HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-06-05, Page 10 (2)THE LAMBTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Announces the 1975 SUMMER EDUCATION PROGRAMME for Adults, Secondary School Students, Elementary School Students and Pre-Schoolers Summer School Telephone 542-7784 ALEXANDER MACKENZIE SECONDARY SCHOOL 1257 Michigan Avenue, Sarnia MR. F. A. MCNAUGHT Principal, Alexander Mackenzie MR. D. G. MCPHAIL Vice -Principal, Northern C.I.V.S. SESSIONS AT SECONDARY SCHOOLS Alexonder Mackenzie Secondary School Sorn.a Northern Collegiate Institute & Vocational School . Sar--io Collegiate Institute & Technical School ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Bright's Grove (Bright's Grove) C -.borne Street tCorunnol East Scmbra (Sombro Township) H.' crest (Petrolio) Wctfbrd i Watford) 1Forestl Confederat.on Street ISarniol H.gh Park ISarnial Lansdowne (Sarnia) Rosedale ISarnial REGISTRATION PROCEDURES TYPE A COURSES Students are to register at their own Secondary School ^••fore June 20 Adults may register at any Secondary School. Tine student is advised to seek guidance ot his own school or.or to registration. etc reg ;trot.ons could be accepted of Alexander Mackenzie =r doy. June 27, but some classes may be filled. Students rece ve a class card by mail indicating the place and -g time of the first class. T'.. E B COURSES Students are to register or Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School on Monday. June 30 or Tuesday, July 1 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2'00 p m. A late reg.strotron fee of 55.00 may be charged for regvstrat•on after July 1 TYPE C COURSES e to reg _ :t coy Secondary School in Lambton before June 23 or by mol to Mr. F. McNaught, anccr Mcckenz a Secc)7dary School, 1257 Michigan Avenue, Sarnia, Ontorio. (Please make cheques payable to the Lombton County Board of Education. DO NOT MAIL CASH' Students will receive o class card by moil indicating the :'ace and meeting time of the first class. ELEMENTARY AND PRE-SCHOOLER COURSES Students may be registered at any Elementary School in Lombton County before June 20 or by moil to Mr. D. G. McPhail, Watford Public School, P.O. Box 130, Watford, Ontario. (Please make cheques payable to the Lombton County Board of Education. DO NOT MAIL CASH). UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Reg stet through the Extension Deportment, University of Western Ontario. All classes will be held at Sornio Northern Collegiate Institute and Vocational School. FEES:~ There will be o materials fee of $5.00 (subject to opprovol by the Lombton County Board of Education) for the summer school regardless of the type of course or the number of courses token Exceptions ore Driver • Education of $45.00 and Pottery at 510.00. Moke 011 cheques payable to the Lombton County Board of Educotion. N B Persons on Dusobility Pensions and Old Age Pensions will hove all fees waived GENERAL INFORMATION TEXTBOOKS: Textbooks will be supplied by the summer school, except for Grade 13 courses. ADULT EDUCATION la) Adults may take any Type A or .Type C courses. Registration for these courses may take place ot ony Secondory School, prior to June 20 or by moil to Mr F McNaught, Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School Ib1 University of Western Ontario courses for University Credit (July 2 -August 12). Examinations: August 13-15. 8.00 o m. -I0 30 a.m. History 026 (The Two World Wars) Sociology 230 (Sociological Theory/ 10:30 o.m -1:00 p m. *Psychology 281 (Research Methods and Statistics) *Afternoon Hours: Psychology 281 fobs 1.30-4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes will meet 4 doys o week, Mondays through Thurs- days. Students should note that classes will meet Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the first week and Tuesdoy through Friday the week of August 4th because of the holiday. The last two doys of U.W O. Summer School will be Monday, August 11 and Tuesdoy, August 12. All classes will be herd. ot Sarnia Northern Collegiate SECONDARY STUDENTS Students from the Secondary Schools may toke any Type A or Type C Courses. In addition up-groding Type 8 Courses will be provided in any subject in which there is sufficient registration. Consult your Guidance or Student Services De. partment t0 make_certoin TYPE A or TYPE B Courses will be acceptable in your programme. ELEMENTARY STUDENTS Courses will be offered if registration warrants at the following elementary schools: Bright's Grove (Bright's Grovel Colborne Street (Corunno) East Sorttbra (Sombre Townshrpl Hillcrest (Petrone) Wotford (Watford) Woodside (Forest) Confederation Street (Sarnia) High Pork ( Lansdowne Sornio) Rosedole (Sarnia) (Sarnia) Parents ore responsible for the transportotion of their children. A materials fee of $5.00 will be charged. The following courses will be offered from 9:00 o.m. to 11:30 o.m. July 2 -July 30 inclusive. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS PRE-SCHOOLERS: This programme is intended for children who ore four or five years old and who will attend Kindergarten in September 1975 or 1976. The child will be exposed to variety of activities to develop positive ottitudes towards education and towards life itself. CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES: Unstructured activities for Primary aged children (5 yrs. - 8 yrs.) . The octivrtues would include: ort, music, crofts, rend- ing, puppets, games and ploys. Learning os individuals, the students would be oble to portieipote in activities of their choice within on open concept of rooms. GRADES 4, 5, 6 (Ayes 9-12); The students should select t1'o of three oreos of interest: 1. Remedial Rending 2. Art 3. Physical Education GRADES 7, 8 (Ages 12-14): The students should select two of three areas of interest: I. Remedial Reading 2. Remedial Mathematics 3: Physical Ed. In the Mathematics and Rending Classes, emphasis will be placed on review and helping the student to con- centrate on oreos of -Weakness. GRADE 8: Type B upgrading courses will be offered in English and Mathematics for students who have not been successful in these areas. The courses will be given at Alexander Mockenzie School, July 3-2C two hours- per .day,. if enrolment is suf- ficient. LEARN TO SWIM (SCUTS): This two week course is open to all elementary students at the Sarnia Collegiate Institute and Technical School (S.C.I. Cr T.S.) indoor pool. Basic swim instruction, woter safety and drownproofing are included. The course will be repeated if there is sufficient registration. The second course begins July 17 and a third section, if necessorX, on August 1. LEARN TO SWIM (WATFORD): This two week course is open to all elementary students in the eastern area of Lombton County at residential pools. Bos;c swim instruction, water safety and drownproofing ore included. NOTE: It should be noted that students are not intended to receive Red Cross Bodges as o result of this programme. TYPE A COURSES (Intensive Study for Credit) Any secondary school student or adult Times: July 2 -August 8,-8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Students Dotes & doily. Registration: See Registration Procedures. The TYPE A courses should be of interest to students with time -table limitations, or as enrichment to their regular programme. Several courses will be offered which ore not available at each school. A class will be offered in any subject for ,which there is sufficient demand. SUGGESTED SUBJECTS TO BE Year 5 (Grade 13) Biology 551 History 551 Chemistry 551 Mathematics A 551 (Colculus and Polar Coordinotes) Mothematics B 551 (Functions, Relations and Investments) Year 4 (Grade 12) English 451 History 451 Environment Geography Mathemotics 451 Urban Geography 451 World Religions 451 Chemistry 451 Low 441 Year 2 (Grade 10) Mathematics 251 Geography 251 Typing 241 Instrumento) Music' 251 OFFT.RED: French 551 Canadian Literature 551 Physical Education 551 English 551 Year 3 (Grade English 351 Mothemotics 351 401 Biology 351 Communications Media 341 (open to both phase 4 and phase 5 students) 11) Year 1 (Grade 9) Mathematics 151 Typing 141 Instrumental Music 151 *COURSE DESCRIPTIONS *Note: Descrotions ore given only for those ore not offered in each secondary school. CANADIAN LITERATURE 1551) The objectives of this course are to expand the student's awareness of Canadian Literature and to relate to the student the historicol development of Canadian Literature. Poetry, essays and short stories will be studied. COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA (341) This course is desuoned to develop an ability to critical) analyse newspooers, films and television. During this excitin course you will participate in o television production an the production of a Super 8 film ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY (4011 The earth's ecosystems are dealt with in th s course Th question of water, err and lond resources is studied and o emohosis is placed on the use of, misuse of, and legislotiv activities pertoining to our environment. GENERAL LAW (441) Th,s course is des g, ed to he of personal interest to the student. It oconoints him with his legal rights and obligo. tions both os a teenager and as on adult. Areas to be in- vestigated include: leool solutions to social problems, con- trocts, family low and juvenile delinquency GRADE 13 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PED 551) The level five course ,n physical education hos been ac cepted by The Ontario Ministry of Education and, as such, wil be accepted by all Ontario Universities. The tonics include K•nesiolony and Motor Leornrng. Phys icor Fitness Appro•soe, Recreation and Leisure, Sociology o Activity, Leadership and Orgonization. URBAN GEOGRAPHY (451) Since 1945 the world's people hove become, and ore still becoming, more and more urbonized. ,The purpose of this course is to discover why the phenomenon hos occurred, where is hos occurred. and how it relates to people and the quolity of their lives. Open to all mature students but it is recommended thot they be at least in Yeor 3. WORLD RELIGIONS 1451) The course covers five moin religions. They ore Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Eoch religion would be considered for one week via scriptures, films, speakers and discussion. The course hopes to foster tolera- tion, appreciation and understonding of the religious view- point of our fellow mon. courses which v 0 d e n e TYPE B COURSES (Up -grading or moke-up courses for credit) Students: Secondary School Students who are taking either general or odvonced level subjects and grade eight students who wish up -grading in any subjects they hove token in the regulor school year. A maximum of two subjects con be token. Dates and Times: 2 hours per doy, per course, July 2 - August 8 inclusive. Subjects: A class will be offered in ony subiect in which there is sufficient demand, grades ET through 13. TYPE C COURSES Students: Open to any grode 6 to grade 13 student and ony adults who wish to attend. Length: Generolly two hours per day for two, three cr four weeks (length of course is included in the description). Courses of two or three week durotion may be offered more thin once during the summer depending on demand All Type C courses commence July 2. TYPE C COURSES IN PETROLIA ONLY: 1. GOLF INSTRUCTION -BEGINNERS A golf instructional programme for adults and students of the Brigden, Petrolio, Wyoming, Forest, and Watford oreos. (4 weeks) 2. GOLF INSTRUCTION - ADVANCED As with the beginners programme this course offers in- struction to people in the some oreo who have developed some proficiency of the gome. (4 weeks) CLASSES, TYPE A COURSES TYPE B COURSES TYPE C COURSES U.W.O. COURSES ELEMENTARY PRE-SCHOOLERS TYPE C COURSES IN SARNIA ONLY: StL.dents will receive a closs cord by moil indicating the place and meeting time of the first class. TITLES: 1. ART: Would you like to experiment with a wide range of materials? Hove you ever tried making batiks, collages, paper sculptures, mobiles, posters, making or chance techni- ques with paint? Would you like to learn the techniques used in I:ne drawings, shoded drawings, pen and ink sketches or pointings? If any of the above woys of expressing yourself hos stimulated your interest then enrol now in the Arts Course. (3 weeks) (Repeated) 2. ART: This course will be offered on the interest level only. Fundamentals will include on introduction to ceramics (wheel thrown pottery) , drawing and painting and printmaking (serigraphy) . Enrolment will be open to beginning and od. vanced students. Duration 2 hours per day for 3 weeks. (Repeated) 3. AUTO SERVICING: Here is another practical 'money -saving' course. A three- week course for beginners looking ot what makes the family car run. Some of the areas that will be covered ore grease lobs, oil changes, tire chonges, tire repair, minor tune-up, cor wash and car waxing. (3 weeks) 4. BASKETBALL: This four week course will include both instructionol and recreational time. The course will be given in the evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday. If registration allows, age groupings will be from 12-14, 14-16 and seniors. Come out and enjoy this fun activity. 5. BICYCLE -TEN SPEED: If you own o bicycle -(ten speed or otherwise) -you will enjoy this two week course. Emphasis will- be placed on kinds of bicycles, general maintenance, safety and the oper. anon of o bicycle. 6. CAKE DECORATING AND SUGARCRAFT: This is a fun course providing the foundation for on inter- esting and artistic hobby. Learn the skills which will enable you to create beautiful cakes. This course will familiarize you with: the fundamentals of design and lay -out, the techniques for decorating cokes, creotion of sugar flowers and novelty designs (3 weeks) (Repeated., 7. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING: Banc methods of Programming the I.B.M. 1130 Computer using Fortran IV and S.L.I. Languages. Four weeks of actual honds- on experience. (4 weeks) 8. COPPER ENAMELING: This course will give you all the necessary instruction to enable you to finish copper, pre-cut designs with o gloss and produce a smooth permanent finish. (3 weeks) (Students will be responsible for the purchase of their own supplies) . 9. DRIVER EDUCATION: This will be the some popular course os offered through the year. Students will get 6 hours in the car and 25 hours classroom instruction (as per Deportment of Transport Regu- lations) The cost of the course will be $45.00 per student but is easily offset in insurance savings. (Hours by arrange- ment) . 10. DROWNPROOFING & LEARN TO SWIM: Goin confidence in your obility to save your life. •This two week course will provide instruction in woter safety, drownproofing and basic swim instruction.- The indoor pool of Sarnia Collegiate Institute and Technical School (S.C.!. & T.S.) will be used. (2 weeks! (Repeated) 11. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: For students from Grade 5 to adult. Includes vocobulary, pronunc at,on, spelling, reading and writing; ot the following levels (o) Beginners (b) Intermediates (c) Senior. Seniors will receive instruction in composition and grommar. (4 weeks) 12. FIBRES: Th s three week course will include individual instruction in spinning and weovinp, quiltinn. embroidery, crochet, knit- ting, dyes and botik (Repeated) 13. FITNESS: Vigorous physical activities which will get you and keep you in shope. Activities will include worm -up and condi. boning, instruction in competition in both teom and indi- vidual sports and specialization in activities of your choice. Facilities include on air-conditioned gym, o universal weight machine and excellent outdoor areas. This will be a demand- ing but rewarding experience. (4 weeks) 14. 'GOLF FLINDAMENTALS: This course in basic golf fundamentals will be offered both in the morning (Monday to Fridoy) and evening (Tuesdoy and Thursday) during the month of July. Expert individubl teaching will be available. Adults ore most welcome. (4 weeks) 15. GOURMET COOKING -ADVANCED: This year this ever popular course will be offered at two levels. The advanced course should be token by people who have previously attended or people already familiar with the kitchen. This course is designed for those who really wont to cook. (2 weeks) (Repeated) 16. GOURMET COOKING -BEGINNERS: First course for those who would like to learn how to cook those exotic meals. (2 weeks) (Repeated) 17. HAIRSTYLING: •Two weeks in our air-conditioned studio will do wonders for you and your hair. (2 weeks) (Repeated) 18. MACRAME: A course beginning with the basic knots and terms of macrame. Individual projects (e.g. belt) and instruction in Mod Pog and Needlepoint are feotures of this exciting three week course. (3 weeks) (Repeated) 19. METRICATION: A lectyre and workshop approach to the S.I. units for parents, and students. Practical suggestions to help porents to assist their children with metrication of home. (3 weeks) (Repented) 20. MUSIC: Develop your musico( talents with four weeks in Alexander Mcckenzie's air-conditioned music room. Instrumental and concert bond programme. (4 weeks) 21. MUSICAL DRAMA WORKSHOP: This course will involve the creation and production of musical drama. Concentration will be on music drama and set design. Moteriol for the course will be chosen from many sources including T.V. A musical production will be performed ot the completion of the course. (4 weeks) 22. OUTDOOR EDUCATION: Four hours a day for five days in the wonderful outdoors! Students will be bused from Alexonder Mackenzie to o number of different oreos for their studies. Topics will in- clude o number of the following oreos: orienteering; stream study; flower study; tree study; cemetery study; soil study; and initiative testing. (1 week) 23. POTTERY: A complete introduction to the croft of Ceramics/Pottery. One of the mostchollenging of all hond arts. Duration 2 hours per doy for 3 or 5 weeks. Material fee ---510.00 DATES, LOCATIONS - JULY 2 - AUG. 8 inclusive JULY- 2 - AUG. 8 inclusive JULY 2 - AUG. 3 inclusive JULY 2 - AUG. 12' inclusive JULY 2 - JULY 30 inclusive - JULY 2 - JULYI 30 inclusive 24. READING SKILLS -REMEDIAL: This is three week course aimed of reading problem's. For the poor reader this course offers progress in the air:as of Comprehension, new skills and speed. For the reader with problems this is the course for you. (3 weeks) (Repented) 25. READING SKILLS -ADVANCED: This course is not aimed at problem readers but for the overage or better render who wishes to increase speed and comprehension. (3 weeks) 26. RECREATION: Develop basic skills or improve those already started. Three weeks on life-long fun activities: archery, golf, tennis and badminton. Depending on the locotion, swimming may also be included. (3 weeks) (Repented) 27, SOCCER SKILLS: Techniques and Strategies of the Seventies. The course will emphasize practical applications of all skills, techniques and principles leading up to octuol gome situotions and patterns of ploy. Movies and visual oids featuring some of the world's greatest players, such as Pele will be used in theory sessions. Registrations will be in two classes. 1. Elementary Boys and tirls 2. Secondary Boys and Girls (3 weeks) 28. TROWEL TRADES: Now you can have that attractive outdoor living area you wanted. This course' in basic bricklaying, concreting and tile setting will instruct you in the use of tools and the necessary techniques to build your barbeque and patio and adorn it with such concrete items as tables, benches, planters and stotuary. A popular course for everyone age 12 to adult. If enrolment permits, four hours per day may be selected. (4 weeks) 29. TYPING -BEGINNERS: Tired of writing out those term papers and assignments by hand? Do people have o hard time reading your hond- writing? Do you want to acquire o skill that will help you through High School and University? If you hove answered 'yes' to any of the questions then Beginner's Typing is for you. (4 weeks) 30. WOODWORK: To introduce students to the basic theory and practice of the use of hand and machine tools. Most students will choose their own project to build. (4 weeks) 31. WRESTLING: This course will provide exposure to both introductory and odvonced wrestling moves. It will also provide the student with necessary conditioning proctices to prepare him or improve him for secondary school wrestling. f3 weeks) BUS SCHEDULES ROUTE 1 Starts ot Grand !Bend to No 82 to Thedford south to Arkono, then west to Forest north west on No 16 to No 12 then south to Errol School to No. 26 south to Lakeshore west on Lokeshore to St. Michael's to Blackwell Rood to Alexander Mackenzie to Northern to Scits ROUTE 2 Starts of Bright's Grove at Collie Subdivision and old Lakeshore Rood west to Waterworks south to Lakeshore west on Lakeshore to Modelond, south on Modr,land to Blackwell Rood to Alexander Mackenzie to Northern to Scits. ROUTE 3 Starts at Wotford High School north to No. 7, west on No. 7 through Warwick' to Modeland, north on Modelond to Michigan, west on Michigpn to Alexander Mackenzie to Northern to Scits. ROUTE 4 Starts at 10th Line to east and south to Alvinston south to No. 80 west on No. 80 to Inwood Rood, north to County Road No. 4 (10th Line), west to No 21, north on No 21 to Confederotion Street, west on Confederation. to No 40, north on No. 40 to Michigan to Alexander Mockenzie to Northern to Scits. ROUTE 5 Starts at Down Central north to No. 80 on No. 21, west on No. 80 to Kimball to County Rood . No. 4 (Moore) , west to Corunno to No 40 north on No 40 to Scits to Northern to Alexonder Mackenzie ROUTE 6 Storz at Wrlkesport (Kimholl Rood), south to Beecher, west from Beecher on County Rood No. 1 to Port Lombton, north' from Port)Lambton on No. 40 to Scuts to Northern to Alexonder Mackenzie ROUTE 7 Start of No. 21 and loth Line to Petrolio High School, west on 10th Line to Plonk Road to No. 40 north to M,rhinon to Alexander' Mackenzie to Northern to Scits. ROUTE 8 Stort at SriR to Point Edward by way of Christine and Lite Street. Pick up ot Lite and Christ(no, then to St. Clair and Michigan, east on Michigan to Northern to Alexonder Mackenzie to Scits. ROUTE 9 Start at Central (front of school) to Northern and Alex.. ander Mnrkenzie of 7:45 o.m. and 8:10 0 m ROUTE 10 Start ot St. Clair to Northern and Alexonder Mackenzie at 7:45 o.m. and 8:10 o.m. N.B. Buses will not pick up students within the city limits except of designated schools. They are unauthorized to stop en route within the city LAMBTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION APPLICATION FOR SUMMER EDUCATION PROGRAMME Please Print NAME AGE.... SEX: M F Surname Given Names ADDRESS TELEPHONE COUNTY STUDENTS -CONCESSION NUMBER.... LOT NUMBER tAMBTON COUNTY OTHER INDIAN STUDENT COUNTY (Specify) STUDENT SCHOOL ATTENDED 1974/75 TYPE "A" COURSE TYPE "B" COURSE TYPE "C" COURSE Course Titles Course Title( Courts Titles first Choice First Choice Second Choice Second Choice (one only can be taken) Third Choice If possible would you prefer evening sessions? Would you like two or one of the above 1MfI1 you be using a Otq? Yes No Bus Number