HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-02-20, Page 5 (2)Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Joyce Pepper, Phone 262-2344 •Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 Church ladies discuss silence and suffering Mildred Kyle presided for the February meeting of Unit I of Hensall L'.C.W., Thursday af- ternoon, using as her devotional theme "suffering". Suffering can be a good teacher, suffering brings us deeper sympathy, suffering brings strengthening of faith. Successful living requires courage. We realize it is God's presence that gives us that strength. e remember he said "1 am wi you always". Hymns were sung with Belva Fuss actompanying on the piano. Twelve members answered the roll call. Mildred read an article by Gary Lautens "Even religion can crop up in Church". Lois Shapter. the unit leader Scientist gets special award Dr. Robert E. Mickle, son of Mrs. Laird Mickle, 1tensa'il and the late Ernest Laird Mickle was honored recently along with other scientists in Canada. He was presented with a cer- tificate in recognition of his work and participation in the Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE) that took place -off the coast of Africa last summer. Dr. Mickle also received a plaque with the Quadra. Canada's ship anada .s . h► inscribed on it d her association with th G E T A All the other scientists from Canada who participated also received a certificate presented by The. Deputy Minister of the Environment and the Deputy Dr. Robert Mickle Minister of the Ministry of -Transport. This was the largest in- ternational scientific effort in history when more than 70 countries with 4.000 people. 40 ships and over a dozen aircraft and satellites were involved. Canada's ship, Quadra played a key role in the experiment as she was one of the largest and was stated to be one of the best equipped ships in the whole fleet. Dr. Mickle spent six weeks away. He flew to Dakar Senegal Africa the middle of July returning home' the end of August. eieete4 itezod "There's hope in the olive leaf" was the sermon topic chosen and preached on by Rev. Don Beck at the service of worship in Hensall United Church; Sunday morning. The choir sang the anthem "Lord. speak to me". with Doug Mock taking the solo part. We Sell The Best and Repair The Rest Authurized Dealer For HOMELITE JACKS Small Engine Repair Service HENSALL 262-2103 107 Queen - One Block North of Business Section Hbuts 8 to 6 Fri. nites till 9 •, Chiselhurst ladies eat, quilt On February 11 the Chiselhurst UCW held their monthly meeting after a day of quilting and a potluck dinner. The meeting was opened by prayer with the vice- president Dorothy Parker. The worship service "The perfect foundation". was con- ducted by Mary Brintnell. The study was given by Dorothy Brintnell. The quartette of Dorothy Brintnell, Mary Brint- nell, Marg Cole and Pearl Taylor conducted , the. business, when arrangements were made for the lunch to be served following the special U.C.W. church service on February 23. The special speaker will be Rev. Ann Langford. The ladies are serving a noon lun- cheon on February 25 for' the Presbytery group meeting in the Church that day. The Huron Perth Presbyterial is to he held in • Listowel on February 26. A bus is available to anvone needing transportation. The World's Day of Prayer service is to he held in the Hensall United Church on March 7 at 3 p.m.' - Belva Fuss- entertained the group with several piano solos choosing love songs suitable for the Valentine season. Members of the unit discussed helping or sponsoring a needy child through Compassion of Canada. It- was agreed by all to sponsor a child. Audrey Christie gave the study using the article ."Our most unusual mission". written by Dr. A. E. Forrest. telling of Dr. Helen Huston's great work in Nepal. as well as many other doctors. clergy. nurses. missionaries, and other personnel. This should make us so aware of the great dedication of thew people in remote areas of the world. Unit 1I Unit II of l s fen all U.C.W. met Monday evening at the church Mrs. Ilazel Corbett bras the chairman. The four Pepper sisters. Brenda. Marilyn, Laurie and- Jo-ann favoured the group with two numbers with Brenda accompanying on the piano. Mrs. Donna Corbett was in charge of the devotion, and gave the meditation "silence can be eloquent". The roll call was answered by "where you at- tended Sunday School". Mrs. Pat Venner conducted the study on "Missions means loves'. Mrs. Elva Forrest and Mrs. Mary Alexander served luncjt. .r CHEQUE PRESENTED — Ontario's all-round cowboy champion for 1974, Barry Mousseau, presented a cheque for $100 tib. -Danny Alton, the area Timmy at the Crippled Children's weekend. The cheque, from the Exeter Midwestern Rodeo Association, will go to the Lo''hdon Crippl- ed Children's Treatment Centre. While attending weekend events at the Pineridge Chalet, Donny enjoyed several snowmobile rides, as did other crippled children. T -A photo Two at Queensway observe birthdays Birthday greetings 'to .Ada Smillie celebrating her birthdayy on February 20 and also to Ernest ferry celebrating his birthday on February 22. The Kippen U.C.W. entertained the residents on Tuesday. The afternoon was spent playing bingo. Mary Broadfoot played the piano. and led in a sing song. Rev. Glen Wright from Exeter United Church conducted the church service for the residents on Tuesday accompanied by Louise Mitchell on the piano. Visitors last week were — Mrs. A. Taylor visited with her son on Sunday afternoon. Frank and Ada Parke of Woodstock visited with Mrs. O'Brien; Chuck and Sharon Doxtator visited with Mrs. Lavery; .Mrs. Frank Skinner and Mrs. Reg. Mac- Donald, both of Exeter visited with Ruby Miners; Mrs. R. Faber visited with her mother, Mrs. Bean; visiting with Mrs. Mitchell was her son Leo of Crediton; Dorothy Brintnell visited with her sister-in-law Isabel Brintnell; Wilbur and Mabel Bradley of St. Marys visited with Arthur Bragg; Mrs. Schenck visited with her husband Hugo; Mrs. Roy MacDonald visited with her husband Roy. On Friday morning a small Valentine party was held in the dining room for some of the residents of the home. sang "Stranger of Galilee". The roll call was answered by each of the- members reading a Bible verse. Correspondence was in the form of a letter from the Area President at Listowel, and also a letter concerning sending pastels to Angola. There were thank you • notes from Mrs. Sararas, and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brock. The 'World Day of Prayer will be on March 7 at 3 p.m. in Hensel United Church. Members were reminded of visiting the Queensway Nursing Home during the month of ch, and also of the UC urch service Couple celebrate 25th anniversary tilr Sr Mrs. Gordon Munn celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on • Saturday evening when a large number of relatives and friends assembled at the Community Centre in Zurich to honor them. Dancing and a social evening was enjoyed after which the couple were presented with various gifts. Friends and 'relatives .'at- tended from Kitchener, London, Hensall. Exeter, Seaforth. Zurich, Parkhill and Ipperwash. Pe/Nagel/4 Mr. & Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke of Oakville were weekend visitors with Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Spencer and Mr. & Mrs. Howard Scane are holidaying in Hawaii. Mrs. Jack Corbett visited last week with her brother-in-law and sister Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Adams of Dashwood. Mrs. Stewart Blackwell who has been a patient in Si. Josepb's Hospital. London for the past two weeks returned to her home last week. Mrs. Russell Erratt who has been confined to her home with an attack of influenza was taken to South Huron Hospital. Exeter this week. Mrs. Keith Love and family of London were weekend visitors with Mrs. Love's mother Mrs. George Armstrong. Dr and Mrs. Robert llickle, London, Mr. & Mrs. William Mickle and family and Mrs. Florence Joynt were guests Sunday with Mrs. Laird Mickle. The Short Course "Baked in a Pie" will be presented in Hensall shortly. Eleanor Shiels, Marg Clark, Karen Shirray and Joyce Pepper enjoyed a day of curling on Saturday at the Ladies Bonspiel in Seaforth. on February 23 with Rev. Ann Langford at the Hensall United Church. The March meeting was reviewed and the' meeting was closed with praaer.• Ardys Glenn was in charge of the lunch. Can't decide on new clubs name The second meeting of the Hensall I 4-H club was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Bill Fuss. The meeting opened with the pledge followed by. the roll call "From your personal analysis, tell what your activities are". A title page was picked out for Hensall" I, but a name was not decided upon. Also discussed was the colour and pattern of clothing that you should wear according to height, bust and figure. The next meeting will be held on February 27 at 7 p.m. at Mrs. Fuss' home. List top players,_ in euchre event The Women's Institute held a most successful progressive euchre on Wednesday when tenhe tables played. Tprize winners were: ladies high, Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, ladies consolation, Mrs. Grace Peck; gent's high, Lorne Archer; gent's consolation, Len Purdy; most lone hands. Mrs. Al Corbett. A draw was made on a basket of groceries and was won by Mrs. Laird Mickle, a draw on a cake was won by Len Purdy. A social hour was enjoyed by all. e readers write Dear Editor, - We were very pleased to see your story concerning Big Brothers in the February 6 edition. Wefinding are that the need for such a service is even bigger than we had expected. Thank you for your support by keeping your readers informed of our progress. We hope that you will send us a copy of that particular story and any future ones so that we may keep them on file. Thanks again for your help. Yours truly, Cathy Cruickshank What would you not pay to see the moon rise, if Nature had not improvidently made it a free entertainment' lunnntnnnnnnnmm�nnn nn rrrrrrrrrrrrrlrl t rtlrtltn W r 111111111111 lrlllllrlrrrt rttt 1111111, trrrtrtrrrtlrtrtll ttrrtltlt l 1111111 rrrtlr1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 rrrlrrrrrt Jim rllrrlllltr minim llrrtrrrrrt rt ltrrrtlrt r:lrrtlJtlrrrrtlrrrtlrrt.. ..,... , 4;:.:4t➢,:cc:a.:Mex+.a•.:x.::xcxsm w:::u..>+,::«[ rxestt.:dCN.obNR Dares COOKIE JAR Roan Barrel FABRIC SOFTENER Cheez Whiz Conadan Cheddar 16 oz CHEESE SPREAD . 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Ib. 89' $1 19 79' $850 PRODUCE COOKING ONIONS Canada No. 1 WAXED TURNIPS ORANGES Florido Canada No. 1 3 ib 29' Ib 94 per doz 69e WEEKEND SPECIALS FEBRUARY 19, 20, 21, 22 PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the Flight to Emit nit quantities on all advertised stents AL'S MARKET HENSALL ONTARIO Ili11111IITITTTTTTTTT"111 i1::1:111111i111 Times -Advocate, February 20, 1975 Page 5 Notice of Annual Meeting TAKE NOTICE THAT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF Blue Water Rest Home Will be held at the Rest Home —ON— TUESDAY, MARCH 4, at 8 p.m. DR. C. J. WALLACE Chairman The general public are invited to attend this meeting! Best Interest We represent many Trust Companies. 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