HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-06-19, Page 18 (2)KiiimIdI111111111111111111111111intw1111111eini111111111111111111111111111111 ieli11111111111t111ll111111111111111113 P. West of No. 4 Hwy. ▪ at Kippen intersection 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l f STRAWBERRIES "Pick Your Own" READY NOW FOR YOUR TABLE OR FREEZER Open Daily 8 a.m. - Weather Permitting Bring your own qt. boxes, 4-6 qt. baskets or qt. boxes may be purchased LEONARD LOVELL 262-5729 First farm on left The Township of Stephen CANADA WEEK PROCLAMATION To honour Canada, our land created by the fusion of two founding cultures, enriched by the contribution of many other cultures, fatherland of all Canadians; To honour this country, home of over 22,- 000,000 people, proud of their heritage and the freedom they enjoy; To honour this land of peace and prosperi- ty, this promised land of untold resources; To honour this country which is ours, of which we all are proud, We hereby proclaim the week of June 24 to July 1 "CANADA WEE K". Thus we invite the citizens of the Township of Stephen to celebrate it by striving to know our country better, by flying our flag and dis- playing our symbols. THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE Thurs., Evening, June 26, 7:00 p.m. For Mrs.Alma Hess, Hensall, Ont. To be held at the Picnic Pavilion South of the arena in Hensall FEATURING — like new furniture and appliances, dishes, antiques and automobile, Kroehler hide -o -bed, kitchen table and 4 chairs, double dresser with mirror, single dresser, 2 night tables, new drapes, Moffat electric stove, the above items were purchased new recently. Lazy boy chair, oc- casional chair, 39" bed with headboard, piano bench, Targe oval shag rug ;excellent, assortment kitchen appliances,dishes including old English sampler, stainless steel cookware, assortment pictures, blonkets, linens, Rogers Bros. Silverware, mixmoster, full length mirror, white steel cupboard, transistor radio, Kodak Instomatic camera, bolts of brand new yard goods, GE washing machine, 2 hot water pail heaters. ANTIQUES — Bonnet chest drawers, box of casters,dishes in- cluding milk glass, jewellers tool kit, binoculars, many other pieces. AUTOMOBILE — 1965 4 -door Rambler American,. mileage 27,349 miles, very good condition, sells os is. Mrs. Hess is giving up housekeeping completely. Everything must & will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms of Sale: Cash Mrs.Alma Hess, Owner Percy Wright, Auctioneer KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 All bidders register and receive o number, sold items the responsibili- ty of the purchaser at end.of bidding. If paying by cheque supply own personalized cheque form from your bank. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. NORM WHITIXG WICUOR��P AUCTION SALE of Construction Equipment, and Tools; Household Furnishings, Antiques and Misc. Items on Sat., June 28 at 12:30 p.m. sharp at Centre St. North, DASHWOOD, Ontario TOOLS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - small concrete mixer; wheel barrows; shovels; barn jocks; hydraulic jack; skil sows; 6' 2 " Sow Cot Heavy Duty; 1:1"-& 14 electric drills; 3 Hilti tools; electric sanders; 34 hsp electric motor; bolt cutters; osbestos shingle cutters; pipe wrenches; socket sets; wrenches; numerous hand tools; staple guns; several extension cords; water hose; aluminum & wood step ladders; aluminum exten• sion ladder; nails & screws; etc.; logging chains; chain tightener; angle iron; red oak trim; lumber; planks; 6" x 6" posts; 2 eye beams; pipe; saw horses; snow fence; steel posts; shovels; picks, squares etc.; pipe vise, 2 rolls of aluminum; lawn roller; roll of chicken wire; steel drums; hard hots; 2 • 815-15 tires and many other items. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS - deep freeze, walnut dining room table, 6 chairs & buffet; kitchen suite with 6 choirs; wooden table; 4 chrome chairs; 3 piece bedroom suite with bookcase heodboord, box springs & mattress; clothes hamper; chesterfield & choir; Penncrest portable TV, B&W, like new; record player; 2 blonde end tables; 2 hostess choirs; bookcase; swivel rocker; 2 foot stools; high chair; step stool; floor polisher; GE vacuum cleaner; carpet sweeper; rug sham- pooer; pressure cooker; 2 toosters; electric coffee pot; fry pan; clock, kettles; mixette; juicer; etc. dishes; pots & pans; Coleman stove; kiddy car; fireplace screen & many other items. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES — 2 parlor choirs; old radio; odd chairs; some dishes; 1858 French English dictionary; pic- tures & frames; iron both tub; barn fromers; boring machine; brood axe; draw knife; wicker bosket & many other items. TERMS: CASH Mr. Milton (Mickey) Webb, Prop. Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 16 For Sale BOY'S BICYCLE. girl's bicycle. very good condition. Phone 262-2006. 25c MOBILE: HOME 10' by 48', fully fur- nished. Phone 236-4501. 25t ADDING MACHINES. typewriters, sales, ser% ice, rentals. supplies. Jerry Slathers Typewriters. 92 Main Si 235-1840 21/4t STUDENTS RENT OR Bt'Y YOLR TYPEWRITER AT T -A Try our attractive rental -ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 17 Wanted To Buy FURNITURE, antiques. appliances of miscellaneous items. By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction. Con- signments welcome. Knapp's Auction Centre, Seaforth. Phone 527-1336. 4/4t 18 Wanted RESPONSIBLE YOUNG MAN to share apartment. in Exeter. Phone 235.1413. 25t USED #50 ROLLER CHAIN any length, willing to pay 50c per foot. delivered to Huron Produce, 1 mile south of Morrison Dam. Phone 235- 2650 or 229-8851. 25:26c 19 Property For Sale THREE BEDROOM home in Lucan, nicely decorated, conveniently located. Call 227-4500. 25:26:27' TWO BEDROOM home with garage. nice lot, good location, 366 Carling 38/4t Street, Exeter. Phone 235-2128. 25c USED STEEL beams and pipe. Hamilton's Machina Shop. Phone 235-1655. 23/4t HESS JEWELLERY Zurich. has a tine selection of Bluebird Diamond Wedding rings. watches, charms. docks. cuckoo clocks, barometers. Cardinal watches. sold by jewellers only. are S11.95 and up. Family rings. watch & clock repairing, work guaranteed. 52/4t NEW bench drill presses and anvils. pig trough. assorted work benches. Laverne Hamilton. phone 236-1655, after 6. 235-2598. 46/4t SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools left over from 1974 season. ': price. Guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect (519) 681- 3805 days or evenings. lot WANTED — Canada's leading Manufacturer and Distributor is seek- ing a choice residential site to display their new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime location we will consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home owner. Call collect 681-3800 days or evenings. 111 FOR POTATOES — Phone Tom Martens. 234-6488. 171 RESIDENT HOME SITES WANTED — We believe that it is good business to sacrifice on some homes in an area to gain the pre season volume we require. Therefore the homes selected will have a pool in- stalled at a fantastic price considera- tion. For more information call collect Mr. Holmes. 1-416-495-6690. 191- SWIMMING 9t SWIMMING POOL repossessed, ex- cellent condition. Leading manufac- turer willing to sacrifice at half price. Call collect (416) 536-9278. 201' MANUFACTURER representative would like attractive site for display of new above ground pool. Call collect (416) 536-9278. 20t \IASSEY HARRIS 510 Diesel with Kwick attach 10' and 14' headers; AC HD7 bulldozer with snow plow; HD5 front end loader: 3800 International four wheel drive backhoe; 1965 GMC t. -ton camper also a number of cars and trucks. Leon Triebner, RR 1 Hen- sall, home between 8-10 a.m. 24:25' 24' FIBERGLASS Pontoon houseboat. Mercury outboard, sleeps four. galley with propane stove. ice box, 110 volt and 12 volt lights. radio. fire extinguisher, spot light. rear con- vertible sundeck, convertible top, at- axic trailer. Will take Runabout in trade. 54,500. Phone 235-0333 days or 228-6328 nights. 24:25:26c WORK BENCHES. 55 and up: wooden Rower boxes. approximately 3' long. SI 50: I used land roller. Hamilton Machine Shop, 235- 1655 24t Special Floor Coverings VINYL & CONGOLEUM 9 and 12 feet wide 25% Off Lay a new floor in your cottage VERNON SCHATZ GENERALMERCHANT Dashwood. Ont. Phone 237-3531 24t DOUBLE WINDOW and frame for opening 5' 8" wide. 5' for height. with aluminum window and screen. Phone 262-5141. 24.25c FARM FRESH I GGS — a treat you shouldn't miss. Highway No. 4, '4 mile north of Hensall, Marcel Verlinde. phone 262- 5608 24:25:26:27:28:29' (GEHL FORAGE BOX with roof, with John Deere wagon; Bronco mini hike Phone 234-6253. Harry Van Osch 17 Wanted To Buy NEVsCROP hay. preferably by the acre. Eric Fmkbetner, R R 1, Crediton. Phone 234.6251 25:26c NEW HOUSE on Huron Street. featuring large living room, also large kitchen and dinette, 3 bedrooms and bath. Attractively carpeted throughout. Ready to move in. Apply August Gregus, 235-1647. 21t JOHN BURKE LTD. BROKER Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate 51 ortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 OFFICE FOR RENT EXETER - Devon Building; second floor; one office available. CONTACT US TODAY' 25c 20 Property For Rent HOUSE. three bedroom ranch style, rural setting. near Brinsley. Available July 1. phone 293-3305. 23:24:25c ATTRACTIVE clean nicely furnished apartment above Canadian Tire Store, Elliot Apts.. 235-1497. 23t TWO BEDROOM house in Exeter. available July 1. Phone 235-1557. 25c TWO BEDROOM town house in Hensall. Phone 262-2014. 25c ONE BEDROOM new apartment, electric heat, all utilities supplied, elderly couple preferred. Phone 294- 6340, Parkhill. 25:26c LARGE HEATED 2 bedroom apart- ment on Main Street, Exeter, S145.00 per month, plus utilities. available July 1. Phone 1-451-5513. 251' FOUR BEDROOM brick home, built-in cupboards, furnace. 4 -piece hath and garden. Close to Hensall. Phone 262-5054. 25:26c 21 For Rent CONSTRUCTION scaffolding, ex- tension ladder: skill saw; adding machine: sump pump: 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jack: utility trailer; cartop carrier. 16' van. Whiting Rental. 63 25 Notices INDEPENDENT SHIIPPER W UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with ROY SCOTCHMER Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL HAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 47/4t 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Herman James Kennedy - Deceased All creditors and others having claims against the estate of Herman James Kennedy, late of RR 2, Grand Bend. in the County of Lambton, .,re required to file with the undersigned full particulars of such claims duly verified before July 19, 1975, after yyhich date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims tiled. Roger F. Cyr 15 St. Catharine Street St. Thomas, Ontario Solicitor for the administrator 23:24:25c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Laura Simpson Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Laura Simpson late of the Township of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Housewife, who died on or about the 30th day of April, 1975 are required to file particulars of sante with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter. Ontario. by the 28th day of June, 1975 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only- to nlyto those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor Exeter. Ontario 24:25:26c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Lydia Taylor Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Lydia Taylor late of the Township of Stephen. in the County of Huron. Housewife. who died on ur Main St. S., just south of river about the 5th day of June. 1975 are bridge. 1/4t, .required to rule particulars of same - with Bell & Laughton. Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario. by the 5th day of Ju- ly. 1975 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. RENTALS FLOOR SANDERS FLOOR EDGERS POWER HAND SAWS BELT SANDERS '4" & ':" DRILLS PORTABLE TELEVISIONS FLOOR POLISHERS BEAVERS HARDWARE YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER 235-1033 46/4t Exeter CONSTRUCTION equipment — plywood forms. wedges, power trowel. w heelharrows. small mixer, etc. Phone 236-4954 Monday to Friday after 4 p.m. Weekends anytime. N. J. Corriveau. Zurich. 16/41 22 For Sale or Rent THREE HORSE POWER jet pump. almost new Call between 7 a.m. and 8 a -m. at 227-4690. 25c 23 Wanted To Rent HOUSE in Grand Bend area by cou- ple. prefer two bedrooms. no children or pets. Must he suitable for year round accommodation References available Phone 238-2065 even- ings. 24 25c 25 Notices 1. JOHN MEU'RS. will no longer he responsible for any debts other than those contracted by myself. personally. 23 24 25' Classified Deadline Tuesday 4 p.m. Phone 235-1331 PROPERTY SOLD Clearing Auction Sale Wednesday, July 2, 12:30 p.m. For G. A. Cann & Sons Lot 20, Con. 2, Stephen Twp., First Farm West of Exeter on Huron St. FEATURING — Diesel tractor; harvesting equipment includes New Holland 770 2 -row corn silage harvester, 2 form hand forage boxes, both units ore just one year old; Kools blower with 60 ft. pipe; tillage & cultivation equipment includes cultivators, IH & Triple K, Krouse discs,. IH rotary hoe and other equipment. ANTIQUES — 1 3 -seat heovy stage coach wagon with top, very rare in extraood condition; 1 fancy single sent surrey with top and side!limps on rubber tires, excellent condition; single cutter with bells, heavy duty brass mounted harness for team of ponies, single carts & small buggies, set of bob sleighs with dray plotform. Watch for full listing next week Owners Tel. 235-2625, 235-1945 Percy Wright, Auctioneer KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor Exeter. Ontario 25:26:27c 27 Tenders Wanted ROOFING CONTRACTORS are invited to hid on the re -roofing and truss renovations on the Hensall Community Centre. Tenders will he received until 4:30 p.m. June 30. 1975. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Clerk's Office. Town Hall. Hensall, Ontario. 10% hid bonds or certified cheques to accompany tender. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. 1 24:25c CLASSIFIED ADS Rea* cvoak 28 Auction Soles Twilight Auction Sale to be held for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vivian Main St., Hensall Monday, June 30 6:00 p.m. Consisting of ANTIQUES, APPLIANCES AND FURNITURE Full listing next week. Rathwell's Auction Service Auctioneers & Liquidators BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 Say farewell at Saintsbury By MRS. HEBER DAVIS SAINTSBURY The June ACW meeting was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Mary Davis with 14 members and one guest present. Several members assisted with prayers. Mr. Savary spoke to the group as this was his final meeting with the ladies before his retirement. Following the business meeting Mrs. Savary showed and ex- plained dolls and many other interesting objects from Japan. She also told- of Japanese customs. During the evening Mrs. Hazel Davis, on behalf of the ladies, presented Mrs. Savary with a gift. She expressed her ap- preciation. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee entertained 12 members of their family to dinner on Sunday, observing Earl, Joan and Carol and Derek Greenlee's and Mary Davis birthdays, also Fathers Day. Mrs. Vera Greenlee and Mrs. Rd Dickins were among the guests. Mr. & Mrs. Ford Dyer their daughter, son-in-law and baby were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Carroll. Mr. Wayne Carroll returned home on Saturday after spending last week as a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tindall and family spent Sunday at Trowbridge where.they attended the Tindall picnic. Mr. Gote Wennerstrom visited Mr. Horatio Simpson at the nursing home in Delaware on Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman were Friday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis and Mrs. George McFalls was their guest on Sunday. Ontario Development Corporation FOR SALE BY TENDER Approximately 60 acres of standing, mixed hay adja- , cent to the housing area and runways of Huron INDUSTRIAL Park. To be cleared away by July 19th, 1975. Sealed tenders addressed to the Director of Industrial Parks clearly marked "Tenders for Hay" will be received by the under- signed until 12:00 noon on June 25th, 1975. Further information may be received by calling the Huron Industrial Park at 228-6657. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ontario C 1 Malone, Manager Huron Industrial Pork Huron Park, Ontario. AUCTION SALE June 21, 1 p.m. To be held on the premise& 302 Carling St. 2 blocks West of Main & Sanders St., for Mr. Clarence Wurm FURNITURE — 3 piece bedroom suite (excellent) coffee & matching step tables; desk & matching choir; chesterfield & chair; 30" youth bed; buffet; chrome table & 5 matching chairs; magazine rack; fern stand; assortment pictures, iron bed & washstand; card table; record player; hair dryer; night table; Zenith 20" TV; drapes; large iron baby crib; set of dis- hes. SPECIAL ITEM — Accordion (120 base) Titaoni, like new, APPLIANCES —30" Viking electric stove, like new, Coronado washing machine, 21 cubic foot, deep freeze; refrigerator; Ingersoll dryer; Coleman equipment, includes oven; Catalytic heater & lantern; 3'h hp lawnmower; tea kettle; iron; toaster; pots and pans; jars; Wagner electric motor; step ladder; boot winch; 50 ft. garden hose; 2 steel drums; numerous other ar- ticles; floor polisher. ANTIQUES — child's crib & high chair, approximately 80 years old; treadle sewing machines; Commode; bureau with iron pulls; other interesting items. BICYCLES — 1 Mustang and 2 others Terms of Sale Cash Mr. & Mrs. Wurm hove sold their property and are moving into o furnished home. Clarence Wurm, Prop. Tel. 235-2827 PERCY WRIGHT, AUCTIONEER ' KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 All bidden register and receive o number. Sold items the responsibili- ty of the purchaser at end of bidding, if paying by cheque supply own personalized cheque form from your bank. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sole * HOME SOLD CLEARING SALE * Furniture - Antiques - Misc. * * * Saturday, June 28th, 12 noon * For Orville Maynard, lot 19, concession 11 Lobo Twp, 2 * • miles east of Nairn Rd. 4 miles south west of Denfield. It * Phone 666-0878 * FURNITURE: 2 color T.V.'s; coppertone Fridge & Stove; McClary 23 cu. ft. freezer; beds; dressers; 2 chesterfields; * *washer & dryer; tables, chairs; natural or propane gas hot water heater 25 thousand B.T.U.; riding lawnmower; oil T tanks; bathtub, toilet & sink; ice cream freezer; large meat y ►` display cooler; tape deck for car; 2 piston water pumps; T * National cash register; 4 water tanks for cattle; toil space heater; electrical parts switches etc.; electric heaters; Tag -a- kyy long camper sleeps 6 with odd a room; 49cc Moped; vanity; T 41(ANTIQUES: accounting machine; dishes; radios, parts; lamps. y ANTIQUES: antique display case; corner pine cupboard; T * wash stand; old bottles; sealers; some beaners; insulators; T milk can; books; resistors & condensers with cabinet; antique love seat & 2 chairs victorian. T 12 chickens; exhaust fan, plus many more numerous articles. * 401CTerms: Cash Lunch booth * NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE 'it Tom Robson AUCTIONEERS: Hugh Filson yT 666-1967 YY YY 666-0833 T T***T***T********* * * ACTION CENTRE MART Located on Highway #4 1 Mile North of Exeter THE BIG, LITTLE MARKET —Large Auction Room available for complete or partial estates --Complete refinishing centre. Minwax wood finishes, etc. —Weekend Antique Flea Market. Open 10 a m. to 5 p.m Before You Buy for Sell Give l's a Try Bill & lavarre Clark, Owners 672-3566 Percy Wright, Auctioneer 262-5515 EXETER TRAVEL CENTRE 476 MAIN ST. 235-0571 OPEN 9-5:30 MONDAY TO FRIDAY FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL, REQUIREMENTS Airlines, Rail Tours Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. INCOME TAX - ACCOUNTING for FARM & BUSINESS 107 MAIN ST., LUCAN Telephone 227-4851 C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Ponnel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please. MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE INCOME TAX — ACCOUNTING for Farmers and Businessmen INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURNS No Job Too Small PHONE 237.3469 Vince Ryon B.A. PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt. Courteous. Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE W1 give complete sale service. 1'KOFI'r BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER JACK & ASSOCIATES ACCOUNTING SEE(VI('F: Jock Hobden 216 Vancouver St London Phone 455.4599 Randy Paul 326 Meech St . Lucan Phone 227-4584 Accounting and System Analysis Corporate and Personal Taxation NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants J A NORRIS t D GEE 497 MAIN STREET EXETER. ONTARIO NOM 150 '519, 7350101 SUITE 708 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 519, 673 1471 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS; 20 Sanders E EXETER 2350281 RES: 10 Green Acres GRAND BEND 238 8070 Banghart, -Kelly, Doig and ,Co. Chartered Accountants 268 Main St., Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resident Partner Bus. 235-0120, Res. 238.8075 FARM SALES Auctioneer TOM SHOEBOTTOM ILDERTON 666-0289 Free Appraisal 'Coll now for complete Author) Service" HOUSEHOLD SALES