HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-22, Page 18 (2)Times -Advocate, May 22, 1975 Lucan and district news Phone 227-4714 Correspondent: Mrs. M.H. Hodgins Lucan district news Marlene Butler has accepted a teaching position with the Hullett Central Public School Board at Londesboro, at the Primary level. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Hodgins and Barry and Brian Hodgins of Lucan and his fiancee Elaine Morley, of Brinsley witnessed the Baptism of their grandchild, Douglas Edwin, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Larry Jones, (nee Lois Hodgins) at James St. United Church, Exeter on Sunday morning. A reception followed at the Jones home when ap- proximately 15 guests were entertained. Mrs. Bob Bilyea (nee Jean Dignan) formerly of Lucan, visited Miss L. E. Abbott and a number of other McCormick Home friends on Sunday. Moss Ireta McLean spent a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ryan and other Lucan relatives. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prince of Lucan, and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Prince, Linda and Robert of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ted Kostecki of London. Len Maslen of Lucan, sons Bob and Ron of London and brother- in-law, Harry Mogk of Stratford, spent the weekend camping at Inverhuron Provincial Park, fishing in the lake there and with a side trip to Araan Lake, north of Southhampton where they caught 12 - 18 to 20" pike. Mrs. Evan Hodgins visited with Miss L. E. Abbott on Sunday at the McCormick Home. BEST COLLEEN INDIVIDUALS — Trophies were presented to the op individual bowlers at Friday's banquet of the Lucan Colleens bowling league. From the left are, Evelyn Harrigan, high triple 690; Dianne Brophey, 187 average and Audrey Scott, 303 single. T -A photo. THEBLUNDERING SIX The "B" championship in the futon Colleens ladies bowling league this year was won by the Blundering Six. Bock, left, Angela Clarke, Elsie Kroft and Ethel Langford. Front, Hazel Blane, Alice Hodgins and Anne Craig. T -A photo. LUCAN REVIVAL CENTRE A PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US SUNDAY: Sunday School Morning Worship Service Evening Service MONDAY: Prayer Meeting Bible St,,dy FRIDAY: Youth Service 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. FOR FREE SUNDAY SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION CALL 227-4877 Pastor: Rev. Raymond A. Brewster Mr. Ernie Ross and Mr. Earl Haskett, both suffering from heart attacks, and patients in St. Joseph's Hospital are progressing well. Mr. Ross ex- pects to be home later this week. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Burt and Janice spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. William Bailey (nee Pauline Burt) at Colborne. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Froats visited with their daughter and son-in- law, Pte. and Mrs. Paul Melanson at C.F.B. Borden. While there they drove up to North Bay, calling in at the Dionne Museum. The original home has been moved to Pinewood Park, furnished with the original furniture. plus the children's clothing, etc., and is most interesting. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Currie were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs. Evert Gagnon and family of Thorold. Miss Louise Cochrane has completed her course at the Millar Memorial Bible Institute in Pamburn, Sask., and is presently on staff at South Huron Hospital in Exeter. Mrs. Gerald Courtney who suffered a broken hip a few weeks ago has had to return to St. Joseph's Hospital for further surgery when the hip socket was removed and replaced by an artificial socket. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Robb called at the Ross McLennan Funeral Home, Kincardine last Saturday owing to the death of Mrs. Robb's cousin. Mrs. Calvert Finlay. Mrs. Finlay was a sister of the late Mrs. Duncan McTavish. Couple honored on anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Crane have been honoured on several occasions in celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding an- niversary. Last Friday evening, friends from London, Granton and Lucan surprised them at the home of their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Rick Crane of London, who were assisted by son David. On Tuesday. Father J. McGraw of St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph Township blessed a new set of rings for Corporal and Mrs. Crane and celebrated a "home mass", for friends from London, Granton and the village. On Saturday evening they were entertained again with friends from the same communities, at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wilk, Arva. Plans set for tennis On Thursday, May 29 at 7:30 p.m. individuals interested in playing tennis, or learning to play, are invited to attend an informal tennis meeting at the Lucan Community Centre. The main purpose of the meeting is to establish the feeling regarding the possibility of organizing a tennis club for both senior and junior players; the organization of instruction for both senior and junior players; and the organization of tennis court playing times. Lucan's Tennis Courts could be finsished by early June, so get your tennis racquet ready, everyone. Nicholson GREEN HOUSES * Bedding Plants (Flowers & Vegetables) * Shrubs * Roses * Fertilizers Located on McGillivray Township Concession 2 3/4 MILE NORTH OF HIGHWAY 7 AND ONE MILE WEST OF THE DENFIELD - CLANDEBOYE SIDEROAD RR 2 Lucan Phone 293-3040 Ailsa Craig Seven mishaps are investigated Damages of approximately $6,000 resulted from seven ac- cidents investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police at Lucan. Wednesday at 4.30 p.m, vehicles driven by Charles G. Kelly and Lawerence E. Conti, both of London collided on High- way 4 at Arva. Constable W.T. Hodgins set damages at $800. Constable W.T. Hodgins was again the investigating officer Thursday at 5.40 p.m. when vehicles driven by Deborah L. Dicker. 'l'horndale and George Foreman, St. Marys were in collision on County road 27, one- fifth of a utile north of the Wellborn road. Damages were listed at $1.100. Three vehicles were involved in a Friday accident on Highway 4 a half mile north of Concession 6-7 in London township. The drivers were Douglas Goodall, RR 3, Merton. Patrick J. O'Rourke, Exeter and Earl William Ratz, RR 2, Dashwood. Passengers in two of the vehicles, Gwen O'Rourke and Olive Raiz were taken to University hospital suffering minor injuries. Constable Hodgins set damages -at $2,500. Saturday at 5.55 p.m., damages of $190 resulted when vehicles driven by John :Man Topham, Windsor and Ronald Pretty, Kincardine were involved in a mishap on Lucan's Main street. Constable Hodgins was again the investigating officer. Earlier the same day at 11:45 a.m. vehicles driven by Erika Urbach. RR 1. Arva and Alex M. Ross, London collided on Con- cession 5-6 London township, east of County road 41. Constable James Craig listed damages at $350. The first of two accidents Monday occurred at 5.20 p.m. on Highway 4. north of Concession 5- 6 London township. Drivers in- volved were Martin Toenders, RR 1, Corunna and William Robert Marks. London. Con- stable N. A. Campbell set damages at $130. At 7.55 p.m. a motorcycle driven by Bruce Haskett. RR 1, Lucan was in collision with a motor. vehicle driven by I toward S. Dickerson. RR 8, London on Lucan's Main Street. Constable Hodgins estimated damages at 5900. Seniors enjoy short bus trip Fifty-two members of tb" Lucan Senior Citizens' Club enjoyed a short bus trip on Thursday when they travelled to Strathroy for a smorgasbord luncheon at the Golf and Country Club. They also visited Ow Strathroy Middlesex Museum. where many bought souvenir mugs, hasti notes and other souvenirs. The display of han- diwork and other iten.s from the Strathroy Portuguese community was beautiful. Members were taken to a shopping centre for an hour and on the way home made a br n t stop at the Downham Nursery where several members made small and. some not so small. purchases. President Gordon Hotson and Social convener , Mut tel Cobleigh. did a splendid job of arranging a relaxing outing tor the Club. Need walkers for Bibles The date of the annual Bible Society Walkathon is fast ap- proaching. One hundred walker.; are needed as well as hundreds o' supporters. This will he ,1 beautiful nature walk of nim miles and a good opportunity 1 start your Ontario Fitnn program. Upon reaching the Lucan Conservation Area you will have the opportunity of enjoying barbecue in the park. It is hoped that many more adults will take part this year am! the seniors of the community are invited to share in a shorter walk Please see your minister. Sunday School Superintendents or Jim Robertson, at the Post Office for sponsor sheets. NOTICE Haskett Motors (1954) limited, announces the appointment of Mr. Dave Morrison as President. Haskett Motors sells and services the complete line of Ford Franchise carlines Ford, Torino, Elite, Granada, Mustang II, Maverick, Pinto, T -Bird, as well as the complete line of Ford Trucks including Courier. STRIKERS ARE CHAMPS — The Strikers emerged as champions of the "A' division in the Lucan Colleens ladies bowling league. Back, left, Jean Mawdsley, Nancy Lawrence and Isabel Shipway. Front, Nancy Densmore, Helen Shipway and Gerda Spruyt. T -A photo. Local girl sets records, equals Ontario mark Anne Revington. daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Revington, a 17 -year-old, Grade 12 student at Medway Secondary School won the 210 metre race at the Mid - Successful penny sale 1'hc enlarged gym at St. Patrick's School was still filled to overflowing Thursday evening for the annual penny sale, sponsored by the arts & crafts classes. under the leadership of Mrs. Fred Grimminck, members of the staff and parent volun- teers The hundreds of articles (t"as'. for raised just under $1.3uo no which will be used for yariu.i school projects. The bake table was, as usual. one of the most popular spots. The beautiful handcrafted lamp. by John Ziler, Grade 8 teacher, was :yon by Denise O'Brien. Other draw winners included, Mrs. A. Dewan, the liquid embroidery quilt; Mrs. H. Vcr'eeg, the needlepoint pic- ture. Mrs. Wally Ilaygarth, the afghan; Mrs. Nick Van deborne, Ow hooked rug; and Mrs. Jack 1 arrigan..the toy bench. Mr. K. J. Schenkel, principal. ,u'lcurned the many members of :he community dlesex Conference High School Track & Field Championship meet on Tuesday at Robarts. However, Ann will never know whether or not she beat the existing record of 28.6 as the stop- watch was either non-existent for her lane or failed. However the runner, second behind Anne, was clocked in 31.02. Her coach was of the opinion that she could have broken the record. Anne set records in both the senior girls' high jump and the 400 metres and also ran on Medway's winning team in the 400 metres relay. Anne cleared an even 5' in the high jump heating the former record by 3". She ran the 400 metres in 64.9 seconds, compared to the former mark of 65.4. Anne's record high jump equalled the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations' standard for the event. Area cub pack enjoys hike, games The Lucan & District Cub Pack had an enjoyable meeting last Wednesday when they hiked from the school to the Lions Club Park for games and then on to the home of assistant leader Monica Scheidler for refreshments. DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Name slate By SID DALEY Elections at Branch 540 are over for another year and here are the results: President - Jini Simpson; past president - A W. Thompson; 1st vice president - S. Craig; 2nd vice-president - P. Knee; 3rd vice-president - P. Ellyatt; secretary - Mrs. E. Worthington; treasurer - Mrs. A. Craig and executive - Comrades E. DeGraw, J. K. Dickson, W. Smith, D. Ruddy, R. Jones and B. Gibbs. We congratulate these Comrades and wish them a successful term in office. There is only one way this may be achieved and that is through the support and cooperation of all the members. ,1 s) The May winner of the cheque draw and $100 richer as a result was Stan Yallup, Lucan. The draw was made by Mike Kleo of Branch 81, Alymer a non- participant in the draw. Ho Ilutn, who knows, maybe next month. Television is a wonderful aid, a teacher asked a student- What's three and two and was told three bails and two strikes - (oh well.) Well folks unless we can find someone to continue with Comments for the next few weeks I guess this will be it until I return from Jolly Old England - see yu then. and that's 30 for this week remember - How a man plays the game shows something of his character; how he loses shows all of it. Electrical Efficiency Electrical Ecocanly Now At Your =. Service • • • Ken's Electric RR 1 Lucan 227-4059 Ken Latta is pleased to announce the opening of his electrical service -Qualified to look after all your needs • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Parks and Campsites are among our greatest natural attractions. This is what Ontario is doing to expand and protect them. The Ontario Government has a firm policy of establishing and maintaining provincial parks and campsites. This year, for example, four new provin- cial parks and over 600 new campsites are being developed for the enjoyment and recreation of Ontario residents—bringing the total number of operating parks to 120 and campsites to 21,000. The new parks are: Silent Lake Provincial Park, 1860 acres sit- uated 13 miles north of Apsley on High- way 28. 85 campsites are available, but no motor boats will be allowed. Regular fees apply. Ferris Provincial Park, situated one mile south of Campbellford on County Road 31, has been expanded by adding 87 camp- sites, comfort stations, and boat launch ramp for access to the Trent River System. Regular fees apply. Bronte Creek Provincial Park, at the Queen Elizabeth Way and Highway 25, midway be- tween Toronto and Hamilton, will be open without charge this year for day -use and picnicking. Among its special features are a children's farm and nature hikes. Ouimet Canyon Provincial Park, near Dorion on Highway 27 about 35 miles east of Thunder Bay, provides walking trails along the canyon's edge to give visitors a spectacular view of the "Grand Canyon of Ontario." No admission charge. Additional campsites are under construc- tion at several existing provincial parks7„ Algonquin, Bon Echo, Killbear, Fairbank, Remi Lake and Ivanhoe. If you would like more information about Ontario provincial parks or campsites, or a map showing their locations, write to: Ontario Parks Division, Ministry of Natural Resources Whitney Block .99 Wellesley Street West Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 Ministry of Natural Resources Leo Bernier, Minister 4 -NAA Government of Ontario William Davis, Premier