HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-03-27, Page 19 (2)Former area couple o celebrates anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Garfield Latta of London celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Friday, March 21, at the Lucan Arena, with open house in the afternoon and evening, with dancing during the evening. The former Mary Ann Hodgins married Garfield Latta on March 25, 1925 at the Ailsa Craig Anglican Church. They lived in the Parkhill, Lucan areas until 1948 when they moved to London. Gabian Stone .Calcium Chloride in 100 pound bags Sand & Stone Gravel Stone f Wjepin 1 • Mr. Latta worked for George White & Sons; Company, Ltd. until July, 1974 at which time he retired. Friends and • -relatives were present from Vulcan, Alberta, Peterborough, I$ingsville, Scarborough, Hamilton, Waterloo, Keene, Oil Springs, Guelph, Grand Bend, Parkhill, Hensall, Exeter, Kirkton, London and Lucan area. Greetings were received from Robert E. McKinley, M.P. for Huron -Middlesex, the Honorable Robert Stanfield, Federal Leader he Opposition and Governor - neral Jules Leger. Mr. & Mrs. Latta have two ons, Harvey and Robert of RR 1 and RR 2 Lucan and five daughters, Leona, Mrs. Norman Amos of Kirkton; Dorothy, Mrs John Lauzon of Keene; Norma, Mrs. Robert Elliott; Mona, Mrs. James Herr, both of -London, and arlene, Mrs. David Kostal of Iph. Also they have 18 dchildren and five great- dchildren. MR. and MRS. GARFIELD LATTA DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Good news r ' 11■ 6 COMPLETE 'y COVERAGE FOR �G Home * Farm �� * Life y� * Commercial * Automobile Registered Retirement Plans * By SID DALEY Here's a good news bulletin for ex -service personnel recently received which is passed on for your information: Increases in War Veterans Allowances and Civilian War Pensions and Allowances have been announced by the Honorable Daniel J. MacDonald, Minister of Veterans Affairs. About 86,500 Canadians receiv JWVA and CWA bene are now adjusted 41 a'• ar basis + correspond w es in the Co umer Pri ene s for s. v era it c ldr: nd o e a w i veteran it has been increased from $4,714.32 to $4,846.32. In the case of a married veteran with - two children the income ceiling has increased from $5,945.52 to $6,112.28. A single veteran, widow or wido', . • ceiving Ole maximum ben will get $6.43 a month ied veteran will get h more; allowance for pendent child is increased ' $ a month. Ne ` maximum benefits are: singl recipient, $195.91 per month, married veteran, $333.86; dependent child, $52.74. The scale of benefits is subject to the total annual income of a recipient. Allowances paid in respect of children take into account any Family Allowance payments. CONTACT Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main St. Phone 235.-2544 Exeter Across From Beaver Lumber 1.',-0 a1. i,,,.1' Al married pendent ws and ted quer- new rates ttfke effect 11 1, 975. he income ceilings are 2.8 p rcent higher than. those in effect during the first quarter of the year. The annual income ceiling under which single persons may receive maximum benefits has r, d from $2.753,76 to $2.830.92' or the married The University of Western Ontario UCWpIan4 to welcome The Friendship Unit of Lucan United church Women finalized plans for the Fellowship Lun- cheon, at their meeting Wed- nesday evening, at the church. It will be held on Sunday, April 6 following the morning service and is a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the newcomers to the church. The worship service was taken by Mrs. John MacDonald on an Easter theme. Mr. MacDonald had played the hymns on their organ and taped them for use at this meetirtg. A chapter in the current study book on the 50th Anniversary of the United Church was given by Mrs. Ross Holden, who divided the nrernbers into three groups to study the background of the three uniting churches. The groups reported back` to the membership and Mrs. Holden then gave a brief resume of the history of the local church. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. A. Jones and -Mrs. S. Yallup. A brief meeting of the United Church Wotnen's Executive was called after church on Sunday. It was decided to hold the fashion show in the- Biddulph School auditorium on Wednesday, May 7. The show will commence at 8 p.m. but the models will be asked to be present at 7 p.m. for rehearsal. Refreshments will be served following the show. Admission will be $1. EVENING AND DAY SUMMER SCHOOL COURSES IN CLINTON The University of Western Ontario plans to offer Evening and Day - Summer School Courses in English, Psychology, Sociology, Physical Education and Politics for degree credit. Classes will meet in CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL. - EVENING SUMMER SCHOOL May 6 - July 17, 1975, Tuesdays and Thursdays Examinations, July 22 and 23 5:15 p.m.- 7:45 p.m. **Psychology 342 (Developmental Psychology: Exceptional Children) J. G. Murra 5:15 p.m.- 7:45 p.m. English 020 (General Literature and Composition) I 7:45p.m. -10:15 p.m. Sociology 249a/253b (Crinminology/ Sociology of Corrections) F **The prerequisite for Psychology 342 is Psychology 36 or or 241 or equivalent. h.D. g, M.A. roches, M.A. or 140 or 236 NI( 10 DAY SUMMER SCH • • L July 2 - August 12, 1975, Mondays t •ugh Trs ys Examinations, kGgust ' 15 , , 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. *P.E. 020 (Introdu- o Physical Faculty of Education) .. Physic Education 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Politics 131 (International Po)i1(cs) *AFTERNOON HI(JRS P.E. 020 •s 1:3 30 p.m., Tuesdays edn .ays, Thursdays A. J. l Wer, Ph.D. NO NEW Stutints Summer Sim Tying t. . egin 'versify work at Evening ply .y APRIL 4 A 't 1 t I RESTED IN BEGINNING WORK T ARD A B.A. DEGREE? Miss Angela Arm tension Departme ducting interview DATE: TIME: PLACE: he Director of The Summer School and Ex- , University of Western Ontario, will be con - Thursday, April 3rd, 1975 4:00 to 8:30 p.m. Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton Foolosofy Blessed -are they who run in circles, for they shall be called wheels. If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Nuff said. Don't forget, Comrades, the most important phase of your Legion year is fast approaching and of course I am referring to your branch nominations and elections. Now is your chance to get in there and promote the Comrades you think most capable to run the affairs of your Bench - that's right 'your' branch. This is no easy task anymore' Comrades. We need dedicated officers who will spend the time to deal with the changes in legislation as it affects the branch, plus the many other business matters which require sane and safe decisions. Its a great challenge. Comrades. If you feel that you would like to make a greater contribution toward the management of the Legion then by all means get in touch with the nominating committee or better still attend the meetings which are held every second .Wed- nesday of the.nonth commencing at 8.30 sharp. Branch 540's mixed sports (lance will be held Saturday. April 12, with the Mark Five supplying the music. Tickets are on sale now, better get them early as only 30 are being sold This is to allow plenty of room for dancing. Thirty couples makes for a very nice party atmosphere. Make it a point to attend; un- derstand the Mark Five really have a beat. Lucky Doug Galloway won the Pot of Gold, imagine all he had to do was drop down to the lounge and register, in the bookprovided. prior to 10.00 p.m. Saturday night. There'll come a day. I hope. Happy Easter to all our readers and I hope the Easter Bunny willt be good to you. and that's 30 for this week 1• Remember - Be alert a aggressive, stumbling blocks f r one man are stepping stones for another. • Finalize plans for spring courses Members of t---Lucan Area Advisory Comrttitt'ee met on Wednesday evening in the Bid- dulph School to finalize plans for the spring courses. Golf for Beginners and Landscaping will be the two courses offered plus a metric seminar, toward the end of April. Registration will be Wednesday, April 9 and classes will commence on Wednesday, April 16. A tennis course will be offered this summer when the courts are ready. Permission from the arena board has already been given. Fall courses suggested at this meeting were - Sewing with Knits. Bridge for Beginners, Furniture Refinishing, Ceramics, Flower Arranging, Quilting for Beginners and another seminar on a chosen topic. Your suggestions will be welcome. Ahem Mr. or Mrs. Alf Williams, 227-4135 or Dave Wilkins, at the school, 227-4891. uncheon newcomers It was also decided to order four dozen 50th Anniversary Commemorative teaspoons. Anyone wishing to purchase one should call 227-4879 at once as 26 are already sold. The Mitten Tree will be con- tinued this year and all knitters are invited to share in this project for our native children. Those who do not knit may hang "store- bought" mittens, toques or scarves. } By MRS. HAMILTON HOOGINS Sandra Janssen, Woodham, spent a few days with Betty Johnson then Betty returned to Sandra's for a few days recently. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Davies, Spalding, Sask., Don Davies, Wynyard, Sask., Mr. & Mrs. Orville Davies and family, Guelph, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mills, Centralia, Bruce Mills and Linda Coughtrey,-London were Sunday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. MacLeod Mills to celebrate Bruce's birthday. .Ttltirsday night visitors with Mr. ;& Mrs. Charles McRobert were Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rohde, Thames- Road, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Thomson, Granton and Mr. & Mrs. Russell Morley, Exeter. Mrs. Gerald Scott and family, Nobleton, were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. John Scott. Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins visited Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Alton Wallis:---- -.`. Mr. & Mrs. John Storey` and family, Bryanston, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. John Scott. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Damen were Sunday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Egan. An euchre party will be held in the' Community Centre on Saturday night. platiMawiregiveftwanor Times -Advocate, March 27, 1975 ftio19 11111-111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111U1111111111111111,11111111M1111/1 SCOTT'S 120 Se Exete LEA t II\IH.1 ealth Centre * Western Shirts * Children's W' and Boot IIIIII111t111111111111111111I111I1111111111111111111I11I111III 1111„11111111 See Our Display of TRAVEL TRAILERS `----- AT THE a L, l0 5 htu Apri 6 P' e rJ S BUILDING estern Fair Grounds Wham Arthur Motors EXETER 235-1373 BALLMACAU LAY necare BUILDING DIENTRE i By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator, Lorna, Brenda and Barbie Glanville spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Regele and girls, Princeton. Robert England Jr. returned home Saturday after spending five days in Goderich Marine Ilospital. it CON All n on ASHWOOD e237-3381 or 237-3422 (free estimates) J SF: Malr �o Dreams ./ �'me True Co111eton in at and g the it ential and mmercial WIRING and PLUMBING sy Vanities Cupboar Mirror Fixtu Flo ing or 24 -Hour Service Call Rowe = Woodham 229-6284 Aitcheson - St. Pauls (519) 393-6551 B • the 1.1 ill help make it happen t price possible. Just mark 11d like to change in your and leave the rest t0 3 New ceiling 3 x/ Medicine Cabinets Basins & Faucets New counter top Ceramic Tile Tile Board LL-MACAULAY LTD. E. F OR'I'11 �27- 11) CLINTON 1S2-951 I 11 11ENSAI,I, 16.)-.)i is