HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-29, Page 23 (2)• •f 1 } PROVINCIAL HONOURS -- Six girls received provincial honour ceretificates at Saturday's North Middlesex 4-H Achievement Day at Parkhill. Back, Cathy Sercombe, Marlyn McCallum and Debbie Wilcox. Front, Joan Amos, Dianne Hodgins and Shirley Nordemann. T•A photo Televisionspeaks personcility p at Ailsa Craugiversa anniversary Celebrating its 109th an- The 109th anniversary dates niversary last Sunday, the Ailsa back from the first Methodist Craig United Church had as its Church in Ailsa Craig, built in guest speaker, C.F.P.L. news 1866, and the 47th anniversary of director and T.V. personality, the present church structure for Jack Burghardt. Addressing the which the first sod was turned on large congregation, Mr. June 11. 1928. Burghardt spoke on the theme, As it was "Banners in "Our Christian Witness - true or Celebration" Sunday also false?" throughout the Middlesex The Gospel Custodians, a Presbytery, a special banner singing group from Exeter, adorned the south wall in the provided special music during church sanctuary. Mrs. Marshall the service in addition to the Dearing created the unique regular choir which offered the design which was then effected anthem, "On the Jericho Road". by Mrs. Charles Gorrod and Mrs. Guthrie Stokes. The banner will be part of the display at Centennial Hall when the Presbytery Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of church union is held on June 8. Following the service group pictures were taken on the church lawn of the Sunday School, the junior and senior choir, the session, stewards and trustees as well as the charter members for part of a book commemorative of the 50th anniversary year in the United Church. CGIT entertain moms at Centralia banquet By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Chris Beaton was emcee for the program at the CGIT Mother and Daughter banquet in the schoolroom of the United Church on Monday. A toast to the mothers was proposed by Lori Cronyn and responded to by Mrs. Harvey Smith. Wendy Fields proposed a toast to the church and Mrs. Beaton responded. This was followed by the presentation of awards. Pearl Buswell favoured with a piano selection. A skit "Do's and Don'ts of Babysitting," was presented by Karen Dietrich and Pauline Overholt. Donna Wilson was com- mentator for the skit depiting the various styles of middies through the past 60 years of the CGIT program. Music for the skit was supplied by Penny Smith. Other numbers on the program were a choir selection, a vocal duet by Nancy and Mary Lou Tindall and a piano selection by Penny Smith. The theme of the program was "Pattern for Living" and materials required are love, joy, peace, long suffering, faith , gentleness, goodness, meekness and temperance. CGIT leaders are Mrs. John Beaton and Mrs. Alvin Lobb. Shower for bride elect Velda Tripp, bride -elect, was guest of honour at a miscellaneous shower in the schoolroom of the United Church on Friday. Readings were given by Mrs. Ken Greb and Mrs. Earl Dietrich, Mrs. Marion Deline conducted a contest. - Marikay Hodgins read the address and with Ann Beaton assisted Velda in displaying the gifts. Velda's sister Leanne assisted with the presentation of the gifts. Elaine Overholt was in charge of the guest book. Velda ex- pressed appreciation for the lovely and useful gifts. Sunday service Rev. Barry Passmore of Wingham, was the guest minister for the Sunday School Anniversary service in the United Church on Sunday. Assisting with the service were the pastor, Rev. Beaton and the Sunday School superintendent, Ray Mills. During the service past superintendents and assistants, Cecil Skinner, Lloyd Morgan, Kenneth Hodgins and Sam Skinner were each presented with a gift on behalf of the Sunday School. Ray Mills made the presentations and expressed appreciation for their leadership in the Sunday School. Rev. Passmore in his sermon, referred to the story of David and Goliath. The Sunday School choir under the direction of Mrs. Ray Mills sang a processional hymn and two anthems. Nancy Tindall sang a solo. Ushers were Brian Hicks, Gary Skinner, Alan Powe and Don Wilson. Personals Mr. & Mrs. Russell Wilson and family attended the 135th an- niversary services of the Baptist Church in Arkona on Sunday and were visitors with Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs. James Murray. Mrs. Wilson was the soloist for the services. Mr. & Mrs. Urban Pfile of Zurich and Mrs. Hugh Love of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Ken Greb. All were dinner guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Greb and family. Other guests were Mrs. Greb's A tire for every purpose every pocket! GLAVE" ofVALUES THE CONTENDER 4 Ply 04'.14. BIACKWAII Orn,nA, t1 43 • SIZE 600'13 150:13 700113 645 14 695 14 178 141'35 4, 716.14,175141 G78 141815 4, 671 14 1655 14[ 960 1S 600 IS 171 IS ‘1/5 '5, 618 151825 151 1178 15.955 15, 600 16 1abe I,pe STANDARD 81117 o•4 PRICED EACH 15 96 1 7 34 11 29 12 95 18 4] 19 24 20 19 21 33 22 7S 11'hatever you look for... mileage expectancy. speed. car -handling. compatibility with your other tires. etc you're sure to lind the right lire at the right price. right here! And for solid value. we don't believe our prices can he matched anywhere' itj + �J. • - Canadian Tire still makes your Tire Do/lar GO FARTHER! CONTENDER Srinilar tit .,mstru.uon t,• hres oll new .,u. cauPt.•ur ( onlendcr 1.4-04 Pols ester Indeed ••t the 11,11.11 -Pia -s •t.lhlr lihre tor Tess tread -squirm. I„neer tre.nl-111i'tio thong- .1.11*,. 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TURNPIKE 1WharM4 . 4 Ply Polyester 81 43 morel - WHITEWAIF TWO TIRES et mete EACH Ott, d,uoant 1a cash •13 tet •14 20E •15911 •1 7 34 1501 1691 2133 16 39 16 79 22 IS 17 34 1914 73.65 78 90 - 1148 1938 241371 1819 1019 2527 18 16 11 61 26 36 19 90 11 IS 71 45 21 33 14 11 28 31 60,re •14 491 1100 •1090 208317 1990 2175 1895 2160 26 SS 19 90 22 7S 21 40 11 66 I 24 51 30 11 I8 26 Mot 31 1111 32 20•• 04 Ph 71 05,1111409) 714 Ph ',Sly'',er.N W 1,, We. 7.1 29 81 H 2+2 POLYFLEX-A BELTED NYLON 20,000-Mde T'eedwearRated' Two bell plies of strong Polyester plus 2 body -plies of stronger-than•eser Du . font 66 Nylon for coir, safety ISee Nevada Test results 1n our siores1 Retains the cushion -ride of bias -ply tires, hut has many of the adsandages .•f Poly ester Glass -Belted types Improsed mileage. braking and on - track steenng. K 2+2+2 MULTI CORD IKevler0ehed) 37.000 Mile TresdweerRared7 Hest h,.,. -belted tire made. and 'nix at L anadian 1 ire' Two hods plies of Du Pont 66 Nylon for extra safety. 2 buds plies of non flat -sporting Polyester for •mo otbness, plus 2 helts of Keylar. Du Pont's amazing new tire -cord for maximum strength. long mile - .age actually 5 times stronger Than .reel -S super tire' SAVE ea 2 + 2 MU(TI-00R0 33.000-Mila Treadweer Retedl 5 simplified construction retaining most performance features cat 2+ 2+2. hut considerably. lower- priced. Instead of Polyester. 1 giant Nylon plies are used with 2 belts of the fabulous Kexlar (I)u Pond's 1-1hre 1(1 Alt TIRES SHOWN (except Slender/I ARf 5 YEAR ROAD HAZARD INSURED 3 Service Bays and 3 Technicians Ready To Serve You Times -Advocate, May 29, 1975 «•• A BAKING DISPLAY — The theme of Saturday's North Middlesex 4-H Achievement Day was "Let's Bake Bread". With the Riverview #2 display are leaders Janet Heaman and Fran Chamberlain and members Kim Fraser, Sandra Heaman and Marilyn Luther. T -A photo parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Ritchie of Parkhill. Is Mr. & Mrs. Allan Needham of Ilderton were Thursday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs. Fred Penwarden of Sarnia and Mrs. Elmer Wilson of Exeter were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Huntable. Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson accompanied Mr. & Mrs. Campbell Thompson of Listowel to Kirkland Lake where they attended the McGibbon - Gorman wedding on Saturday. The groom is a nephew of Mr. Thompson. Mrs. V. Overholt accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Glen Overholt of Zurich attended the Overholt- McCarquadale wedding at the St. Marys Roman Catholic Church on Saturday. This week's schedule 11AcGilliuruy - Parkhill - Williams minor softball Juvenile Girls MAY 29 Lieury at Parkhill JUNE 2 Crediton at W. Williams 3 Lieury at Crediton 4 W Williams at Mt. Carmel 5 Mt. Carmel at Parkhill Bantam Girls MAY 29 Lucan at W. Williams JUNE 3 W Williams at Mt. Carmel 6 Parkhill at Lucan Bantam Boys JUNE 4 Lieury at W Williams 6 Lucan at Corbett Pee Wee Boys MAY 26 Lucan at Ailsa Craig 27 Corbett at W. Williams 28 Clandeboye at Parkhill JUNE :3 W Williams at Lucan Ailsa Craig at Corbett 4 Lieury at Clandeboye Lucan at Parkhill Squirt Boys MAY 30 Brinsley at Parkhill JUNE 2 Ailsa Craig at Mt. Carmel W Williams at Corbett 3 Corbett at Grand Bend 5 Parkhill at Lieury 6 W. Williams at Brinsley Ailsa Craig at Parkhill By GORDON MORLEY Jane and Dianne Corbett of Guelph and Marianne Connolly of Cambridge visited with Mr. & Mrs. Charles Corbett and David Sunday afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Lewis dined Wednesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Morley. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Corbett and David attended a "Fly -In Break- fast" at Stratford airport Sunday morning. Mr. & Mrs. George Prest, Cindy and Bill were to a barbecue Sunday as guests oft Mr. & Mrs. Bill Fenton and family. Nile Foster spent the weekend at her home near Greenway. Ross McLeod spent Saturday night with Bill Prest. Mrs. Harold Guilfoyle held a quilting at her home last Wed- nesday. Mrs. Jack Trevithick spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Johnson and Bill in Parkhill. Mrs. Violet Allison and Kathleen Morley visited with patients in the Craigholme Sunday afternoon. Sitofr ccale7-1Iad4 c!, 1 PC!? in the area Invite you to join them for Worship. Fellowship and Services Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish REV J MOONEY. PASTOR Phone 237-3593 MASS Saturday -7:30 p.m. St.Peter's Church - Hwy. 4 Sunday -9:00 a.m. Precious Blood Mission (at Anglican Church. Exeter) Main at Gidley Sunday -11:00 a.m. Mt. Carmel Church Courtesy Car: Phone 235-0111 Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister. REV BRUCE GUY. B A Organist: Miss Idella Gabel. ARC T Sunday, June 1 9:45 a.m.—Morning Service. 10:50 a.m.—Sunday School Everyone Welcome Zion • Lutheran Church Dashwood Vacancy Pastor REV MARVIN BARZ Sunday. June 1 9 00 a.m.—Divine Service 10.15 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter REV HENRY VAN ESSEN. 8 A . B 0 Minister Sunday June 1 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:10 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Worship in the Dutch language Christian Reformed Church REV. JACK ROEDA Minister Sunday. June 1 10:00 a.m.—Morning Service 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Service The Back t0 God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dial 1570 Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundamental — Evangelical Sunday, June 1, 1975 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. A class for every age. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Service Sermon topic: "Sin of In- tolerance". Mr. Lloyd Morgan. guest speaker. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship with Mr. Lloyd Morgan, guest speaker. Sermon: "Is there a Stone In Your Pathway" Nursery facilities at all Sunday Ser- vices for children four years and under. Mon. 7:00 p.m.—The "Happy Hour" for girls and boys 8-11 years Wed. 8:00—Prayer and Bible Study. Mrs. E. A. Keyes. Organist - Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets PASTOR: REV. K.HAHN Sunday, June 1 8:30 a.m.—Morning Worship 8 Exeter United Church James at Andrew Ministers: REV GLEN D. WRIGHT. B A .B 0 and REV HAROLD SNELL. B A .B D - Organist and Choirmaster: Mr Robert Cameron Music Director: Mrs. Roland McCaffrey Sunday. June 1 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Nursery Courtesy Car - 235-0211 June 8. 11:00 a.m. Worship in the park. Guest music — 40 voice Mennonite choir from Leamington June 10. 8'00 p.m —Presbytery - wide 50th Anniversary Worship in Exeter United Church with mass choir in attendance. Speaker. Rev. Alex Farquhar of First St. Andrew's United Church. London. Zion United Church Crediton Sunday. June 1 10:00 a.m —Morning Worship 11:15 a.m —Sunday School Classes for all ages All are welcome The Anglican Church of Canada Trivitt Memorial Rector REV G A ANDERSON D F C.. Dip Th - The Second Sunday after Trinity June 1st. 1975 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 11.15 a.m.—Morning Prayer Everyone Welcome Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle Main at Victoria REV BRYAN COLBOURNE Sunday. June 1 We invite you to join uS for the following services 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Tues. -8 p.m.—Young Peoples and Bible Study Wed. -7:00 p.m. Crusaders for boys and girls. 7 to 14 Watch Circle Square Saturdays Channel 13 — 10:00 a.m. Channel 10 — 10:30 a.m. A warm welcome awaits you. Caven Presbyterian Church Minister REV.WILFRED 0 JARVIS. B.A., 8.0. Organist: Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, June 1 10:15 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School Classes meet to Finish Banners. Everyone Welcome Centralia Faith Tabernacle West of Hwy. 4, Huron Park Rd just past railway tracks Pastor REV FRANK EVANS Sunday, June 1 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Classes for every age 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Full Gospel Service Thursday. 8 p.m — Midweek Bible Study Everyone Welcome