HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-06-19, Page 21 (2)Luccin
and district news
Phone 227-4714
Correspondent: Mrs. M.H. Hodgins
Look ahead to year 51
UCW meets on date of union
Acting president, Mrs. Ross
McRoberts, opened the June
meeting on Wednesday, June 10,
the actual date of Church Union,
with an article "Choice of
Travel", from one of the
Anniversary books.
Mrs. James Lockyer led in
worship, also on the 50th
Anniversary theme, using por-
tions of the program presented at
the Presbytery Celebration at
Centennial Hall, on June 8. She
was assisted by Mrs. Sheridan
Revington, Mrs. Jack Ryan, Mrs.
David Park and Mrs. Duncan
McPhee, each reading a scrip-
Mrs. Ewart Madden, chair-
person of the program com-
mittee, spoke briefly on "Looking
Ahead to Year, 51" and in-
troduced Mrs. H. J. Barnes,
president of the Lucan & District
Cooperative Nursery School
Assoc. and teacher at Biddulph
Mrs. Barnes told the members
of the organization of the school
and of the many values of having
such a school -in the community.
Slides, taken during sessions,
showed the many activities of the
pupils, and the different types of
equipment used.
During the business meeting,
plans were made for the booth at
the Lions' Club Fair 75, August
Les Belle and Russ Carter were
the winners of $220 in the Lucan
Kittens girls softball club share
the wealth draw.
Renovations to
old fire hall
It is most encouraging to see
the old fire hall being renovated.
This was the last empty building
on Main St. and was looking very
run down.
However, it has had a face-
lifting to match the Downtown
;Shillelagh, new windows and a
smaller door have replaced the
big entrance doors, a new floor
and paneling have been installed.
Before too long an automotive
store will be opened by Mr.
Calvin Haskett.
15, 16 and 17 with Mrs. A. E.
Reilly, Mrs. Harvey Langford,
Mrs. Erle Young and Mrs.
Armand Kernick as conveners.
All contributions for the booth,
bazaar articles and home baking,
should be taken to the arena
during the afternopn of Friday,
the 15th, for the Fair opening at 6
p.m. More baking will be needed
for Saturday.
The executive and group
Bible rep
speaks at UC
Rev. Jack Thompson,
secretary of the Canadian Bible
Society, from London was the
guest speaker at the Lucan
United Church on Sunday, as
Rev. Ewart Madden was at-
tending the Men's Conference at
Mr. Thompson's theme was
"Life Begins at Fifty" — an
Anniversary topic. Hereminis-
tmd over his own pastoral life
and that of the Bible Society. He
said Life begins at fifty only
because we have assurance of
something God gives us, the free
gift of eternal life by His grace.
We will not lose our faith and
hope if we seek answers through
Jesus and in the Bible of how we
ought to live. He stated "God will
continue to give us His gifts and
we, the church, are called to be
something great."
Next Sunday will be the
"Dedication to Mission" service
with various groups presenting
their special gifts to the M. & S.
Fund. Also at 3 p.m. a further
50th Anniversary Celebration in
the form of a church family
picnic will be held at the Lions'
Club Park.
Tree misses car
Mrs. Frank Hardy was very
lucky during the high winds of
Sunday afternoon, A very large,
old apple tree, just over the fence
on the property of Joseph
Haskett, was toppled by the wind
and fell over into the Hardy
driveway, just missing her
parked car.
leaders will convene the annual
Chicken Barbecue to be held at
the arena on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 24.
Members of the Friendship
Unit who were present,
distributed pamphlets and order
forms for Dutch spring bulbs, and
those interested should call 227-
4368, at once.
Each group using the kitchen is
to be asked to take better care of
the garbage left, making sure the
bags are tied tightly to prevent
odours going through the church.
A further order of spoons will
go shortly and members were
asked to call 227-4879 if more
spoons or those with different
insignia, are desired.
$100.00 was contributed by the
Social Action Quitters with the
recommendation that it be turned
over to the Church treasurer.
This was approved, together with
certain improvements to be
made at the Manse for which the
UCW will accept responsibility.
CWL stage
pot luck
The annual pot luck supper of
St. Patrick's, Biddulph, Catholic
Women's League was held in the
Mini Hall on Thursday evening.
Representative guests were
present from other denomination
women's groups in the area and
from Crestwood and Crestview
Homes, to enjoy the slide
presentation of Mrs. Michael
Mrs. O'Shea has been an en-
thusiastic member of Junior
Farmers and 4-H Clubs in the
Thorndale area and was chosen
as one of the delegates for a trip
to England and Scotland,
sponsored by the Department of
Agriculture and Food. The group
lived, to a great extent, with local
families in the areas they visited.
Her talk and pictures presented
life in, 'the Agricultural com-
munities of Great Britian.
Christmas Stockings, for
stuffing, were distributed, to he
returned by June 29, for shipment
to the northern native children.
VERSATILE COOKS — Members of Clondeboye #2 demonstrated "Versatile bread stuffings" at recent 4-H
Achievement Day in Parkhill. From the left are Sylvia Rosch, Tracey Cunningham and Bonnie Richards.
T -A photo
We'll Do
the Job r
Whatever the project, call on us for
Ready -Mix Concrete
• FARM (Including Manure Tanks)
Plant: 235-0833 Office: 228-6961
LUCAN UC ANNIVERSARY — Two senior members of the Lucan
United church congregation Percy Vohey and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson cut
the cake at the recent celebration of 50 years of union and 113 years
as a congregation. photo by Engel
Model A is destroyed
in district accident
An antique car was completely
demolished in one of four ac-
cidents investigated Saturday by
officers of the Lucan detachment
of the Ontario Provincial Police.
The vehicle, a 1930 Ford Model
A pickup was driven by Blair
Redmond. London when it was in
collision with another vehicle
being operated by Lorne
Congdon, also of London.
The mishap occurred at the
intersection of Adelaide street
and Concession 6 in London
township at 8:20 p.m. Both
drivers and three passengers in
the Congdon vehicle were taken
to University Hospital, London by
Thames Valley Ambulance.
Constable B. D. Munro set
damages at 54.500.
The first Saturday accident
took place at the intersection of
Main and Alice streets in Lucan
at 1.2:45 a.m. Patrick John Quinn,
Lucan reported to police that his
vehicle was struck by an
unknown vehicle. Constable
Munro is continuing the in-
At 7.10 p m Saturday. a
vehicle driven by Dick Hoos. RR
2, Denfield left Highway 4, a
Honour moms
at banquet
The Lucan-Clandebove
Explorers honored their mothers
at their annual mother and
daughter banquet Monday
evening, June 16. at the church
A delicious and bountiful pot-
luck smorgasbord started the
evening off to its success.
followed by a joyous singsong led
by Counsellor Mrs. Don O'Neil.
Explorer Mary Madden was a
delightful small M.C. as she
called on the various members
and a mother for toasts and
responses and a variety show
type program, which ended with
a very humorous skit, directed by
Chief Counsellor Mrs. William
Ft -oats.
Each member taking part had
a gift for mother, taken by Mrs.
Arthur Bates, everything from
boxing gloves as argument
settlers to "eyes in the back of
her head" to see any mischief
1t ended with her having a spot
of her very own. away from it alt
as she was placed in a baby's
play pen.
Mrs. O'Neil assisted by various
members conducted the
graduation ceremony for ex
plorers Heather Fenwick. Lori
Leitch, Mary Madden and
Barbara Richards
Assisting in the kitchen were
Mrs. Frank Goring, Mrs
Armand Kernick and Mrs M 11
Hold family showers
The home of Mr. & Mrs.
Sheridan Revington was the
scene of a family shower for
Marie Lobsinger, of Toronto,
daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Leonard
Lobsinger of Sarnia.
Miss Lobsinger will become the
bride of Mr. William Dafoe of
Toronto, on Saturday, August 2,
in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic
Church, Sarnia.
Thirty-one guests were present
from St. Catharines, Sarnia,
Toronto, Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
London, and the local area
Contests were conducted b�
Mrs. Gary Revington and Miss
Carla Revington and the bride
was assisted by her little cousins
Janice Campbell. Carolyn
Lankin, Pam Varey and by her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Joseph
The hostess was assisted h.s her
two daughters, Mrs John
Marshall, Lucan and Mrs John
Campbell, Chatham.
SUNDAY: Sunday School
Morning Worship Service
Evening Service
MONDAY: Prayer Meeting
Bible Study
FRIDAY: Youth Service
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
CALL 227-4877
Pastor: Rev. Raymond A. Brewster
quarter mile south of Concession
12 in London township and struck
a road sign. Constable James
Craig listed damages at $250.
On Highway 23. near County
road 47 at 11:10 p.m. Saturday, a
pickup truck being operated by
John Keogh, London left the
roadway and struck an em
bankment. Constable B. D.
Munro estimated damage at $225.
Two trucks were in collision
Friday evening at 5:45 p.m. at the
intersection of County roads 20
and 16 in Ilderton. Drivers of the
vehicles involved were Arnold
Paisley, Ilderton and Terry
Smith, RR 2, Thorn -
dale Constable N. A.Campbell set
damages at $150.
Tuesday at 9 p.m. a vehicle
driven by Rodney Coulter. RR 1,
Lucan left County road 47, a mile
west of Granton and struck an
embankment. Constable Camp-
bell listed damages at 5600.
During the week detachment
officers laid 47 charges under the
Highway Traffic Act and issued
earnings to 41 other motorists.
This brings the warnings total for
1975 to 822
Times -Advocate, June 19, 1973 Page 9A
Couples at UC anniversary,
woman returns from north
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hotson
spent Tuesday and Wednesday in
Waterloo where Mrs. Hotson
attended the Parkminster United
Church Women's celebration of
the 50th Anniversary of Church
Union. Every president since
UCW was organized was present
for the celebration.
Mr. & Mrs. Orville Jones spent
the weekend with Mr. & Mrs.
Norman Hoover of Brussels and
attended the 50th anniversary
celebrations of the United
Church. On the way home on
Monday, they visited their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. &
Mrs. Glen Walters in Cambridge.
Mrs. George Jervis has
returned home from Burke's
Falls where she has spent the
past two weeks caring for her two
Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Hodgins
attended the morning service at
Metropolitan United Church on
Sunday for the presentation and
reception of Dr. & Mrs. George
Goth. They enjoyed meeting old
friends, following the service.
Mrs. Harold Whyte of Owen
Sound spent last week with Mrs.
Erle Young.
Visitors with Mrs. Eldon
Hodgins on Monday, June 9 were
Mrs.Ethel Gras, Newark, New
Jersey, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Gras,
Annapolis, Maryland and Mrs.
Lila Beadle, Stratford. In the
evening Ivan Culburt and son
Ian , London and Mrs. Mary
Squire and daughter Mary Jane,
of London.
Miss Areta McLean attended
the wedding of her great -grand-
niece, Miss Linda Shaw in the
Leamington Church last
The McCormick bowling team,
members and drivers held a
delicious luncheon in the home's
hoard room, Wednesday. As the
event took place in the building
Miss L. E. Abbott was able to
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Maslen
and family helped to organize
Legion golfers
Ken Wood fired a 78.to win the
low gross award at the annual
Lucan Legion golf tournament
held at the Exeter course,
'faking the low net prize with a
74 was Earl Knoblauch. The
perseverance award went to
Roy Hodgins and Don Williams
was named the most honest
golfer when he filed a score of
and attended a surprise birthday
party for the parents of Mrs.
Maslen, in Stratford on Saturday
evening. Mrs. Lobsinger was 76
and Mr. Lobsinger has reached
his 80th year.
Mr. & Mrs. John Campbell and
family of Chatham were weekend
guests with her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. Sheridan Revington. The
family gathered on Sunday to
celebrate F'ather's Day and the
birthday of a son, Lyle
Rev. Ewart Madden, Alden
Walker, Board of Management of
the U.C., and Henry Kaune, at-
tended the United Church Men's
Conference at Keswick over last
weekend. Mrs. Madden and Mrs.
Kaune accompanied them to th
Kaune cottage, where the men
returned each evening after the
Mrs. Judy Eady of London,
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Calvin
Haskett was among those
receiving a B.A. on Monday, June
2, at the Convocation of
University of Western Ontario.
Mrs. Eady is a teacher at the
Arthur Stringer P.S., London.
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ernment. you will automatically receive your new
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anything about it.
Ontario residents not receiving Old Age Security.
If you are 65 or older, and have lived in Ontario for
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But because we don't know who you are. you II have
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Ministry of Health
Frank Miller, Minister
Government of Ontario
William Davis, Premier