HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-01, Page 16 (2)Page 16 Times-Advocate,MMay 1, 1975
A GIFT FOR MOTHER — At Saturday's Bunny Tea sponsored by the
Lucan United Church Explorers, Allan Richards of Clandeboye
purchased pussy willows for his mother, Tonio Richards. T -A photo
Bunny Tea successful,
display numerous crafts
The '75 explorer "Bunny Tea"
on Saturday afternoon, in the
Lucan United Church was once
again an unqualified success.
The little girls made delightful
hostesses in,- their white blouses
and navy skirts, as they served
dainty cookies. etc. and tea at
tables decorated with flowers and
pussy willows.
Those serving at 2 p.m. in-
cluded Kim Newman, Loyes
Melanson, Jill Cunningham.
Kathy Holland, Lori Leitch, Mary
Madden. Nikkie Tsaoussis and
Lori Riley. at a 3 p.m. were
Heather Hodgson. Tami
McRoberts. Anna Bates, Carolyn
Lankin, Cynthia Bakkar and
Dianna Young.
Counsellor Mabel Froats
welcomed the many guests and
counsellor Phyllis O'Neil acted as
tea room hostess.
Mrs. M. H. Hodgins. who
started the explorers in Lucan, 22
years ago, poured tea for the first
hour and Mrs. Ewart Madden for
the second hour.
Brialin wins again
Mrs. Howard Currie, attending
the Elgin County Kennel Club
Show at Aylmer on Saturday.
Brialin's Schipper, won win-
ner's male. best of winners, best
of breed and group second
winner, winning over the best in
show winner.
Home, school
group meets
The executive of the Lucan-
Biddulph Home School & Com-
munity Association met at the
Lucan School on Thursday
evening to finalize plans for the
next general meeting on May 8 at
the Lucan School.
Everyone will have the op-
portunity of meeting the Board
member for this area.
You are asked to bring your
"issues" with you for discussion.
This is your chance to have
questions answered.
Final plans were also made for
their dance at the arena on
Saturday evening of this week.
Only a limited number of tickets
are being sold. so order yours
today by calling the school office,
More newcomers
Newcomers to the village this
month include Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Culbert, Main Street and Mr. &
Mrs. David Morrison and family.
Harold Court.
If you are a newcomer and
have been missed. please 'phone
The General Assembly room
was filled with displays of hob-
bies and crafts of many varieties.
Each guest was able to make a
liquid emboirdery bookmark
supervised by Mrs. E. Jorna and
one made from bread clips and
velvet ribbon, supervised by Mrs.
Joe Cunningham.
Martin Wraith was one of 250
contestants in the London Road
Runners Motorcycle Rodeo held
at Fanshawe College on Sunday
The Rodeo featured driving
skills and accuracy tests for
which Martin received a plaque
as the winner in his class.
Rev. & Mrs. Ray Brewster and
Stephen visited with her parents,
in Cleveland, Ohio. last week.
Friends of Miss L. E. Abbott
will be sorry to hear that she is
again confined to bed with a flu
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Freeman, Mr.
& Mrs. Clare Stanley. and Mr. &
Mrs. Bob Taylor were in Toronto
Friday evening and Saturday.
The men attended the O.H.A.
Convention. The ladies took
advantage of the opportunity to
shop in Toronto.
Mrs. Frank Hardy, Sr. was
hostess for a family wedding
shower last Sunday, for Miss
Wendy Elston who becomes the
bride of her grandson, Tom, on
Saturday, May 3 at Holy Trinity
Anglican Church.
Mrs. Clarence Haskett visited
with Miss L. E. Abbott last
Tuesday. and took home Miss
Abbott's 400th doll, to be given to
her granddaughter.
Rev. & Mrs. Frank Hardy
entertained their families at a
christening luncheon on Sunday,
following the baptism of their son
Philip James.
Guests with Mrs. Percy Wells
included Mr. & Mrs. Wm. San-
dison and Stephanie of London on
Saturday, Mrs. Donald
Sutherland of Brinsley on
Monday and Mrs. Violet Heb-
blethwaite of London for the
Mrs. Earl Wright and her five
daughters of Camlachie, were
Friday guests with her sister,
Mrs. James Lockyer.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Fischer of
London called to pick up his
mother. Mrs. Catherine Fischer,
on Sunday and they visited with
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Weiberg and
family of Zurich.
Friends of Mr. Jack Lankin,
who is a patient at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, will be glad to
know that he is making good
and district news
Phone 227-4714 Correspondent: Mrs. M.H. Hodgins
Township hydro disrupted
when truck hits hydro pole
Hydro service was disrupted
for about an hour late Sunday
evening in the area of Concession
7 in London township.
At 11.40 p.m. a truck driven by
James Hill, RR 1 Arva, left
Concession 7 at the Cameron
sideroad and struck a hydro pole.
Constable W. R. Disher of the
Lucan OPP detachment in-
vestigated and set damages at
$1,250. The driver of the vehicle
suffered minor bruises in the
During the week, detachment
officers worked a total of 413
hours and patrolled 4,525 miles in
Lions club honour
house leaguers
Members of the Lions Club
House League, with parents and
Lions held their annual Hockey
Banquet on Saturday.
Everyone enjoyed a film on the
1974 Stanley Cup Playoff.
Team trophies were presented
as follows: Bantams - Aces - C
Trophy, Pee Wees - Barons - A
Trophy. Thunderbirds - B Trophy
and Bombers C Trophy. Novice -
Jets A trophy and Wildcats B
Danny Hodgins won the
award for the most aggressive
player, Colin Wildfong, for the
most gentlemanly player; Grant
Stanton. high scorer; Mike
Hayter. best goalie.
Most improved player on each
team: Bob Toonders, Dale Cook,
Chris Sockett, Francis Giesen,
John Cook, Andrew Marcus,
Kevin Morkin, John Grace, Ian
Craig, Danny Brintnell, Jamie
Hodgins. Mike Toonders.
Education week
at Biddulph school
Education Week was
celebrated at Biddulph School
Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of last week, featuring
Open House. and a Science Fair.
In Grades 4-5, Tami
McRoberts' display "Do You
Know Your Birds" won first prize
with Patti Smith, Jill Cun-
ningham and Barbara Van
Arenthals coming in second with
their exhibitof"The Moon and
the Stars".
Third place went to Jacqui
Green for her "Old Faithful"
Geyser display.
In Grade 6-7, Heather Hodgson
won first on her "Sea Shells"
display with Penny Hodgins and
Mary Lou Tindall coming second
on their "How the Eye Works".
Bob Green, Peter Scheidler and
Paul Gilmour won third prize on
their "Coal Mine".
Grade 8 students winning
prizes were Stephen Inglis first
on his "Electric Motor". Barry
Hodgins second on the "Simple
Telephone" and Carl Jones third
on his "Model Airplane".
Tumbling and floor exercises
were demonstrated during the
The staff and students are
grateful to the Home.. School &
Community Association for
donating the prize money.
MIXED SPORTS WINNERS -- The annual banquet of the Luton legion mixed sports league was held
Saturday night. Above, sports officer Roy Scott presents trophies to dart champs Shirley and Corl Stuckless
and euchre winners Mildred and Lawrence Hirtzel. T -A photo
SUNDAY: Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship Service 11:00 a.m.
Evening Service 7:00 p.m.
MONDAY: Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study 8:00 p.m.
FRIDAY: Youth Service 8:00 p.m.
CALL 227-4877
Pastor: Rev. Raymond A. Brewster
Achievement day
for area 4-H clubs
Achievement Day for the 4-11
clubs in this area is being held at
Medway High School, Arva, on
Saturday, May 3, and guests will
be most welcome at 1 p.m.
Three members of Lucan Clubs
are eligible for county honours
and it is hoped that a good
number from Lucan will make
the necessary effort to attend.
Samples of different breads
made during this project will be
investigating 58 occurrences.
The 37 general occurrences
included erratic driving, dog
Seniors plan
coffee hour
Members of the Sunshine
Group played euchre for high
score and lone hands at the
meeting of the Senior Citizens
Club on Thursday afternoon.
Winners were high ladies -
Rose Atkinson, ladies' lone
hands, Charlotte Barker; high
men's, Joe Carter; lone hands,
men, Cecil Robb.
The Club sponsored bus trip
was confirmed, leaving the club
rooms at 11 a.m. on March 15,
proceeding to the Strathroy
Country Club for a smorgasbord
luncheon, followed by a tour of
the Middlesex County Museum
and an hour or so in a shopping
centre. .
Lunch was provided by
Florence Hodgins, Effie Hebden
and Gordon Atkinson, Two
readings were given by Eva
Allison "Tomorrow" and a very
humorous one entitled "A Low
Calorie Diet".
The "Busy Buddies" craft
group continued with individual
projects and were visited by Mrs.
Roy Zinn, who will start this
afternoon, Thursday, teaching
the members to make her lovely
bead necklaces, rings, etc.
If you are interested, please be
on hand at 1:30. New members
are welcome.
Gentlemen - don't forget the
regular "coffee hour" each
Monday morning and bowling for
seniors in May will be the 6 and
the 20th at 2 p.m.
All Seniors are welcome.
bites, found property, suspicious
persons, troublesome youths,
property checks, etc.
Assistance was given to other
police departments on five oc-
casions. Wilful damage in-
vestigations totalled eight, two
impaired drivers were ap-
prehended and one instance each
of break and enter, attempted
theft, fraud, auto theft, missing
persons and insecure .premises
As a result 234 prersons were
charged with offences under the
highway Traffic Act and another
37 motorists were issued war-
CGIT attend
games day
The members of the Lucan
C.G.I.T. attended the annual
Middlesex -London C.G.I.T.
games day, at Empress United
Church on Saturday afternoon.
Inter -group Volley Ball was
enjoyed with Lucan winning their
first game 7-4 but losing their
second 11-12.
Also included in the afternoon
was folk' singing, coulage, films
and other recreation, with
refreshments served mid-
The, members wish to thank
Mrs. Bob Taylor and Mrs. Ivan
Hearn for helping with the
At their meeting on Tuesday
evening, the members played
"King's Court" on the church
lawn, discussed their trip to
Niagara Falls and set a tentative
date for the Mother & Daughter
Banquet, for Thursday, June 19.
DANCE RECITAL IN ACTION — The Fanshowe College dance classes at the Lucan oreno came to a close
Thursday with o recital. Shown during a routine ore Carolyn Lankin, Marnie Wraith, Karen Hofrichter,
Koren Radcliffe, Brenda Carroll, Julie Mugford and Brehda Carroll. T -A photo
Lions elect
new officers
The Lucan & district Lions club
met on Monday evening, April 21
in Holy Trinity Anglican church
lower hall.
The election of officers resulted
as follows: past president, Bob
Stutt; president, Bill Giesen; 1st
vice-president, Gary Manders;
2nd vice-president, Ron King; 3rd
vice-president, Paul Dykeman;
secretary, Clare Stanley;
treasurer, Brian Jones; Lion
Tamer, Don Leitch; 2 year
directors, Moe Buck and Frank
VanPraet; 1 year directors,
Keith Kraul and Bob Garrett.
During the business meeting it
was decided to withdraw from
the Lucan Rec League.
It was announced that the Red
Cross Canvags had netted $396.00.
The resignation of Lion Larry
Hotson as co-chairman of the
Fair 75 was accepted. He was
replaced by Lion Gary McFalls.
The preliminaries for the
"Talent Show" at Fair 75 will be
held at Biddulph School on
Friday, May 2. Applications are
available at the schools or the
Lucan Locker.
The answer to the "fish story"
in the last "Ladle" is 80 inches.
See Us For Your
Sekine - 5 and 10 -Speed
Gitane Cycle
Ariens, Lawn Scout, Simplicity
Canadiana, Lown Scout
McCulloch, Echo
128 Market St. Phone 227-4412
"How'd you
like to be left
holding this bag!"
ay 15: Have you got
the winning ticket?
May 15th, that's the first Wintario draw. And you could be a big
winner. Of the grand prize of $100.000, or $10,000; or $1000 or $100.
There's up to 1350 prizes the first draw alone. And tickets are just
a dollar. So come on Ontario, play
Wintario, the new Ontario lottery.
"1 got my ticket,
you gotyers?"
wall win