HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-15, Page 27 (2)omN���Gw09Ntog tittx Reception and Dance for MARION VAN ROESTEL and JIM SNOW (Bridal Couple) Sat., May 17 9-1:00 KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by STAR TREX Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Notice of Nomination Meeting For The Progressive Conservative Party for the Provincial Riding of Middlesex Will be held Thurs., May 22 8:00 p.m. DELAWARE COMMUNITY HALL BINGO) Tonight Thurs., May 15 Starts at 8:30 p.m. Stephen Township Community Centre CREDITON Admission $1.00 15 games Extra Cards 25e or 5 for $1.00 '275. in 53 calls JACKPOT1 share the wealth Due to license regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted. Sponsored By Crediton Hall Board HOTEL HENSALL This is Entertainment! MAY 16 & 17 Current C. MAY 23 & 24 SmaII Town Country featuring Jim Coughtrey MAY 30 & 31 Easy Ricers featuring Vonny Music starts at 8:30 p.m. Dress regulations in effect Friday & Saturday evening WE STILL HAVE SOME OPEN DATES IN MAY AND JUNE IN OUR 75 -SEAT BANQUET HALL Come and see our new hot and cold steam table, on every day at noon Ontario THE CABINET COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT will hold a Public Meeting in SARNIA at the CI,,TY HALL on Friday, June 6, 1975 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Municipalities, boards, organizations and individuals are invited to make presentations. Members of the Cabinet Committee for Social Development are the Provincial Secretary for Social Development and the Ministers of Health, Education, Colleges and Universities, Community and Social Services, Culture and Recrea- tion and the Manpower Secretariat. Notification of your intention to attend together with a brief or summary of the subject matter to be discussed should be sent to: The Secretariat for Social Development, Room 415, North Wing, Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. N NOU NCE.ME7 irs BIRTHS — BISBACK — Peter and Janis welcome with very much love their first child. Victoria Whitman, born May 5, 1975. at Seaforth. First grandchild for Marjorie and Rodger Whitman and Mary and Grant Bisback. 20c DUMIGAN — Joseph and Kathy are proud to announce the arrival of their first child, Gary Joseph, born May 11, 1975. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Don Dumigan, Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, Goderich. P0c GAISER — Rick and Doreen are proud to announce the birth of a son, David James, May 12, 1975, 7 lb. 11 ozs., at Brantford General Hospital. First grandchild for Ivan and Shirley Grigg. Dashwood and Elmer and Shirley Willis, Exeter.20p HARTMAN — Mike and Dara wish to announce the arrival of Rebecca Lynn, May 4. 1975. at St. Joseph's Hospital. A sister for Leah. 20c NETHERCOTT — Timmy would like to announce the arrival of his wee baby sister. Melinda Ruth -Ellen, born April 29, 1975, Victoria Hospital, tipping the scales at 5 Ib. 214 ozs. The parents are Ed and Marie and grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ross Langford, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Nethercott, Dorchester. 20c PASSMORE — Dave and Sharon are proud to announce the birth of son, Jonathon Charles. 8 lb. 103i ozs-. at South Huron Hospital on May 2, 1975. A brother for Tom. 20c WITMER — Dr. and Mrs. Cameron Witmer (nee Gosar), Kitchener are happy to announce the birth of their son, Johnathan Scott. at K -W Hospital on May 8, 1975. Firstandchild for Mr. and Mrs Josef Gosar, Exeter and fifth for Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer. Listowel 20p ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Desjardine of Grand Bend are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter. Wendy Lee. to Mark Edward Barber. son of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Barber. Windsor. Ontario. The wedding will take place Saturday. June 14. 1975 at 300 p.m. at the Church of God. Grand Bend. 20c Mr and Mrs John Brintnell are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter, Shirley Anne. to Donald James Kerslake. son of Mr- and Mrs. Harold Kerslake. RR 3 Exeter The wedding will take place Saturday, June 21, 1975. at 300 p m. at Chiselhurst United Church. Chiselhurst, On- tario 20p ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mrs. Thomas Van Wyck wishes to invite relatives and friends to a Trousseau Tea held at her home. Saturday, May 24, 1975, from 1:00- 5:00 p.m. in honour of her daughter Susan's forthcoming marriage to Mr. Paul Rader. 20.21c CARDS OF THANKS — We would like to express our sincere thanks to the staff of South Huron Hospital , friends and neighbours for beautiful floral tributes, cards of sympathy and acts of kindness extended to us during our recent bereavement. — The Easton family 20c I would like to say a warm Thank You to all my friends and relatives for cards, flowers, visits and treats while I was in University Hospital and since returning home. — Lina Huxtable 20c I would like to thank my relatives and friends for flowers, gifts, cards and visits during my stay in South Huron Hospital. Thanks to doctors and nurses. — Maurice MacDonald 20c I wish to thank all my friends, relatives and neighbors for the lovely flowers, gifts and cards on the occa- sion of my 99th birthday. It was very much appreicated. — Mrs. Susan Merner 20c Timmy Nethercott would like to thank his grandparents, Ross and Mary Langford, and Elizabeth Bender for helping to look after me while Mom Marie Nethercott, was recuperating after flagging down the stork for my wee baby sister. Thanks from Melinda to the Neo Natal Clinic for the care and the attention she is getting now. Also thanks to Dr. Tew and the nursing staff on the 4th floor of Victoria Hospital. Many thanks for cards, flowers and visits from friends and relatives. 20c The family of the late Hilda Turn- bull would like to express their thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for floral tributes, treats, and visits while in hospital and at home. Special thanks to Kongskilde and J.F. Farm Machinery, Dr. Gans, Dr. Wallace and staff of South Huron Hospital for their excellent care, Rev. Glen Wright, Rev. Harold Snell, UCW of the United Church. donations to the Cancer Society, Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. Everything was greatly appreciated. 20p 1 would like to say Thank You to our friends and relatives for their visits, cards, Flowers and treats while 1 was a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to all who were so kind in many different ways. It was all greatly appreciated. — Mel and Olive Y0c Presbyterian Churches HOURS OF SERVICES May 18 Cromarty 9:00 Caven 10:15 Carmel 11:30 May 25 Carmel Centennial Anniversary 11:00 a.m. no services at Caven and Cromarty June 1 Cromarty 9:00 Caven 10:15 Carmel 11:30 June 8 Cromarty. Attends Staffa Anniversary 11:00 Coven 10:1,5 Carmel 11:30 June 15 Cromarty 9:00 Coven 10:15, Centennial Celebration Carmel 11:30 June 22 Centennial Anniversary at Cromarty 11:00. No services at Caven and Carmel June 29 Joint Summer Services Begin in the three July 27 Presbyterian Churches Times to be confirmed later August Joint Summer services in the United Churches JACK RIDDELL Huron MPP WILL BE IN EXETER Sat., May 24 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Victoria & Grey Trust Main St., Exeter This is an excellent opportunity for people in the Exeter area to meet Mr.Riddell and discuss any constituency problems they may have. CARDS OF THANKS — To the general public of Exeter and district Thank you for the great response to the recent Red Cross blood donor clinic held at the Legion. — Xi Gamma Nu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority The family of the late Pat O'Brien would like to express a thank you to friends and relatives for their kindness shown at the time of our great loss. Special thanks to Labatt's and the Catholic Womens League of St. Patricks Church, Lucan. Also to neighbors and friends who expressed their kindness with sympathy cards, baked goods and flowers. Thanks also to the nurses in intensive care at St. Joseph's Hospital, Dr. Kertesz, Rev. Father J. McGraw and C. Haskett Son Funeral Home, Lucan. Your kindness will always be remembered- — The O'Brien family 20c CARDS OF THANKS — The family of the late Lloyd Thompson wish to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for their many kindnessess. floral tributes, cards and expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard. Rev Don Beck, 0 P P officers Lewis and Glassford. the Bonthron Funeral Chapel and pallbearers and to those who assisted in any way. — Helen and Elizabeth Thompson 20c We would like to say thank you to relatives, friends and neighbors for the cards, gifts, flowers and treats received while in hospital and since returning home. A special thanks to Dr. Read and nursing staff and to Mom and Dad for looking after Tom. — Dave. Sharon, Torn and baby Jon Passmore 20c CASH BINGO — Seaforth Legion Hall, Friday, May 16, 1975, at 8:15 p.m. sharp. 15 regular games for $10.00 and a 175.00 Jackpot to go each week. Admission 11.00. Extra cards 25t each or 7 for $1.00. (Children un- der 16 not permitted.) Proceeds for Welfare Work. Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion. - 20tfnc ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE — The Huron County Health Unit in- vites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday, May20, 1975, from (:30.3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Tests. Volunteer drivers are available. 20c CHICKEN BARBECUE — Keep Wednesday, May 21. open for the Barbecue at Trivitt Memorial (Anglican) Church. Proceeds for Missions. Adults - $3.00. Children - 11.50. 20p ANNIVERSARY SERVICE for Carmel Church. Hensall. Sunday. May 25, 11:00 a.m. Rev. John Boyne, guest speaker. No services at Exeter or Cromarty. 20,21c BEEF BARBECUE — Hensall United Church, Wednesday, May 28. Adults $3.00, Children $1.25. Under 5 free. For tickets contact UCW members or phone 262-2387. 20c BARGAINS GALORE! Gigantic one day rummage sale and auction (to take place of the sale cancelled due ,to April snow storm) Exeter Arena. Friday, May 30, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Town -wide pickup commencing at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, May 29. Spon- sored by Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital. 20c ANNUAL SPRING LUNCHEON. Christian Women's Club, at The Village Inn. Grand Bend, May 30, 11:30 a.m. Guest speaker Mrs. Mary Fleuty, Mississauga, Canadian chair- man of the board of Faith at Work. Price $2 All ladies welcome. Phone: Kay Anderson 235- 2335. 20,21,22c CENTRALIA UNITED CHURCH 50th anniversary service com- memorating union of United Church of Canada, June 1. 1975, 11:15 a.m. Speaker Mrs. Lorne Hicks. Music Jolly J's. Everyone welcome. Pot luck (cold) dinner following ser- vice. 20c TRAINING COURSE — Learn to ride your motorcycle safely. Fanshawe College will be offering a Motorcycle Driver Training course in Strathroy starting soon. To get your name on a waiting list, phone Jerry Pawitch at 245-2867 or Al Ferrell at 245-0742. 20c Country Singles Dance SAT., MAY 24 VANASTRA SOCIAL CLUB Vonastra, Ontario The Former C.F.B. Clinton 8:30 p.m. Music by the Harbourlites Refreshments Served Watch for our next dance on June 14 at Hully Gully EVERYBODY'S GOING TO HAVE A "GOOD TIME" AT THE.. . ERICH RACEWAY BLUEWATER SPRING MEET • GALA OPENING NIGHT TU(DAY7MAYIbth 1:45 P.M. 10 EXACTORS ACTION RACE$ FEATURING 'THE FEAGAN INVITATIONAL PACE' DANCE — Exeter HAP Committee celebrates Canada week. Dance to the music of Joe Overholt at the Summer Frolic. June 27, 1975. (More details and tickets available shortly). 20tfnc SUPPER — Strawberry and Ham. Wednesday, June 25, 5-8 p.m. in Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Lucan, and W.I. International Tea in Lucan United Church, Friday, May 30. 2 to 5 p.m. 20c FETTES TOURS — Some space still available on these tours. All are fully escorted on modern washroom equipped coaches with first class ac- commodation throughout. All side trips and admissions included. Pick ups are made on route. WEST COAST 21 day tour departs June 22 (Stampede) and August 17. Includes Regina. Calgary. Edmon- ton. Jasper, Banff, Lake Louise. Kamloops. Vancouver. the majestic Rockies, Okanagan Valley, Fraser Canyon. Butchart Gardens and more. Limited space remaining. EAST COAST 12 day tour departs July 16 and July 30. Travel through Adirondack, Green and White Moun- tains stopping at all points of interest such as Cabot Trail. Magnetic Hill, Reversing Falls. Anne of Green Gables and a full day ocean cruise on a luxury liner. Visits Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Sydney and more. A relaxing tour via the most scenic routes. CALIFORNIA 21 day tour departs October 18. Includes Salt Lake City, San Francisco. Los Angeles, Reno. Las Vegas, Grand Canyon. Painted Desert. Petrified Forest and more. BEST OF EUROPE 23 day tour departs September 4. Fully escorted and including seven countries. Travel via regular scheduled KLM flight and deluxe motor coach. All sight seeing. admissions, first class accommoda- tion and two meals daily included Early reservations are essential. POLAR BEAR EXPRESS 4 day northern tour departs July 18 and August 13 for Moosonee. Also features Cochrane, Timmins. North Bay, Santas Village and cruise on Lake Muskoka. 1000 ISLANDS 3 day tour departs July 14 and August 14. Visits Kingston, Gananoque, Upper Canada Village, Fort Henry, Cruise- 1000 Islands and Peterborough. An all On- tario tour with plentyof scenery. GREAT LAKE CICLE 6 day tour around the northern lakes departs July 23 and August 18. Travels through Michigan, Indiana, Illinois. Wisconsin. Minnesota and Ontario Visits Thunder Bay with complete harbour cruise and a visit to the recently restored multi million dollar Fort William. A relaxing trip with plenty of northern scenery. MANITOLJLIN AND OTTAWA 4 day tour departs August 25 travelling to Manitoulin aboard the M.S. Chi- Cheemaun and then down the Ottawa River through Deep- River. Pem- broke etc. to the Nations Capital. Ot- tawa. Features a v2 day guided city tour and returning via beautiful Rideau and Kawartha Lakes area. OTHER TOURS Space also still available on Agawa Canyon tours in September. Nashville for Thanksgiv- ing, Muskoka Fall Colour, Adiron• dack Fall Colour, WWVA Jamboree and more A free brochure describing each of these tours is available free by call- ing or writing to Fettes Tours Mount Forest. 323-1545. Remember that we do make pick ups along the route Ask about your town. All tours are filling up and early plans are recommended 20.21.22e Exeter Lions SECOND Las Vegas Night EXETER ARENA Sat., June 7 8:00 p.m. * Black Jack * Crown & Anchor * Over & Under * Horse Races DANCING REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE $2.00 Per Couple Tickets Available From All lions Members DOOR PRIZE DRAW FOR BIKE CARDS OF THANKS — Thank you to everyone for cards, gifts and visits while David was in 1niversity Hospital and since retur- ning home. — Jeanette and Keith Simpson 20c The family of the late Mrs. Arthur Simpson wish to express their sincere thanks to all our relatives, neighbors and friends for expressions of sympathy and kindness shown to us in the loss of our dear mother, grandmother and great grand- mother. for cards. floral tributes and charity donations Special thanks to Rev Ewart Madden. the Murdy Funeral Home. pallbearers and the ,edies of ('landeboye United Church. The Simpson family 20c IN MEMORIAM — BRODERICK – In loving memory of dear husband, father and grand- father. Garfield Earl Broderick, who passed away May 10, 1972. Lappy hours we once enjoyed How sweet their memory still But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. Lovingly remembered by wife Rose. son Ron and family and daughter Karen. 20p F3ROWN — In loving memory of a dear mother and father. Jennie and fiean Brown, and sister. Olive Wood- burn (•:very day in some small way Memories of you come our way Though absent you are still near Still missed, still loved and ever so dear. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Rubie, Maudie and Russell 20c DENOMME — In loving memory of our dear son, Lennis. daughter-in-law Betty Lou, grandson Jeffrey, who passed away nine years ago, May 20, 196 Times goes bv, memories stay As near and dear as yesterday. It's not the words. for they are few. Its the loving memories we keep of you Always remembered and sadly missed by Mom. Dad and family 20p LEWIS — In loving memory of a dear mother. Mrs. Minnie Lewis. who passed away on May 12, 1973. As time unfolds another year Memories keep you ever near Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that will last forever. Lovingly remembered by Vera and Einer. PATERSON — In loving memory of a dear mother, Edna A. Paterson, who passed away May 12. 1973, and a dear father, Robert J. Paterson, who passed away May 23. 1962. Gone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. Ever remembered by son Raye and daughter-in-law Cora. 20c ' ZUBAL — In lo. ing memory of a dear father and grandfather. Joseph Zubal. who passed away May 18, 1972. Loving and kind in all your ways, Upright and just till the end of your days Sincere and honest in heart and mind What a beautiful memory you left behind. You tried so hard to stay with us Your fight was all in vain God took you home to be with Him He freed you from all pain. To your resting place we visit And place your flowers with care But no one knows the heartache When we walk away and leave you there. If teardrops would build a stairway And memories were a lane We would walk all the way to heaven. Dad. And bring you home again Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your family. 20p Stag for Paul Rader Fri., May 16 9- 12 GRAND BEND LEGION Admission $1.00 Everyone Welcome Stag for Brian Bestard Friday, May 16 9:00 p.m. HENSALL ARENA Admission $1.00 Everyone Welcome South Huron District High School presents The Wizard of Oz Sunday, May 13 at 2:00 p.m. Admission $1.00 Reception and Dance for CHRIS VANSTONE and CARL WURM (Bridal Couple) Sat., May 24 9-1 HENSALL ARENA (ground floor) • Music by THE HEYWOOD BROTHERS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfI111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111L %4\ - 't( i(''g 4 ` h -i Duffen'I Hotel CENTRALIA ENTERTAINMENT Friday and Saturday, May 16 & 17 - May 23 d 24 Lesperance Trio DAILY BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAL DINING LOUNGE OPEN MON. TO SAT. 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. AND 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Take Out Orders — Phone 228-6648 aill111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111811111111181 lllllllllllllllt111111111111111111Illllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllll6 e Exeter Saddle Club HORSE SHOW Saturday, May 17 7:00 p.m. Sharp EXETER FAIR GROUNDS Free Admissio,p Everyone Welcome