HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-03-27, Page 14 (2)'age 14 Times -Advocate, March 27, 1975 3B RECREATION DONATE TO PLAYHOUSE - The newly formed Grand Bend recreation committee node a recent donation to the Huron Country Playhouse. Above, rec chairman Stuart Bell presents the che- 1ue to playhouse manager James Murphy while GB councillor Harold Green, a member of the _rec group ooks on. T -A photo Plan Good Friday service at Thames Road church By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD Mrs. William Thomson, Exeter, Mrs. William Rohde 'visited last Tuesday afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Hanna. Kirkton. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Morley, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. William Roh- de visiteThursday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Chas. McRobert. Whalen. Quite a ..number from this community attended Jack Riddell night at Huron . Park Wednesday evening. John Miner, London. spent the weekend with Robert Bray. .Mr. & Mrs. Jim Love. Grand Mr. & Mrs. Wes Reid were Bend.- Mr. & Mrs. Reg Hodgert guests at the Bruce -Reid wedding returned home Sunday night in Detroit Saturday. • after having spen, over a week in Carol Brazier. Brantford.,... Florida. visitediast week and Sandra de Mrs. Helen Jones. Exeter. Mr. mooy: London. is visiting this week with Mr. & Mrs. Riek Mellinger and Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Passmore. William Snow and Jim Snow returned home after spending some time at Red Lake. Marion Roestel. Woodham. and Karen Kerslake, Winchelsea. were guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. William Snow. Bob and Jim. FRESH o• FROZEN CRAP! Hen Turkeys 7Hc L: SIiORT P113 - A-1 STEER TIED" Blade Roast Chuck Steak YOUR CI fell l 78c Ir3 SCHNEIDER'S oT ESSEX VAC i RindlessBacon & ML's William Rohde were guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ross. Merrill. Bayfield. Sympat-hy'of the community- is extended to Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rowe and family in the passing of ML's. Chester Rowe. Good Friday evening church service will be held at Elimville Friday at 8 p.m. MEAT READY -T(` -r \] - Dinner Hams to'1.58 SC SC;iiNFl11i:R'S hii(iiTtIL`12fN(:Lk Summer Sausage '1.28 GRA l lt: `ri" - 21 Young Turkeys 58` ...i WHOLE MAPLE LEAF TENDERSWEET %ND SU( .11: i'LL':.i - READY-T(AT Football Style Hains CA":ADA ':O 1 - Sand Pot'oes �"' 3 CELE U,S, NO TOM R U.S. NO1 GRAP SIP NOI SiZE 24's ItiF RIPE 38 2 IT 78( FAV E, D, SMiTH 28 Garden Co 'ail 45C BLUEBONNET erw Cream (Limit 5/68( 5 1 CAL - 2, put custo.i.cr) .88c (:BEEN GIANT FANCY 12 OZ Niblet Corn 38t 1)ELMONTE 4h ( )7 Margari 3 us$1.98 Tomato Juice 48( 10 OZ TiNS - P ES & STEMS JOY 32 OZ Mushrl ms 38Lemon Fresh 68c Cho t late Cookies DARE'S 2 LB RAG $1.78 E TENDER SPOT PHONE 238-2512 - GRAND BEND Open Monday to Thursday - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, 8 to 9 p.m. Saturday, 8 to 7 p. In. Pay visit to GB WI members treat families By MISS ELIA` MORLOCK CREDITON Tuesday evening was Family Night at the Women's Institute. Each member could bring her family and another family as guests. Following a smorgasbord dinner served downstairs in the community hall, the people' moved upstairs for the program. After the reading of the Ode and Collect, roll call was an- swered by each member responding to "A Community Activity I Take'Time For", and the introducing of her guests. _ Mrs. Gerald Dearing„ program chairman, discussed the motto "You don't take time for cpm- inunity activities; you make it". Guests were- entertained by a unicycle ride by Jayne Dougall; a humorous reading by . Ann Dearing: and a piano solo by Mona Hodgins. Cpl. Ray Brooks, stationed at the Exeter OPP since 1970, was gue.st speaker. He gave a most interesting talk about police duties. Ile was thanked by Mrs. Art Ball. A time of dancing followed, with Bill Dougall and Glenn Ilodgins providing the music. Institute travels to Grand Bend Twelve members of the local institute were guests of the Grand Bend Women's Institute Thur- sday afternoon. Those who went to Grand Bend were Mrs. Robert Ball, Mrs. Aaron Wein, Mrs. Leonard Wein. Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner,. Mrs. Irvine Fink- beiner•. Mrs. Gordon Morlock, Mrs. Sam King. Mrs. Clayton Simms. Mrs. Earl Neil. Mrs. Art ' Ford, Mrs Harold Penhale and Mrs. Cliff Kenney. Mr. Neil won the door prize and Mrs. Ford the birthday gift. Try to get work done The -1 H Group 5 held their second last .meeting Saturday morning at the home of leader' Mrs. William Muller. By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Mrs. Clarence Davis, - Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mrs. Earl 'Greenlee. Mrs. Ron Carroll and Mrs. Heber Davis attended a miscellaneous bridal shower in honor of Olga Grimnlinck at the Whalen Community. Centre Wednesday evening. • Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkinson Lucan, were Tuesday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Hilton Roberts, Lucas. Mr, & Mrs. Earl Greenlee were Tuesday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Don Maguire, Lucan. Mrs. Richard Dickins • was honored to dinner Sunday on the occasion of her birthday by her family. Those present were Mrs: Norma Coleman and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Lucan and Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis. Church service Sunday was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis,Next Sunday the 11 a.m. service %vill be held at the church. Marylou -Tindall and Brenda Carroll were weekend guests with the llirtzel girls at Parkhill. The girls who had not finished their blouses, worked on them. Those who had finished worked on record books and sewing samples. The aim was to com- plete all unfinished 4-11 work at the meeting. Personals Mrs Hobert Hilborn and Cathy, Orangeville, spent several days with Nola Faist last week. Shirley Drost and Kerry Lynne Mahoney of Cambridge, and Richard - Hosking and Real Cardin of Grimsby are spending the week with Mr. & Mrs. Salo King. Mr & Mrs. Les Parker, Cindy and Barbara. Grimsby, also visited with Mr. & Mrs. King a few days.- Mrs. ays.-Mirs. Ed Hendrick, convener of the UCW supply committee. mailed four and a half pounds of used stamps to the Leprosy Mission. Rev. Armin Schlenker con- ducted the communion service at Zion United Church Sunday morning. The theme of his meditation was the crucifixion. Steve Dundas has been tran- sferred to Victoria Hospital. London. Mr. & Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner and Mr. & Mrs. Don Finkbeiner and family were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Clare Spading. Walkerton. Mr. & Mrs. Murray Slackie of McCreary, Manitoba, are guests at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Margaret Clarke. Mr. $c Mrs. Edward Darley. Willowdale, spent several days last week with Mrs. Vera Bullock and Mrs. Gower. ARING AIDS CY 7:17-75( 3 p.m lis fo•most makes E. R. THEDE Hearing Aid Service Ltd. 88 Queen St., S. Kitchener TOWNSHIP OF HAY - AUDITOR'S REPORT - 1974 TO: The Members of Council, and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Township of Hay. I have examined the 1974 financial statements of the Corporation of the Township of Hay and its local boards, which are listed on the attached Index. My examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as i considered necessary in the circum- stances. In my opinion these financial statements present fairly the fin- ancial position of tire Corporation of the Township of Hay and its local boards as at December 31st, 1974, and the results of their operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Goderich, Ontario February 27, 1975 Licence Number 195 A.M. harper STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31, 1974 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year EXPENDITURE 1974 1973 S $ 4,383 (2,326) General government 27,752 21,996 Protection to persons and, property r 22,770 12,262 Transportation services 199,272 175,978 Environmental services 6,734 . 5,247 Conservation of health 234• 56 Social and family services 95 105 Recreation and community services 1,141 986 Community planning and development 305 1,105 Financial expenses s 774 808 Region or county - Share of expenditure 105,027 82,279 Education 196,102 185,666 Other 3,843 7,459 S64,049 493,947 Taxation Contributions from other governments Other 1 REVENUE Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year - Analysed as follows: General revenue 393,880 358,928 93,764 83,836 74,359 57,892 5 500,656 2,337 4,383 2. 37 4,383 2, 7 4,383 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS for the year ended December 31, 1974 Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the year . CAPITAL.OUTLAY Capital expenditure Transfers to others Capital financing Long term liabilities incurred Other Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the end of the year CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 197* ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable Taxes receivable Other current assets Oapital outlay to be recovered in future years LIABILITIES Temporary' loans Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities Net long term liabilities Reserves and reserve funds Accumulated net revenue (deficit) unapplied capital receipts and 391 767 535,315 94,50 535,315 94,500 532,300 94,500 3,406 376 535,706 94,876 Nil 391 82,186 107 74,321 4 34,827 404 191.738 3 537 75 2. BASiS Of CONSOI.ID.AIIUN The Consolidated Balance Sheet reflects the assets and liabil- ities of the revenue fund, the capital fund and all reserve funds of the municipality. Trust fund assets administered by the municipality, amounting to $377 and the assets and liabil- ities of the local hoards have not been consolidated. 3. NET LONG TERM LIABiI.ITr1:S Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of the year amount to 1,311,254 Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges has been ' - assumed by the- Huron County Board of Education for a principal amount of 237,717 Net long term liabilities at the end of the year 1,073,537 4. CAPITAL OUTLAY TO BE RECOVERED IN FUTURE YEARS Some capital outlay does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues, as it is to be recovered in future years fr.,:.i otner sources' Special charges .nn benefiting landowners - rile drain loans Municipal enterpris... Shoreline Property improvement loans ANALYSIS OF REVENUE for t year ended December 31, 1974 Taxation Realty - Resident],] aad r.,rm -Commercial and .ndu-trial Business Contributions from other governments Municipal Tax A.si-tan:e A,t Ontario Hydro Ontario, Per Capita General support gr:,ct Resource equalisation grant Specific - Roadways Other revenue Licenses and permits Rents, concessions and franchises Penalties and interest an taxes Income from investments Tile drainage Provision for deferre-.t revenue Discount on county rates Sale of gravel, logs, etc. •o Sundry Total Revenue • ANALY;IS OF the year ended tecemb" if, 1974 • 371,237 .11,300 382,537 1974 1974 Budget Actual S 3 38",398 700 12.990 5,170 367,215 19,150 386,365 7,515 393,880 771 SS 826 12,990 2,702 3,559 75,000 73 93,160 9 93,860 2;0 00 r Usft' A 55,694 ;$ .0 ,764 !>< 4,129 6 1,073 4,622 207 55,349 5,037 2,396 1,43 4' �9 1,200 500 65,894 547,152 0 1973 Actual 337,843 16,192 354,035 4,893 358.928 640 51 691 9,783 y649 K�- 67,713 83.145 83.836 2,609 1,114 5,579 45,029 .251 231 79 3 98 2 3 50- 0.656 General Bove ent Members of :unci1 General inistra - on Unclas led - tion to pers s and'ptoperty 0 tective inspect ns 1S0 n assified • . 6,700 21,350 Tran aviation sery es Roadw' s 147,800 D Ile Unclas Enviro Garbag nage 1 services ction and disposal 1,0 6 3, 100, I 1 100,735 2, 7 4,383 1,265,275 812,776 NOTES TO ' 'ANCiAL STATEMENTS CHARGES FOR NET LONG T Total charges for t liahilitles were Principal pay interest is LIABILITIES ear for net tong term 01lows: 69,032 29 717 $ Of the total charges shown above, 555,349 was paid from 1 the revenue of the municipality and is included in expenditure classified under the appropriate functional headings, and *43,400 was recovered from Hay Municipal Telephone System for which the related net long term liability was incurred. vation ' health Social and fami - services UAclassified Recreation and commil$ity services Parks and recreation\ Community planning and 'evelopisent Planning and zoning �c industrial development Financial expenses Interest on temporary borrowing Unclassified Region or county -share of expenditure Elementary - public - separate Secondary • Other Police Village of Dashwood Provision for deferred revenue Total Expenditure 55,694 203,494 6 800 6,80 55 SS 700 700 S00 500 1,000 1,000 97,646 74,538 22,759 93,400 190,697 3,805 3,805 551,547 5,427 . 3,818 22,144 38,178 181 27,7 2 2i, 15,269 373 7128 22,770 5,337 130 6,795 12,262' 139,676 127,863 4,247 3,086 55,349 OS 029 199272 1- 759 8 6,734 �St2�4.�7 6,734 5247 234 56 2tT 9$ 105 95 2 05 1141 986 -TEM- --WC 15 773 290 332 1,105 138 636 808 105,027 82,279 77,298 84,737 22,875- 21,395 95,929 79,534 196,102 t83,666 3,843 2,809 4 6S0 3,843 7,459 564,! 493,947