HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-05-01, Page 10 (2)Pope 10 Tim.s-Advocate, May 1, 1975 Odds n' Ends By ELAINE TOWNSHEND 901 4tdaya Most families have a month in which several birthdays are crammed. My family's month is May. There are nine members in my immediate family, including parents, grandparents, one sister and a brother-in-law, two n$phrws and one niece. Five of them celebrate their birthdays within a five week period, beginning on April 20. Add Mother's Day, and May strains my budget almost as badly as Christmas. Five bir- thday cakes don't help a diet much either. Don't misunderstand me: I'm not complaining. I don't want to be labelled "Scrooge." I enjoy shopping for other people, when I know what they like. But some gifts require much thought and a long search. Many adults detest blue jeans. They complain that young people never dress up anymore. All the kids wear nowadays is T-shirts and jeans. When birthday time rolls around for my niece and nephew, aged eleven and thirteen, I say, "Thank goodness , for blue jeans!'• They're easy to buy. I don't have to choose from a multitude of colours, designs and materials. They're durable and practical,and they solve at least two of my birthday dilemmas. My youngest nephew is three. His age group is unimpressed by clothes- The wide variety of toys, games and story books makes the selection of his present difficult. Fortunately, most children develop a passion for certain objects. My nephew loves cars of any size, shape or colour. If I give him a car or a truck, I feel con- fident he'll like it. Grand Bend Nursery School Fall Registration Tuesday, May 6 9- 11:30o.m. GRAND BEND UNITED CHURCH For ages 2 1/2 to 5 years Adults, in my opinion, are more difficult to buy for than children. For the women in my family, I purchase clothes or gadgets for the house, but the men usually stump me. Of course, they can always use tools. Unfortunately, my knowledge of tools encompasses a hammer, a wrench and a screwdriver. I imagine the men become bored after receiving a hammer several years in a row. Those of us, who detest smoking, must admit smokers are some of the easiest people to satisfy. Pipes and pipe holders, ashtrays and packages of cigars are readily available. But that's taking the easy way out in our search for a gift. My father smokes a pipe. He always welcomes a new pipe or tobacco pouch. Since I've taken a stand against smoking, I refuse to give him another pipe. Besides, when he needs one, he'll buy it. His closet is crammed with shirts, and his dresser drawers bulge with socks. I abandoned those two ideas. He hates ties and only wears one when he ab- solutely has to. Buying him a tie, I fear, would be unwise. As usual, I wrestle with the problem of choosing the perfect birthday gifts for the men in my family. I'm not alone. Most women would rather shop for another woman than for a man. Meanwhile, men claim women are hard to please. Sometimes, giving them money to buy their own gift is the most tactful idea. When most people open a gift, they instinctively gush, "Just what I always wanted." Inside they may be asking themselves, "What is it? or exclaiming "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it!" If the appreciation is sincere, our painstaking search for a suitable present is rewarded. If not. the recipient gains only comfort by remembering, "It's not the gift but the thought behind it that counts." \1r. & Mrs. Charles Coward of Exeter celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary quietly at a family gathering at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Smith, Lucan. Personal gifts were presented to them by the members of their family. • • 1111 DISPLAYING THE CHINA — A show of Royal Doulton • china,Focus on China, was held Wednesday, April 23 at South Huron District High School. Over 200 gathered to view the china wares. From left, inspecting some of the pieces, are some of the women who put together one of the displays, Susan McAllister, Janet Hicks, June Essery, Mildred Greb and Freda Rollings. T -A photo • • `r 0 taI LEADERSHIP HONOURS — At Saturday's 4-H Achievement Day for Exeter and district two leaders were honoured. Above, Huron Home Economist Jane Pengilley presents five year leadership awards to Mrs. Lorne Johns and Mrs. Bill Dougall. Asparagus month Tender fresh green asparagus will be appearing on most local markets this month. With warm rains and bright sunshine, it pops up as if by magic. Gardeners must keep a sharp eye out for the first signs of the tender tips peeping through the soil. From then on it's a race to keep the asparagus cut as it can grow from eight to 10 inches a day. When you buy asparagus, look for bright green bunches with straight stalks and tightly closed tips. Store unwashed and un- trimmed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, and use within one or two days. If used as a vegetable along with the main course, one pound of asparagus will serve four. However, true asparagus lovers will not be satisfied with that amount. Therefore, buy asparagus often and in quan- tities to please your family. And don't forget that a serving of asparagus is an excellent source of iron and vitamins A and (' Going to 1 A Special Spring Formal Event? FLOOR COVERING • WALLPAPER FAMILY CLOTHING • DRAPES • FABRICS NOWN"."-WP EXETER'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE Then be sure to see our selection of elegant EVENING DRESSES In Our Modernized Ladies' Department ALSO FEATURING SPORTSWEAR By Page One and Hobnobber the junction FORMERLY GOULD & JORY NOW OPEN All DAY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT • T -A photo Focus on Fine China show viewed by over 200 Royal Doulton china lovers Over 200 people gathered on Wednesday evening to view the display of Royal Doulton China in SHDHS. The show was sponsored by Centralia UCW in co-operation with Campbell's Jewellers. Mrs. Earl Campbell introduced the film, "Focus on Fine China" and following this she gave some constructive guide lines to be considered in selecting china. Mrs. Janet Hicks chose Royal Doulton's "Ting" for arranging an every day table setting using wooden accessories and an an- tique bread board -and tray. A birthday smorgasbord table was displayed by Mrs. Freda Rollings who chose Royal Doulton's "Pastorale" china with serving pieces of stainless steel. "Ravenswood" china and pinwheel crystal made an im- pressive setting for a 15th wed- ding anniversary celebration arranged by Mrs. Mildred Greb with an attractive Edwardian bouquet as a centerpiece. An informal "little" dinner setting was shown by Mrs. Susan McAllister combining a modern feeling with the simple elegance of earthstone accessories. An antique copper kettle with an arrangement of yellow daisies was used to pick up the floral design in Royal Doulton's "Summerdays" china. An attractive display of Royal Doulton figurines was shown with special emphasis on new ad- ditions to the line. A figurine called "Lorna" was contributed by Royal Doulton for a door prize which was won by Mrs. Donna Jones. Other door prizes including gift certificates donated by Campbell'sJewellers were won by Marg Cook, Sherry Prout, Audrey 1NcFalls, Brenda Hennessey, Dorothy Hern, Vicky Hay, Dianne Skinner, Mrs. Elmer Wilson, Jeanie Lee, Sandra Hern, Janet Kerslake, Donna Stewart and Melaine Hackney. The ladies were invited to view the displays. Mrs. Amelia Dearing, Mrs. Sandra Campbell, Mrs. Marlene Rundle and Mrs. Oexe7 clue Martha Ellis, Hensall, will celebrate her 93rd birthday, May 3. Marie Fisher, representing Campbell's Jewellers, assisted Mrs. Campbell in answering questions about the displays. The show was co-ordinated by Mrs. Edith Lobb, Mrs. Etta Powe, Mrs. Donna Smith, Mrs. Adeline Elliott, Mrs. Iva Blair and Mrs. June Essery. A child should not be left unat- tended with electrical appliances that are in operation, cautions St. John Ambulance. A child's natural curiosity can often lead to tragedy, when left unsupervised. CENTRALIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY Huron Park Basic Sewing CLASSES Will Be Held in Middlesex Hall 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, May 12 to June 11 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, May 13 to June 12 FEE: $10.00 Pre -Register by Mail or in Person Before Wednesday May 7 For further information phone: 227-4451, 228-6694 WE NEVER SKIMP oN QUALITT... VAIUEOR SERVICE: From Our Superior Meat Department King of Roasts Prime RIb of Beef Great on your Barbecue Prime Rib Steaks Cross Rib Roast Chuck Steaks Pride of Canada Burns Fully Cooked Pork Shoulders Essex Packers Hickory Gold Breakfast Bacon Burns Beef Steakettes Beef Braising Ribs Schneiders Fresh No. 1 Chicken Legs Maple Leaf New Baked Mac & Cheese Loaf Burris Pride of Canada Wieners Regular or All Beef Ib.1 .09 lb. 1 .19 Ib. 79' Ib. 99' s Cryovac 3 Ib. Average Ib. 1 .49 1 Ib. Vac Pack . $ 1.39 '4 Ib. each 1 Ib. Vac Pack 85' Paramount SOCKEYE SALMON Ib. Ib. 79' 79' . 89' ., 79' Johnsons J. CLOTHS Colonial or Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Chip COOKIES Velvet PASTRY FLOUR Christies Salted Premiums THINS Delmonte FANCY PEAS Del Monte CREAM CORN Dr. Bollards Champion DOG FOOD libbys Pure Unsweetened ORANGE or GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Pkge of 12 854 16 oz. 89' 71b. Bag ;1.19 Ib. 69' 10 az. 3/88' 3/1.00 25' oz. 39� 48 oz. tins 63' 10 oz. 100% Florida Clover Cream Brights • Vitaminized APPLE JUICE 48 oz. tin 2/$1 &H 235-0212 Crest TOOTH PASTE 150 ml Reg. only 1.59 King Size SCOPE 33.6 oz. $1 .69 Facelle Royale FACE TISSUES White or Coloured 300's 47' Superior BREAD 24 oz. Enriched • 3/$109 LAWN CHAIRS Heavy Gauge Aluminum 6 Strand Webbing Orange, Blue or Green Limited Quantity w '1 $414aVI F r IN Hos!ess FRESH CHERRY PIES Large 20 oz. Pie 89' Moms MARGARINE S COTTAGE CHEESE Choice of Flavours YOGURT Highliner COD IN BATTER Rhodes Frozen Raisin BREAD DOUGH Del Monte Fancy Mix or Match WAX BEANS, GREEN BEANS PEAS & CARROTS loot. 4/1 BAKING Wonder Cherry COFFEE CAKE 69' 1 Ib. Print 2/$1 16 oz. Reg. 69' hoz. 9 14oz. 98' 2 Roll Pkge. 79' Produce of USA FRUITS & VEGETABLES Canada No. 1 HEAD Produce of USA COOKING LETTUCETOMATOES ONIONS 3 ` 39' 2 49' 24's eo bulk Ib. lbs.