HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-02-27, Page 13 (2)11 Cars, Trucks 1971 CAMARO, red. eicollent condi- tion. 8 cylinder, will gut safety check- ed. Rhone 235-0217 or 235-2261. 9' 1966 DODGE Coronet, four -door. six • cylinder, automatic, 5225.00 or best offer, as is. Sam Skinner 229-8252. 9c 1966 DODGE Van. rebuilt engine. ex- cellent condition. beige. automatic: 51500.00 first, after six p.m. 228- 6726. 9c 1967 CHIN 11, 327, high perfor- mance. Phone 228-6314 or 235- 2264. 9., 12 Pets PUPPIES part Collie, 3 months old. to • ive awas. Phone 227-4475. 9c 13 Musical Instruments ONE SET of drums. good condition. 5160.00 firm. Phone 228-6889. 9c 14 Appliances, Television 30" CTAS 6584. RANGE, phone 228- 8:9c 15 Personal \\ 1 I \ \ 1 I F. engaged couples to,sisi the Arbor (lift Shop in Clinton. • Rcceis e a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service. • No charge. no obligation. 4-52f I1- YOU want to drink that's your business. If you want 10 quit that's our business. Phone A,\ 235-0953. 2L8_ 6470, 237-3438. 4t COULD YOUR backache he the result of sluggish kidneys'' Try De Witt's Kidney &• Bladder Pills to 'relieve htadderirriratiunby Tncre3tiing ._ urinary flow. Look to Dc Witt's for pronipt relief 51.50 and 52.75 sizes at Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. 13:15:14:19c 16 For Sale Sides of Beef BUY DIRECT FROM THE FARMER Canada Grade ,' Government Inspected Grain Fed Beef Cut. packaged and frozen ready for your freezer Money bask guarantee 8Oe Ih. BERT VISSCHER 9c 16 For Sale APPLES - Crisp, good quality spys, still only 55.50 a bustle', seconds 53.00, your own conta er, 11/2 miles north of‘ Dashwood. 1. S. Teeter, phone 237-3362. 9c COMBINATION propane gas and wood stove; cream separator, in ex- cellent condition; quart sealers by the dozen. Phone 227-4381. 9:I0c MUISCOVY DUCKS. Phone 227- 4465. 9c ANTIQUE wooden bed, springs and new mattress. Phone 234-6322. ' 9c STEEL FILING DRAWERS, like new. legal size, use singly or stack into multiple locking units. Phone 235- 0441, 10 a.m, - 4 p.m. , 9t CLARE HECLA furnace 22", coal or wood. Phone 238-2713. 9' STRAW - to be removed from barn. Also some baits of insulation. Phone 235-1227. 9:10:11' KITCHEN wood stove, 535.00; two wood stoves converted to oil, 535.00 each; air corepressor, 550.00; black and white 21" TV, 535.00. Phone 234- 6213. 9c FUR COAT. 6 months old, full length, new cost 5700, asking 5400 firm, size 12. Phone 235-0482 after five. 9c FOR POTATOES and onions, phone Tony Martens 234-6488. It ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentals. supplies. Jerry !slathers Typewriters. 92 Main St. 235-1840. 21/4t ALUM/NUM slaing, windows. ndows _doors-_-awnings_-Free-estimates --Ex- pert installations. Thos. H. Walker. 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 6:25/4t STUDENTS RENTOR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER \rI-A T n our attractive rental -ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 38/4t HESS JEWELLERY Zurich, has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamond Wedding rings. watches. clocks. cuckoo clocks. barometers. Cardinal watches. sold by jewellers only. are 510.95 and up. Family rings. watch & clock repairing. work guaranteed. 52/41' FURTNEVMrsr„ Furtney Real Estate sold 6.4 million in the first quarter of 1974 See Furtney Real Estate for all your needs 1 7 Offices across Ontario and still growing.' SUE EDGINTON So/es Manager Philip Furtney Real Estate Limited 176 Victoria St. West Exeter, Ontario Bus. 235-2040 LARGE COLONIAL HOME Its a beauty! Featuring wrought iron stair rail and inside balcony overlooking open entry, 4 extra large bedrooms, bright kitchen, large living room, dining room, family room, 2, full baths, mud room, laundry room off kitchen. Attached garoge and set on large serviced lot in new subdivision. Ask for Ellen Knight 235-2905 or Exeter office 235-2040 538'E'74 EXETER GET YOUR OWN LITTLE HIDE -AWAY - 25 acres of wooded property suitoble for any type of recreation. Situated on the outskirts of EXETER. Make us on offer. Contact DOREEN McROBERT, Granton 225-2853 (no toll charge from Lon- don) or ,Exeter 235-2040 529/E/74. RITE PRICE Older three bedroom vinyl sided storey and 1/2 home, family style kitchen, Iivingroom and se? on extra large tree'd lot. Ask for Sue Edginton 544/E/75. - NEW HOMES Planning to move? Get what you• want today! Choose from Colonial, Ranch or two-storey! Have any extros done before you move`in. Yes, you may have a finished rec room and a se- , fond bath. CALL OUR OFFICE TODAY 235-2040 443/E/74. HENSALL EXTRA LARGE FRAME HOME - 5 bedrooms, bath and a half, Iivingroom, dining room, kitchen, drawing room. Beautiful upper balcony, screened -in sunporch, Targe tree'd lot, reasonably priced. Great for a Targe family or could be duplexed, $23,500.00 Call ELLEN KNIGHT, Exeter 235- 2905 43/8/75. GRAND BEND COTTAGE, YEAR AROUND HOME, living room feotures Targe fieldstone fireplace, natural knotty pine panelling, dining room, kitchen, den.3 bedrooms, Targe both and sun porch. Fully insulated, new forced sir oil furnace, new electric water heater and 200 amp service. Situated on nicely tree'd lot close to Lake Huron. Call EVEN KNIGHT 235-2905 105/E/75. GRANTON Plan ahead, be ready for summer, come and see this char- ming 3 bedroom home. Fenced property hos 16x40 foot swimming pool and utility shed. All set on nicely tree'd lot. Call DOREEN McROBERT 225-2853 or the office 235- 2040 24/8/75. LUCAN 6 ACRE HOBBY FARM, twenty miles from London, close to the main highway. Twelve year old ranch styled 3 bedroom home, large kitchen, bright living room with fireploce, office, laundry room, new glossed -in sun porch, 4 stall horse born, drilled well. DON'T MISS THIS. CaII Sue Edginton 227- 4243 69/E/75. For Any of Your Real Estate Needs Contact: OFFICE 235-2040 16 For Sale USED STEEL beams and pipe. Hamilton's Machine Shop. Phone 235.1655. 23/4t NEW bench drill presses and•envils, pig trough, assorted work benches. Laverne Hamilton, phone 236-1655, after 6, 235-2598. 46/4t APPLES Yes, we are still getting apples in every week. Spys, Macs, Delicious. Kings and Courtlands. Bring your con- tainers. VERNON SCHATZ GENERAL MERCHANT Dashwood, Ont. Phone 237-3531 5t USED BUILDING materials, barn timbers, joists and steel roofing. Phone 238-8387. 8-13c LADY TORCON hair dryer, four set- tings, good condition, asking 518.00 or will trade for good blow dryer with brush and comb. Phone 228-6596. 8:9c HAY - baled red clover, pickup or deliver. Phone 293-3162 after 6 p.m. 8:9:10:11:12x APPLIANCES, living room. bedroom and kitchen furniture. etc. Phone 228-6314 or 235-2264. 9' BLACK WROUGHT IRON dinette suite, grey table top and chair seats. Phone 235-0186. 9' __COB CORN about -50 tons. P -hone• - Kevin McComb. 227-4817. 9:10:11c ORDER YOUR Goslings, Ducklings, and Baby Chicks (heavy breed) NOW from Edelweiss Acres Farms RR I. Dashwood, Ont. Phone 237-3382 9-25c 17 Wanted To Buy FURNITURE. antiques, appliances ore miscellaneous items. By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction. Con- signments welcome. Knapp's Auction Centre. Seaforth. Phone 527- 1336. 4/4t WEANER ANTT-FEEDER pigs. Phone 294-6125. 9:10:11:12c 18 Wanted RIDE WANTED rom Russeldale to Stratford. ret on weekdays. Hours 8:00 to 4:30. 'all 229-6663. 9' ONE USfiD wood door 321/2 to 34" x 77 to 80". Phone 234-6433 after 5 p.m. 8:9c 19 Property For Sale N EW Glendale mobile home. Norwood Village Mobile Home Sales, phone 235-2575 dealer for Glendale Mobile and Sectional Homes. 8:9' 100 ACRE FARM on paved road ' south of Dashwood. Good for dairy or beef cattle. 4 -bedroom house. redecorated. 3 piece bath. Barn with milk house. completely rewired. Karn .cleaner and silo. Spring fed pond. 85 workable acres. Phone 237-3246.9: 10' JOHN BURKE LTD. BROKER Lou Cost A uta 1 nsurancc Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages - Trust Certificates Deson Building Phone 235-1863 EXETER • Frame, two bedroom bungalow. living room. kitchen, four piece bath. lot size 350 x 70. full basement. S14.900. OFFICE FOR RENT EXETER - Devon Building: second floor: one office available. " CONTACT US TODAY! 9e 19 F'; under ty 101 'ade OPEN HOUSE Saturday and Sunday March 1 and 2, 2-5 p.m. Mrs. Fourine will be there to show this magnificent century old, 5 - bedroom farm home, situated high on the hill, surrounded by 4 lovely acres with an abundance of mature trees. DIRECTIONS - Hwy. 4, Borth, before entering village of Hensall turn right at the Big 'O' factory, go ap- proximately 2 miles, property on left side. Watch for our Open House signs. For further details call or write KARL HOBYAN REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR • 442 Waterloo St. Lpndon, Ont. 9c EXETER - Spacious 3 -bedroom. brick bi-level home, carpeted, living, dining L. large kitchen, asking mid S40's. Phone 235-0482 after 4:30. 9c PHILIP FURTNEY Real Estate Ltd. Lucan Office 227-4001 Don Urbshutt - tanR 'ge s r --OPEN-HOUSE-- --- - Wilberforce Heights, Lucan 2-4 p.m. Sunday Come and see our new homes. some ready to move into. Two. storey. 4 bedrooms, with attached garage. Bungalows. Raised Ranches, Back Splits. Paved streets, all services in and paid for. Call A. L. Kernick, 227-4768 or Sandra Green, 227-4359. Lucan. COTTAGE - Bayfield area, nearly new, fully insulated. year round home. 200 amp. service, three bedrooms, din- ing. living room. kitchen. bath. Ap- proximately 250 -feet from lake.. 1974 taxes, 5111.00. water supplied. Owner very anxious to sell. open to reasonable offers. 540/LU/74 Call A. L. Kernick, Lucan 227-4768. SMALL HOUSE on Main Street. Lucan, close to uptown, sewers in and paid for. open to reasonable offers. Call A. L. Kernick, 227-4768 Lucan 546/1.U/74. BUILDING LOTS Lucan Village, nice level lot. sewers and water available. 75 x 92 close to uptown. 106/LU/75 Nice lot, south edge of Lucan, town water available. 100 x 175 ft. Right on No. 4 Highway. Village of Crediton. Main Street. 66 x 132. water and survey provided, owner will take back mortgage. 58/LU/75 • Call A. L. Kernick, 227-4768, Lucan for any of the above. AILSA CRAIG - Nearly new 3 bedroom Krick bungalow, large modern kitchen (very attractive), good sized living room. all carpet and cushion floor, completely finished rec. room in basement, paneled, carpeted, cushion floor in games room, fruit cellar. extra room and laundry facilities. 3/HO/75. Call A. L. Ker - nick, 227-4768. Lucan or Sandra Green. 227-4359. Lucan. 9c 20 Property For Rent III:NSALL - 2 -bedroom. town house, available April I. 1975. Phone 262-2014. 9t TWO BEDROOM house. centrally located in Exeter. new throughout. carpeted Iivingroom and ttedrooms. sun porch. natural fireplace. treed lot Available March 1. Phone' 235 -195 - after six. 9t WAREHOUSE SPACE by the month. Ideal docks for loading from trucks etc. Phone 235.2420. 37, 4t 21 For Rent CONSTRUCTION scaffolding. es - tension ladder; skill saw; adding machine; sump pump: 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jack:, utility trailer: carton, carrier: 16' van. Whiting Rental. 63 Main St. S.. rust south of riser bridge. , 1,41' NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 443 and other powers thereunto enabling, the Corporation of the Town of Exeter proposes to stop up and close: In the Town of Exeter in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of: Premising Sanders Street to have o bearing of North 81 degrees 24' East as shown on Registered Plan Number 23 and relating all bearings herein thereto: FIRSTLY: All that portion of John Street lying Eost of a line drawn South 8 degrees 33' East from a point in the Southerly limit of Lot 1189, Registered Plan Number 20, distant 6.87 feet measured Easterly therealong from the South Westerly corner of said Lot 1189. SECONDLY: All that portion of Bodman Street as shown on Registered Plan Number 20 lyng between John Street and a line which is 6.14 feet Southerly from and parallel with the original Southerly limit of Sanders Street os shown on Registered Plan Number 20. The londs comprising those parts of the said road allowances hereby stopped up and closed, and the subse- quent sole or other disposition of the said lands, shall be sub- ject to eosements for existing sewer, watermoin and hydro services on the lands in question. That subject to the said easements, the lands comprising those ports of the said road allowances hereby stopped up and closed shall continue to be vested in the Corporation of the Town of Exeter to be dealt with from time to time as the Council of the ?aid Corporation may see fit and deem proper. And that the Council of the said Corporation will hear, in person or by counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said bylaw and who applied to be heard at a meeting to be held at the Town Hall in the Town of Exeter on the 14th day of March, 1975 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. DATED at Exeter, Ontario this 17th day of February, A.D. 1975 ERIC H. CARSCADDEN, Clerk Town of Exeter 21 For Rent RENTALS FLOOR SANDERS FLOOR EDGERS POWER HAND SAWS - BELT SANDERS 1/2" & ih" DRILLS • PORTABLE TELEVISIONS FLOOR POLISHERS BEAVERS HARDWARE, YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER Exeter 235-1033 46/4t CONSTRUCTION equipment 8 plywood forms, wedges. power trowel. wheelbarrows. small mixer, etc. Phone 236-4954 Monday to •Friday after 4 p.m. Weekends anytime. N. .1 Corriveau, Zurich. 16/4t 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM home in Grand Bend or surrounding area with one year lease. Wanted by March 22. 1975. Phone 672-5042. 7t MOTHER and two small daughters. require 2 bedroom unfurnished apart- ment. or small house in Exeter or area. Phone 238-8145. • 9:10c 25 Notices INDEPENDENT SHIPPER ..... _. to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK S OCK DEPARTMENT R E TORONTO - Ship Your Livestock with ROY SCOTCHMER' Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565.2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick -up - 47 41' 1. John DeBoeck will not be responsi- ble for any debts other than those con- tracted personally. 8:9.IOc DUE: TO THE mail strike the stag for John Mason. February 21, 1975, w as cancelled. Tickets sold are still good. 1\ .itch for further date. 9c 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Charles Mansel Mason deceased MI persons having clams against the estate of Charles Mansel Mason date of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron. Retired Labourer. who died on or about the 29th dos of December 1974 are required to file particulars of same with• Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter. On- tario, Its the 8th das of Starch 19'5 ,fuer which date the estate will he dis- tributed having regard only to those aaims of which notice has been recess- ed. Bell & Laughton for the csecutors 1 serer, Ontario 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gladys Kestle deceased • All' persons having claims against the estate of Gladyi Kestle, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of - Huron, Retired School Teacher, who died on or about the 27th day of June 1974, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of March 1975. after which date the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the executor Exeter, Oritario 9:10:I1c 27 Tenders Wanted Township of Stephen SEALED TENDERS Will he received by the undersigned for the sale of the Township owned SPRAYER by Monday. March 17. 1975 ---Envelope should he marked •• render for Sprayer". The Sprayer is located at the toss Shed, Crediton, and may he inspected during working hours. Highest or any tender. ns)t nescssaril) accepted. Lor additional information contact the Road Superintendent, Mr. R. F. S1cIsaa, Telephone 234-6461, \Wrlmar D Wein. Clerk Township of Stephen P.O. Box 99 Crediton. Ontario 9:IOc fHFCOI( POR \HON OFTHE 101%N ()1 EXI TER TENDERS Signed. Sealed renders, clean\ mark• •ed as to contents will be received to the Town Clerk until 4:00 p.m. March 17. 1975. for the following- One Industrial 1 ype wheeled tractor. complete with bunt -end loader and hack hoe. Further information. tender forms and specifications may be picked up alt the Town Clerk's Office Inc Carscaddci' Town Clerk • 9:1Or THIt (()RPOR:\ rno\ OFTHI Iri\s\Of 1XFriR TENDERS Sighed, Sealed Tenders. clearly mark- ed ars to content. will he received hs the' town C Jerk until 4:00 p m \larch 17, 1975 - For the sale of 19(:5 Case Model 430 tractor. Serial No. 8261)03 complete with Front erica loader and backhoe. 1 his unit may he seen at the rows \lmks Depr (i.iragc. Nelson Si . I a- crcr Eric (arsc,tdden Town Clerk McKinley appoints pair R. E. McKinley. Iluron- Middlesex M.P. this week an- nounced the appointment of two area men to the area management committee of the Opportunities for Youth Program for 1975. Appointed were Frank Sills, former mayor of Seaforth. and Claire Sager. resident of Goderich. Since the inception of the program the young people of Huron have been active under the program. spending over $53,000 for 12 area projects in the sum- mer of 1974 Generally speaking. funds are allocated to an area in an inverse proportion to the unemployment This is the first time a local management committee. utilizing local representatives. has been set up. In this way, the best interests of the area as well as the merits of individual ap- plications are assure4 adequate consideration NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O 1970, Chapter 284, Section 443 pod other powers thereunto enabling, the Corporation of the Township of Usborne proposes to stop up and close: FIRSTLY All THAT PORTION of road allowance in the Township of Usborne inthe County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being the road allowance between Lot E, Concession 9 of the said Township and lot 21. South Eost Boundary Concession of the said Township commencing at the eost limit of the rood allowance between Concessions 8 and 9 of .the said Township of Usborne and continuing to the northwest limit of Provincial Highway Number 23, as widened by deposit plan 557 (formerly being the rood allowance between the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron and the Township of Blanshord in the County of Perth. SECONDLY: Alt THAT PORTION of road allowance in the Township of- Usborne in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being the road allowance running between Lots 17 and 18, North East Boundary Concession of the soid Township. The lands comprising that port of the said road allowances hereby stopped up and closed, and the subsequent sale or other disposition of the said lands, shall be subject to easements for existing sewer, watermoin and hydro services on the lands in question. That subject to the said easements, the lands comprising those ports of the said rood allowance? hereby stopped up and closed sholl continue to be vested in the Corporation of • the' Township of Usborne to be dealt with from time to.time as the Council of the said Corporation may see fit and deem proper. And that the Council of the said Corporation will hear, in person or by counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said bylaw and who applied to be heord at o meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the Township Hall in the Hamlet of Elimville on the 18th day of March 1975 of the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. DATED of Township of Usborne this 11th day of Februory, A.D. 1975 H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk, Township of Usborne 27 Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER FORD SUPER -SIX TRACTOR Model 1004 - 4 wheel drive with Cab and Remotes - as is May be seen at Exeter Ford Equipment Sales Ltd., Exeter, Ont., on Hwy. 83. 'ii utile east of Highway 4. Sealed tenders will be received at Bank of Montreal, Zurich. Ont. up to 3:00 p.m. March 6, 1975. Tenders to be accompanied by certified cheque for 10% of tender payable to Bank of Montreal. • No tender necessarily accepted. Deposit cheques will be returned on unaccepted bids. Saintsbury duo at roads event By MRS. HEBER DAVIS A cottage service was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis on Sunday. Next week Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy have invited the congregation to their home. Personals Gote Wennerstrom was a guest at a birthday party honouring Mrs. Myrtle 'Isaac, London Friday. Y Fred Dobbs and.Hugh_Davis are attending the Good Roads Convention at Toronto this week. Mrs. Hugh Davis spent Thursday with her cousin Mrs. Bob Lilley. Komoka. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll are spending this week with his brother Mr. & Mrs. George Carroll, Detroit. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee were guests at the home of his mother. Mrs. Vera (Greenlee. Exeter Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis spent Friday with Mrs. Rd. Dickins. Exeter. Church groups report activities The annual meeting of the Exeter Christian Reformed -Church was held on Tuesday. February 1g, After opening the meeting with prayer and 4 Bible. meditation, Rev. Jack Roeda, welcomed those attending. The clerk of toe Church Council, Harry Klungel, read the minutes• of the last annual meeting and also presented a short report of activities during 1974. It was noted that although ,several. of the members moved away the Church membership remained about the sante as the previous year Sunday school catechists classes are attended by 102 children and young people. Following this report. several . of the church organizations spoke about their activities. After a short rtrcess, .lHerb Verbeek presented :t sli•tlt• program- -showing- the mission and relief work carne tl curt by the churches of the Chi isti,in Reformed denomination. The audience learned that in Nigeria. Sunday. services are held in over 1400 centres The Back -to -God flour. the radia program. is broadcast in eight language. all over the" ssn_riei -_Slides s owing -due work of the Christi' Reformed i 1V) 1 t Ic Relief Committee were wise) 11 formative. The ('Oniiiiitte•e event e•ritrates its efforts in areas r glesatesf need. such as liargtadesh and Central Africa. and also provide, help when di,a-ter' ac h ae5 earthquakes or tornadoes strike After the slide program the 1975 budget \sa, presented and approved 11 sas note•rl that of the S34.45u c•ort't'1htlteri hs tha• members in 1974. 54.6nfi -\wilt tor mission support and $7.110o for world relief. MA48FARLAN E REAL ESTATE BROKER EXETER 235-0541 53 MAIN STREE NOW'S THE TIME! TO MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE EXETER THREE UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING distance of down town. Each u • kitchen, 2 bedrooms, arid 3 piece bon-- other•two make the mortgage payments • PROPERTY IN AREA ILDERTON - three bedroom • cottage livingroom, modern kitchen with new cupboards bot'. room, new furnace, new wiring, and new o' .-•"r barn, double garage. Close to business. -,e<''.' HENSALL - 112 storey aluminun-• s.decr 1 ,•,.-•_ decorated, hos good sized livingroon:. d•» ' g NATURAL PINE FLOORS, sharp ketches• th'n'.• t-••-•• piece bath, laundry room closed ir, su- ac ; good sized lot._close to school. POPLAR HILL - solid lot tstorey by bedrooms, Iivingroom, ki• SO"Q,,iece bot situated on good sized lc HENSALL - four miles eost of No 4 SCENIC COUNTRY VIEW with 1 00,e,that needs some work. LOBO - four and 1 acre SAID land gur. :. POPLAR HILL - good building site Ow• mortgage. • v.• BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GENERAL STORE - with retail go. • ' contract in STRATFORD-ST. MARYS AREA tached living quarters hos three bedrooms l': • ,: modern kitchen, 3 piece both This is a• BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY close to school FARMS McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP --- 400 nc'c" .. four barns, set up for beef -loose housing 2 !,• in one parcel, 125 acres across 'cud Cr' ,,inti-, or separate parcels EXETER -- 150 acres, cash crop form two storey brick house with four bed'o.•••:. shed 25x50. USBORNE TOWNSHIP -- 150 ACRE FARM 2 storey three bedroom brick home 4rrge : drove shed, pig barn, corn crib, two silos LUCAN - 100 ocres of good cloy loom yo•i•t LUCAN RANCH -- in good tondition, 4s ,:•• kitchen, three good sized bedrooms .1 r; ecr•• .. Car port. on lot size 106.x160 BRICK BEAUTY - only 2 years old lc l•vrn,_jros room, modern kitchen with built in oven, and ,1,,i-- . piece bath, three spacious bedroo',•:s toot - 2 car garoge, bock yard pool • BUILDING LOT - 70x102 located on quiet street el business section. BUILDING LOT- 91 x 170 on No 4 highway sou'1, of t n COTTAGES PORT FRANKS - 3 bedrooms winterized cottage or lot good well,dockage on river, all furniture mcludea PORT FRANKS - on 1/2 acre lot, winterized three bed'o� • cottage with American styled kitchen, sharp both. shoo • oil heat. t., EXETER OFFICE 235-0541 "DEAL WITH EXPERIENCE AND INTEGRITY - CALL US TODAY" LONDON OFFICE 434-8824 LUCAN OFFICE 227-4071 CARL WALKER MERT CULBERT 565-5393 227-4766 235-0541 227-4071 1