HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-04-24, Page 22 (2)Page 10A
Times -Advocate, ApriI24, 1975
READY FOR DAFFODIL TEA — The Lucan Explorers will be participating in Saturday's Daffodil Tea at the
United Church. Shown above with o doll display are Explorers Mary Madden and Carolyn Lankin and
leader Mabel Fronts. T -A photo
and district news
Phone 227-4714
Correspondent: Mrs. M.H. Hodgins
Need information
Vandalism on the increase
There has been an increase in
the number of vandalism oc-
currences in Lucan and area
according to Constable G. J.
Barker. community services
officer for the Lucan Ontario
Provincial Police detachment.
Constable Barker asks for co-
operation from area citizens in
curtailing these activities. He
adds that "any information
received will be treated con-
During the week Lucan detach -
..ducat rteukt,
. Many members and their wives
of Irving Lodge attended the past
masters' assoc. dinner and dgnce
held on Wednesday evening in the
Kirkton Community Hall. The
speaker was the Honourable
Judd - Buchanan. Federal
Minister of Indian Affairs &
Northern Development who
spoke on his work in his depart-
ment. also in connection with
Environment and National
Music for dancing was
provided by Skippers orchestra
and the Kirkton W I. catered for
the excellent beef dinner.
Mrs. Donna Gibson has spent
the past two and a half weeks in
St. Joseph's Hospital but is home
now recuperating from surgery.
Mrs. Shipley Siddall. 1st vice-
president. Middlesex
Presbyterial. UCW of Carlisle.
Mrs. Irwin McAlpine. treasurer.
Mrs. Jack Rosser. chairman.
social action & social services
committee. both of Ailsa Craig,_
Mrs_Fred Heaman. chairman of
the programme development
committee. of Parkhill. and Mrs
M. H. Hodgins. regional vice-
pres. were among those at-
tending the London Conference
U.C.W in Sault Ste Marie on
Monday and Tuesday
Mr & Mrs. Wayne Hodgins. RR
3. Ilderton. were Saturday guests
with the former's parents. Mr &
Mrs M H Hodgins
ment officers inVestigated only
three highway accidents and
damages. were only 51.200
Seniors use -
new projector
A highlight of the Lucan senior
citizens club meeting on Thur-
sday afternoon, was the
"christening" of the new
projector. purchased through the
New Horizons Grant.
Cecil Robb, treasurer for that
committee. chose and projected
"City of Gold" commentary by
Pierre Burton, • the story of
Dawson City and the gold rush.
During the- business meeting
chaired by president Gordon
Hotson. final plans were
presented and approved for the
club sponsored bus trip to
Strathroy Golf & Country Club for
smorgasboard luncheon, tour of
the Museum. and Capital Foods.
on Thursday. May 15. All seniors
not present are asked to contact
president Gordon, at once, if they
wish to go.
An invitation was read from
llderton senior citizens club to be
present at their euchre party,
tonight. April 24. at 8 p.m. in the
Ilderton arena hall.
Secretary Mary McCarthy
reported she had received a
receipt for the contribution to
Bunny Bundle and birthday
wishes were extended to Irene
Two former members were
welcomed back. Mrs. R. R.
Crozier. now of -London: and Mrs.
William 'Luther. Ailsa Craig. and
a guest was also present. Mrs.
Wilfred Morgan. of Strathroy.
Bingo was enjoyed by the
Sunshine Group while the Busy
Buddies worked at various
crafts. crocheting. needlepoint.
liquid embroidery and hairpin
Lunch was provided by Mrs. A.
Kish. Mrs L McCartney and Bill
SUNDAY Sunday School 10:00 o.m.
Morning Worship Service
Evening Service
MONDAY: Prayer Meeting
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study
FRIDAY: Youth Service
11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
CALL 227-4877
Pastor. Rev. Raymond A. Brewster
l! 4"
Jack & Associates
▪ Jack Hobden
216 Vancouver St.
Phone 455-4599
Randy Paul
326 Beech St.,
Phone 227-4584
• Accounting and system analysis
• Corporate and personal taxation
i11111111111111111f111111111111111118111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1I111111111011111111111111111110111111111111111 0016
Wednesday at 11.20 a.m. a
vehicle driven by Donald
Cumming. London was damaged
to the extent of S225 when it
struck and killed a dog on High-
way 23, a half mile north of the -
Granton road. Constable G. N.
Wilcox investigated. .
The same evening at 10.45 p.m.
another dog was killed. The
animal was hit by a vehicle
driven by Daniel Vanlondersele,
RR 1. Simcoe.
The mishap occurred on High-
way 4. a quarter of a mile south of
Concession 15 in London town-
ship. Constable B. D. Munro
listgd damages at $350.
Vehicles driven by D. Joy
Bugden, Main Street, Ilderton
and Freeda Moir, Stratford
collided on County Road 16 at
Adelaide street Thursday at 11.05
Constable Wilcox was the in-
vestigating officer and estimated
damages at $600.
Planning clinic
You are reminded of the
Natural Family Planning clinic
the last Thursday of each month.
commencing this evening. from 8
to 10 p.m. at the St. Patrick's
"Mini Hall". 'phone 227-4995 for
further information.
Annual visit
from Presbytery
The regular visit from
Presbytery to Lucan United
Church Official Board which
happens every third year, took
place Monday evening. with Rev.
Mary Mclnally of Granton United
Church in charge and Rev.
Morley Clarke, field secretary
for London conference, as
Mr. Clarke led the members in
singing to his guitar ac-
companiment. This was
something quite different for an
official board meeting and was
much enjoyed.
Mr. Clarke advised the
members present, of the duties of
conference, leading from this into
different levels of com-
munication. saying that many
Christians are like turtles, some
completely shut up with them-
selves some breaking out only in
surface exchange, others giving
facts only. some communicating
ideas and a few reaching the peak
by communicating their feelings
and religious experience to
others. He said we should be like
a tree with much root system of
faith and commitment to Christ.
Those present were divided
into three groups led by Miss
Mclnally, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Thornley, a lay couple from
Dundas United Church. London,
and Mr. Clarke, to discuss phases
of personal spiritual growth,
returning for further discussion
in total group.
Present recital
of dancing class
You are invited to attend the
recital of the Fanshawe Dance
Class at the Lucan & Community
Memorial Arena tonight,
Thursday, April 24, commencing
at 7 p.m.
Jazz, tap and ballet have been
taught by Brenda Zadorsky (nee
Keeling) during the winter
months and a treat is in store for
you if you can be present tonight.
District president visits WI
after enjoying Texas winter
At the April meeting of the
Lucan women's institute on
Wednesday evening, Mrs. O.
Zimmerman, the district
president was a special guest,
bringing greetings from the
executive and pointing out that
we do not need to go out of
Ontario to see beauty if we but
look around us. She and her
husband have just returned from
a winter spent in Texas.
Mrs. Harold Snelgrove, past
president, now living near
Zurich, installed the 1975-76 of-
ficers as follows: president, Mrs.
James Lockyer, vice -Pres. Mrs.
Harold Cobleigh; secretary, Mrs.
T. Emery, Sr.; treasurer, Mrs. G.
Hotson; branch directors, Mrs.
C. Robb and Mrs. F. Jolliffe; dist.
director, Mrs. Robb; auditors,
Miss M. Carling and Mrs.
Sheridan Revington; pianists
Mrs. Revington and Mrs.
Cobleigh; nominating com-
Still time to
visit schools
If you have not visited St.
Patrick's School yet for their
presentation "Catholic Education
- Quality Education with a Dif-
ference", you still have time
today and tomorrow the 24th and
25th from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m:
mittee, Mrs. Frank Hardy Sr.
and Mrs. R. R. Crozier, con-
veners include agriculture &
canadian industries, Mrs. Glen
Haskett; citizenship & world
affairs, Mrs. Ewart Madden;
education & cultural activities,
Mrs. Crozier; family & consumer
affairs, Mrs. Frank Goring;
resolutions, Mrs. Revington;
P.R.O. Mrs. M. H. Hodgins; sick
& sunshine Mrs. J. Park.
Tweedsmuir history curator is
Mrs. Frank Hardy, Sr., and her
committee is comprised of Mrs.
Park, Mrs. E. Hodgson and Mrs.
The Roll Call was answered b'y
18 members paying their fees for
the next year and a parade of
Easter bonnets made from
anything around the house, which
proved too difficult to judge so
the- prize, a box of peppermint
patties, was shared by all!
During the business meeting,
chaired by president Mrs. James
Lockyer, the date of the bus trip
was charged to Wednesday, June
11. Anyone wishing to go to
Frankenmuth with the W.I.
please 'phone 227-4702, at once.
The International Tea, May 30
was discussed and the District
Annual to be held in Lucan United
Church on Tuesday, May 6 was
announced. Registration is at
9:30 and members of the Clan-
deboye Branch are the hostesses.
Mrs. Crozier together with the
president and District Director
will be the delegates.
Mrs. Gordon Hotson has agreed
to attend the Officers Conference
at Waterloo University.
The next meeting, May 21 will
be in charge of the Branch
Directors and will be held in the
Masonic Hall.
The Conveners made their
yearly reports and lunch was
served by hostess Mrs. Frank
Goring, assisted by Mrs.
Losses for
TOPS club
At the weekly meeting of Tops,
twenty members answered the
roll call with a 19 pound loss and a
6 pound gain for an overall loss of
13 pounds.
Keep up the good fight.
In a secret ballot taken it was
almost unanimous to use con-
vention funds to defray the cost of
the trip to Ottawa, giving the
executive the power to distribute
the funds in ratio to contributions
through member activities and
Each member will be given her
envelope at convention time and
each one will then know how
much of a contribution she has
made to the club.
Convention time is drawing
BAR SIX WINNERS The Bar Six trundlers won the "B" cham-
pionship of the Lucan men's bowling league. Back, left, Jim Hearn,
Keith Dickson and Harry Dickson. Front, Bill Neil and Evan Butchart.
New soccer club ready
The Lucan & district soccer
club held a "stag" on Saturday
night, at the Lucan Arena, to
raise funds to assist the club.
An exhibition game will be
near with sixteen members going
from the Lucan club along with
the Exeter group.
We look forward to seeing you
"lighter" next week.
played at the Boys'
Farm, between Ailsa Craig and
Nairn, on Sunday, April 27, at 2
p.m.. with tryouts for the team.
All those interested, 16 years
and over, are invited to play. The
public is invited to be a cheering
The first game will be held at
6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 30,
on the Biddulph school grounds.
LMail coupon to 100 ways. Box 3500. Station C. Ottawa
I'd like to do everything 1 can to conserve
energy — and save myself as much as $ 1(X)
a year in the bargain. Please send nye a free
copy of /(X) tt'cn'.% tO ' (11 C otter[,'t and motley
/11 the home.
w•.,r:es G. eda agasc,x :rate
F.'RE A1.1- A\\ ARI "t rh, energy
tuanon. and it's cosy I. .,,. "Well
there • nothing I son do,ih it it
N rang there's plenty that C.1Lh one of us
an dr, in , nn hones and apantn wnt. 10 help
( Lunda and sine as nuoh,n'loxia year
N hen we .,se ctx•r_". wr cols,, s,r,c m,orey.
this new hn,k is full of idea, sou can
apply to heating. .i,,'kmg. air .•oMuffling.
lighting. water heating And it • written
,imply. with diagrams and lull .rt,tncuons
on lino to fix tap washer.. dirt•• honoree
tillers. Lap. around window, and .n on
\Intost cver)thing that ha, leen written
ar hone conservation is peeked into the
hook And it's yours free
Here are a fcw of the tvka,
Don't (frown
the beans
NIIi• you're ,,w king segetahk...
use little water and 0%4., only until
the s're tender 1111111 .,or %minims
and flavour Nc11 desrt.'red e1rok-
ware. used on the pr .per settings.
will also consent- energy 1
cooking the entire meal in the
oven. or 00 one or two burner..
If you're lucky ern nigh to have
a dishwasher. dont use it until you
have a lull Iliad I)o, the same w uh
your clothes deer and he sure to
clean the lint litter after e.xh 1,oa1d.
Sas ing energy i. often .1 game
tit. pennies. hut they all add up -
and so do the say ings hr ('anada.
i)o yon really need a
crushed -ice dispenser?
A FROST -1 Ri.1- refrigerator
uses S4)'4 more energy than a
standard nxxiel A crushed -cc
dispenser is a lig energy drain.
And a self-cleaning oven uses 20%
more energy than a standard model.
Ask yourself how many of these
extras you really need.
When your go shiupping for a new appli-
ance -- refrigerator. dishwasher. range. dryer,
washing machine - lot beyond the pnce tag.
What's the energy cost of nmmng t:' Often the
hetter-huilt. more expensive model is also
more energy-efficient. A letter huv in the
long -run.
Five ways to save
on home heating
HEATING is the biggest item in a family's
home energy budget. Here are a few simple
ways to save:
K1Y 4G1
Lower the thermostat.
1-ach degree over hit adds about
21 ff to your heating hill. By
dropping the setting fnmi 72 to
711 you can sase S'4. Dropping It
from 72 to 6)t N111 \ase 1(1'.4 - about $30 a year.
It helps to lower the temperature further
at night. and when you're going to he away
from home for a few days.
Check your furnace filter.
A dusty. clogged filter forces
the system to work harder, and
wastes energy. Inspect it every
10days. tTle hook shows you
how.) An annual or semi-annual
furnace cleaning can save you
,another 11Y4
How's your insulation?
Many (anaxlian homes have
inadequate Insulation. ('citing%
should have 6 or more of min-
eral wool or glass hhre insula-
tion. Wall cavities should he
completely filled. Basement
walls should also be pntected
10 2 feet below grade level. To avoid fire
hazards. don't use foamed plastic insulation in
exposed applications.
Use storms and weather-stripping.
Storni wirxlows and doxxs wll
reduce heat loss in winter by up
to 15%.
Weather-stripping is a must
A tiny gap of along the
bottom of a door is the same as
having a 9 square -inch hole in
your living -room wall. 100 ways tr save
energy and money in the home exp ains how to
weather-strip joints and caulk the frames of
wirxk,ws and doors.
Let the sunshine in.
Energy -from the sun is free. so it
makes sense to use as much of it
as we can. In the winter. open
curtains and drapes dunng the bright pan of
the day and close than al night. for their
insulating value. In summer. do the opposite.
v Drip, drip, drip, drip
crit: DRIP per second from a leaky hot
water faucet or shower -head sends about 175
gallons a month down the drain. 'that's moor,
down the drain. You can probably fit it your-
ourself with a new washer and a few minutes
Be sure the sire of your water heater
matches your needs. Don't set it for more than
140 degrees. and tum if off when you go on
Have you trrd a cold -water wash for
lothes? 11 usually'xsorks 11151 as ss ell Remem-
ber. kxr, that your average shower hath uses
only 5 gallons of hot water. while a tub hath
takes almost 10 gallons.
Could you use an
extra $100 a year?
These arc just a fcw of the many. many ways
to save energy and mine), in the home.
Lt's well worth doing. By making modest
energy savings now. we can improve our
environment and way of life far into the future.
.Send in ilii eoupnn (lir w>tvr free ropy of
"1(X) nvtys hr save energy and mirror lit
the home.-
Order early. Allos'v 6 weeks for printing and matins.
' + Energy, Mines and
Resources Canada
Office of Energy Conservation
Hon. Donald S. Macdonald