HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-29, Page 14 (2)Po e 2A Times -Advocate, May 29, 1975 jl r 4 GUILD QUILT DRAW — Phyllis Wilkens, president, and Ella Martin, secretary of the Huron Country Playhouse ladies' Guild admire a quilt made by Audrey McKinley, right. The quilt was presented to the Guild by Mrs. McKinley at the spring tea held Saturday at the Oakwood Inn in Grand Bend. T -A photo Seniors enjoy Elmira tour, Playhouse build held tea The Catholic Women's League held their monthly meeting, Tuesday at the Alhambra Hall. The new president, Mrs. Tom Vlemmix presided. Mrs. Vlemmix and first vice-president Mrs. Carol Rood attended the diocesan convention in Windsor last week. It was announced that the Provincial Convention will be held July 8, 9 and 10 at the Holiday Inn, London. The CWL have formed groups to keep flowers on the altar. The ladies were reminded that the bake sale dates are July 20 and August 17, and that their fees are due. The closing meeting of the pineridge ZOO t +i 2 MILES SOUTH OF GRAND BEND Open Daily 10 a . to Dusk • COUGARS • BOB CATS • BEAR • LIONS • DEER • MUCH MORD season will be June 16, in the form of a pot luck supper. Seniors tour Elmira Thirty-nine senior citizens travelled by chartered bus, Tuesday, to Elmira. Their first stop was the Men- nonite church where they were shown slides of the Elmira far- ming district. After dinner at the church, they were taken on a tour of Elmira and surrounding country. There were articles, made in other countries, such as macrame, woven baskets, spoons, leather goods and needlework for sale, as well as home made bread made by the Mennonite ladies. Shopping was done in an old fashioned, grocery store, where they could buy stick candy and many other old time articles. Attend Welland wedding Mr. & Mrs. Art Finkbeiner attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Janet Lea Sanders, daughter of Dr. & Mrs. C. Borden Sanders. to Gavin Stewart, son of Dr. & Mrs. E. Stewart, all of Welland, Friday. The wedding was held at Central United Church, Welland, with the reception and dinner at Rose Villa Inn. Relatives attended from Isle of Man Scotland and British Columbia. The young couple are spending a two month honeymoon in Scotland. Personals Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer and Mr. & Mrs. Mike Erikson. at- tended a miscellaneous shower. Saturday. in Welland. at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Garson Brady, for their niece and cousin Donna Leadly. The Sweitzers and Erikson's spent the weekend at Contents of Hardware Store - Gone Out of Business 1/2 PRICE * Large Quantity of Paints * Farm & Garden Tools * Nuts & Bolts * Odds 'n Ends For Sale On location At Shirley's Canadian Crafts GRAND BEND Saturdays & Sundays Only the home of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Leadly. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lee visited a few days last week with Mr. Lee's sister. Mrs. Archie Chivers in Grimsby and with relatives in Brantford. Jim Kennedy has accepted a summer job at Thunder Bay with the Ministry of Natural Resources. Rev. Harold Dobson has ac-. cepted a call to Nile Pastoral charge at Dungannon. Mrs. Margaret Maven of Guelph visited last week with Buelah Holt. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Peariso, of Calgary. Alberta. visited last week with his parents Mr. & Mrs. Mel Peariso. Plan playhouse guild activities A Membership Tea of the Huron Country Playhouse Guild, was held Saturday at the Oak- wood Inn. A brief meeting was chaired by president Phyl Wilkins. Plans were made for future activates, which included the pre- season dance on June 21, and the boutique which the guild operates during the theatre season in the "Arts" area of the barn. Arrangements were also made for the usual flower planting on the Playhouse grounds. Appearing this week .. . "Lesperance Trio" DANCING IN THE MARLIN ROOM Wednesday !s Amateur Night VISIT "CHARLIE'S PLACE" DOWNSTAIRS AT THE RED GABLES ENJOY OUR LICENCED OUTDOOR PATIO 1 RED GABLES HOTEL Downtown, Grand Bend Grand Bend reeve challenges colleagues Reeve Robert Sharen of Grand Bend has thrown out a challenge to area mayors and reeves to take part in a "pre -Olympic physique contest." Mayor Bruce Shaw of Exeter Reeve Jack Tinney of Ha Township and Reeve Ceci Desjardine of Stephen Township have each been sent challenges to appear on Grand Bend's beach at tour o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday, June 14, the second day of the Grand Bend Buffaloburger 'est. In Reeve Sharen's challenge, he states: "The contest will be a Chamber finalize Fest An executive meeting of the Grand Bend Chamber of Com- merce was held Tuesday night. Final details of the Buffaloburger Fest plans were approved. Additional buffalo meat will be available for the event if necessary, insuring that buf- faloburgers will be available for all to enjoy. Discussion on the possibility of an outdoor ice rink resulted in a committee headed by Don South- cott appointed to investigate. President George Kadlecik stressed that the work was to be exploratory only and the Chamber would consult with the recreation committee and other groups to avoid possible conflict. Reports of committees in- cluded Don Flear's report that additional space was available for the flea market Buffaloburger Fest weekend. Motorcycle accidents result in injuries Pinery Park OPP investigated Stables. Both were treated at a total of 90 occurrences from Exeter Hospital and released. May 18 to May 24. No injuries resulted on Sunday, Twenty-two charges were laid May 18 when vehicles driven by under the Liquor Control Act and Michael Logan of Paddock Green 16 under The Highway Traffic Crescent, London and Diane Act. Two persons were charged Meekison of Hinschs Street, New under The Narcotics Control Act. Hamburg collided in Pinery Provincial Park. Damage Provincial Parks Act charges totalled about $400. were laid against 17 persons. On Saturday May 24, $2,000 Seven thefts were reported damage resulted when a car during the week involving goods driven by Peter Sergautis of valued at $468.00. Dufferin Avenue, London, left COAL TO NEWCASTLE — The village of Grand Bend arranged to have several Toads of fine sand dumped On Sunday, May 18, Gary Highway 21 in Northville and on the beach lost week. Above, the sand is spread by bulldozer and later it was raked and levelled. The Brown of Commissioners Road, rolled into the east ditch. sand should improve the already excellent beach at Grand Bend. T -A photo London, received serious injuries JIIIIIIl111111111IlIIIIIIlII1IIIlIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIII111111111tiiiiiii111111IIIIII11111111111111111111111n111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIiiiiii111tIIIl1IIIIIII111111111111111111111111I1111II111111111111111I1111I111111111111111111111111= when the motorcycle he was =_ _ driving left Walker Road near =_ BUFFALOBURGER . =_ Ei Grand Bend and ended up in a field. Brown was admitted to e ,_ University Hospital in London. E - On Monday, a second motor- 3 cycle mishap resulted in minor injuries to Mark Strong of RR 3 a Woodslee and his passenger Louise Fellier of RR 1 Ruscomb. 74 way 21 near Doolittle Riding E = FEST a The accident occurred on High - X6 11)e Playhouse namesEl Huge 9 /, „�, tent _ N‘st - ' � -� on the { Kms' �� simple one. In a modest way, we will parade in front of the audience and let them judge, by way of applause,whichof us is in the best physical condition." Interviewed regarding the rather bizarre contest, Reeve Sharen said he thought municipal officials should be setting the example for physical fitness. "Quite frankly; I am disgusted with the obesity, anemia and generally poor physical condition of my colleagues in municipal government," said Reeve Sharen. "I think we set a tragic example for the people we ser- ve." Suitable clothing and robes will be provided for the participants prior to their parading down Main Street at approximately four o'clock. The contest is part of The Buffaloburger Fest celebrations being celebrated Friday and Saturday June 13 and 14, by the Grand Bend Chamber of Com- merce. Flea market space available Space is still available for the flea market would be a good flea market to be held on Grand opportunity for a garage sale. Bend's main street during Buffaloburger Fest weekend, June 13 and 14. Flea market chairman Don Flear said there is still plenty of room on the vacant lot next to the Sun Shoppe near the beach. He said any crafts person was welcome and also suggested the Mr. Flear said stalls have already been rented for pottery, ceramics, handcrafts and cosmetics. Cost of space in the fleamarket is $1.00 per foot frontage and renters are to supply their own tables. publicity person Huron Country Playhouse announced this week that Theresa Castonguay of Toronto has been appointed publicity director for the group. Theresa has been active with "Theatre North West" in Thunder Bay and more recently with "Theatre Calgary" and "Citadel Theatre" in Alberta. With considerable experience as an actress, Theresa will have the necessary background for publicity work with the Huron Country Playhouse. 1-3 - , beach- - °"1.•. i - ••. \.• iii Noon F. n _L ,n___L tent) Live entertainment Businessmen's IUIICn (Beach -- f GUEST SPEAKER. of Christian Women's Club luncheon, Friday, at the Village Inn, Grond Bend, will be Mrs. Mary Fleuty, Mississauga . A mother and grandmother, Mrs. Fleuty is the national chairman of "Faith at Work". She travels extensively in that capacity setting up and con- ducting seminors. A committed churchwoman, she is an elder of the Mississauga United Church. By profession, she is a licensed embalmer and funeral director and hos taught courses in perfor- ming autopsies in New York city. Wild cat 7 - 11 "Rural Retreat" (Beach tent) eludes OPP = �✓ Bluegrass singalong music Beach campfire R singsong investigation Ontario Provincial Police at Grand Bend have been un- successful so far in their search for a "large cat" reported near the Lake Huron water supply plant north of Grand Bend. OPP said a camper in the area - reported seeing the large spotted cat about four feet in length with a long tail. It was reported to have been in a fight with a racoon in a tree. Subsequent investigation by the OPP produced a dead racoon but no "cat". Police said the animal might be a lynx or "bobcat". A check at Pineridge Zoo south of Grand Bend failed to reveal any animals missing. Grand Bend OPP have requested anyone with in- formation concerning the animal to phone them immediately. A similar animal was reported in the Goderich area recently but was never captured. A BIG ONE A young lad helps unhook a perch at the d Grand Bend on Monday. T -A SAT JUNE 14 a 3 3 3 = 3 3 3 s.T. 3 5000 burgers of real buffalo meat • •r 8:30 - 10:30 UCW Pancake Breakfast Noon till Dusk Noon 3-5 5 7- 11 (United Church, Main St.) Open Horseshoe Tourney (on the beach) Kids Treasure Hunt (beach) 10 years & under Hundreds of prizes! Live music (Beach tent) Mayors and Reeves Pre - Olympic Fitness Contest (Beach) "Rural Retreat" (Beach tent) Bluegrass singalong music free hay -ride oration transp all day Saturday Flea Market Rummage sale Sidewalk sales! SPECIAL WEEKEND FEATURES AT ALL GRAND BEND ENTERTAINMENT CENTRES a. a . _ . . =._ Family fun - Grand Bend style!_. ock of B photo II imin1IIl1111111llllllllllllllllll111111111MMMMIIMMMMMMgppMIIII1111111mIIIl11mIIIIl11111M1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMtIIIImMIIIIMMIIMIMIM1111MIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111IM1111MII111111111111IIlllllll11111 1