HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-29, Page 5 (2)(dR) Home Hardware • • • • • Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Joyce Pepper, Phone 2622344 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2026 Less free time Swimmers g et more lessons Hensall youngsters who will be taking swimming lessons at the Exeter pool this year, will be missing out on the free swim session, but will be receiving more time in the lesson sessions. At a meeting Monday, the Hensall recreation committee, headed by Bob Baker, met with Exeter recreation director Jim McKinlay to clarify some points in the swimming program. In past years, as requested by Hensall, those youngsters had St. Paul's notes Rev. G.A. Anderson conducted an evening service at St. Pauls Anglican Church. The text of the sermon was "Uncomfortable words". Gail and Don Travers sang two duets "He Lives" and "In the Garden". The Forrest orchestra played during the service. SALE Tires! Tires! • Farm • Passenger • Truck, Etc. J.&M. Tire Ltd. 299 Dean Ave., OSHAWA, ONT. Phone - Watts 1-800-263-7823 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Repairs To All Makes • Lawn Mowers • Garden Tractors • Outboard Motors • Chain Saws • Chain Saw Bars and Chains Authorized dealer for: Briggs & Stratton Homelite Tecumseh JACKS Small Engine Repair Service HENSALL 262-2103 107 Queen - One Block North of Business Section Hours 8 to 6 Fri. nites till 9 one hour swimming sessions. The first group would have a 20 minute lesson, then the second group would have a 20 minute lesson. This would be followed by a 20 minute free swim for both groups. Hensall. personals Mr. & Mrs. Bert Barry and Mrs. Pearl Baynham of London were guests with Mrs. Gertrude Moir and attended the an- niversary of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence McNaughton of Stratford were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bell. Mrs. Margaret Evans of Waterloo visited last week with her parents Mr. & Mrs. R. Y. Mac La ren. Mrs. Jack Heal, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter returned to her home last week. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Volland and family, of Stratford visited with his parents Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Volland and attended the an- niversary services in Carmel Presbyterian church. Art Kikkert, Hensall purchased the property and residence of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jones at public auction on Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hoy returned home after spending a month touring England, Switzerland, Austria and Italy. Mrs. Laird Mickle returned home after spending a week with her son. Charles, in Hamilton. A number of officers and members of Amber Rebekah Lodge were guests of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Seaforth, Monday evening and presented the Noble Grand with the "Travelling Gavel". Mr. & Mrs. Howard Love of Toronto visited this week with relatives and friends here. Blaine Stephenson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Stephenson of Varna, graduated May 10 from Sir Sandford Fleming College in Lindsay. as a Forest Technician. Attending the graduation were Mr. & Mrs.Ralph Stephenson, Mr. & Mrs. Don Rathwell, Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Reid, all of Varna and Leisa Ritchie of Exeter. Mrs. Gertrude Moir returned home after spending a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Tuckey. Exeter. Mrs. Annie Cole who has been convalescing in South Huron Hospital, Exeter following surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London returned to her home last week. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Van Dyke and Agnes of Bradford visited on Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Sim Roobol . • HENSALL SWIMMING REGISTRATION will be on Saturday, June 14 2 - 4 p.m. HENSALL ARENA Swimming Rates $10.00 per session Family Rate $30.00 per session FIRST SESSION STARTS JUNE 30 2nd SESSION STARTS JULY 21 3rd SESSION STARTS AUG. 11 The bus rote will be S2.50 per person per session The bus will leave Hensoll Arena at 12:00 p.m. But, according to McKinlay, a lot of time was being lost in this program. In each of the 20 minute lessons, he said five to 10 minutes would be lost just to get the groups settled down. This left insufficient time to have proper lessons, he said. While an hour of lessons costs each group the same, added McKinlay, Hensall was not getting its money's worth. When it came time for the annual RedCross swimmingtests, McKinlay said Hensall was already at a disadvantage, just because of the time in instruction they had lost in their lessons. The new plan which has been agreed upon by both of the groups involved, will have two half hour swimming lessons, and no free swim. McKinlay indicated to the Hensall committee the lessons were much more important than the free swim. Rebekahs set nominations Mrs. Margaret Consitt, Noble Grand, presided at the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday evening assisted by the Vice Grand, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, who reported visits made. A "thank you" was received from Mrs. Jean Henderson on congratulations and gift to Huronic Lodge, Clinton on their anniversary. A "thank you" was received from Ernie Chipchase District Deputy Grand Master for the social hour following the District Church service. Arrangements were completed to present the "travelling gavel" at Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, Seaforth, on Monday evening. Nominations for officers for the coming year were as follows: Noble Grand, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor; vice grand, Mrs. Dorothy Parker; recording secretary Mrs. Leona Parke; treasurer Mrs. Dorothy Corbett; financial secretary Mrs. Margaret Ingram. Couple celebrates anniversary On Sunday May 25, a family dinner was held in the Hensall Legion Hall in honour of the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Noakes. All their immediate family, with the exception of Dr. & Mrs. David Noakes and Jeffery of Guelph attended. The couple received many lovely gifts. The event was planned and convened by their family. Attend concert Mrs. Laird Mickle spent last week in Hamilton visiting with her son Charles who teaches at the Sir John A. MacDonald Secondary School in that city. While there she attended the concert presented by the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra with the Toronto Mendelssohn choir of 150 voices performing, "Ilandel's greatest hits," in the Great Hall at Hamilton Place. Hay recreation The Hay township recreation committee held its first meeting Tuesday. The committee has been formed to find the recreation needs and ultimately to possibly provide facilities for township recreation. The committee consists of two members from t'he township council and five members at large. One member at large is yet to be nominated. Council members on the committee are deputy -reeve Joe Miller and councillor Tony Bedard. Members at large are Don Geiger, Keith Love, Jim Sangster and George Tieman. POINTERS GIVEN — BobKinsman and Beth Cooper, 4-H leaders, give calf owner Beth Consitt a few pointers on how to prepare her calfor the annual Hensall Spring Fair Calf Club. The demonstration for f members of the club was held at the Hensoll sales born on Monday night. Date for the fair is Tuesday, June 24. T -A photo Honour 50 year memberships at Hensall United Church Rev. Don Beck preached on the sermon topic, "Be my Wit- nesses" for the service of worship in Hensall United Church Sunday morning. Under the direction of Mrs. Turkheim, the choir sang a number. Following the service there was a presentation and receiving line for those who have been associated with the United Church for the past 50 years. They are Mr. & Mrs. Herb Jones, Mrs. Ella Drysdale, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Corbett, Roy Brock, Greta and Amy Lammie, Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Erratt, Walter Spencer, Howard Scane, Mrs. Dorothy Mickle, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Ferguson, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Love, Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander, Wilbert Dilling, Mrs. Margaret Ingram, Mrs. Olga Chipchase, Mrs. Leona Parke, Lorne Chapman, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pym, Mrs. Grace Peck, Mrs. Laura Ingram, Mrs. Mable Shirray, Elgin Rowcliffe, Mrs. Jessie Armstrong, Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt, Mr. & Mrs. James McAllister, Mrs. Emma Farquhar, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Horton. Mrs. Robert AlcAllister, Mrs. Versie Kennedy, Mrs. Ada Smillie, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Smillie, Mrs. Tressa Fletcher, Mrs. Alma Hess, Mrs. Cameron Richardson, Mrs. Verna Twit- chell, Mattie Ellis, Mrs. A.B. Rowcliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Sam. Oesch, and Mrs. Olive Horton. Those who have served for 50 years from Chiselhurst United Church are Alfred Ross, Mrs. Mabel Glenn, Mrs. Pearl Taylor, Isabel Brintnell, Mrs. Eliza Kinsman, Mrs. Agnes McLean, Haney Jacobi, Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell, Mrs. Boyce, and Mr. & Mrs Harold Parker. Unfortunately the 50 year pins did not arrive in time for this event. so they will be presented later. A closed-circuit television was in action in the downstairs of Hensall United Church for those who could not manage the stairs. This unit is expected to be used more in the future. Sunday, June 1, there will be a confirmation service with 11 being confirmed. Communion will also be held. Former minister at Presbyterian anniversary The 127th anniversary of Carmel Presbyterian Church was observed on Sunday at 11 a.m. A Targe representation of the three churches filled the church to welcome Rev. John Boyne, of Listowel guest minister and former minister of the congregations. Rev W. D. Jarvis gave the "Historical Statements" of the Carmel Church which originated at Rogerville. Rev. Boyne ex- pressed appreciation for the invitation to be guest minister and delivered an inspiring message on "Facing Frustrations." The choir under the direction of Mrs. Malcolm Dougall sang "Hold Thou My Hand." Following the service an hour of fellowship was enjoyed in the 11111111NOW YOU CAN AFFORD TO Sabbath school rooms where many met with Mr. & Mrs. Boyne and family. Refeshments were served by the ladies of the church. The annual \VMS birthday party will be held on June 10 at 8 p.m. Shower for bride -elect On Sunday, May 25 a miscellaneous shower was held in the Hensall Legion Hall in honour of Sheila Sangster of Toronto. The bride-to-be received many lovely gifts and good wishes. Monica Peebles and Mrs. Marion Pebbles of London convened. Guests were present from Toronto. London and Hensall. E 11111NN1NINN111111N1NNNNIMMIHUMMIIMMI NI11N MIMNINNNINMIIIIIMNNNNININN Follow The Parade of .. Bargain 1 Hunters Jit ,:� HARDWARE Compare These M SPECIAL SAVINGS 1 Zit, SALE Thurs., Fri. & Sat. May 29,30& 31 DRYSDALE = Rogers Magestic AM/FM/FM Stereo Radio Record Player Console. $19995 Westinghouse Automatic Washers c Westinghouse Heavy Duty Dryers $1999$ E. Westinghouse $319"= Frost Free Refrigerator General Electric 30" Ranges • General Electric $37995 Air Conditioner FE General Electric Solid State 26" Colour Console TV EE General Electric Solid State 20" Colour TV Plus Many Other Specials On Freezers - Air Conditioners - Lawn Mowers • On a Micro -Wave Oven with - $23995 $15995 $5899$ = $45995 FREE DRAW every major appliance purchase • On a GeneralElectric Dishwasher - no purchase necessary - just fill in coupon. CLIP THIS COUPON t - Home Hardware Draw Ticket 77 I Employees and Families of Horne Hardware Stores not ellgible _ -I Eli=1 Name rIR Home Address 1, Hardware) I Phone =i Qualifying Question: Whot does the double "H" E. ( in our Sign signify? ii E ....1 5 • We Service What We Sell • Repairs To All Makes of Frig s, Freezers, Washers, Dryers, Ranges IDRYSDALE HARDWARE Main St. 262-2015 Hensall 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllt' r 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:111111111111111111, McCormick's GRAHAM WAFERS Dare's COOKIES Allen's ORANGE CRYSTALS Stuart House KITCHEN GARBAGE BAGS 2 WITH THESE LOW. LOW PRICES AND BIG. BIG VALUES!!! Canada Packers 13'2 oz 69' 24 oz 99' 4,40z89' 0.'1.19 3/89' 89' 3/89' 75' b s2.29 oz 2/89' „ e. 79' oz '2.99 Robin Hood Pouch Pack CAKE MIXES We's WAstonGON WHEELS Delmonte fancy PEAS Gold Leaf Minced SOCKEYE SALMON Maple leaf Conned PICNIC SHOULDERS McLaren'$ RELISHES Mcloren's STUFFED OLIVES Howdy SOFT DRINKS Case of Rich's COFFEE RICH French Maid FRENCH FRIES 14 9 oz FI 07 1 2 FI 24/ 10 FI FROZEN FOOD 12 oz 7'a FI oz. 16 oz. 29' 4 lbs. 59' Football Hams Ib $1.29 Canada Packers Cryovac Pack Boneless Picnic Hamsb$1.39 Burns Smoked Picnics Canada Packers Thrifty'$ Side Bacon Baby Beef Liver Our Own Pure Pork Sausage Minced Ham Ground Chuck ib 890 $iced lb 590 Ib 980 si�ev h 890 850 SIDE OF PORK Fully Processed lb 87' SIDE OF BEEFFully Processed Ib. $1.05 BEEF PATTIES 1016 $7.90 BURNS WIENERS 1016 $4.90 Abattoir phone no. 262.2041 Store no 262 2017 US No. 1 NEW POTATOES US No. 1 HEAD LETTUCE Canada No. 1 Slicing English CUCUMBERS PRODUCE lolb $1.49 2/69' each 494 WEEKEND SPECIALS MAY 28, 29, 30, 31 PLEASE NOTE: W. reserve the right to fins', all quantities on all advertised items AL'S MARKET HENSALL — ONTARIO