HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-03-06, Page 43ANNOUNCEMEN' BIRTHS - LEE - Mark wishes to announce the arrival of his baby brother, Benjamin Eric, 8 lb. 3 oz.. at Humber Memorial Hospital. Toronto, March 6. 1975. Proud grandparents are Helen and Eric Lee. Toronto and Robert and Catherine Southcott. Ilnc' PARKER - David and Lois (nee Blinn) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter. Rebecca Leigh. on February 14. 1975, at St. Joseph's Hospital. A granddaughter for Mrs. Eileen Parker.. Exeter and first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Blinn. London. tic REGIER - Cathy and Dan are hap- py to announce the birth of their daughter on March 12. 1b75. at St. Joseph's Hospital. London. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sid- dall. RR 1 Kirkton. and Mr and Mrs. Bill Regier. RR 3 Dashwood. Ile THOMAS - Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas (Ann Shoebottom) of Bel- mont wish to announce the birth of a son. Scott Cameron. at Victoria Hospital. March 10. 1975. 11c ENGAGEMENTS - Mr. and Mrs. R J. Krohn. 255 Brooklyn Street. Winnipeg, Manitoba. are pleased to announce the. -engagement of their daughter. Catherine Ruth. to Robert John Whilsmith. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whilsmith. Exeter. The wed- ding will take place March 29. 1975. 4.30 p.m.. at the Salvation Army Citadel. Winnipeg llc ENGAGEMENTS - Mrs. G. Grimminck. RR 3 Lucan. is happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter. Olga Lidwina. to Mr. Ronald Herbert Pullman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman. RR 1 Centralia. The wed- ding will be held in St. Patrick's Church. Lucan, Friday, April 4. 1975. Hp Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter. Joyce Elsie. to Mr. Larry William Fulton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton. The wedding will take place on Saturday, April 12. 1975. at 3 o'clock in Elimville United Church. Elimville, Ontario. 1lp Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator Crediton. Ontario, are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their children, Tammy Marie and, Edward John. on Saturday. April 19. 1975. 3:0e p.m.. Exeter Pentecostal Church, Exeter, Ontario 1lc CARDS OF THANKS - 1 would like to thank all my relatives. neighbors and friends for visits. cards, flowers treats and in- quiries received while a patient in Exeter and St. Joseph's hospitals and since returning home. Also thanks to Drs.- Ecker;- Meads. Reese and assistants, and to the nursing staff on the 4th floor who were so kind to me. A very special thanks to the relatives who helped out so admirably at home. All was deeply appreciated. - Hermon Foster lip Invite you to join them for Worship. Fellowship and Services Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish REV. J MOONEY, PASTOR Phone 237-3593 MASS Saturday -7:30 p.m. St.Peter's Church - Hwy. 4 Sunday -9:00 a.m. Precious Blood Mission (at Anglican Church, Exeter) Main at Gidley Sunday -11:00 a.m. Mt. Carmel Church Courtesy Car: Phone 235-0111 .. Calvary - United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister REV BRUCE GUY, 8.A. Organist: Miss Idella Gabel. A.R.C.T. Sunday, March 16 9:45 a.m.-Church Service 10:50 a.m.-Sunday School Everyone Welcome Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood Vacancy Pastor REV MARVIN BARZ Sunday. March 16 9:00 a.m.-Divine Service 10:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East. Exeter REV HENRY VAN ESSEN. B.A.. BD Minister Sunday March 16 10:00 a.m.-Worship Rev. H. Van Essen 11:10 a.m.-Sunday School 7:30 p.m. -Worship Rev. H. Van Essen Christian Reformed Church REV. JACK ROEDA Minister Sunday. March 16 10:00 a.m.-Morning Service 2:15 p.m. -Afternoon Service The Back to God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dial 1570 Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle Main at Victoria REV. BRYAN COLBOURNE Sunday, March 16 - We invite you to join us for the following services 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School for the whole family. 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. -Evangelistic Service Tues. -8 p.m. -Young Peoples and Bible Study Wed. -7:00 p.m. Crusaders for boys and girls, 7 to 14 A warm welcome awaits you. Zion United Church Crediton Sunday, March 16 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School Classes for all ages All ere welcome. • Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundamental - Evangelical Sunday. March 16. 1975 11:00 a.m.-Sermon Topic: "Heart Trouble" 7:30 p.m. -Sermon Topic: "Israel's Great Day of Deliverance". Plus the Chaplaires Quartette. - 9:45 a.m.-Our Family Bible School A class for every age. Nursery provided for children 4 years and under at all Sunday services. - Mon: -7:Q .-."l4eppy hour", for boys and girls 8-11 years. Wed. 8:00 -Prayer and Bible Study. Mrs. E. A. Keyes, Organist Rev. R. H. Thynne. Pastor "Where the whole Bible is wholly taught" The Anglican Church of Canada Trivitt Memorial Rector REV. G. A. ANDERSON. O.F.C.. Dip. Th. Organist Mrs. Maude Connon Passion Sunday March 16. 1975 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion 11:15 a.m.-Morning Prayer Sunday School Nursery Everyone is Welcome Exeter United Church James at Andrew Ministers: REV- GLEN D. WRIGHT, B.A..8.D. and REV. HAROLD SNELL. B.A..8.D. Organist and Choirmaster: Mr. Robert Cameron Music Director Mrs. Roland McCaffrey Sunday. March 16 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Theme: "Death" (fifth in a Lenten series entitled, "The Crosses We Carry") Nursery Courtesy Car - 235-2656 Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. - Confirmation Class Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. - Lenten Fellowship_Theme - "Personal Faith'. Caven Presbyterian Church Minister REV.WILFRED 0 JARVIS, B.A.. B.0. Organist: Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday. March 16 10:00 a.m.-Morning Service Sunday School Kindergarten. Grade 4 Nursery 11:00 a.m.-Sunday School Grade 5 and up. Everyone Welcome Centralia Faith Tabernacle West of Hwy. 4. Huron Park Rd. just past railway tracks Pastor REV. FRANK EVANS Sunday. March 18 10:00 a.m.-Family Sunday School Classes for every age 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 8:00 p.m.-Evangellstic Service Thurs.-8:00 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Our Vision -Revival at home and to reach the world In our genera- tion with the Gospel. CARDS OF THANKS - Sincere thanks to kind neighbors. friends and relatives who remembered me on my 93rd birth- day. - Stewart McQueen Ilp We would like to thank all our relatives and friends for cards, flowers and gifts, and to all who helped to make our 40th wedding an- niversary such a success on Saturday night at Centralia Community Centre and Dufferin Hotel. 1t will always be remembered. - Tom and Mary Kooy t1c Words can not express my, ap- preciation to all of you who remembered me with prayers. visits. cards and flowers while 1 was in the hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Westlake's Am- bulance. Dr. J. C. Goddard, the nur- sing staff at South Huron Hospital. Rev. Clayton Keupfer and to Glen Greb. Pat McCann and anyone else who assisted in any way at the scene of the accident. - Gerald Shantz �o event CASH BINGO -- Seaforth Legion Hall. Friday. March 14. 1975. at 8:15 p.m., sharp. 15 regular games for 810.00 and a $75.00 Jackpot to go each week. Admission 81.00. extra cards 25e each or 7 for $1.00. (Children un- der 16 not permitted.) Proceeds for Welfare Work. Sponsored by Branch 156. Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion. 10tfnc DANCE - Russeldale Hall on Satur- day. March 15. dancing 9:00 to 1:00. 83.00 per couple. Music by The Crip- ple Creek Project. llc I.0.O.F. - The initiatory degree will be conferred in Exeter Lodge No. 67 on Tuesday. March 18. All Bros. welcome. - Norm Stanlake. Rec. Sec.. Percy Noels. N.G. llc !ICILY GULLY - March 15. Mozart & the Melody Makers. SI. Patrick's dance: March 22. Bluewater Playboys: Friday. March 28. Pan- cake Breakfast and annual canoe race: Saturday. March 29. Closed - No dance: April 1. Mozart & the Melody Makers. llc THE CREATION sung by The Huronia singers. Saturday. March 29. 1975. 8:30 p m.. South Huron District High School. ile RUMMAGE SALE and Auction spon- 'mired kir Women's Auxiliary South Huron Hospital will be held at Exeter Legion Hall. Friday and Saturday. April 4 and 5. Town wide pick up commencing at 9 a.m. Thursday. April 3 11.12c ATTENTION: The Spring dance for Ailsa Craig Lions has been changed to Friday. April 4. 1975. Dance to be held al Huron Park Recreation Hall. Music by Joe Overholt. Tickets available from Lions members Ilc RI'S TRIP to Queen's Park. Monday. April 14. sponsored by Ladies' Com- mittee Progressive Conservatives. 85 00 per person. tickets available ,262-2317 or 235-2493 llc FASHION SHOW and Luncheon spon sored by Huron Country Playhous Guild. Wednesday. April 16. 1: p m.. Prineridge Chalet. Hensall- Ad mission $5.00 per person Ticket available at Boyle's Ladies Wear.11 ESCORTED TOURS - Fettes Tours 184 Main St . Mount Forest. phone 519-323-1545 Have space available on the following tours. Free brochures available. Most tours pick up on tour route Washington D C. Cherry Blossom Festival tour departs April 4 Four days of beautiful scenery in the Capital City of the U S.A Guided city tour featuring all famous buildings. monuments and Arlington Cemetery. Frankenmuth. Michigan. 2 day tour to annual Bavarian Festival and parade departs June 8 W'WVA Jamboree Tour departs April 11. returns April 13 See and hear the best in country music in Wheeling. West Virginia. Transpor- tation. accommodation. Jamboree tickets and tour- all included from $55 00 e 00 M.P.P. Four kindness has made (his c/a memorable occasion for us - Mr and Mrs. A. Vellinga Ilc CARDS OF THANKS - The family of the late John Beer wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives. neighbors and friends for their kind expression of sympathy in the toss of their belov- ed husband and father. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard and all those who remembered him with cards. visits and enquiries while he was a patient in Westminster. University and Victoria hospitals. Also for the beautiful floral tributes. donations to the Heart Fund and War Memorial Children's Hospital. Mr. Doug Mock, Peter Oud and those who donated so much food and time at the Chalet. It will long be remembered. l 1p Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell would like to express their thanks to friends. neighbours and relatives for gifts. flowers and cards and special thanks to our own family for the wonderful way they helped to celebrate our 55th wedding anniversary. And also thanks to the Legion and Auxiliary Branch 167 lip The family of the late Mary Ann (Marion 1 wish to express their sincere thanks to friends. relatives and neighbours for cards. floral tributes and special donations. C. Haskett Funeral Home and Rev. John Holland. Your kindness will always be remembered. - The Cun- ningham family lip i would like to say a warm Thank you to all my relatives. friends and neighbors for cards. visits. treats and flowers while I was a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital. Your thought- fulness was greatly appreciated. - Marie Musser Hp I wish to thank relatives. friends and neighbors for cards. visits and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Doctors Wallace. Goddard and Read. South Huron Hospital and staff. Hoffman's Am- bulance. Dr. ,Goddard and team - London nurses of intensive care and 6th East and to all who helped in any way. - Joe McCann llc I wish to thank all my neighbors and friends all the nurses on 6th floor St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Bridget McShane and Denise Rose Thanks also to Senior Citizens. Lucan. for flowers and cards. Mr: and Mrs. W. Hodgins. Mrs. A. Hodgins and Pat. also Mr. and Mrs. R Williams. Rev. Holfland and Rev. Madden for their kindness and con- cern. - Mrs. Elnora Raycraft tic I would like to express my sincere thanks for the kindness shown by relatives. friends and neighbors for the floral tributes. cards and donations to the Heart Fund on behalf of my mother. Mary Agnes Boyle. Special thanks to Alvin and Violet Rader and Laureen Oesch for looking after our children. Thank you very much for the help and offers of help from relatives. friends and neighbors. - Sincerely. Sue and Wes Rader and family 11c We wish to thank our family and friends for presents. cards and flowers - all of which have made our fiftieth wedding anniversary un- forgettable. We would also like to 5ev thank you for the good wishes extend- ed to us by Premier Davis. Holier! Stanfield. Consul General Tjaardsma from the Netherlands. R E McKinley M.P.. and Jack Riddell Grand Ole Opry 4 day tour departs Mav 16. California and Golden West 21 day tour departs April 20 Includes 15 states with all side trips. admissions and city tours included. Disneyland, Universal Studios, Hoover Dam. Grand Canyon. Petrified Forest, Painted Desert. Salt Lake City. Reno. San Francisco. Los Angeles. Las Vegas and more. A first class trip at the prime time of year Some space still available Pick ups en route Britain Join your friends from the area on a 19 day escorted tour to the British Isles Features scheduled trans Atlantic jet flight. first class accommodation with private facilities. full sightseeing tours and admissions. breakfasts and escort service includes England. Scotland and Wales with plenty of free time in- cluded Spring is the ideal time for this trip as all flowers are in full bloom Of interest to farmers will be a couple of visits to typical English farms. Some space still available but early reservations are essential Canadian Tulip Festival 3 day tour to the Nations Capital. Ottawa. departs May 17 for the Annual Cana- dian Tulip Festival includes first class transportation. downtown ac- commodation. guided city tour. Rideau Canal cruise and millions of flowers in full bloom Space is limited on this tour Holland Michigan 3 day tour departs May 13 for annual Tulip Festival in Holland. See the Authentic Dutch Village. Tulip Farm. Wooden Shoe Factory. Klompen Dances and thousands of Rowers. Space limited Canadian West 21 day tour departs June 22 and August 17 Features Van- couver. Victoria. Calgary. Edmon- ton. Regina. Winnipeg. Banff. Jasper. Lake Louise and much more June tour also includes Calgary Stampede. Atlantic Provinces. 12 day tour departs July 16 and July 30. Features Adirondacks. New Brunswick. Nova Scotia. P.F,.i.. Cape Breton. Cabo( Trail and full day cruise to Portland. European Tour. 23 .day tour departs September 4. Features 7 countries in Europe. All sightseeing, accom- modation, breakfasts, dinners. transportation and escorts services are included. Free brochures. Other Tours such as Moosonee. 1000 Islands, Manitoulin. Mackinac island. Circle The Lakes etc. are also available during the sutnmer. 11.12.13r • SS trustees boost salary Members of the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board voted in favor of in- creasing the honorarium paid to trustees to $150 per month el- fective January 1. 1975. The 12 man hoard rejected an amendment to increase the honorarium by 100percent toS2Iio by a vote of 9 to :1 and approved the 50 percent increase by the same vole. Goderich trustee Vince Young introduced the motion to increase hoard salaries to $200 informing the board legislation regarding pay hikes had not changed since 1969 and was not likely to change again in the next six to seven years. "We are working for about S2 an hour on. our present honorarium", Mr. Young said. "most people don't realize the time a trustee puts in on the joh and we are worth a couple of hundred dollars anyway." One board member stated that since the school hoard's term is only two months old and they were elected to serve at the rate that was offered al that time that perhaps the increase should not come until September of• 1971; The board also raised the mileage expenses for trustees to 16 cents per mile effectisc .January 1. 1975. Previously board members received 10 cents lit'r Annual Meeting and Banquet K -W Winter Carnival Club KIRK TON- WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Mon., March 24 Guest Speaker TUFF)/ KNIGHT Social Hour 6 - 7 p.m. Banquet 7:00 p.m. $4.00 per person Advance tickets only j Furnace has holes, more heaves in floor The furnace at the Exeter arena will have to be replaced before next season manager Alvin SS allotment falls farshort The Huron -Perth Roman Catholic separate school board will he receiving 8213,000 from the pr(K'ince for school im- provements and extensions in 1975. The allotment fell short of the $1.025.000 request ed for ad- ditional library and gymnasium facilities but director of education John Vintar said, "we fared better than last year when we got practically nothing: At least this year we seem to be doing better." The matter was referred to the - board's building and property committee to decide which projects have highest priority and should be begun this year. Trustees also formulated replies res to a questionnaire from the Ontario School Trustees Council in an attempt to deter- mine board attitudes to teacher - board -relations. They decided in favour of in- creasing pressure on Education .Moister Thomas Wells to prohibit teachers from sitting on school boards. The board felt some means of controlling the number of leachers 00 boards was preferable to an outright ban but the risk of having teachers enter salary negotiations on behalf of a board should be avoided. in other business the hoard decided: Principals should be •excluded t Iron) feathers' federations, even if they teach, because of a possible conflict between their management and employee h roles - \ Professional negotiators to act on behalf of school boards be not required in teacher salary negotiations. Trustees felt it best to deal with salaries at the local tete] to retain a more friendly atmosphere. Willert told RAP members this week. He said there were two large holes in the fire box and this was creating a considerable amount of smoke. A local contractor had given him an estimate of 8770 to replace the present oil furnace with a gas unlit. However Willer, suggested it may be more practical - and efficient- to have small individual furnaces placed in each of the rooms presently served by the oil furnace. The new dressing rooms at the west side of the arena are ser- viced by small individual fur- " naces and Willert said they ap- peared to cut the cost of heating considerably in that they could be better controlled. At the end of the meeting, he also advised RAP that con- siderable heaving was being experienced on the ice surface floor. This is a continuing ' utng problem at the arena. although u g h memb ars agreed that 0 appears to be worsening. Problems that could have shown up at the Exeter Lions tennis courts have been averted. Recreation director Jim McKinlay said he and Glenn Kells recently met with Hugh Peacock. coach of the Southern Ontario Tennis Association, and were advised to ittake certain changes before the asphalt is laid this spring. This included a steeper grade on the courts so water would run off quicker as well as providing footings for the net posts. Peacock also suggested that wo gates be installed. rather ham just one as had been plan - led. "These changes will be simple o correct now, but would have een major headaches later," IcKinlay explained. Exeter police nab suspect Eugene Welsh of no fixed ad- dress was arrested in Exeter Thursday by Chief Ted Day and Constable Jim McMeekin of the Exeter police department and charged with armed robbery at •lite Park House hotel in Goderich earlier in the day. Welsh was held in custody until . picked up by Sgt. Mery Witter of the Goderich police department. As the result of investigation into a break-in at Kongskilde. Farm Machinery. Thames Road East. Exeter. Kenneth James While. RR 3. Exeter has been charged with break. enter and theft. White appeared in court in Goderich Monday and was released on hail pending trial sometime in April. In the only accident of the week Exeter vehicles driven by Dan Traquair. RR 3. Exeter and Dorothy Coates, Centralia collided on John Street west of Main. Constable McMeekin set damages al 8400. mile: while travelling on board business and a motion to increase that figure to 18 cents was defeated. Now the mileage to he paid to trustees will be 16 cents per mile travelled on board business whether or not they are travelling in their own Vehicle. A vote to delete the clause that stated whether or not they are travelling in their own vehicle was tied and chairman director J. Vintar voted lo leave the clause as 0 stood. Members argued that the clause he deleted claiming that a trustee who did not for example drive to a meeting he paid mileage expenses however Vinlar pointed out to the board that in essence a board member was entitled to the mileage ex- pense regardless of how he or she got to the meeting JACK - RIDDE LL Huron MPP WILL BE IN EXETER Come on in and hove a coffee and chat with your member Victoria & Grey Trust Main St., Exeter Sat., March 15 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Watch your local newspaper for information of further visits The Creation Reception and Dance for GERALDINE STRONG and GORDON BELL :Bridal Couplet Fri., March 14 9 00 p.m CLINTON ARENA Music by THE BLENDERS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Dance Sat., March 15 KIRKTON WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by The Rancheros COMING DATES Mar. 29 - Revised Edition April 5 The Woysiders April 12 Four Kings Effective Speaking Contest Sponsored by Grand Bend Lions Club Thurs., Mar. 13 GRAND BEND PUBLIC SCHOOL 8:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome. Times -Advocate, March 13, 1975 Page 21 KIRKTON BOY SCOUTS will be conducting a Bottle Drive during the morning of Sat., March 22 We solicit your continual support PUBLIC SKATING EXETER ARENA Saturday 2:00 - 4:00 8:00 - 10:00 Sunday 2:00 - 4:00 Wed., March 19 2:00 - 4:00 Country Singles Dance CLINTON LEGION HALL Sat., March 22 8:30 p.m. Music by The Truetones Refreshments Watch for next dance at Hully Gully April 12, 1975 Stag for Garry Gibson Fri., March 14 9:00 p.m. CENTRALIA COMMUNITY HALL Admission 52.00 Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided SANDERS TAVERN & RESTAURANT ON THE BEACH GRAND BEND ENTERTAINMENT Fri. Mar. 14 & Sot. Mar. 1 S TIMBRE DINE TUES. to FRI. 5-8 P.M. SAT. & SUN. 12 NOON to 8 P.M. RESERVATIONS 238-2251 CLOSED EVERY MONDAY B Thurs., March 13 - 8:30 Frrrt.- TONIGHT • 1 N O VOW EXETER LEGION HALL JACKPOT 5450 in 57 calls 1 admission per person No Reserve Seats 1 shore the wealth Admission 51.00 for 15 Rounds Extra cards 25c each or 5,51.00. Sponsored By Ladies' Auxiliary No One Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted 'mss i• Dufferm Hotel CENTRALIA ENTERTAINMENT Thus Friday & Saturday Night Al Harvey & the Blue Boys DAILY BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAL DINING LOUNGE OPEN MON. TO SAT. 11:30 o.m. to 2:00 p.m. AND 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Take Out Orders - Phone 228.6648 Country & Western Music Spectacular FRIDAY, APRIL 1 1 - 8:00 p.m. London Arena Featuring The Hank Williams Jr. Show ADVANCE TICKETS 54.00 Available at Bluebird Records For mail order tickets send certified cheque or money order to: THE LONDON ARENA 65 Bathurst St., London