HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-29, Page 18 (2)Page 6A Times -Advocate, May 29, 1975 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles CHILD'S 2 wheel bicycle with train- ing wheels, age 2-6. Phone 237- 3323. 22' 1973 HONDA, Mini trail, 50 c.c., good operating condition, best offer. Phone 238-2996. 22c ONE HONDA. 50 c.c.. S250 and one Honda 70 c.c.. S350. both in excellent condition. Phone 238-2136. 22c 1974 HONDAKA trail bike. 125 c.c., 600 miles. Phone 262-2275. 22:23c 650 BONNERVILLE Triumph, 1971, excellent condition, loaded with ex- tras. new battery and chain. '75 plates, 2 Bell helmets included, 235-0685. 22c YAMAHA RD 350. helmet, luggage rack, disk brakes, 8,000 miles. ex- cellent condition. Must sell. best offer will take it. Phone 227-4693 22 23e 11 Cars, Trucks 1967 MUSTANG convertible. best offer. Phone 237-3250. 22c 1968 METEOR. Phone 227-4117 22c 1968 FAIRLANE Fastback. excellent condition. best offer. Phone 237- 3250. • 22c 1974 D.ATSL'N_B210. excellent condi- tion. 18,000 miles. S2.300.00 Phone 227-4582. 22c 1968 DODGE Charger, 383. automatic, power steering. bucket seats, good radio. new tires. Contact 237-3459. 20t 1969 ENVOY Epic Phone 229- 8783. 21.22c 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTER. 340. 4 speed. sell as is. hest offer. Phone 666- 0478 or 227-4582. 22c 1968 VOLKSWAGEN Stationwagon. good condition. Phone 234- 6318. 22:23:24' 1969 VALIFNT, 4 door sedan. slant 6 engine. very good condition. SI.000 certified or S950 as is. Phone 262- 5729. 22c 12 Pets TO GIS I V. 1.Y. short haired Pointer to good farm horse Phone 237-3579, 22c BLACK MALE POODLE. with markings. Phone 235-2696 22:23c 12 Pets THREE. POODLES, unregistered, I black male; 2 black females, with white markings. Phone 238- 2735. 22:23' 13 Musical Instruments ONE SET OF DRUMS. good condi- tion, SI50 firm. Phone 228-6889 after 5 .m. 22c 14 Appliances, Television G1. 1.1 1 (1 RIC RANGE, 6 years old. Phone 235-0444. 22' 15 Personal WE INVITE engaged couples to Sisrt the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge. no obligation. 4-52t IF YOU want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's our business. Phone AA 235-0953, 228- 6470. 237-3438. 4t 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales. service. rentals. supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters. 92 Main St. 235-1840. 21/4t ALUMINUM siding. windows. doors. awnings. Free estimates. Ex- pert installations. Thos. H. Walker. 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0712. 6:25/4t STUDENTS RENT OR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AT T -A Try our attractive rental -ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 38/4t USED STEEL beams and pipe. Hamiltons Machine Shop. Phone 235-1655. pro- FURTNEY SUE EDGINTON Sales Manager Philip Furtney Real Estate Limited 176 Victoria St. West Exeter, Ontario Bus. 235-2040 235- 2040 $ 1,500 Grant to First Home Buyers CaII Today for Further Information EXETER A LITTLE BEAUTY cozy 2 bedroom cottage, modern kitchen with dishwasher. Bright livingroom, broodloomed, laundry rocm, new covered potio, no major repairs. Set on small lot on paved street. 523,100.00. Contact Sue Edginton 235- 0930 271/E/75 NEW AND BEAUTIFUL lovely new 3 bedroom back to front bungalow. Large kitchen dinette, bright livingroom, all colour schemes chosen by interior decorator. Built in dishwasher. Asking 534,500. CaII Sue Edginton 235-2040 SPLIT LEVEL Cont beat the price on this completely finished 3 or 4 bedroom split. Large kitchen with built in dishwasher, L shaped living diningroom, completely corpeted and finished rec room. Don't delay at a price of 542,500. Call Sue Edgin- ton 235-2040. OLDER BEAUTY. Don't miss this 3 bedroom, 2 storey brick home set on a large corner lot. Kitchen is extra large with built in oven and counter top range, large family diningroom, large bright livingroom with open staircase. All new shag carpet upstairs, bath and '2 , garage, sunporch. Good large basement. Call Sue Edginton 235-0930 LUCAN LUCAN HOME ON 1/2 ACRE Newer 4 bedroom brick ranch, 10 finished rooms clone in choice decor, large family rec room with fireplace and borbeque, completely corpeted,..double car garage, large inground swimming pool and set on half acre lot. 200 foot drilled well with income of 5300.00 per year. This won't lost long so hurry! Asking 552,900.00 Call Sue Edginton 235-2040 266/E/75. PRICED RITE Owner moving, 2 bedroom frame home on pav- ed street, aluminum storms and screens, Targe livingroom, sunporch, frig and stove to remain, taxes 5228.78. Asking 519,500. Call Doreen McRobert Granton 225-2853 3061E'75. NEW "OLD KENTUCKY STYLE" This is a home done in choice decor, featuring 4 bedrooms, large colonial kitchen and dining room, beautiful Jorge livingroom with open en-• trance. Finished rec room with fireplace, bath and a half, garage and many other extras. Large treed lot. Present mortgage 9%. Hurry' Call Sue Edginton 235-2040 366/E/75. CREDITON RITE PRICE It's o beauty, storey and '/ frame home, 3 bedrooms, large bright livingroom, sharp modern kitchen, cozy and smart. Sunporch, both and Y7, and set on Targe lot. Don't miss this. Call Sue Edginton 235-2040 294/E/75. GRANTON BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Be -,t the unemployment situation, groceries are always in Q .'id. Country general store, Olocated only 15 minute �i London in busy little village. • Store has 4 bedroom.C) ,r remodeled home combined.Will pay for itself in short time. Contact Doreen McRobert Gran- ton 225-2853 8/E/75 HANDYMAN SPECIAL We have a three bedroom two storey home set on a large corner lot. Don't delay, come see it to- day. Price is right. Call Doreen McRobert, Granton 225- 2853 203/E/75 LONDON TOWNSHIP 2 ACRE TREED LOT 3 Bedroom 2 storey brick home, sur- rounded by mature trees. 2 large sheds 25x45. All this on 2 acres just 10 miles north of London. CaII Doreen McRobert Granton 225-2853 348/E/75 LARGE LOT 100x254. CaII Doreen McRobert Granton 225-2853. 66/E/75 GRAND BEND DON'T MISS THIS 3 bedroom cottage on treed lot 2 blocks from lake. Large living room, dining area, kitchen, den, full bathroom. Fieldstone fireplace and new wall to wall carpeting in living room. Finished in natural Knotty Pine. New hydro service and winterized for year around living. Partially furnished. Priced to sell. Call Ellen Knight 235-2905 or 235-2040 office. For Any of Your Real Estate Needs Contact: OFFICE 235-2040 16 For Sale HESS JEWELLERY lunch, has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamond Wedding rings. watches, charms, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches. sold by jewellers only, arc SI 1.95 and up. Family rings, watch & clock repairing. work guaranteed. 52/4t NEW bench drill presses and anvils. pig trough. assorted work benches. Laverne Hamilton. phone 236-1655. after 6, 235-2598. 46/4t ORDER NOL Goslings, Ducklings, and Baby Chicks (heavy breed) NOW from Edelweiss Acres Farms RR 1, Dashwood. Ont Phone 237-3382 9-25c SWIM! LING POOL SACRIFICE: Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools left over from 1974 season, ': price. Guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect (5191681- 3805 dans or evenings. 10t WANTED - Canada's leading Manufacturer and Distributor is seek- ing a choice residential site to display their new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime location -we will consider- An excellent opportunity for you the home owner. Call collect 681-3800 days or evenings. Ilt FOR POTATOES - Phone Tony Martens, 234-6488 17t Apples - Apples Another truck load of real firm apples just arrived. Spys, .1acs and Delicious. Bring your containers. VERNON SCHATZ GENERAL MERCHANT Dashwood. Ont. Phone 237-3531 18t RESIDENT HOME SITES WANTED - We believe that it is good business to sacrifice on some homes in an area to gain the pre season volume we require. Therefore the homes selected will have a pool in- stalled at a fantastic price considera- tiondFor more information call collect Mr. Holmes, 1-416-495-6690. 19t DAY OLD. started and ready to lay. H &' N Leghorn and brown egg pullets. various dates and ages available: also heavy meat type rooster • cockerels. McKinley Farms and Hatchery Ltd.. RR 1. Zurich. Phone 262-2837_ 20:21:22:23c SWIMMING POOL repossessed. ex- cellent condition. Leading manufac- turer willing to sacrifice at half price_ Callcollect (4161 536-9278. 20t MANUFACTURER representative would like attractive site for display of new above ground pool. Call collect (4161 536-9278. 20t 15' HOMEMADE travel trailer. 110- 12 volt hook up propane stove, large ice box. clean condition. reasonably priced. Phone 262-2422. 21 : 22c JOHN DEERE 55 Riding lawn mower. good shape. Phone 262- 6802 21:22c Sides of Beef BUY DIRECT FROM THE FARMER Come See Our Cattle Canada Grade A Government Inspected Grain Fed Beef Cut. packaged and frozen by Darling's or Sterner Meats ready for your freezer Money hack guarantee 79olh BERT VISSCHER 237-3442 22c SOFT TOP "RIDE -LITE" 69. green camper. Sleeps 6. with table and storage space. Phone 262-5789. 22:23c ELECTRIC LIFT - complete with motor. controls. winch. cable. tracks etc. Reason for selling. hank erosion Phone daytime 235-0660 and evenings 238-2863. 22c MAcFAR LAN E REAL ESTATE BROKER 11S 0341 $) MAIN SIMMEI Wishes to announce the appointment of ROBERT N. McKINLEY as o new SALES REPRESENTATIVE Robert has successfully completed the Real Estote course and is now reody to help friends, old and new, with any of their REAL ESTATE needs. CALL TODAY Office 235-0541 Residence 236-4830 Main St. ZURICH 16 For Sale RIDING HORSE, must sell, best offer Phone 293-3162 after 6 p.m. 22:23x RHUBARB - Wesley Hackney, north end of Exeter. Hay Post Office. 22:23' OLSEN forced air gas furnace 125.000 B.T.0 , 2 years old. 5150. Phone 235- 1615 22' TWO SNOW TIRES 700%14 mounted on wheels; I. GE electric floor polisher: 1. linoleum roller. 1. Cedar picnic table; 1, folding camper's table with arborite top; 1. camper cabinet wish sink. pump and water tank; 2 bedside cabinets. on sale flay 30-31, 20 Victoria St., Exeter 22c NEW IDEA Trail mower, 7 foot cut. model 251. Andy Bierling. 22' USED refrigerator, S50. Phone 234- 6401. 22c CHROME- TABLE with 6 matching chairs. Phone 235-1677 after 6 p.m. SEVERAL. used flower planters, prices reasonable W. Morley, 235- 1853. 22c 16 For Sale COI 1AGE NEEDS - GE 24" 4 burner electric stove; metal floor lamps. 2 chests of drawers; I pine studio couch; 2 oil space heaters;100 gallon oil tank. Call 238-2484, Grand Bend 22c MATERNITY WEAR al the SEPARATE SHOPPE Open 2-6 - Closed Wednesdays MAIN CORNER CLINTON 22:24:26:28c PURI\ A chows, health products, pet foods. hulk and bag deliveries. Bev Morgan & Sons. RR 1 Hensall. Phone 235- I487 22:24:26:28c 18 Cl BIC FOOT deep freeze; car root top carrier, aluminum. for a com- pact car Can he seen at 128 Huron St. East 22c McFAR LAN E REAL ESTATE BROKER EXETER LIMITED 235-0541 53 MAIN STREET A GOOD MOVE STARTS HERE! EXETER BIG BRICK - you must see this two storey brick close to down town, with three large bedrooms, livingroom, diningroom, spacious kitchen, and den. Carpeting in hall and on stairs. Extra large lot. RED BRICK - 1 1 storey home close to schools. This char- ming home has three good sized bedrooms, living room, din- ing room, two boths, utility rodm, glossed in front porch. RECREATIONAL PROPERTY or IDEAL BUILDING SITE within 2 miles of town, 75 ACRES OF NATURE LAND that in- cludes 50 acres reforested pine and cedar, 25 acres of bush with stream running through it. LUCAN BUILDING LOT - 70x 102 located on quiet street, close to business section. BUILDING LOT - large treed lot close to down town. PROPERTY IN AREA DASHWOOD - priced to sell, 1 ?,2 storey, 2 bedroom brick on 2 ACRES of property, Iivingroorn, kitchen, 3 piece bath, plus a barn. PARKHILL - three bedroom red brick home on well treed spacious lot, large livingroom, with broadloom, modern kitchen with dining area, 2 baths, fireplace. ILDERTON - three bedroom cottage with good sized livingroom, modern kitchen with new cupboards, bath, utility room, new furnace, new wiring and new plumbing, large barn, double garage. Close to business section. PORT FRANKS - building lot located near the four corners, well treed 100x300, 56,000. 15 MINUTE DRIVE FROM LONDON - three large building lots situated in quiet orea Close to spring fed stream. FARMS USBORNE TOWNSHIP - 100 ACRES - with 2 barns, drive shed, pig born, corn crib, silos, good two storey three bedroom brick house. USBORNE TOWNSHIP - 50 ACRES bore land, spring fed stream. THORNDALE LONDON AREA - near the airport you will find 93 acres of property, with 5 bedrooms, 1'h storey home with livingroom, dining room, kitchen, 3. piece_ bath, barn 35x75, drive shed. VENDOR WILL HOLD 1ST MORTGAGE. LOBO TOWNSHIP 50 acres, all workable, level, mile off pav- ed road. LUCAN - in Biddulph township is 50 ocres recently plough- ed and ready to go. There is a three bedroom 1 Ili storey brick home with livingroom, kitchen, 4 piece modern bath, closed -in sun porch, born and a shed. COTTAGES BAYFIELD AREA - three bedroom cottage .with electric heat, combined livingroom and dining area, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath. Hos LAKE VIEW and is on WELL TREED lot. PORT FRANKS - on ONE HALF ACRE lot, winterized three bedroom cottage with American styled kitchen, sharp both, shag rugs, oil heat. BAYVIEW - ST. JOSEPH -- three bedroom cottage in good condition, hos combination livingroom and kitchen, 3 piece both on lot 80xl 1O REALISTICALLY PRICED and includes most of the furniture. BAYFIELD - three bedroom all electric heated cottage with spacious livingroom, large modern kitchen, 3 piece bath. This place is only 9 years old and the PRICE IS RIGHT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HENSALL - a restaurant that seats approximately 40, busy down town location, equipment included, building is two storey with livingroom, three bedrooms, and two baths in good condition. THIS IDEAL OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU. PORT FRANKS - a restaurant, gorge operation on Lake Rood with 6'/2 acres of property. Equipment included in price. STRATFORD AREA - a general store with three bedroom attached living quarters. Has retail gas outlet and govern- ment contract. HENSALL - business and stock from ladies and children's ready to wear store.This iso real opportunity to take over an existing profitable business. AND ENDS HERE! EXETER OFFICE 235-0541 "DEAL WITH EXPERIENCE AND INTEGRITY - CALL US TODAY" LONDON OFFICE 434-8824 LUCAN OFFICE 227-4071 CARL WALKER 565-5393 235-0541 GERALD HAMILTON 235-2216 235-0541 MERT CULBERT 227-4766 227-4071 16 For Sale GURNEY 4 burner gas stove; Maytag electric dryer; Viking square tub wringer washing machine with pump. like new. Phone 229.6114 after 6:00 p.m. 22c SPRAYMOTOR, 3 pt. hitch, mounted, 50 gal. tank. Phone Howard Kerslake, 235-1606. 22' TENT TRAILER with add -a -room, sleeps 5, wired for electricity. Phone 235-2407. 22:23c 17 Wanted To Buy NEW CROP hay, preferably by the acre, Eric Finkbeiner, RR 1, Crediton Phone 234-6251. 22:23:24c FURNITURE. antiques, appliances or miscellaneous items. By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction. Con- signments welcome. Knapp's Auction Centre, Seaforth. Phone 527-1336. 4/4t 18 Wanted IMMEDIATE PAYMENT FOR GOOD STANQING Timber and Bushes OF ALL. KINDS Write ROBERT EAGLESON Ailsa Craig or Phone 232-4450 before 8 a.m. or between 4-6 p.m. 22:23c ROOM AND BOARD in Exeter for summer months. Contact Joe O'Rourke, after 6 p.m. 237-3258. 22c TWO OUTHOUSES for Usborne Minor ball diamond. Phone 235- 0907. 22' 19 Property For Sale BUILDING LOTS in Clinton, fully serviced. including pavement and sanitary sewers. Phone 666-043'5 or 672-1231 London. 19:20:21:22c JOHN BURKE LTD. BROKER Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages 1 rust Certificates Delon Building Phone 235-1863 OFFICE FOR RENT EXETER - Devon Building: second floor; one office available. CONTACT US TODAY! 22c HUGH A. EVANS M.L.S. Realtor 5 Ontario St. N. (Hwy. 211 GRAND BEND ZURICH .1v: storey Krick home with large living room. dining room. modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, den or fourth bedroom, full basement with laundry' room and shower. Asking S27,900. TURNBULL'S GROVE Double wide trailer home in im- maculate condition with carport. 3 bedrooms, 5-pce. bath, living and din- ing room. All broadloomed, com- pletely furnished, all appliances in- cluding deep freeze. washer and dryer. plus two TV's. Call 238-2822, Mae Morenz 21t A BEAUTY - A three bedroom elevated ranch home in Exeter. Large living. dining, kitchen with dish- washer. Huge recreation room. Two paths, garage, two car drive and sun deck on large landscaped lot. TWO EXECUTIVE HOMES in arca - Terrific four bedroom. recreation room. den. living. dining rooms. three -baths,- two--car-garage at beautiful - locations. 570,000-585,000. COTTAGES - On one acre of land. lake frontage. three bedrooms. broadloom and furnished with swim- ming pool. LAKE FRONT LOTS at St. Joseph, real buys. no erosion. Also second row lots as low as 54.500. Call today to 236-4028 GE:RRIE GINGERICH ar FUNICE HEALI•.Y M. Sirotic Real Estate _22c BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Dow Subdivision • Serviced with sanitary sewer, water and roads • Building permits available immediately * BUILDING COSTS ARE DOWN! * MORTGAGE RATES ARE DOWN * LABOR FORCE IS AVAILABLE! Phone Gib Dow EXETER 235-0707 n G. K. Realty and Insurance Inc. REALTOR Exeter - Grand Bend EXETER - Vinyl clad 11/2 storey home, new roof, 3 bedrooms, 1 '2 both, kitchen, breakfast nook, dining room, living room. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS. EXETER - BRICK DUPLEX - set on large lot, on quiet stre. Each unit has 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitcher, and full bath, with broadloom and tile throughout. Priced right, with good terms. -' EXETER - BRICK DUPLEX - located right on Main Street. Each unit over 1,000 sq. ft. Excellent Condition! Prepaid sewers, each 2 bedrooms, 4 -piece bath, electric heat. Ex- cellent building! Close to schools and shopping! EXETER - Gracious 2 storey older brick home, only 1 block from Main St. Has 8 rooms, 2 baths and garage. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. EXETER - NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT. Your plan or builder's plan. See us now. Spring has sprung. Two SOLD already. DON'T DELAY! EXETER - LARGE NEW HOME on Churchill Drive. 4 bedrooms, den, recreation room, 1 4 -piece bath, 1 3 -piece bath, carpeting throughout, double garage, large lot. Immediate possession. EXETER - large ranch style 3 bedroom home, located behind BP service station on highway 83 east, zoned as .residential now or industrial. Set on 100' x 200' lot. EXETER - set on 1/2 acre lot at edge of town, completely remodelled older 3 bed•oom brick home has 2 baths, full basement and 2 car garage. EXETER -INDUSTRIAL BUILDING & STORAGE BUILDING - set on large lot. In excellent condition. Ready to move in. Ideal for small or medium operation. EXETER - Industrial lot on main highway. EXETER - INDUSTRIAL LOTS - 2 Industrial lots on Main Highway. Excellent exposure for small industry. Priced right. EXETER - COMMERCIAL BUILDING - with 3 stores and 7 apartments. Showing excellent return! On Main Street. EXETER - 5 acre industrial property located on muin highway. EXETER - MOBILE HOME, olmost new 12' x 68' located in Norwood Village. Watch for ._.our sign. .IMMEAIAIE POSSESSION! EXETER - ACREAGE (Approx. 6 acres) with large two storey brick home, presently duplexed. Has large barn and driveshed. Close to Exeter. Immediate possession. EXETER - 2 new homes, Exeter north in new subdivision. Immediate possession. EXETER - 2 bedroom brick bungalow, close to schools and short walk to up town! Excellent condition. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. CREDITON - general store, doing good volume withliving quarters and rental units. Look at this for a good living. GRAND BEND - Southcott Pines. 4 bedroom, electrically heoted home. Set on lot 120 feet x 140 feet. Early possession. Priced below 550,000. GRAND BEND - Southcott Pines, 1 lot 100 feet x 150 feet. GRAND BEND Large 3 bedroom home, situated south of Grand Bend on Highway No. 21 on 1 ACRE LOT. This proper- ty also has 4 rental units showing good return. Surrounded by many mature trees. GRAND BEND - Commercial property set on !erge lot. Good condition. located next to post office. BAYFIELD - Lakefront! Excellent 2 bedroom, modern cot- tage, includes 2 extra lakefront' lots, 2 patios, new shag carpeting, new kitchen cupboards, 3 piece bath, electric heating, metal tool shed and Franklin fireplace. Located just north of Bluewater Golf course. Immediate possession. Priced Right! FOR ACTION ON FULL REAL ESTATE SERVICES CALL GEORGE RETHER NOW! George Rether - Res. 235-1377 Exeter Office 235-2420 351 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario Grand Bend Office 238-8484 Intersection of No. 21 and No. 81 Hwys. M. 3. Geiser J. A. Kneale