HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-02-20, Page 12 (2)Page 12 Times -Advocate, February 20, 1975 �ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuutnuuuuuuuuuuutuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutL E. 1 l E Oil Bilis High? JOHN FORREST It could be due to a dirty or faulty furnace! LET US CHECK IT TODAY John's Burner Service Exeter 235-1415 • Qualified Burner Mechanic • 24 -Hour Service To Most Makes 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllpllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllG, Pre -shrink your income tax! Until you retire, probably with a lower taxable income than in your working years, you pay no income tax on the fund you build up in your Registered Retirement Savings Plan. People can put as much as 54.000. a year into this deferred tax haven. Meanwhile, your wealth increases — cumulatively — ,on the money you save from today's taxes. Start your Plan today at Victoria and Grey. Du' all Ontario Trust.Company begun in /8,59 VG Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Kurt Bowman, Manager Main St., Exeter 235 053C TOPS QUEENS — At o recent meeting of the Exeter TOPS club semi- annual Queens were crowned. Shown above are Marian Miller and Gladys Skinner. T -A photo List prizewinners at Staffa card play By MRS. .1. TEMPIEMAN STAFFA Mrs. George Vivian, Mrs. Russell Worden and Mrs. Carter Kerslake were the planning committee for the Valentine progressive euchre party the Staffa Women's Institute. It was held in the tonwship hall on Wednesday February 12 with seven tables in play. Prizes were awarded to: - travelling lone hands. Mrs. John Templeman; ladies high, Mrs. Ross Balfour and Mrs. John Miller; gent's high, Tom Colquhoun and Roger Edwards; nearest birthday, Mrs. Ross Balfour; lucky chair, Mrs. John Templeman. Homemaking meeting The third meeting of the Staffa number 1 4-11 homemaking club Explorers, Cubs at Granton stage Valentine celebrations By MRS. E. SUMMERS Each member of the "Happy Gang" received an invitation (with half a Valentine enclosed) to a Valentine party at the United Church on Wednesday February 12. Upon arriving at the Church an•Explorer with a corresponding half of that persons Valentine would seek him or her out and inform them that they were her special guest for the evening, Following the program he would be her partner for a game and later share a box lunch with her. Elaine Rooney welcomed everyone and introduced the first number on the program. It was the singing of the Explorers Hymn, "This is my Father's World," followed by a poem of welcome written and recited by Kim Knapman. A song, "Winter Wonderland"- was sung by the choir and vocal solos "Delta Dawn" by Dawn Adams "White Choral Bells" by Allison Brown. An action song "If you're happy" led by Bonnie Harloff. Vocal trio "Jesus loves me," by Janice Gricken, Michele Malcalm and Karen Hofrichter was sung. A story "The bear that lost her head" was narrated by Robin Caverhill. There was an action duet by Evelyn and Maria Van- derminnen, a pianoforte solo "Tarantella" by Linda Bryan, a vocal duet "Little Brown Jug" by Julie McRobert and Margaret McGuffin. This was in costume. A round, "The more we are together" was led by Wendy Kloss. The lunch boxes were very attractively decorated on the outside and contained many goodies inside. Scout and cub news Tuesday night group are the Venture Scouts, and are boys 14 years and over. Martin Van- derminnen, their leader is trying to set up a winter program to train and prepare the boys for camping and outdoor activities for later in the year. The Wednesday evening group. under the leadership of Dick Kloss, had a temporary leader this week, he was Steven Ready. who conducted the meeting Steve is working towards his Chief Scout award. Cubs entertain The cubs treated their Valentine Moms to a party on Tuesday evening. Each cub's mother was his special guest. sharing a box lunch, and was his partner for various games. A film was shown of last year's Halloween party. A humorous skit was presented. Those taking part were Jim Field, David Brown and Allan McRobert for "the cubs. Volunteer mothers were Jeanie Jones, Audrey Westman. Libby Kay, and Hazel Anderson. All the boy scouts and cubs were reminded of the visit to the London Free Press February 18 and of • the Church Parade February 23. Medway euchre The Medway Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Car- men Hodgins London on Monday February 10. In the absence of Mr. & Mrs. Earle Middleton, Mr. & Mrs.Wilbert Stanley, fort'ner members took their place. everyone was pleased to see Wilbert and Jennie again. Prize winners were ladies high, Mrs. C. McRobert. Mrs A. Ilobbs; lone hands; low score, Mrs. C. McComb; men's high, Elmer Summers; lone hands, Jim Kerr; low score. Chester McComb. Church news At the United Church Rev. Mary McInally's sermon was the • Roger Dowker Manager Exeter 235-2111 Arranging a Registered Retirement Savings Plan is as easy as 2 2 . A lot of people look forward to their retirement. But they don't look forward to a reduction in income. That's why the Royal Bank has available three separate Registered Retirement Savings Plans. If one doesn't suit your needs precisely, you can choose a mix of two, or all three. Current tax legislation permits you to deposit up to 20% of earned income to a maximum of $4,000 annually if you are self-employed or do not have a registered company pension. If you do have a registered company pension plan your combined contributions may be up to 20% of earned income to a maximum of $2,500. Your contributions are deductible for tax purposes. Give me a call today. I can assist you in making a meaningful choice. 1 Royal Bank Retirement Deposits. 2 Your contributions will be placed in a special deposit account and you will receive an interest return geared to the general deposit rate structure. Because of the long-term nature of the deposits we expect the interest rates to be at the upper end of the scale. Equity Fund. Your contributions are placed principally in Canadian common stocks. This portfolio is managed by professionals, hacked by investment analysts and economic consultants, who also manage well over S100 million for other people and corporations. The emphasis here is in long-term capital growth with reasonable rate of return. 3 Income Fund.•Your contributions are invested in high -yield bonds, deposit instruments and in mortgages insured under the National Housing Act. The portfolio is managed by the same professionals, whose policy here is to achieve as high a current income as is compatible with main- taining reasonable price stability as well as moderate capital appreciation. 3 Registered Retirement Savings Plans for you. ROYAL BAN K serving Ontario serving you first Lenten series "Calvary's Message for 1975." Sunday's subject was "He stirs up the people", the minister referred to the "Magnificat" to illustrate her message. The teenage confirmation class met after the service and the adult study discussion group met at the manse. At St. Thomas Anglican Church there wag a service on Wed- nesday to mark the beginning of lent. Rev. R. N. Savary officiated at the service of Holy Com- munion assisted by Marion Herbert. The sermon was taken from the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter 6. "For where your 'treasure is, there will your heart be." • At the Sunday morning service Rev. Savary took his sermon from the Gospel of St. Mark and spoke on the "Last Supper." This was the first message in a Lenten series. Personals About 25 couples from Granton attended the Junior Farmers beef dinner and dance at Kirkton on Saturday. Mrs. C. Lewis, Mrs. A. Carson, and Mrs. J. Pecko attended a sausage and pancake supper at the Anglican Church in Exeter on Shrove Tuesday. Best wishes go to Mrs. Emerson Wallis who is recovering from surgery in Victoria Hospital, London. Get well wishes go to the following patients in St. Mary's Memorial Hospital: Mrs. Arthur Roloson who has been trans- ferred from Victoria London; Mrs. Harold Wallis. Alton Neil and Larry Forrest who is recovering from surgery. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Fred Crouch were Mr. & Mrs. William Elders and Julie from Chatham. On Saturday evening Mrs. Crouch honored her granddaughter Julie with a party to celebrate her fourth birthday. Invited guests were Mr. & Mrs. Lonson Randall, Komoka, Mrs. Betty Finch and Mrs. Peter Finch, London. Visitors with Frank Squire on Sunday were his daughter and her husband Mr. & Mrs. J. Dickens, Exeter. Ruth Mardlin and Dorothy Garrett were home for the weekend. Both girls are nurses - in -training at St. Thomas hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Austin Hobbs were dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Peacock, St. Marys on Friday evening. Mrs. Austin Hobbs and Mrs. William Egan were guests at a grocery shower for Donna Egan at the home of Mrs. Gerald Bryan, Prospect Hill. The same ladies attended a miscellaneous shower for Janice Hobbs at the home of Mrs. Paul Hobbs, London. Luncheon guests of Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins on Wednesday were Mrs. J. Clatworthy, Mrs. J. Bryan and Mrs. E. Summers. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. William Rodd, Exeter. Sorority plan square dance Alpha Phi, of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority, held a meeting February 18 at the home of Maryann Topp, Main St. The roll call was answered by members by relating their first experience at or theatre. Plans for an evening of square dancing were completed. Plans were also made for the group to attend a second night at Theatre London. Jay Skillender presided a program entitled "Drama" in which the history of the theatre was recalled. Members took part in modern dance and a skit was performed . by Ada Dinney, Maryann Topp, Dorcas t Wein, Glenda Wagner and Barbara Grant. Hostess Maryann Topp served dessert and coffee. "Pins and Needles" was held at the home of Mrs. George Vivian on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge followed by the roll call - "give one point to remember when cutting or marking fabric." This was answered by seven girls. Mrs. Spencer Jeffery read material on grains, stay stitching and seams and demonstrated the techniques of gathering. Mrs. Vivian demonstrated the french and flat felled seams. Ilelen Smale demonstrated how to make a dart. Young people ride hay The Hibbert Community Young people enjoyed a hay ride party on Friday returning to the family life center later for refreshments. Persona Is Karen and Shirley Miller, entertained at Pineridge Chalet on the weekend by step dancing at the Sunday afternoon concert. Darlene Templeman, Waterloo, Geraldine and Ruth Templeman, Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman and family. Visiting with them on Sunday were Mrs. Dale Martyn, Wanda and Michelle, Russeldale and Mr. & Mrs. Dave Capling, London. Lee Miller, Woodstock spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Miller and family. Bradley Bunch entertain seniors The February meeting of the Exeter Senior Citizens was held at the Legion Hall with about 100 in attendance, Tuesday. After the usual cards, a program was presented with Bob Heywood as emcee. The entertainment consisted of selections by the Heywood Orchestra, harmonica selections by Doug Stephens and by the eight member Bradley Bunch from Clinton. World Prayer Day The annual World Day of Prayer will be observed locally in Bethel Reformed Church. The special speaker for the day will be Rev. Henry Van Essen. The day's events will be on March 7, and will commence at 2:30 p.m. INCOME TAX SERVICE For low-cost preparation of Financial statements and Income tax returns, come to 107 Main St. Lucan where you receive friendly efficient service. GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. Income Tax — Accounting Telephone 227-4851 • EROSION CONTROL ASSISTANCE Technical advice and assistance is available to landowners in the Ausable Bayfield watersheds for gully, streambank and field erosion. For more information and an application form CONTACT THE AUSABLE BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Box 459 Exeter Phone 235-2610 Attention Smokers! $ave $$$ During Our TOBACCO WEEK CARTONS of CIGARETTES KING $5.39 SIZE ... REGULAR $5 29 SIZE ... e Special Prices Also On CIGARS and PIPETOBACCO From Flicker Ladies' SAFETY RAZORS $1.39 Wilkinson BONDED BLADES :KBOcloes 95c Rosewater & Gylcerine HAND . LOTION Or Skin Cream Tubes 594 Hostess POTATO CHIPS 8Reg.8 oz89a . 75c . Smiles 'n Chuckles CHOCOLATES Assorted Varieties BOXES $2 e39 Extra Special Vaseline Intensive Care BATH BEADS 32 oz. $2.79 Come Check Our Pre -Inventory BARGAIN TABLES OGIN•1 SCCIUNT 433 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-1661