HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-03-06, Page 37* Clearing Farm Sale * * FARM SOLD * Implements - Furniture * ' Friday, March 21 at 1:30 p.m. *For Rod MacDonald lot 26 concession 8 Biddulph * Township, located on No. 23 highway 3 miles north of ..0( No. 7 - 4 miles east of Lucan. Phone 225-2449 * IMPLEMENTS ETC. — International 624 Diesel tractor 3 * years, 900 hours, excellent shape; New Idea Unisystem with 111. 1 10 HP - V6 G.M. power unit 400 hours with 2 row corn head *and shelter; home mode wooden hopper with auger and "r- .4( •71, electric motor on a truck chassis; Schultz PTO stalk shredder, * approximately 1000 ft. of 4" aluminum pipe and sprinkler head; home made long pipe trailer; 3 section harrows; * Kongskilde 9'cultivator; scraper blade; International No. 36-3 * pt. 14" 3 furrow plough, Kool silo blower; International 32 y * plate wheeled disc; 1961 G.M. 2'/z ton truck selling as is; 32 74, *ft. aluminum extension ladder; 2.-18" barn fans; platform -.0( scales; home made hog weighing crate and other articles. *FURNITURE — Beatty commercial wringer washer; Beatty * electric dryer; old roll top desk; chest of drawers; 2 mantle Ilk * radios; Dinette set; large refrigerator, (amps, dishes, etc. Terms: Cash Not responsible for accidents sale day * Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson 40 666-0833 Phone 666-1967 * NORM WHITING 8LIGt1OR��JIP Clearing Auction Sale Construction Equipment, Hand Tools, Building Materials, and Misc. Items Sat., March 22, 1:00 p.m. sharp in the Whiting Auction Rooms 63 Main St., EXETER, Ont. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & HAND TOOLDS — 10" Black & Decker Commercial heavy duty radial arm saw; 2 - 8" Black & Decker skil saws; 10" Craftsman table saw; stand, extension & 1 hp motor; 1 Swede saw; Remington PL 4 chain sow; power trowel & floats 30" Maraltown (like new); transit & tripod; `4 " reversible electric drill (skil); '/a " electric screw drill; 4,sectionssafeway scaffolding (lightweight); 4 sections safeway scoffolding (homemade); scaffold plank; 5' aluminum step ladder; 5' wood heavy duty step ladder; wheelbarrow; round & square mouth shovels; hand trowels; assort. of small hand tools; 2 axes; assort of extension cords; Torcan electric heater; and many other items. BUILDING MATERIALS — approx. 50 bundles 6" x 75a" in- sulation (friction fit); approx. 50-50 Ib. kegs nails; 3'2,2 V2, 2" common; 3 1 , 2''i , 2, 1 ' 2 , 1 'ia , 1" finish; 50 pr. 3'/2 "Butt hinges; 60 - 3''2" x 3/8" carriage bolts; assort. wood screws; all sizes; assort. hinges, locks, coloured nails; 7 DJ. telo-posts; 5' steel Pella double door (new); 5' gloss shower door (new); 1200 L/F decorative hardwood moulding; assort. ceramic tile; approx. 300 L/F comb. shoe & base (pine); assort. wood spindles; 2 rolls aluminum foil vapor paper; mahogany door jamb sets; door casing; door stop; 6 towel dispensers; 9 cans silicone tile cleaner & protector; f34Cdfrs"t,f18Q "of:Altttico floor & wall cleaner; assort. of panelling; and many, many other items. Name withheld at owner's request Contractor gone out of business • TERMS CASH Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 Exeter D AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Farm Machinery Feed and Household Items for MR. LESLIE ADAMS RR 2, Dashwood - Lot 20, Concession 14 - Stephen Township - 1' /2 miles south of Highway 83 Saturday, March 22, 1:00 p.m. LIVESTOCK — forty five Hereford and cross -bred heifers weighing approximately 650 lbs. MACHINERY — IH W4tractor with heat houser; AC 'B' trac- tor; one row New Holland forage harvester for grass and hay; Case 77 combine with motor and pick-up; 15 run drill with fertilizer attachment; 8' heavy duty cultivator; 6' cultivator; 9' cultivator - 3 PTH; No. 45 baler; IH 3 furrow plow; Hydrein 3 furrow 14" plow - 3 PTH; Taco 2 furrow plow; two manure spreaders; 2 - row bean puller; pull -type 4 row bean puller; 8' land roller; 4 section diamond tooth harrow ; 3 section harrow pole; 9' chain harrows; 7' Avery disc; wagon with grovel box; heovy duty wagon with new 6 ply tires; JD 4 -ton wagon with flat rack; 150 bus. grovi• ty box; draw bar tongue - 3 PTH; blade - 3 PTH; 6' binder; 2 wheel trailer with 8' box; side rake; pull mower; Dearborn loader with bucket; 13 run hoe drill; bale stooker. FEEDS — 6 ton silage; 1000 bales hay; 400 bales straw; 2 ton mixed grains; quantity of cob corn. MISCELLANEOUS - Cement mixer with motor; Pioneer chain saw; air compressor; 1/3 and 1/2 HP motors; 20' grain auger with motor; grinder; root pulper; platform scales; qty. of new lumber; 80 new and used cedar fence posts; 10 x 12 colony house; 13 bags 8-32-16 and 67 bags 15-12-15 fertilizer; form gates 12' and 14'; barb and electric wire; block and tackle; sling and hay ropes; 80 new burlap sacks; logging chains; assorted troughs and feeders; hay rack sills; cir- culating fan; coal stoker complete with controls; vise -bolt dies • table saw; Stewart cattle clipper; battery chargers; jack -all; etc. HOUSEHOLD — Wingham wood stove; electric stove; wooden kitchen table and chairs; enamel top table; cup- boards; beds; dresser; commode; arm chair; studio couch, end tables, coffee tables, small desk; high chair; dishes. etc. Ndt responsible for accidents at sale D. & J. RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICE 'Doug' 227-3576 AUCTIONEERS 'Jack' 237-3431 WHO DUNNIT? — Agatha Christie would have liked this one. The grade eight students of Precious Blood Separate School put on the play "The Case of the Frustrated Corpse' Friday. The victim, portrayed by Doug Brooks, wasn't content to just die. But he did add humor to the play. Detective Chris Mittleholtz finds the footprints are good clues in the murder case, with the aid of maid Cathy Giffin and girlfriend of the deceas- ed Cathy Van Roestel. T -A photo Lucan lady speaks Prayer Day at Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Mrs. John Beaton, Mrs. Jack Essery and Mrs. Ross McFalls were the key. women for the service observing the World Day of Prayer in the United Church on Thursday evening with Zion West Ladies as guests. The service having as its theme "Become Perfectly One" was prepared by the Christian Women of Egypt. They called fellow Christians to become one with them in a great fellowship of prayer. in the unity of the Spirit, bound together in the bond of love. Mrs. Beaton introduced the guest speaker. Mrs. Ewart Madden of Lucan, who gave a very interesting talk in keeping with the theme of the service. She told her listeners that sye need to grow. through study of the Bible and taking time for prayer, to become perfectly -one. Mrs. Madden was thanked by Mrs. Ross McFalls. Plan tea Barbara Wilson and Mary Lou Tindall conducted the worship service for the CGIT meeting on Tuesday evening. The girls completed the study and wrote Administrator outlines needs A few of the needs of South Huron Hospital were outlined by hospital administrator Elmer Taylor as he spoke to the Ladies Auxiliary, Tuesday. Also during the meeting, president Mrs. Tom MacMillan announced the spring conference of Hospital Auxiliaries District 2 is to be held at Mt. Forest on April 28. Mrs. Joyce Monteith outlined plans for the spring rummage sale to be held April 3, 4 and 5. Mrs. Tom MacMillan and Mrs. Walter Davis plan to attend a seminar in Toronto, April 15 and 16. It is concerned with the developing role of :he auxiliary volunteers. The seminar is sponsored by the Ontario Hospital Association. the exam on the baby sitting course. Plans were discussed for the Spring Tea on March 29 from 2 to 5 p.m. There will be a bazaar table, bake table and fish pound. Euchre party There were 11 tables in play at the euchre party in the com- munitycentreonMonday with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel and Mr. & Mrs. Ray Shoebottom in charge. The prize for ladies high score went to Mrs. Earl Lewis; lone hands, Mrs. Clayton Kooy; low. Mrs. Evan Hodgins; men's high. Murray Carter; lone hands. Norman Lewis; low, Ed Lam- port. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lewis will convene the next party. Senior birthday The senior citizens nlet in the community centre on Monday for an afternoon of cards and crokinole followed by lunch. Happy Birthday was sung for Mrs. Fred Cunnington who brought her birthday cake as a special treat. Persona Is Mr. & Mrs. Verne Johnson and family of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Shoebottom. Mr. & Mrs. Grant Brown of Sarnia, Mr. & Mrs.Reld Brown and girls of Lambeth were visitors at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson on Sunday. Ivan and Emerson Hodgins and St. Marys crew clobber Exeter In Shamrock playoff action, Wednesday, St. Marys outscored Exeter 7-3 in a midget division contest. The first goal of the game was scored by Ken Pinder of Exeter on a pass from Paul Shapton at 5.10 of the first period and then St. Marys took over with three straight goals and were never headed. Pinder scored again for the locals in the second period on passes from Shapton and Pete Kincaid and Doug Osgood scored unassisted in the third period FARM SOLD * Clearing Auction Sale 4( of Hereford Cattle, Machinery, Etc. * for Estate of the late Gord Alce, lot 23, Con. 13 Biddulph Wednesday March 19 at 1 p.m. 15 Hereford cows, due sale time and later, bred to Purebred * bull; 12 Hereford yearling calves. Township just north of the Village of Granton. * MACHINERY — Allis Chalmers 170 diesel tractor with cob 2 years old; B 14 Int. diesel tractor with 1501 Int. loader; Oliver dif 3 furrow plow; Ford 532 pto baler (new); hay stooker; New Holland pto manure spreader on rubber; Triple K cultivator; * JD 13 run drill on rubber; Continental sprayer; rubber tired Sr wagon and rack; Little Giant 40 ft. elevator with gas motor, * MM double disc; chain harrows; trailer; blade; cattle oiler; flr fencewire and posts; air compressor; hog feeders; baler 1 twine; telephone poles; plywood; etc. 1970 Moto Ski snow- )� mobile; 1967 Ford 2 -door hardtop as is * HOUSEHOLD — chord organ; chest of drawers, sofa bed; * cupboard; Frigidaire 4 burner electric stove; sealers; dining lt room suite; beds; washer; Quebec heater; etc. TERMS Cash Booth * Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson * 666-0833 666-1967 * *************** their sister Mrs. Pauline Forristal of Salem. Oregon USA who were visiting with relatives in Canada took time out on Tuesday to drop in and say "hello" to some of their former Fairfield school chums. The snow covered fields around here were quite a contrast to what they left behind in Oregon. Both men had cut their lawns before leaving home and daffodils and crocuses were in bloom. ylr. & Mrs. Fred Cunnington. Janet Cunnington, Mrs. Paul Klemke. Joan and Jean, dined together at the Burkley Restaurant in Exeter on Saturday evening. It was a bir- thday celebration for Mrs. Cunninghton. On Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Cunninghton were guests at the home of their son Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cunnington and family, '"Thames Road. Play euchre at Dashwood By MRS. IRVIN RADER DASHWOOD Ten tables were in play at the last euchre for the season by Dashwood Women's Institute. Winners were: ladies high, Mrs. Letta Taylor, low, Mrs. Reinhold Miller; mens' high. Wes Watson; low, Wendy Beaver; lone hands, Mark Stire. 4-H girls gather The Busy Basters club 2 of the 4-11 girls held their third meeting with 14 in attendance. Miss Peng illey, home economist for South Huron, was a guest and spoke to the girls on 4-H work and the Garden Club which is the summer project. Discussion was on wardrobe harmony and suit the occasion as well as preparing the fabric. Hydro convention Mr. & Mrs. George Tiernan, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Schroeder. and Mr. & Mrs. Doug Riddell, trustees and wives of Dashwood attended the Hydro Convention at the Royal York hotel. Toronto, March 3 and 4. The ladies at- tended a luncheon at the Parliament buildings where Premier \Villiam Davis was the guest speaker. 4-H girls Les Jolies Chemises held their third meeting at Dashwood community centre. Color com- binations were discussed. Sue Anne Becker assisted by Cathy Becker demonstrated mix and match outfits with different accessories. The girls divided in groups of two and helped each other straighten their materials. The Busy Basters held their fourth meeting and Kathy Keller discussed using the pattern. Ideas for achievement day were discussed and Elizabeth Datars was chosen as commentator. The girls then worked on their blouses. Personals Mrs. Adella "Gammie" Fisher will be celebrating her 102nd birthday Sunday at the home of her granddaughter. Mrs. Leeland Resternayer. Lori Anne Boogeman daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bob Boogeman had the misfortune to fall at Stephen Central School and break her leg. Two baskets of flowers were placed in Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday, by Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Rader in memory, of Mrs. Itader's mother, Mrs. Agnes Boyle. Alan (;rose, high school teacher from F'ullarton, was the guest speaker at Calvary United Church Sunday. His wife is the daughter of Lloyd Edighoffer, Mitchell. • ******T**T*******T FURNITURE AUCTION From Two London Homes plus Additions at DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES BARN Denfield, Ont. 5 miles north of Ilderton on the 16th of London Twp. just off the Denfield Sideroad * Thurs., Evening, March 20, 7 p.m. * 4 piece bedroom suite (like new); single bed (like new); *refrigerator; dinette suite; telephone desk & chair; leather day bed; easy chairs; chest of drawers; odd chairs; chrome * chairs & table; all kinds of dishes; pots and pans and *appliances; vacuum cleaner; lamps; metal book shelves & desk; set of golf clubs; bedding; Quebec heater; card tables; * buffet, radios; silverware; blankets; stools. * MISCELLANEOUS — 9000 watt standby generator, guoronteed and brand new; blade for garden tractor; sleighs; * etc. * CAR — 1967 Dodge Monaco 318 automatic, 3 speed, power *steering and brakes, selling as is. TERMS Cash Booth Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson 666-0833 phone 666-1967 Times -Advocate, March 13, 1975 Page 15 ****SAL* *******I FARM SOLD * Clearing Auction Sale * h Crediton Saturday, March 15th at 1 p.m. Ford 4000 diesel tractor (like new) 1'h year old; Freeman loader for Ford tractor; M.H. No. 22 tractor & cultivator; Int.* No. 36 3 furrow 3 pt. hitch plow; 11 ft. Kongskilde cultivator; * New Holland mix mill, 3'/2 years old; M.F. No. pto baler;* M.H. 6 bar side rake; little Giant 42 ft. elevator; No. 10 13 )16.. run Int. double disc drill; flat rack & wagon; Turner box & wagon; roller; steel culvert; 2 wheeled trailer; manure • * spreader; Int. double disc double packer; Belmont sprayer;* 500 gal. tank; Meyers water pump; harrows; Nelson hot * woter bowl; Int. side rake; Oliver 7 ft. mower 3 pt. hitch* *blade; bean puller; ladder; farrowing crate; pig troughs, feeders & lights; dehorner; general farm tools; etc. , of Farm Machinery, Etc. for Mr. Marcel Hullebusch Lot 10, Con. 16, Stephen Twp. just east of Shipka on the re iton Road Also selling at the time & place for Mr. Lorne Dietrich David Brown 950 standard tractor; M.H. row crop No. 22 * tractor with cultivator and puller; M.H. No. 22 tractor with* loader; 3 pt. hitch cultivator; 28 plate disc; 15 run Cockshutt _,drill; New Holland No. 66 baler; M.H. 6 h. mower.; Int. side *rakes; 2 furrow plow; trailer; wagons with racks; 38 ft. elevator; fanningmill; anvil; iron kettle. *I * HOUSEHOLD 8 table, buffet & chair; washing machine; bed;* coffee table; dresser; Westinghouse 4 burner stove; school * desk; sleighs; rabbit cages. TERMS Cash 4, Hugh Filson 666-0833 YY YY YY TYY T ***TT*T ** ** AUCTIONEERS Phone Booth Tom Robson 666-1967 y MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE INCOME TAX — ACCOUNTING for Farmers and Businessmen INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURNS No Job Too Small PHONE 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. BUSINESS & FARMERS Bookkeeping - Accounting as required Weekly - Monthly - Quarterly Yearly Financial Statements Taxation Returns Coll Neil Romphf 235/0443 HURON BOOKKE%PING SYSTEMS NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE. ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. * PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Hugh Tom * FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS * 20 years' experience * of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind. any place. * We guarantee you more. * To insure success of your sale or appraisal * Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 4 -4 --*************4-4 NORJI NIIITI v/i auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Antiques, Household Furnishings & Misc. Items Sat., March 15 at 1:00 p.m. sharp in the WHITING AUCTION ROOMS 63 Main St., Exeter, Ont. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES — Pine cupboard; bonnet chest; open wash stand; 3 other washstands; chest of drawers; 2 dressers with oval mirrors; high beds; low dresser with 2 bonnet cupboards and 6' mirror in frome; parlor table; rocking choirs; wicker rocker; set of 4 pressed bock chairs; table with 7 leaves; sewing moching; benches; fern stond; hall tree; footstool; dressing screen; hump.& flat top trunks; 2 floor lamps; paper rock; 7 piece toilet set; 6 odd pieces of toilet set; 2 patterned oil lamps; parts of hanging gas lamp; 4 pieces Mercury glass, one very large; carnival glass; depres- sion glass; Nippon; Bennington bowl; bowl & nappie set; pressed glass; brass jardiniere; several sets of salts & peppers; coffee grinder; 2 glass cookie jars; cobalt blue vase; ironstone; Bavaria cream & sugar, buttons; oval & many other picture frames; iron kettle; crocks; iron pots; and many other interesting items not mentioned. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS — Upholstered rocker; studio couch; chesterfield choir; odd tables & .choirs; hostess chair; rug; end table; floor lamps; 4 burner electric stove; vacuum cleaner; radio; quilts, blankets; pillows; mots; books; electric heater; electric fan; many odd dishes & knick knacks; pots & pans; some tools; many other items not listed. This sale is mainly the belongings of an estate, name withheld at executors request. TERMS CASH Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. INCOME TAX - ACCOUNTING for FARM & BUSINESS 107 MAIN ST., LUCAN Telephone 227-4851 C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN 1. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Pannel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 Bs• appointment phase. ACTION CENTRE MART Located on Highway #4 1 Mile North of Exeter THE BIG. LITTLE MARKET -Large Auction Room available for complete or partial estates. - Complete refinishing centre. Mmwax wood finishes. etc. Weekend Antique Plea Market. Open 10 am to5p.m. Before You Buy (or Sell) Give 1's a Try Bill & Lovorre Clark, Owners 672-3566 Percy Wright. Auctioneer 262-5515 FARM SALES Auctioneer TOM SHOEBOTTOM ILDERTON 666-0289. Free Appraisal Coll now for complete Auction Serv.ce HOUSEHOLD SALES NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants J A NORRIS L D GEE 497 MAIN STRUT EXETER ONTARIO NOM 150 519, 235 0101 SUITE 208 190 WORTIEY ROAD LONDON ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 X519 673 1421 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E EXETER - 235 0281 RES 10 Green Acres GRAND BEND 238 8070 Bangltart,'Kelly,'Nig artd Co. Chartered Accountants 268 Main St , Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resident Partner Bus. 235-0120, Res. 238-8075