HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-02-20, Page 19 (2)+Orpha club prepare dolls,
CWL ladies plan catering
The Orpha Club met Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. Louise Wilson
with 21 present.
An opening poem "Heart
Gifts" was read by Buelah Holt.
Mrs. Mary Ravelle and Mrs.
Wilson read some amusing jokes.
The travelling gift prize was
donated by Mrs. Marg Roberts
and won by Mrs. Jim Prance.
Mrs. Mildred MacLaren
chaired the meeting for the
business. This was a work
meeting, members stuffing
animals and dolls for Lambton
County Children's Aid at Sarnia,
for their Easter shower.
The meeting closed with a
reading by Mrs. G.S. Todd. The
next meeting will be at Mary
Yeo's home on February 25.
Lunch was supplied by Mrs.
Irene Kennedy, Mrs. S. Barbour
and Mrs. Wilson.
Catering plans aired
The CWL ladies held their
meeting Monday evening in the
Alhambra hall, with President
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If you know of a young couple
recently married or about to be
•just fill in this coupon and mail to
our office. We will start a 6
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Boa KO E we. Union
715 ,11,
Huron County Board
of Education
Central School
Monday, March 3
9:00- 12:00 1:00-3:30
Central School
Tuesday, March 4
9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 3:30
Centennial School
Wednesday, March 5
9:00-12:00 100-3:30
Public School
Wednesday, March 5
9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 3:30
Public School
Thursday, March 6
9:00 - 12:00
Public School
Thursday, March 6
1:00. 3:30
J.A.D. McCurdy
Wednesday, March 12
9:00. 12:00 1:00 - 3:30
Children eligible for
registration will need to be
5 years of age on or before
December 31, 1975.
Please bring birth cer-
tificate, OHIP number, im-
munization cards and any
other pertinent health
records for the School
Mrs. John Peters presiding. Roll
call was answered by 15 mem
World Day of Prayer was
discussed which is being held in
the United Church this year.
Plans were made to help with
refreshments at the Confirmation
being held in Forest at St.
Christopher Church on February
20. Catering plans were made to
serve refreshments at the annual
area vegetable growers dance,
1 which will be held in the
I Taxandria Hall in Arkt a,
March 1.
The next CWL meeting will be
March 10.
Day of Prayer upcoming
The afternoon unit of United
Church women met Thursday in
the church. President Mrs. Olive
Miller' opened by reading the
"Purpose," of U.C. Women. Ten
members answered the roll call.
It was announced that "The
World's Day of Prayer" would be
held March 7 at the United
Another announcement was
Lucan 4-H
bake bread
Groups 1 and13 involved in the
4-H project "Lets Bake Bread"
met at the homes of their
respective leaders, Mrs. Andy
VanGeel and Mrs. Don O'Neil on
February 15. Officers elected for
Group 1 include president Sheila
Smith; vice-president Cheryl
Noyes and secretary Lynn
Group 3 elected officers are
president Nancy Tindall, vice-
president Pam Powell, secretary
Mary Lou Tindall and press
reporter Penny Hodgins.
Both groups made freezer
whole wheat bread. Next
meetings will be held at Mrs.
Andy VanGeel's for Group 1 and
Mrs. Jerry Straatman, assistant
leader for Group 3.
As Group 2 leaders, Mrs. John
VanderLoo and Mrs. Adrian
DeBrouwer, were attending a
training school in Strathroy last
week, their inaugural meeting
Will be held at Mrs. VanderLoo's
on February 22.
Play euchre
at Lucan
Owing to illness, inclemenT
weather and other commitments,
both the Seniors' Bowling on
Tuesday hnd the regular meeting A
on Thursday were down in at- G
tendance. However those present
on both occasions had a good M
time. t
Four tables of euchre were e
played for high score with Mrs. A
Roy Shoebottom and Fred a
Mcllhargey winning the prizes.
Lunch was provided by Mrs. A
Harold Cobleigh and Cecil Robb b
and Mrs. Tom Emery, Sr. -w
brought a Valentine's cake as a A
special treat. Tuesday, February
25 will be bowling day and all G
seniors in the area are invited. w
that a bus would be going to the
"Spring Rally" in Listowel,
honoring the 50th anniversary of
church union.
Mrs. Olive Miller conducted the
worship service reading from
"The New Mission Book". She
read a story about the former
moderator Dr. Bruce McLeod's
visit to Brazil last year and his
encounter with Archbishop
Helder Camara, who has been
nominated for the Nobel Peace
Another story was read about
"Our changing Role in Mission",
by A.C. Forrest who is editor and
publisher of The United Church
The meeting closed with
prayer. Lunch hostesses were
Mrs. Ed Turnbull and Mrs. Hugh
Tape recording heard
The Church of God ladies held
their regular meeting Friday in
the church basement. Twelve
members answered roll call.
Mrs. Katie Vincent conducted
the worship service. The
program topic was given by Mrs.
Morley Desjardine when she
presented a tape recorded story
of the second chapter of "Christ's
Witch Doctor".
Lunch hostess was Mrs. Morley
Persona Is
Mrs. Clarke Kennedy spent a
week in Toronto with her sister,
Mrs. S.M. Barbour. Mrs. Barbour
returned home with Mrs. Ken-
nedy for holidays here.
Mrs. Alec Hamilton spent a few
days in Ottawa with her son and
family, Mr. & Mrs. Barry
Hamilton and Debbie.
Jim Kennedy of York
University Toronto, spent the
weekend with his parents Mr. &
Mrs. Clarke Kennedy.
Mrs. Hazel Stebbins, Mrs.
Myrtle Tetreau, Mrs. Katie
Vincent and Mrs. Rosie Grigg
attended a quilting bee at the
home of Mrs. Buelah Desjardine
in Dashwood Wednesday.
Mr. & Mrs. George Latta
returned Friday from a two week
tour of Florida, and a cruise to
Nassau on the S.S. Emerald Seas.
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Vincent,
Judy and Elaine of Crediton were
Sunday dinner guests with his
mother Mrs. Katie Vincent.
Guest minister Sunday at The
Church of God was Rev. Glenn
Beach of Welland. Special music
was supplied when 'Mrs. Glenn
Beach and Alex Desjardine sang
a duet, titled "What a day that
will be".
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Johnson,
Ir. & Mrs. Mel Peariso, Mrs.
lae Holt, Buelah Holt all of
rand Bend, Mrs. Margaret
Maven of Guelph, Mr. & Mrs. Don
cArthur of Pt. Elgin, all at -
ended a dinner party Sunday
vening at the home of Mr. &
Irs. Duncan McVittie and Robin
t Southampton.
The occasion for this party was
Ir. Johnson and Mr. McVittie's
irthdays, and the second
edding anniversary for Mr. &
Irs. McArthur.
Mrs. Margaret Maven of
uelph is spending some holidays
ith Buelah Holt this week.
Rhea Mills visited Tuesday
with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Thomson
of Parkhill.
Arlene Johns is visiting with
her parents after spending the
past year in Calgary.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brintnell,
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thomson,
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Mr.
& Mrs. Wm. Spence, Mr. & Mrs.
Marvin Hartwick and Mr. & Mrs.
(:Tenn Copeland spent the
weekend snowmobiling in the
Bala area.
Rhea Mills spent several days
this past week with Mr. & Mrs.
Don Rixon and family of London.
Euchre party held
An euchre party was held in the
IOOF Hall on Wednesday
February 12. The winner of the
ladies' high prize was Jean
Coward, and the ladies' low was
won by Lena Kirkland. Bill
Lamport won the men's high and
Lorne Passmore won the low
A draw on a ham was won by
Mrs. Norman Stanlake.
The next euchre party will be
held on March 12.
PRECIOUS BLOOD WINNERS — The w,^hers in the recent Precious Blood Public Speaking contest have
been announced. They are, bock row, frr m left, the senior winners, Patricia Berendsen, Joanne Vink, and
Dorothy Von Esbroeck. The junior winnP•,, in front are Chris Van Gerwen, Marlene Winters, and John
Berendsen. T -A photo
Hold euchre party
CGIT watch safety film
The CGIT meeeting on Tuesday
opened with the member's
purpose and hymn. Barbara
Wilson and Robin Preece con-
ducted the Worship service. This
was followed by a film
illustrating child safety. The
meeting closed with taps.
The first in a series of Com-
municant's classes for Centralia -
Zion was conducted in the Cen-
tralia Church on Sunday af-
ternoon by Rev. John Beaton.
Senior Citizens met in the
Community Centre on Monday
for an afternoon of crokinole and
cards. Lunch was served and a
social time enjoyed.
Community euchre party
The euchre party in the
Community Centre on Monday
A good crowd attended the
pancake supper at St. Mary's
Anglican Church, Brinsley
The sympathy of this com-
munity is extended to Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Scott and family in the
death of her father, the late Jack
We soon hope to see Mrs.
Marjorie Steeper out and about
after her recent accident.
Mrs. Violet Allison and
Kathleen Morley called on Mr:&
Mrs. Ed Gackstetter, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Ancell Lee moved
recently to their new home.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hodgson were
dinner guests with Mr. & :11rs.
Harvey Morley on Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Morley
visited Friday with Mrs. Mar-
jorie Steeper.
night was under the direction of
Mr & Mrs. Otto Darling, Laverne
and Ruth Skinner. Prize winners
were:- ladies high score, Mrs.
Jack Essery; low, Mrs.
Lawrence Hirtzel; lone hands,
Mrs. Robert Blair; men's high,
Percy Noels: low, George
Aikens; lone hands, Ray
Shoebottom. Mr. & Mrs. Earl
Dixon and Mr. & Mrs. Ken
Hodgins will convene the next
UCW meeting changed
The UCW meeting, postponed
last week due to weather con-
ditions. will be held on Thursday
at 8 p.m.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Noels,
Forest, and Mr. & Mrs. Maurice
MacDonald, Grand Bend, were
Saturday dinner guests with Mr.
& Mrs. Tom Kooy.
Attendance good
despite snow fall
Although about 16,000
elementary and secondary' school
students in Huron, Bruce. Perth
and Middlesex counties stayed
home Thursday due to the wind
and snow storm, there was no
loss of attendance reported in any
Exeter schools.
Precious Blood Separate
School reported a few out with the
flu , but that otherwise at-
tendance was good.
At Exeter Public School a few
more students were reported to
have stayed the noon hour at the
school for lunch. but there was no
attendance drop.
In areas to the north and east of
Exeter, schools were •hied and
highways closed by police for
periods of time due to zero
visibility. Exeter DPP reported
they had to clue no roads from
the storm.
It. aril", etr
aim IR* V
s w •"°
r e r r
D p i
COMMITTEE — A committee
was named recently to administer
all recreation activities in Grand
Bend. Back, left, Bill Baird, Roy
Harris, Harold Green and choir -
man Stewart Bell. Front, secretory
Louise .Clipperton. Nancy Read
and Nancy Michaud. T -A photo
"Your Family
Health Centre"
373 Main St.
Phone 235-1570 or 235-1070
Now Open Wednesdays - 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Enjoy the School
Break in Florida
Flight Leaving Toronto
to Ford Lauderdale
Stay at the Newport Resort Hotel
$349 to s299
Bluewater Travel Advisers Ltd.
Box 160
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Mr. & Mrs. Ray Shoebottom,
Mrs. Edith Armitage, and Mrs.
Gwen Shoebottom of London
visited over the weekend with
Ray's mother, Mrs. F.C.
Shoebottom in Parrry Sound and
with his father in the hospital
there. They were accompanied
home by Mrs. Sadie Nichols and
Mrs. Ron Shoebottom who were
returning to London after visiting
in Parry Sound.
Mr. & Mrs. Alec Hamilton,
Grand Bend visited Sunday with
Mrs. Hamilton's sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
Leonard Wein.
Leslie Glanville and Elsie
Scott. London visited Saturday
with Mr. ;& Mrs. Stanley
Preszcator. Also visiting them
were Elaine Foran and Robert
England and Robert Jr. of Huron
's1r. & Mrs Stan Preszcator
spent Monday with Mr. & Mrs.
Edward RegeleRR 4, Walton and
visited Monday evening;, with
Mrs Joe Thornton who is a
patient in Seaforth Community
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Glanville
spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs.
Orville. Pearson Spring Bay.
Manitoulin Island.
Miss Lorraine Hall spent last
weekend with her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. Jack Hall and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Carey, London
visited Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Carey
and family on Sunday.
Miss Geraldine Boland was a
guest for a few days with her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Clem Boland
and Joe.
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Glavin and
Anthony dined on Sunday with
Mr. & Mrs. Oesch and family,
Zurich. Mr. Oesch was
celebrating his birthday.
Miss Mary Eileen Carey,
Toronto visited over the weekend
with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Joe
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School
will hold its annual public
speaking contest Tuesday at 8:30
p.m. in the school gym.
Mr. Byron Brown, Toronto,
visited for a few days last week
with Mr. & Mrs. Parry Thompson
and family.
Mr. Garnet Hodgins has
returned to his home again after
visiting for the past month with
his sister Mrs. Arthur Hodgins,
February 20, 1975
Page 19
Custom Slaughtering
and Processing
ro Ind,v,duol Requirements
Cattle and Hogs are Government
Inspected ,n our Modern Abollo,r for
four P,oserr,an.
Specializing in Hickory
Smoked Hams and
All Processing Guaranteed
By Month or Year
Phone 235-0400
Shop At
Wilson's jewellery
413 Main St. - Exeter
to the RESIDENTS of the
Township of Hay
The Council of the Township of Hay are interested in es-
tablishing a Recreation Committee for the Township of
Hay. A meeting to discuss the organization and advan-
tages of o recreation committee will be held in the
Thursday, Feb. 20
7:45 p.m.
We solicit your support by attending this meeting.
Clerk -Treasurer
Township of Hay
Some hot tips
on saving energy
this winter.
You can make It easier for your furnace to heat your home this
winter and save energy by practicing these simple tips.
Use storm doors and win-
dows to prevent draughts.
Make sure your home is
properly insulated. This can
reduce your fuel bill.
Have your furnace checked
before the heating season.
Once a month. clean the
Make sure nothing blocks any
heating register or cold air return.
Close off rooms that aren't being
used and close the heating
Try setting your thermostat a
couple of degrees lower than you
usually do and save even more
Exeter Public Utilities Commission
R. E. Pooley M. A. Greene
Chairman Commissioner
B. F. Shaw H. 1. Davis
Commissioner Manager