry %%Y• ha ye ,.1 you D.oe inei% rentenihered by Wird and \1,ery Hern 13111 and Marilyn Deem em Rey and Flame ski Jerry and Pearla Tarsit no ,ind Edward and Atari s n Hern nieces and ne phew', 27c MaclinNA11) In loving memory of a wonderful father ,end erandfather Gordon \laclkenald who passed :Tway .tune 30 1969 We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind The days we dui not think of you A re vsay hard M They sac time heals all sorro And helps us.to forget But Hine has ,io far only Proved how much we missed' You yet - To know we never said good-bye Will always bring regret But the hearts that loved you dearly .Are the hearts that won't forget Forever loved and remembered by Dave. Anne and family. Dennis. Louise and family. Sharon. Wayne and family and Donna 27c MOWBR:$k' - in m• emory of a dear friend. Connie -Lynn Mowbray. who passed sway July 30. 1971 Please take this message to Connie above Tell her that 1 miss her, give her all my love As time unfolds another year. You are+ettf kept so very near 1 ray as 1 wish upon a star. • That you are content. wherever you are. You were taken from us so suddenly. I guess that is how Me wished it ti miss you Connie. you:re in my every thought. • Missed you are and forgotten you're not• You are now in a world of peace • forever. Happiness and love together. • • It wasn't so veil,' long ago. My memory of you•win always grow So pray for me. as i -pray for you. Someday. somewhere i'11 be with you too Always miesed. and nttver forgotten •by a dear friend Lynda Y7c ONDREJiCKA - in loving memory of a dear father John Ortdrejicka who passed away 4 years ago July 5. 1974 The blow was great. the shock severe. We little thought the end was near Ahd only those who have lost can tell. - The pail oT parting without farewell - More each day we miss you father. Friends may think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow. That lies within our he its concealed Sadly missed and always remembered Joe Ondrejicka and family • 27p • WILSON - in loving memory of our dear sister ,Melinda Wilson- whnipassed away one year ago July 7. 1977 • The dearest sister and sweetest friend. One of the best whole God could lend. She was loving. gentle. thoughtful and true. Always willing a kind act to db. it is not tears at the moment • shed. That tell hoerbelaved is the soul that has fled. ' But tears through many a long nigbt wept, And loving remembrance fondly kept. Lovingly remembered by her brothers and sisters . 27p WILSON - In loving memory of a dear mother and -grandmother 'Melinda wha passed away one year ago July 7. 1977 Like a rose in the garden that withers and Mee. \'ou came and went but your love still lies - • Not many words were spoken. The bond of Love was our token Sometimes it's hard to hide that tear. - When the feeling of your - presence comes near • 1 wasn't sure of war heasenls state. But Christ assured s•ou arrived al the gate Christ sent that cross in the sky that morn To comfort the hearts in mourning Grief was great hut Inv erne more. Fur now you're thereon the other shore Waiting to clasp the (inks in the chain. Till we are all together again Lovingly rernenohered by husband Garnet daughters Isobel Audrey Margret S Evelyn sons Hoy ij.,n their lanttltes and gr.enh'liildren 2,p' Exeter Minor Hardball BOTTLE DRIVE SAT. MORNING JULY 8 DASHWOOD PLAYGROUND Children 4-12 years DASHWOOD COMMUNITY PARK *July 10 - Aug. 24 r 9:30.o -n - 3 30 p.m. Monday to Thursday Registration fee $4 00 Bring your own lunch Donations are welcome For information call Donna Miller 236-4765 or Barbaro Rader 237-3244 i CHICKEN - BARBECUE at Brinsley United Church on Wed., July 12 at 5 tab p.m. • Adults $4.00 ChikIren $1.25 - DEADLINE for tickets July 6 PHONE 293-3180 or 293-3121 Maple Lodge Homecoming SS. 3 McGillivray July 15 & 16 Sat. Parade 1 P.M. turtle races and games PORK CHOP BARBEQUE 5-7 P.M. Advance Tickets Adults $4.00 Children 32.00 Dance Sunday - Breakfast '7.30 - 9:30 Church Service 11 a.m. Afternoon Musical Program Tent and Food, Booth On • Grounds Everyone Welcome For Borbeque Titkets Coll 293-3194, 293- 3117, 293.3364 J You Are Invited To Attend GRAND BEND UNITED CHURCH OUTDOOR WORSHIP a 'tradition for more than four gegrutiorts 11:00 a.m., on the lawn, at the rear of the church every Sunday during July and August. Informal ... friend- ly .. come as you ore. Everyone welcome. July 9, 11 a.m. Minister: Rev. H. Moore, Soloist: Mrs. Millie Desjardine, Organist: Miss Idella Gabel. Dance - SOUTH HURON JUNIOR FARMERS Fri., July 28 REC CENTRE 9:00 - 1:00 Music By MOZART MELODY MAKERS S3.50 per person Lunch Provided Tickets Available By Phoning Wayne Shapton - 235-1027 Carol Dougall - 235-2407 7th Annual Festival of Arts&Crafts uly 7, 8,9-1978 le' : Fri. - Noon to 10 p.m. Sat. - 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sun. - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. . Stratford Arena ('.V('11 iFl,f. 1'(1 i('t \ (l/ 11(IFu1('rulte(1 ff (seta.S (►/. (11-1 A Co171r•11.1n.ty Proree' 01 the Vo•,,, •. the Gal le, v Srrn't - r 1 P Nz4.. 7 -w STARLITE14( OPEN NI(.HTi.Y First Show at Dusk Are Children Under 12 in ('ars Free GRAND BEND OPEN NIGHTLY THURSDAY, JULY 6 INT EASTWOOD', OM,TTANCI Adult Entertainment PIUS - ONE ON- ONE ROBBIE BENSON GAIL STRICKLAND FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY JULY 7 Give us two hours.}t M r::. - And well teal you how to make $60 million. y, sc ,r •rpn.�.1tiiL w�, WAdult Entertainment ',hes • g44: "-`k 5.xnetrnes w4'ien you react; . f„r a dream s, i , ',, to !easy' vomithir, t '. : •v1 "1:13(:)Ntyliffee Adult Enlertainm,nl MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY JULY 10 - 11 - 12 Adult Entertainment George C. Scott A Froi*len 1 Schaffner rArn "Islands in the Stream" Four men outlaws thrown together ht fate risk the onit thing flet has e left in Tose SeAtiaRElk i VArd/r .Unl t nl\Prtdi NPIPdtP Adult Entertainment s• Featuring Allemosandoorom newer, DAILY SPECIALS 121100tI 8pm Open Friday Night to Midnight WtiII'e CHINESE GARDEN Phone 235-0464 CLOSED July - 16 inclusive REOPENING July 17 SOUTH HURON RECREATION BOARD Presents CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES All Shows 50' July 12th 2 00 p.m. MO? Ci Dear Conada s Lady magician,. July.l9th 7:00•p.m. Farcy Film Adyenture Disney Movie . July 27th 2:00 -p.m. Puppet Show Nc Charge, August 2nd 7:00 p.m. Family Film Animated August 16th 7:00 p.m. Farni•y Fiin: 'Adventure August 24th 2:00 p.m. Dance P10' 4 Children', Program Due to advert sria restrict ons film -titles cannot be advertised Tales are evadable iron) the South Huron Recreation Centre 235-2833. '. -ROLLER SKATING -+. ... Syn 8-11 p.m. Mon. 1-4 p.m. Tues. 7-9:30 p.m. Fri 8-11 p.m. BR 1 WNIE DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. ' CLINTON Box Office Opens at 5:00 p.m. . First Show at Dull/ N • W PLAYING -TIL SAT. JULYS 1 EMOUNREREP -m • O TI ' ADULT ENTERTAINMENT The -_ love story that will scare t t ' out of you. P• ` l Jr • 'DUi, '• OBSESS/4D/6N 1 SUN., MON.. TUE. -JULY 9. 10. I1 They're truckin' terrific!! The Rocky Comedy ! � j that's a Runaway 61011 sorer ,.. t - r...n•uvulN, • yy f 9 r53 81. At*Ar �,_ ht► + COAVOY�Bu ° � � •:,� M i AL1. NEIN' Adwittures n( the true life hem... ' FI I CHAPTER I W I i NG 1 .noir FNil rr�iN MF Nr TUESDAY NIGHTS ONLY - SPECIAL $6.00 PER CARLOAD Starts Wednesday, July 12... WALT DISNEY DOUBLE FEATURE "Candleshoe" AND "Darby O'Gill and the little People" ALL CHILDREN UNDER 12- SO,