HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-02-13, Page 5 (2)rld f1Rtmll/ MANY DONATIONS — Executive members of the Pineridge\ Snowmobile Club look over the many donations made by club members as prizes at the 6th annual Crippled Children's Weekend to be held at the Pineridge Chalet February 14-16. From left are LeRoy Oesch, Tony Charrette, Patty Elder and Ross Veal. Hay to buy truck, plow A fire agreement for the Village of Zurich is presently being drawn up. The proposal is not signed as yet, according to Hay Township clerk Wayne Horner, but since all members of council were present at the meeting last week and no ob- jections were raised, no problem is expected. Under the proposal, the Township of Hay would be responsible for 48 percent of the cost, the Village of Zurich for 31 percent and 21 percent for the Township of Stanley. Also accepted at the monthly meeting was the road budget for 1975. In that budget, construction would be alloted $40,000 with a $20.000 subsidy coming from the Department of Tansportation and Communication and $106,000 for maitenance with the MTC sub- sidy being $53,000. Included in the construction budget is the purchase of a new truck and a new snowplow. Those two itemsare now being tendered Another application to the Department of Transportation and Communication for a $7,500 grant to cover the $15,000 costs of the Ellen St. construction has not yet received approval. Hay Township Council also agreed to increase some in- surances. Bodily injury and property damage was increased from $500,000 to $1 million and personal injury from $500,000 to $1 million. The annual increase for these premiums amounted to $30.71. A grant was offered to the Huron Plowman Association in he amount of $25. •nnrnrrnininiiinnrurninir •11 ensa and district. news CORRESPONDENTst Mrs. Joyce Fenger, Phone 262 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262 Lodge anniversary partyis scheduled Brussels, stating they plan to visit Amber Lodge on February 19 to present the "Travelling Gavel," weather permitting. Plans were finalized to celebrate the 26th anniversary of Amber Lodge on February 19 and to invite the DDP of the district from Brussels. Members were requested to drape the charter in loving memory of three Past Presidents of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario namely: Martha Pat- terson; Nora Brunner, and Matilda MacDonald whoP assed away. Noble Grand Mrs. Margaret Consitt presided at the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday evening assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. Mrs. Grace Thompson reported for the Finance Committee, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor reported for the Visiting Committee and the Treasurer Mrs. Dorothy Corbett, gave the Financial report. The CPT committee are holding a progressive euchre party in the lodge hall on February 27 to which everyone is welcome. A letter was received from Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter stating they are holding a "Dessert Euchre" on Wednesday February 26 to which members are invited. A notation was also received from Morning Star Lodge, nnn11nnnnnnnnnrsmm1111n11n11n1111unnn• Mrs. Ross MacMillan, Waterloo and Charles Mickle, Hamilton, were recent visitors with their mother Mrs. Laird Mickle. Kippen women entertain seniors . By MRS. RENA CALDWELL A number of ladies of Unit 2 of the UCW of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen entertained some of the residents at the Queensway Nursing Home, Monday. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot entertained on the piano and led in a sing song. Personals Mrs. Vivan Cooper is con- valescing at her home following surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Hugill, Clinton are holidaying in Florida. The International meeting of Kippen East W,I. will be held February 19 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Dave Triebner. The Roll Call will be, "An interesting item I read in a newspaper or magazine about another W.I." Mrs. J. Sinclair will give the motto, Mrs. Hummel a contest and Mrs. Pullman, a poem. Members are asked to bring' crochet hook, broomstick, etc., for the craft workshop .mn11nnnnu11ts1 u111 lunu111111111111111111111111111111111111111t1 Another fun program planned for Crippled Kids' weekend All systems are go for the sixth annual Crippled Children's weekend at the Pineridge Chalet in Hensall and it looks as though this year's event will be the best ever. Throughout the weekend, February 14-16 the doors of the Chalet will be thrown open to the general public and events will Include, free snowmobile rides for the youngsters on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The fun gets underway Friday evening with an open dance in the clubhouse to the music of the popular Joe Overholt and the Standbys. The free rides start on Saturday afternoon and the main events of the weekend will take place on Sunday. Again this year CFPL's Bill Brady will be on hand to help cook up the popular Sunday Breakfast of pancakes and sausages. Helping Brady with the flipping will be Ralph Duffus, president of the London Crippled Children's Treatment Centre and several other London media celebrities will add to the program. The very popular Chalet Mooseburgers will be on sale throughout the weekend. Clinton sportsman Elwood Epps has donated a moose again this year and George Beer, the Chalet's well-known chef will do the cooking. While outdoor enthusiasts enjoy the snowmpbile races and ride the trails on Sunday af- ternoon those who prefer the warmth of a crackling fire will be entertained in the clubhouse with an excellent stage show. The show will be headlined by Honey West, a singer from Toronto along with Joe Overholt and his group, back for another session. For the younger generation the Little People, a rock group of youngsters 11-13 with a great deal of talent will also be featured during the af- ternoon. The Bradley_Bunch, a popular family group of singers specializing in toe tapping Irish and Scottish music will also be on hand to entertain the group in the clubhouse. A number of step - dancers and fiddlers from the area are also on the program. In the past five years -the Crippled Kids weekend have raised a total of $7,750 for the crippled children's treatment centre in London.Last year the group raised about $3,000 for the cause. Admission buttons, which are good for admission into the grounds on Sunday to attend all 'tnuu11nnnnn1111m1111n'11nnnnnnn1111n1111nn11n11nnnnnnnnnr. C•C•C> • C•C FOR Y.4LENT/NE'SDAY Cottage Rolls ._.,_...o Side Bacon Devon Pork Sausage p.. Mac & Cheese ,...., Sirloin, T- Bone °' Round Steak or Roas Nabob INSTANT COFFEE Royale TOILET TISSUE Carnation CREAMED TUNA Banded Deal, Pack of 2 COMET CLEANSER LIQUID DETERGENT King Size POWDCheer ERED DETERGENT Bath Size 5.7 oz. ZEST BAR SOAP Banded Martins Canada Choice from Concentrate APPLE JUICE Delmonte Fancy PEAS & CARROTS Delmonte Canada Fancy TOMATO JUICE Delmonte Fancy Seasoned GREEN BEANS Universal COHOE SALMON CAAylmer TSUP Rosedale CHOICE PEAS 1 1 FI. Oz. Deal of 10 oz. 2 roll pack 15 FI. Oz. 22 oz. 24 FI. Oz. 969 49' 69' 79' 65' 5 Ib. 1" 3/89' 48 FI. Oz. 49` 14 Fl O, 3,/79' 47' .FI Oz 2/59' „0, 89' 3/95c 3/99' 48 FI. Oz. 19 FI. Oz. ckled t Polish Sausage FROZEN FOOD BUCKET OF CHICKEN FANCY PEAS Libbys Schne,ders .n.d Ib 99t 1 lb $1.15 9M lb 79t Ib. S1J5 79t Ib 21b $Z" 2 11379' FREEZER SPECIALS Try our new expanded facilities for better service Phone 262-2017 or 262-2041 SIDE OF BEEF HIND OF BEEF SIDE OF PORK BEEF PATTIES Fully Processed Ib. 914 Fully Processed Ib. $1 .09 Fully Processed Ib. 79i 1J Ib. bag' $8.50 FloridaWhite or`Pink PRODUCE GRAPEFRUIT HEAD LETTUCE US No. 1 D-ANGAOU PEARS size 48 size 24 Canada extra Fancy 9/99' each 39' 6/59' WEEKEND SPECIALS FEBRUARY 12, 13, 14, 15 PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items AL'S MARKET HENSALL — ONTARIO 'trl;I•.. • ii:ii1lt11B11 activities and use the snowmobile trails can be purchased from any club member or at the gate on Sunday. The club, totalling 150 families from around south western Ontario has worked hard totnake this year's weekend even more fulfilled than ever and members will be on hand throughout the weekend to assist guests and - supervise the programs. Crippled children and their families from the area will be guests of the Chalet for the weekend. Door prizes and prizes for the snowmobile races have been donated by club members and area businessmen. It is a good chance for area residents to sped an enjoyable family weekend and support a worthy cause at a same time. Hensall church ladies learn of Holy Land On Thursday, Unit IV of Hensall UCW met in the Fellowship Hall of the Church with 18 members. Mrs. Jessie McAllister presided and opened the meeting with "A Christian thought for February" taken from the Upper Room. Several cards were signed by all the members to be sent to the shut-ins. The devotional was given by Elizabeth Riley and was entitled "Kindness". Kindness is the golden cord that holds the world together. Hymns were sung accompanied on the piano by Dorothy Mickle. Hazel Love read an article on modern Israel, and conditions in the Holy Land bringing Isreal closer to us. The offering was received by the Hostess Madeline Harburn, and was dedicated with prayer. The study on "Our changing role in mission" was given by Grace Peck. This was an article written by Dr. A.0 Forrest.editor and publisher of the United Church Observer. It was reported that 73 calls had been made on the sick and shut ins. It was decided to leave the quilting until March. The World Day of Prayer will he observed in the United Church on Friday, March 7 at 3 p.m and Rev. J. Reddock of Bayfield to be the guest speaker. Sunday, February 23, the UCW will have charge of the Church service when the guest speaker will be Rev. Anne Langford. The Huron Presbyterial is to be held at Listowel Trinity United Church on February 26. Pezeod Mr. & Mrs. Brian Collins, Kitchener spent the weekend with Mrs. Collins' mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Stretton of Brussels visited this week with Mr. & Mrs. Herb Stretton and family. Mrs. Carl Payne and Mrs. Peter Bisback attended the Senior Leaders Training School "Baked in a pie" at Clinton for two days last week. United Church notes Rev. Don Beck preached on the topic "The fear of being alone" at the service of worhip in Hensall l'nited Church on Sunday mor- ning. The choir sang the anthem "Charity" with Belva Fuss taking the solo part• ac- companied on the organ by Mrs. 'l'urkheim. •w % %s r �.. r ! Febrcory 13, 1975 r hNS Skating Sat., Feb. 15 2-4 HENSALL ARENA Sponsored by HENSALL KINETTES �J We Sell The Best and Repair The Rest Authorized Dealer For HOMELITE JACKS Small Engine Repair Service HENSALL 262-2103 107 Queen - One Block North of Business Section Hours 8 to 6 Fri. nites till 9 ! / • �• .:. r _ ...... :....... .. is i <.:;;�:;::i ;::i�;-%>>= BALL—MACAULAY ..fr: r. /:, r{.r!��: rr:r. !t :!•'r.'f/. r.4r......:...•:::..:u::•:.'�:�'Y,.:%:$::;:o:.>:.; ;.>:.>::•::.:::::::..:. /r/r .r {: f i r;/,. /•,jl:;-.;trC!517.; .:::•.x;;•:.:�::::::;.;:2�::i;;:•;.x,::i::i:ii2:;:.:i:i2;:[ VALENTINE DAY BUY A NEW KITCHEN FOR YOUR FAMILY TO ENJOY Valentine Day lasts a whole month with us. We offer FREE INSTALLATION on orders of kitchen cabinets placed in February. Come on in and see our selection of fine kitchen cabinets. Estimates are FREE. THIS SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES ON FEBRUARY 28TH SE A FORTII 527- 0910 CLINTON 482-9514 HENSALL • 2(i2-2118 x•. Y