HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-03-06, Page 36Page 14 Times -Advocate, March 13, 1975 6 Services DON DI ETRI CH CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND FARM BUILDINGS RR 3. Ailsa Craig 234-6277 or 234-6483 Crediton lot HYDRO FROM YOUR CAR - very useful around the farm or on camping trips. Operate your power tools, light bulbs, coffee pot etc. from your car or tractor. For FREE infor- mation write to Gill Dodier, Box 328. Mitchell, Ontario. I I.12c PLASTERING and dr) wall services - for free estimates phone evenings 229-8752. 11:12.13:14c BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and LANDSCAPING Equipment Available Cat D8 with ripper Cat D7E Phone ROD EASTON Parkhill, Ont. 294-6425 6 Services 13 & R TREE SERVICE will cut an) size trees and any amount; free es- timate week days. Phone 227- 4381. 10:IIc BILL'S Plumbing and Heating GENERAL REPAIRS Industrial, Commercial and Residential Free, Estimates Phone BiII Holman R R 4. Seaforth 527-0203 1 I t 7 Livestock REGISTERED Appaloosa quarter horse. Phone 262-2726. 1 lc PUREBRED Yorkshire boars and gilts. All are ROP tested. Back fat probed. T. Schendera 225-2734. 9:10:11:12c WANT TO BUY weaner and feeder pigs. Phone 294-6125. 9:10:11:12c 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1971 KAWASAKI motorcycle, 250 street. excellent condition; '/-ton truck top, both white. Phone 235-0537 after 4:00 p.m. I lc SKIROULE snowmobile, good con- dition, best- offer takes it. Phone 235- 1747. • I lc 1973 ALOUETTE 440. A-E condition. less than 400 miles, phone 237- 3528. 11:12c M ZEFARLANE REAL ESTATE BROKER EXETER 235-0541 53 MAIN STREET . TAKE A BREAK! DROP IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR NEXT MOVE FARMS McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 125 ACRES - 15 year old modern barn, silo, priced for quick sale. 65 ACRES recreational land or 50 acres good agnculture land. 100 ACRES - 2 small barns, older house. 100 ACRES - drilled well, 2 houses, large born, 2 silos. 100 ACRES - pasture land, good L-shaped barn, older house. CLANDEBOYE - 77 ocres clay loom, gravel bottom, large L-shaped barn with metal roor Qree sheds, storey and half brick home in excellent cc'- o`,,. Livingroom hos cut stone fireplace, dining room, 5 .urooms, modern kitchen and 4 piece bath, new roof, new wiring, new furnace. WON'T LAST LONG. HENSALL AREA - real good cash crop farm, 86 ocres, good barn and drive shed, 4 bedroom house in excellent con- dition. EXETER - 150 acres, cash crop farm, close to town, good two storey brick house with four bedrooms, large barn, steel shed 25x50. LUCAN - 100 acres of SiO'° oy loam, gently sloped LUCAN RANCH - in good condition, lorge livingroom, sharp kitchen, three good sized bedrooms, 4 piece modern both. Car port. on lot size 106'x160'. BUILDING LOT - 70x102 located on quiet street, close to business section. BUILDING LOT- 91x 170 on No. 4 highway south of Luton. EXETER NORWOOD VILLAGE - move right into your own three bedroom mobile home today. This beauty already well Iondscoped is 65 x 12 with an 18 x 12 addition and is only one year old. ALL SET UP FOR SOLID COMFORT THREE UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING - within walking distance of down town. Each unit contains, livingroom, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, and 3 piece bath. Live in one and let the other two make the mortgage payments. PROPERTY IN AREA ILDERTON - three bedroom cottage with good sized livingroom, modern kitchen with new cupboards, both, utility room, new furnace, new wiring, and new plumbing, large barn, double garage. Close to business section. HENSALL - 1'h storey aluminum sided house just newly decorated, hos good sized livingroom, dining room with NATURAL PINE FLOORS, sharp kitchen, three bedrooms, 4 piece bath, laundry room, closed in sun porch, situated on good sized lot close to school. POPLAR HILL - good building site Owner will hold mortgage. HENSALL - four miles east of No 4 on over •'z acre of SCENIC COUNTRY VIEW with 1 'h storey J.M. sided home that needs some work. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GENERAL STORE - with retail gas outlet and government contract in STRATFORD-ST. MARYS AREA, comfortable ot- tached living quarters has three bedrooms, large livingroom, modern kitchen, 3 piece bath. This is an IDEAL FAMILY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY close to school. COTTAGES PORT FRANKS - 3 bedrooms winterized cottage on 100' lot, good well,dockage on river, all furniture included. PORT FRANKS - on '/ acre lot, winterized three bedroom cottage with American styled kitchen, sharp bath, shag rugs, oil heat. EXETER OFFICE 235-0541 "DEAL WITH EXPERIENCE AND INTEGRITY - CALL US TODAY" LONDON OFFICE 434-8824 LUCAN OFFICB 227-4071 CARL WALKER MERT CULBERT 565-5393 227-4766 235-0541 227-4071 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1973 SUZUKI 440, good condition. low mileage. Phone after 5 p.m., 235- 0993. 11' 11 Curs, Trucks 1965 FORD truck F750, steel flat rack. air brakes. safety checked, ex- cellent condition. Phone•P9rkhdl 294- 6425. I Ic 1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, sold with c-crtificale, price 5795.00. Phone 235- 2407. Wm. Dougall. 11' 1974 MONTE CARLO, 19,000 miles. asking 54,200.00, 116 Empress Ave.. Huron Park, after six. I lc 1973 CHEV pick-up 1/ -ton, 6 cylinder, stick shift, new paint job, 27.000 miles, certified. Phone 228-6725. 10:1Ic 12 Pets PUPPIES - 2 months old, German Shepherd and Collie, to give away. 227-4326. llc TO GIVE AWAY to a good home, female St. Bernard puppy, purebred but not registered. Phone 225- 2655. 1 l c BLACK Labrador Retriever puppies. 3 months old. 228-6496. 11 c FREE puppies, mother purebred Daschund, father Beagle, small short haired, inquire 199 William St.. 235- 2241. l lc 14 Appliances, Television 1NGLIS gas dryer, used 2 months, complete with vent ducts. 5325.00. Phone 235-0821. 11c 19" GE Portable black and white TV. good condition, price 565.00. Phone 235-2407, Wm. Dougall. 11' 24" GE stove and apartment size refrigerator. Phone 227-592. 1lc 15 Personal KIDNEY or Bladder disorders caus- ing backache. loss of rest and other distress? Try De Witt's Kidney and Bladder pills for relief. They act as a diuretic to relieve urinary. tract irrita- tion. Look to De Witt's for prompt relief. 51.50 and 52.75 sizes at Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. 1 Ic WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell yifur friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge. no obligation. 4-52t IF YOU want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's our business. Phone AA 235-0953, 228- 6470. 237-3438. 4t 16 For Sale STEEL FILING DRAWERS, like new, legal size- use singly or stack into multiple locking units. Phone 235- 0441. 10 a.m. -4p.m. 9t STRAW - to be removed from barn. Also some batts of insulation. Phone 235-1227. 9:10:11' FOR POTATOES and onions. phone Tony Martens 234-6488. -" It ADDING MACHINES. typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies. Jerry !Slathers Typewriters. 92 Main St. 235-1840. 21/4t ALUMINUM siding. windows, doors, awnings. Free estimates. Ex- pert installations. Thos. H. Walker. 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 6:25/4t STUDENTS RENTOR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AT T -A Try our attractive. rental -ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 38/4t USED STEEL beams and pipe. Hamilton's Machine Shop. Phone 235-1655 23/4t HESS JEWELLERY Zurich. has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamond Wedding rings. watches. clocks. cuckoo clocks. barometers. Cardinal watches. sold by jewellers only. are 510.95 and up. Family rings. watch & clock repairing. work guaranteed. 52/4t NEW bench drill presses and anvils. pig trough. assorted work benches. Laverne Hamilton, phone 236-1655. after 6. 235-2598. 46/41 APPLES Yes, we are still getting apples in every week Spys. Macs. Delicious. Kings and Courtlands Bring your con- tainers VERNON SCHATZ G1 NI:RAI. MERCHANT Dashwood, Ont. Phone 237-3531 5t USED BUILDING materials, barn timbers. Joists and steel roofing. Phone 238-8387. 8-13c HAY - baled red clover. pickup or deliver. Phone 293-3162 after 6 p m. 8:9:10:11:12x COB CORN - about 50 tons. Phone Kevin McComb, 227-4817. 9:10:1 le ORDER YOUR Goslings, Ducklings, and Baby Chicks (heavy breech NOW from Edelweiss Acres Farms RR 1. Dashwood, Ont. Phone 237-3382 9-25c SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE: Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools left over from 1974 season, K price. Guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect (519) 681- 3805 days or evenings. 101 QUANTITY of baled straw, phone 235-2087 after 6. 10:1 Ic • TRUCK BOX, 7'h ft. wide, 121 A. long, 41 ft. high, including tarp posts, priced reasonable. Phone 262- 5283. 1 l HAY, excellent condition. Phone 237- 3404. I lc 16 For Sale APPLES - end of season special; top quality 55.00, seconds' 53.00 per bushel. Spys, Delicious, Courtlands and Macs. Bring containers, after 4:00 or weekends. Rpss Middleton Storage. one mile east of Bayfield, north of river. II:12:13:14:15:16:17c WANTED - Canada's leading Manufacturer and Distributor is seek ing a choice residential site to display their new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime location we wi) consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home owner. Call collect 681-3800 days or evenings. Ilt GARAGE SALE - Saturday, March 22, Home of Cal Wein, 236 Huron St. East, Exeter- List of items in next week's paper. 1 lc ROYAL BLUE shag rug, two years old. 12 ft. by 24 ft.; two sets matching drapes. Phone 235-1497. I Ic 500 BALES of straw 50e per bale. Ray Ducharme, phone 236-4863. 11' JUST ARRIVED Assorted Sizes of Freezers 7, 19 and 23 Cubic Foot CHEST FREEZERS 17 Cubic Foot UPRIGHT FREEZERS Hurry ... Supply Limited SPECIAL PRICES INCLUDE OUR OWN SERVICE DRYSDALE Home Hardware HENSALL 1 lc 17 Wanted To Buy TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Exeter. within walking distance of downtown. Phone 237-3259. 11' FURNITURE. antiques. appliances or miscellaneous items. By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction. Con- signments welcome. Knapp's Auction Centre, Seaforth. Phone 527- 1336. 4/4t 18 Wanted IMMEDIATE PAYMENT FOR GOOD STANDING Timber and Bushes OF ALL KINDS Write ROBERT EAGLESON Ailsa Craig or Phone 232-4450 before 8 a.m. or between 4-6 p.m. 6:7:10:11c 19 Property For Sale NEW Glendale mobile home. Norwood Village Mobile Home Sales. phone 235-2575 dealer for Glendale Mobile and Sectional Homes. 10:11' DO YOU NEED a home in Exeter or any of the surrounding towns? WE HAVE FARMS. small acreages, lake front cottages. DO YOU WANT to sell your home. farm, business or cottage. For all your real estate needs call M. Sirotic Real Estate Zurich 236-4028 PHILIP FURTNEY REAL ESTATE LTD. LUCAN 227-4001 Don Urbshott, Mgr. SMALL HOUSE on Main Street. Lucan. Close to uptown, sewers in and paid for. open to offers 546/LU/74. Call A. L Kernick 227-4768 Lucan. NAIRN - Nearly new side split 3 bedroom home, attractive brown brick and siding, good sized rooms, good sized kitchen, dining room. liv- ing room. large finished rec room (panelled and carpeted) good quality rugs. with cushion floor in kitchen and bathroom, carport. large lot, abun- dant water supply, close to. school. This is a very attractive home and close to London. Call A. L. Kernick 227-4768 Lucan. No toll from Lon- don. CREDITON - Main St. building lot 66 x 132. Priced at 54.500.00. half down, vendor will supply water and survey 58/LU/75. Call A. L. Kernick 227-4768 Lucan. LUCAN - Building lot 100 x 175 just south of the Village limits. This is an excellent lot, village water available Call A. L. Kernick 227-4768 Lucan 1 35/LU75. BAYFIELD AREA - Year round home. fully insulated, three bedrooms, 200 amp service, water supplied, good sized lot close to lake. nice floor coverings, a home to retire to or a summer home. Present owner working in London, very anxious to sell. See and make offer. Call A. L. Kernick 227-4768 Lucan. 540/LU/74. BUILDING LOT - Nice level lot. water and sewe,w1a •ilable. Call A. L. Kernick 22 WO Lucan. No toll charge from c.ondon 106/LU/74 OPEN HOUSE - LUCAN Wilberforce Heights Sunday 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Set these attractive new homes on ful- ly serviced lots. If time not convenient, call for private appointment to view. CaII either A. L. Kernick 227-4768 or Sandra Green 227-4359, both Lucan. No toll from London. Ilc 19 Property For Sale JOHN BURKE LTD. BROKER Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 EXETER France, two bedroom bungalow, living room. kitchen, four piece bath, lot size 350 x 70. full basement. 514,900. OFFICE FOR RENT EXETER - Devon Building; second floor; one office available. CONTACT US TODAY! 1 Ic 20 Property For Rent FURNISHED APARTMENT, heated. modern. Suitable for young couple. Phone 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. 235- 0354. 1 l TWO BEDROOM apartment available. Phone 235-2420. 1 lc WAREHOUSE SPACE by the month. Ideal docks for loading from trucks etc. Phone 235-2420. 37/4t ONE BEDROOM apartment. All utilities paid. Adults only. C Bea apartments, -phone 235-0332 before six. 10:11' NICELY FURNISHED, steam heated. one bedroom apartment over Canadian Tire Store, Elliot Apartments. Phone 235-1497. 101 APPROXIMATELY 100 acres, Parkhill area. Phone 294-6197. 10:11' 21 For Rent CONSTRUCTION scaffolding, ex- tension ladder; skill saw; adding , machine: sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jack; utility trailer; cartop carrier: 16' van. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge. 1/4t RENTALS FLOOR SANDERS - FLOOR EDGERS POWER HAND SAWS BELT SANDERS '" & 'h" DRILLS PORTABLE TELEVISIONS FLOOR POLISHERS BEAVERS HARDWARE YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER Exeter 235-1033 46/4t CONSTRUCTION equipment 8 plywood forms. wedges, power trowel, wheelbarrows, small mixer, etc. Phone 236-4954 Monday to Friday after 4 p.m. Weekends anytime. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 16/4t 22 For Sale or Rent COMMERCIAL BUILDING located on Victoria St. West, suitable for many commercial enterprises. Contact Don Webster 235- 0680. 10:11c 23 Wanted To Rent LAND suitable for cash crops in Stephen or Hay Township. Phone 237-3416. 10:11:12:13c 23 Wonted to Rent CHRISTIAN FAMILY requires four bedroom home in country preferred, or in Exeter or Parkhill. Rea'sonable. Reply Box 357, Grand Bend. 11' COUPLE wants to rent by April 1, 2 or 3 bedroom house or apartment in the Zurich-Hensall area. Phone collect 236-4290. I1:12c GOOD LAND - highest price paid. Apply to Times -Advocate, Box RJP. I1:12c CROP LAND in Exeter - Zurich area, Targe or small acreage. Donald Geiger, 236-4865. 11 c 25 Notices BUS TRANSPORTATION available for 10 people to Ottawa, leaving June 6 returning June 8, hotel accom- modations arranged if desired. For further information call 227-4227 or 227-4805. 11:12:13c LUCAN LANES and Snack Bar un- der new management. Open weekdays 7 to II; weekends Sat. 11 to 11; Sun. 12 to 10. To reserve lanes during day, please call 227-4141. 1 lc INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with ROY SCOTCHMER Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard ' CALL HAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 47/4t 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gladys Kestle deceased All persons having claims against - the estate of Gladys Kastle, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired School Teacher, who died on or about the 27th day of lune 1974, arc required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of March 1975, after which date the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the executor Exeter, Ontario 9:10:11c Classified Deadline 4:00 pm Tuesdays 1J G. K. Realty and Insurance Inc. REALTOR Exeter - Grand Bend BAYFIELD - Lakefront! Excellent 2 bedroom, modern cot tage, includes 2 extra lakefront Tots, 2 patios, new shag carpeting, new kitchen cupboards, 3 piece bath, electric heating, metal tool shed and Franklin fireplace. Located jus north of Bluewoter Golf course. Immediate possession. Priced Right! VANASTRA - 3 bedroom, 1 1 storey, stucco. Immediat possession. Good condition. GRAND BEND TAVERN - well located and doing goo volume. This includes property and equipment. GRAND BEND - Commercial property in high traffic area Buy now! Get ready for the big season ahead. GRAND BEND - Commercial property set on forge lot. Good condition. Located next to post office. GRAND BEND - River front, year round home with 4 bedrooms. 1 'h baths, this iso split level with stucco and angel stone, fieldstone fireplace. EXETER - Pool Room SOLD eturn. EXETER - Attractive 2 bedr'- crick bungalow. Only 7 years old. Set on Targe losQ`,D to possession. Only 2'h blocks from Main Street. EXETER - lovely 3 bedroom country home! (70 year oldh converted schoolhouse) on ' acre lot, only 1 ,h miles from town. It has new wiring, plumbing, septic tank, and drainage. Excellent water. Big attic and full basement. Low taxes, forc- ed air heating. Double garage. EXETER -INDUSTRIAL BUILDING & STORAGE BUILDING - set on large lot. In excellent condition. Ready to move in. Ideal for small or medium operation. EXETER - INDUSTRIAL LOTS - 2 Industrial lots on Main Highway. Excellent exposure for small industry. Priced right. EXETER - BRICK DUPLEX - set on Targe lot, on quiet street. Eoch unit has 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and full bath, with broadloom and tile throughout. Priced right, with good terms. EXETER - BRICK DUPLEX - located right on Main Street. Each unit over 1,000 sq. ft. Excellent Condition! Prepaid sewers, each 2 bedrooms, 4 -piece both, electric heat. Ex- cellent building! Close to schools and shopping! EXETER - COMMERCIAL BUILDING - with 3 stores and 7 apartments. Showing excellent return! On Main Street. EXETER - 5 acre industrial property located on main highway. FOR ACTION ON FULL REAL ESTATE SERVICES CALL GEORGE RETHER NOWI George Rether Res. 235-1377 Exeter Office 235-2420 351 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario Grand Bend Office 238-8484 Intersection of No. 21 and No. 81 Hwys. M. J. Gaiser e d J. A. Kneale 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Charles Goldwin Jeffery deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Goldwin Jeffery late of the Township of Osborne, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer who died on or about the 26th day of December. 1974 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On- tario, by the 15th day of March, 1975 after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been receiv- ed. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the executors Exeter, Ontario 10:11:12c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Lloyd Henderson deceased All persons having claims against the estate of William Lloyd Hender- son late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired School Teacher who died on or about the 18th day of February, 1975 are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 29th day of March. 1975 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the executrix Exeter, Ontario I1:12:13c thru Classified 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Greta Marjorie Harness deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Greta Marjorie Harness late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Bank Clerk who died on or about the 28th day of February, 1975 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On- tario, by the 29th day of March, 1975 after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been receiv- ed. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the executors Exeter, Ontario II:12:13c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Garnet James Patterson deceased late of the City of Chatham, in the County of Kent and Province of On- tario, Retired Farmer, formerly of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. Creditors and others having claims against this Estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned solicitor for the Ex- ecutrix of this Estate on or before the 25th day of April, 1975, after which . date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims that have then been received. Agnes Christine Patterson, Executrix for the Estate of Garnet James Patter- son, by her solicitor Thomas R. Warwick Barrister, etc. P.O. Box 760 Blenheim, Ontario NOP 1A0 11:12:13c 28 Auction Sales CLEARING Auction Sale TRACTORS, COMBINE AND FARM MACHINERY Sat., April 5 Edgar Cudmore, Prop. PERCY WRIGHT Auctioneer 10:11 ttttltttl, egrimm rrr FURTNEY SUE EDGINTON Sales Manager Philip Furtney Real Estate Limited 176 Victoria St. West Exeter, Ontario Bus. 235-2040 OPEN HOUSE Dow Subdivision - Sunday 2 - 4 NEW HOMES LOVELY 4 BEDROOM, two storey home, two baths. Priced rite at 549,000. Coll the office 235-2040 for further informotion. 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS, 4 piece bath. Call 235-2040 Come and view these nice new homes in fully serviced subdivi• sion. EXETER - 25 acres of wooded property suitable for any type of recreation. Situated on outskirts of Exeter. Make us an offer. Contact Doreen McRobert, Granton 225-2853 or phone the Exeter office 235-2040 529/E/74 FOR SALE OR RENT IN EXETER - Older 3 bedroom vinyl sided storey and 'h home, family style kitchen, living room, and set on extra Targe tree'd lot. Call the office toddy 235- 2040 544/E/75. HENSALL - Extra large frame home - 5 bedrooms, both and 'h, living room, dining room, kitchen, drowing room, beautiful upper balcony, screened in porch, large tree'd lot. Reasonably priced. Great for a large family or could be duplexed. 523,500. Call Ellen Knight or the office 235- 2905 GRAND43/E/75. BEND AREA - investment property, 70 acre farm on Lake Huron, 15 large building Tots in planning stage. Beautiful older 5 bedroom solid brick house all renovated. Ex- cellent barn, new well, 40 miles from London, 20 miles from Goderich. Don't miss this! Call Sue Edginton 227-4243 or the office 235-2040 154/E/75 PRICED TO SELL - cottage or year round home, living room features Iargefieldttonefireplace, natural knotty pine panell- ing, dining room, kitchen, den, 3 bedrooms, large both and sunporch. Fully insulated new forced air oil furnace, new electric water heater and 200 amp. service. Situated on nicely tree'd lot close to Lake Huron. Coll Ellen Knight 235-2905 or the office 235- 2040 105/E/75 GRANTON - Business opportunity, beat the unemployment situation, groceries are always in demand, country general store, located only 15 minutes from London in busy little village. Store hos 4 bedrooms and remodelled home com- bined. Will pay for itself in short time. Contact Doreen McRobert Granton 225-2853 or call the office 235-2040 8/E/75 PLAN AHEAD - Be ready for summer with your own pool! This charming 3 bedroom home features a 16x40 toot swim- ming pool and utility shed. All set on lovely lot. Call Doreen McRobert 225-2853 or the office 235-2040 24/E/75, LUCAN - 6 acre hobby farm, 20 miles from London, close to the main highway, 12 year old ranch style 3 -bedroom home, large kitchen, bright living room with fireplace, office, laun- dry room, new glass -in sun porch, 4 stall horse barn, drilled well. DON'T MISS THIS! CaII Sue Edginton 227-4243 or of- fice 235-2040 69/E/75 For Any of Your Real Estate Needs Contact: OFFICE 235-2040 •