HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-29, Page 26 (2)Pogo 14A Times -Advocate, May 29, 1975 BINGO> Starts at 8:30 p.m. Stephen Township Community Centre CREDITON Tonight Thurs., May 29 Admission 51.00 15 games Extra Cords 250 or 5 for 51.00 JACKPOT $300 in 54 calls 1 share the wealth Due to license regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted Sponsored By Crediton Hall Board Anne's Coffee Shop Main at Wellington EXETER Dine In Air Conditioned ` Comfort 9irf �rEXCELLENT ' 1 MEALS FRIENDLY NEW HOURS Starting June 1 Mon. to Fri. 6 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 Noon to 8:00 p.m. SERVICE Special Sunday Dinner Menu P -- FRIDAY FRIDAY SPECIALS THIS WEEK Sweet 8 Sour Shrimps $215 Pork Chow Mein $2.25 Beef Burger Deluxe French Fries 8 Cole Slaw Coffee $1.35 Wally's 235-0464 Chinese Main St. Garden Exeter Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday 4 - 8 p.m. afI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 E uiuuuuuiuwuuiuuwuuuuuuuuuuu E. THE EXETER LIONS CLUB F. presents LAS VEGAS NUGHT EXETER ARENA Saturday, June 7 8:00 p.m. • Dancing • Refreshments • Black Jack • Crown & Anchor • Over & Under • Horse Races r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 f Fi S2.00 PER COUPLE A REAL LOBSTER - Room three students at Exeter public school have been learning about lobsters in re- cent lessons. Thursday, a former lobster fisherman George Robertson visited the school for o practical demonstration. Taking a good look at the lobster being held by Robertson are Becky Ferguson, Maamoun Ghotmeh, Brett Batten, Darren Tinney and Jamie Bowerman. T -A photo Masons worship in Kirkton, grand chaplain guest speaker By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS KIRKTON A large attendance was present at the South Huron Masonic District Divine Service in Kirkton United Church Sunday evening. Rev. Grant Dawson led in the worship service. Rt. Wor. Bro. Arthur W. Watson, Grand Chaplain of Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario was the guest speaker. The first lesson was read by Wor. Bro. Alex Gartenburg, District Chaplain. The Second lessonaw•as read by Rt. Wor. Bro. Earl Watson. Most of the lodges of South Huron District were represented and visitors from London District Three people in hospitals By MANUEL CURTS GREENWAY Albert Romphf, Harry Horner and Mrs. Selbourne English are patients in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Rev. Mary Mclnally of Granton will be the guest speaker in the United Church Sunday. Rev. Harold Dobson has accepted a call to the Dungannon -Nile Pastoral Charge, effective July 1. Russell Brown has moved from his home here to reside in Exeter. Mrs. Grace Stewardson who has been in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. for the past month is now a resident of the senior citizens home in Ailsa Craig. Best wishes are extended to Stewart Brown and Beverley Stire who were married in Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood on Saturday Stewart is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brown. Intended for last week Donald Hannenen, Sudbury, and Ed. Osborne, Brandon Manitoba who are students at the TD Bank. Toronto were holiday visitors with Keith Walper, Sarnia, at his parents home here. Rev. Harold Dobson of the United Church is attending the London conference sessions being held in Windsor this week. Dinner guests with the Curt's here on Sunday were Mr. & Mrs William Curts, London. Philip Clarke, Port Credit, is visiting with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr.& Mrs. Bill Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Clarke, London, also visited with their parents recently and are now enjoying a vacation in England and Scotland. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Romphf have sold their home here and have purchased a lot in Parkhill. By the way: With a provincial election coming up this year we already know the ingredients being used in the political pie - baloney, applesauce, plums and dough. EVERYBODY'S GOING TO HAVE A "GOOD TIME" AT THE. e e ERICH RACEWAY BLUEWATER SPRING ' MEET • POSTTME TUESDAY, JUNE 3 7:_45 p.m. 10 EXACTORS ACTION RACE$ $1000 FEATURE RACE CLOSED CIRCUIT TV IN CLUBHOUSE Masonic lodges were also present. The choir rendered special music under the leadership of Mrs. Earl Stephens. The Christians In Action, young people's group from Kirkton and Woodham, presented a special evening service in Kirkton United Church on May 18. The theme was "Darkness into Light". Wendy Heard led the congregation in worship. Lynda Denham read the scriptures. Several members participated in a variety of skits which demonstrated the work of God's spirit in the world. Candles helped to carry out the theme. The Young People's choir, under the direction of Mrs. Ethel Stephen, sang an appropriate anthem. Personals Mr.& Mrs.Murray Budden and Corey of London visited Sunday with Mr. Pearl Budden. Mr. & Mrs. Ewart Crago visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Priestop of Mitchell. Mrs. Metcalfe of Scotland has been visiting with her daughter Rev. & Mrs. Dawson and Shawn. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Marshall and Linda attended the christening of Kim Lien daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bill Marshall at Metropolitan United Church, London, on Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Horace Greenstreet spent the past week with Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Greenstreet and family of Brampton. Mrs. George Hall and Mrs. J. McCormick spent the May 24 holiday weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John Hanniman and family at Renfrew. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Loughleen of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mrs. Bertha Bickell. Mrs. Ila Blackler and Mrs. FISHERMAN'S COVE GRAND BEND 63 RIVER ROAD UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CHICKEN & CHIPS FISH & CHIPS SHRIMP & CHIPS etc. TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone:238-2025 Stag for Richard Otte well Sat., May 31 Hensall Arena Admission 51.00 Everyone Welcome Wm. J. Blackler returned home Friday from England. They were accompanied by Dr. Albert Berry of St. Marys. Mrs. Ila Blackler. visited with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. & Mrs. B. Temple. Mrs. Wm. J. Blackler visited with cousins and school friends. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Urquhart visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Donohue of Toronto. Heather Urquhart returned home after spending two days in Toronto. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wm. J. Blackler were Mr. & Mrs. Harold Henry, Jeff and friend; Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Fairbairn, Diane and Bruce. blr. & Mrs. Gary Ballard of Toronto, Mrs. Keith Stephens and family of Anderson were visitors on the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Rea Stephens. At wedding in Toronto By MRS. M. H. ELSTON BIDDULPH Mr. & Mrs. Melville Buswell, Pearl and Jean and Allan Buswell attended the wedding in Toronto on Saturday, May 17, of their niece, Katherine Dunn, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Dunn to Dr. Robert Williams of Australia. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wilson and daughter Suzie of England are holidaying with their uncle and aunt Mr. & Mrs. Melville Buswell, also Allan Buswell. Mr. & Mrs. McLeod Mills and Barry of Whalen also Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mills of Centralia were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Bob Blair on Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Morley of Whalen attended the anniversary service at Centralia United Church on Sunday and were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Skinner following the service. Visitors during the week with Rev. & Mrs. M. H. Elston were Rev. John Hoffman of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan (formerly of Dundalk Parish), Mr. & Mrs. Elliot McRoberts, Exeter, Wm. H. Lambourn, London ac- companied by Mrs. Zadie Lambourn and Mrs. Neva Lambourn, also of London, Mrs. Vera Blackwell of Petrolia, Rev. Frank & Mrs. Trudgion of Dundalk. Forest fires started by light- ning burn over hundreds of thousands of acres annually in Canada. Dance KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., May 31 Music by TRIAD Formerly the "Revised Edition" Air Conditioned No Blue Jeans Please Coming June 14 SKIPPERS Chicken Barbecue WOODHAM UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, June 4 5:00 p.m. Adults $3.00 Children 51.50 HOMEMADE SALADS AND PIES Rain or Shine BROWNIE'S CLINTON - ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPEN ThVEs' 61%01174' 8 P.M. . FIRST SHOW AT DUSK SUNDAY JUNE 1 Love at• ` : n : "PRIVATE ;• ; SCHOOL • GIRLS" • 16' '' THEY w °wr NEVER FLUNKED - AN ORAL EXAM! THURSDAY -FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY JUNE 5-6-7-8 WINNER 7ACADEMY AWARDS •..•m BEST PICTURE • BEST DIRECTOR 011 11 takes is a Idlle Confidence -., PAUL / ROBERT EWMAN REDFORD ROBERT SHRW "THE STING" �:A'V S WARP GEORGE ?C. r,;t t,Ce., &a.MCHAEt ..r JU..A Pt -r 1; ." -i...c.,..•.....si,yt..,..:•,.., ?Gar. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT The ultimate exercise in controlled terror- • ADULT .erqA 1LIGUr ENTERTAINMENT . 8lairfl .1I 4 r'.e„ae. MICHAEL CAINE ., "THE BLACK WINDMILL" • a co. ,. 4' DONALD PLEASENCE NESEYRIG ;# and JANET SUZMAN ,` CLIVE REVILLI +' ' law*, h UV. Ma • 1nw0•Oe l..• t.,.. O.n 1• r•••e 102/0 ica ion h.•wea•,r b..Nx 4 001154111 • l moon P,.e.•, 000/00 lutxl.m WO Yam 1HENRE ICNIECNI 75/76 Subscription Series OUTSTANDING THEATRE, OUTSTANDING VALUE! HOW ABOUT THIS... The 4,0 of its tad .n Canada. this enierta,nment package is designed car music and Theatre lovers. and. for a very low price! Seven Theatre London Main Stage productions and the London Symphony's 'Encore Series' combined for only 525 00. Theatre nights are Mondays or Tuesdays. Symphony night9 are the following week. Wednesday or Thursday You have your choke Of 519 00 Theatre seats and 515 00 Symphony seats. Theatre London subscriber benefits do not apply to this series. We are unable to refund or exchange on this series AND THIS... GIFT CERTIFICATE Worth 83.00 To the Friars Cellar With your subscription you receive a gill certificate worth 53.00 to dine out at the Friars Cellar. 267 Bathurst Street PREVIEW SERIES Students and Senior Citizens only Performances Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday prior to Opening. Seasons tickets to be picked up al Box Office alter September 1, 1975 Proof o1 status required No reserved seals. exchanges or refunds Curtain 8.00 p m Discount for groups. SATURDAY AFTERNOON MATINEE SERIES 0 you re a theatre -goer who lives ouI of town Or who likes to lake advantageol lower prices with full subscribers benefits a Saturday matinee is your answer. Matinee is the first Saturday alter opening. Curtain 200 p m A NEW SEASON AT 1HENRE LC.VQDV DEATH OF A SALESMAN by Arthur Miller Miller's Pulitzer Prize winning play probes the soul 01 a simple man whose magnificent dream of beating society by being a somebody is defeated by the sociely which drains the common man of his energy. then drops him Willy Loman's drama is today of people being strangled by an economic grip HANSEL AND GRETEL by Englebert Hureperdinck An extraordinary event ,o the grand style Theatre London and the London Symphony Orchestra combine to present Humperdinck's awesome and wonderfully magical fantasy A lam ly show filled with wizardry. suspense and music HEDDA GABLER by Henrik Ibsen Ibsen's fascinating dissection of a woman's mind. Soul and spirit A strong woman, exquisite but an rndividuahst whose goal of liberation from patterned female behaviour and socia, restrictions generates the determination that causes her to manipulate. mangle and destroy others and herself FRANKENSTEIN by Alden Nowlan and Waller Leainmg Based on Mary Shelly's classic novel, a sc.entiSI. obsessed with the power 01 manufacturing Ide fails in his attempt al building a creation of beauty What emerges is a hideous monster whose only weakness is a desperate yearning for love a yearning which cannot be fulfilled CHEMIN de FER by Georges Feydeau Totally mad. mad. madcap mix ups dominate this rip•roanous romp Through love. laughter and lunacy when an unsuspecting husband finds his slippery wile with her stuttering loves• The frenzy begins ONE COMEDY. ONE PLAY TO BE ANNOUNCED, SUBSCRIBERS ARE SPECIAL! Here are five good reasons why: •seven plays for the price of live -Iwo free • seat reserved for the entire season • never stand in line •always assured of a seat -even for sell-outs •exchange Iickels al box olfice 24 hours prior to performance NOW 19 PERFORMANCES! 1st Week Thursday. Friday. Saturday Matinee. Saturday Evening 2nd Week Monday through Saturday Low Series Prices From 88.50 to 540.00 *megaae , Welk* plead , Deno Seam . Sense A 8.50 B 8.50 C 8.50 D 8.60 3rd Week Owlets Monday Through 500 pm Saturday 25.00 32.00 20.00 - - 32.00 40.00 26.00 - - 19.00 25.00 18,00 25.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 10.00 - - curWn n ►talk.. OurYln Curtain . 900OrnPIO pis Eta pet aCOprw 111009.' ORDER NOW 1975/76 Subscription Order Form Please reserve IM following subscriptions No. Puce San's Day Section Orch. 0.l for which I enclose Che uerVoney Order (pa 0411 to Theatre London I wish to charge the amount f0 Master Charge ;-1 Charger 0 Charge 1 Issuing Bank Expiry Dell Am* 'can Express C Iain D Renewing ISAME SEATS end SAME N1G117 ONLY) ortem . ij Requesting new seats/new subscriber SEND 1f0: (Acne PRINT) Mr/Mrs/Mrs. Address Apt. City Postal Code Phone Bus Rea. Mad 10' Theatre London Subscription Deportment. 411 Richmond SAW, LONDON. Ontario. NSA 394. Lett Your order *MOO Confirmed within two weeks AR orders are processed on a firs)-COme, first -carred basis. NO 'Muncie alter October 13. 1974. D49erlaleat osa mMy Received Not. Receipt 1 0 Subscriptions for Theatre London can be purchased locally from Mrs. Jean Cann - Telephone No. 235-1238