HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-02-06, Page 15 (2)• TOPS girls play euchre A successful euchre party was held in the downstairs room of the Shillelagh Motel, which was donated to the group by Mr. Lewis. The members thank him for his generous offer. Proceeds from the euchre party are to help defray costs of going to the convention in Ottawa, June 5-6 and 7. The Exeter girls have decided to entertain the Lucan girls on February 11, so let's have a good turn out on that date. As the gym is under construction at St. Patrick's school. we ask all to co- operate with the school for the safety of everyone concerned. Congratulations to Betty Bates as a reinstated Kops in Waiting. That's all for this month. yaOe#tt11w4 0oy A WAIST MEASUREMENT — During recent weeks students at Biddulph Central School have been adop- ting to the metric system. Above, during a waist measurement are Beth Arthurs, Melany Dark, Lisa Compton and Anna Lee Bakker, T-ek photo 44c4 clus2c‘ Kecua In the absence of Rev. Ewart Madden, who was attending the MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE INCOME TAX :1('('Ot•NTING for Fanners and Businessmen INI)IVII)1':1L TAX RETURNS Nu Joh Tau Small PHONE 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. BUSINESS & FARMERS Bookkeeping - Accounting Is required Week,- - Monthly - Quarterly Yearly Financial Statements Taxation Returns Call Neil Romphf 235-0443 HURON BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt. Courteous. Efficient ANY TYI'F:, ANY SIZE. ANYWIIF:HE 11c give complete sale ,ervice I'IROFI'F I'Y F:XI'EILIF:NCE: Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. 1NCUMF: TAX - ACCOUNTING for F:11{\! & BUSINESS 107 MAIN ST., LUCAN Telephone 227-4851 C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN 1. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Pannel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please Hugh Tom 40 FILSON and ROBSON 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially Lc•cnsed onduct -air-- pit an. kind. .tris ;i1:rc.• We guarantee you more. I 1r1>Ure .ui c i •, lei .our sale l or apprai-al Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 • ACTION CENTRE MART Located on Highway #4 1 dile North of Exeter THE BIG. LITTLE MARKT•:'f irtn riffraiiaiI:iiilF • for complete or partial estates Complete refinishing centre \hnwax wood finishes- etc • 1Ceekend Antique Flea Market Open 10 am 10 5 p Before You Buy for Sell Give Us a Try Bill & Lavarre Clark, Owners 672-3566 Percy Wright, Auctioneer 262-5515 The Hobby Shop CRAFT SUPPLIES HAND MADE GIFTS 101 IDEAS Hwy 4, 1 Mile North of Brucefield 4827222 FARM SALES Auctioneer TOM SHOEBOTTOM ILDERTON 6660289 Free Appraisal Coil now for complete Auchon-Serv:ce HOUSEHOLD SALES NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants 1 A NORRIS L 0 GEE 497 MAIN STREE EXETER ONTARIO NOM 150 1519 2350101 SUITE 208 190 WORTTEY ROAD LONDON ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 519 673 1421 GERALD 1... MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E EXETER 235 0281 RES 10 Green Acres. GRAND BEND 238 8070 Banghart, "Kelly, Doig and Co. Chartered Accountants 268 Mon St„ Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resident Partner Bus. 235-0120, Res. 238-8075 annual meeting at Clandeboye, Ed. Melanson conducted the worship, with Bill Routledge of Byron, as guest speaker. Mr. Routledge is the presiding elder in Byron U.C., and is president of the Gospel Business Men's Fellowship, London Chapter_ He gave his own per- sonal testimony, telling what God had done in his life and that of his wife and daughter. The flowers in the Sanctuary were from the funeral of the late Clayton Haskett. Mr. Melanson as Sunday Church School Superintendent, urged the members to become teachers, particularly for the Intermediates (Grades 7 and 8) and Seniors (High School). Junior Choir members are ex- pected at 7 on Thursday, parents, please , note, and friends of C.G.I.T. were reminded of the hake sale on Saturday at 10 a.m. at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Friendship unit The Friendship Unit of the U.C.W. met 'at the Church on Wednesday evening with Mrs. Martin Van Arenthals, the new leader. directing the thoughts of the members to "The New Year” including a story of Salvation and courage. Mrs. Robert Stutt read the Scripture. TheF=ilmstrip "Ileritage for the Future" a 50th Anniversary presentation giving a glimpse of the past and future of the United Church of Canada. was shown and discussed. During the business meeting the Easter Meeting for The General U.C.W. and the Spring .Fellowsbip Luncheon were discussed briefly- • UCW Members of the U.C.W. held their January meeting in the Christian Education Rooms at the Church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Gordon Hotson read an opening prayer "Praying Hands" and the devotional was taken by Mrs. Eldon Young and Unit Leader Mrs. Ed. Melanson, on the theme "0 Praise the Lord all ye Nations". The final chapter in "Women of the Bible" was taken by Mrs. Melanson, who also directed a Bible Quiz which was won by ' Mrs. A. W. Thompson. During the business meeting, the 1974 Executive -members were returned to office for 1975. The members were advised that two more quilt tops were ready,' which had been made by Mrs. Dawson, the mother of the Unit Leader. Mrs. Maurice Cobleigh assisted Mrs. Melanson and Mrs. Young with the lunch. Penetecostal Holiness Church John Armitage led the songservices at both 11 and 7, with Mrs. Armitage at the piano. Doug Butler was the soloist and Rev. Rai Brewster spoke from Hebrews 9: 1-15 stating that while in the old Testament the blood of bulls and goats was offered to obtain forgiveness, now the blood of Jesus is sufficient for cleansing from all sin. At the end of the message Joan Lockyer sang "The Blood Will Never Lose its Power", followed by the com- munion service. In the evening Mr. -Brewster spoke from Psalm 91, saying the Christian has special protection from God when he lives close to the Lord. Marlene Butler was the evening soloist, also singing a duet with Mrs. Armitage. Holy Trinity Anglican Holy Communion was celebrated at Holy Trinity Anglican. at the 11 o'clock ser- vice. The Junior and Senior choirs sang a modern arrangement- of "Sing a Song unto the Lord." The Guild will entertain the newer women members of the Church at a "get -acquainted" card party in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening, February 11. at 8 p.m. All women of the congregation are welcome. DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Need billets By SID DALEY • Here we go' Once again the Comrades of Branch 540. Royal ('anadian Legion. Lucan are requesting that you open your hearts and homes as we host hordes of youngsters at our second annual Lucan Legion Leprechaun atom hockey tour- nament on Friday. Saturday and Sunday. February 21. 22 and 23, )975 Yes. folks we are looking for billets for the many young hockey players who will be participating. From returns received to date the 1975 version will be bigger and better than that of 1974. We will have teams from as far away as Toronto - 1 am sure you will find these young chaps to be well mannered and very little trouble if you do open your homes to them. May I add not one complaint was received from any person who billeted youngsters last year - now that's a pretty good record. We are also going to require volunteers to assist at the Lucan Memorial Arena -in the feeding of - our visitors, everything is provided. all that is required are willing hands to help prepare and serve the food. If you have room to billet any of these young hockey players or a few hours to spare to assist at the arena, please leave your name with Mrs. Donna Freeman, phone residence 227-4303. business 227- 4862; or telephone either Smilin' Carl Stuckless or Li'l Len Fisher Branch 540's amiable stewards at phone 227-4751 and let them know how many of the youngsters you can handle or how many hours and on what dates you will be available to assist at the arena. It is only through the co- operation of all the folk of Lucan and area that your Lucan f,egion could even think of sponsoring such a tournament, much less a successful one. Friday evening. February 7 is a must in that Comrade Bill Smith, Branch 540's public speaking chairman is expecting to see a lot of blue blazers in attendance at the contest - these youngsters put a lot of time and effort into the Royal Canadian Legion spon- sored public "speaking contest - surely our members could spend a couple of hours to hear what they have to say - you will be amazed at the poise exhibited and the knowledgeable way these youngsters expound their chosen subject - attendance to this contest is free and open to all who wish to attend - make a special effort won't you - see yu there. We would like to remind the youngsters of Lucan and area that Sunday February 9 between the hours of 1.00 and 3.00 p.m Branch 540 will be holding its annual snow vehicle ride party for their enjoyment - all children are welcome - so bundle up warmly and make your way over to the Lucan Legion - our Fraternal Affiliate. Members have assured that lots of snow vehicles will be available and the good Ladies of the Sports Club will make sure lots of Hot Dogs and Hot Chocolate will also be on hand. This is a free party for the children, just another way your Legion works with the youngsters - and thanks you for your par- ticipation in Legion sponsored programs which enables us to make these functions possible. Remember the next general meeting will be held on Wed- nesday, February 12 com- mencing at 8.30 sharp. Make it a point to be in attendance and have your say in the operation of the action branch. The pot o'gold continues to grow as our good friend Ken Carter's name was drawn and he was not registered and therefor lost his share. of 696.00, too bad. Ken - Comrades -all that is necessary is thatyou be a paid up member and register in the book provided - it's as easy as that. And that's 30 for this week - remember - most of us', like phonograph records have a flip side which may not be popular. AVEWA LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LOOK FOR THE BIG ORANGE BUILDING THISPWECIAEEK'LS S SHOWER ENCLOSURE KIT Add a 'touch of class' to your bath with a shower enclosure kit from Saveway. Choose from two distinctive designs constructed of plastic panels within an aluminum frame. Each door has a towel bar. Doors move smoothly and silently on rail runners. Tracks are adjustable to compensate for walls out of square. Model 50ST. 5' long 2 -door by-pass- Clear diomond plastic panels. Model 50T. 5' long. 3 -door by-pass. Clear Spanish plastic panels. 42"4689 7//.077 SAVEWAY MONEY SAVERS UNITEX TILE BOARD Saveway makes it easy and economical to decorate your bath with this 4' x 8' x ''s" tile board. Choose from four decorator designs in- Easy to keep clean. cluding White with Grey lines, Yellow with White lines, Green with White lines and Blue with White lines. Easy to install 79 9 Sheet 41/4" x 41/4" CERAMIC TILE Give o troidt,onol appearance to walls in home or summer cottage Great for kitchens. bathrooms, etc Everything you need to give o professionally .nstolled look is available at Savewoy Sold In 12 so ft cartons. Assorted colours 825 Per Ctn. MEDICINE CABINETS •.+odel No 1318 n recessed ,,e with sw,ng.ng door • , w.16. rt.33. D •AodeI No C 71 .s surface ',red with shdmg door 4 - r1 , 17'. W . 3'2 D TOILET SEAT 12'9 each 2333 each A good quality toilet seat of 3 75 sturdy plastic composition. Available in white only. each SHOWER STALL E.tro conven,ence .n home o• cot loge Steel construction with enamel knish Includes shower head. max,ng wolves. plastac shower curtain and soap dash 30 . 30 . 75 5450 each BATHROOM LIGHT FIXTURES (17) , Model No 14324 n 17 . 24 Used 4 60 watt bulbs Outlet for ele<t„c shovers curling 9 44 eons etc 7 each Model No 12313C 0 .s 12 long Use 2 60 wort bulbs Also hos outlet $395 A 15 4,.ture is also ova.loble for only 5.03 each VENTILATING FAN KIT Fan draws off odors, stole air, steam, etc., in kitchen or bathroom. Installs directly to rafters or studs. Aluminum grille, 29 No. 4021 4eoch 11,BATHROOM SET You get o complete bothroom set bothtub to.et. sank Economy wall mounr boson Easy to install. easy to -clean tolet Full•sare bathtub wath seamless cons+ructaon TOWEL BAR & RING An economical way to odd to the convenience of your bathroom. Towel ring with bracket 296 each • e' Squore x 18" Bar 3.38 st' Squore x 24- Bar 3.70 1300° LANDSCAPE MIRRORS (Tapered Edges) 24" x 36" $13.95 30"" x 48" $22.95 24' x 48" $18.95 16"" x 60"" $13.95 COLOURED VANITY SINKS Reg 750 520 35 NOW WHILE SUPPLY LASTS 16 SAVEWIYS 7Y1SERVE YOIJ! LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Mon. - Thurs. Friday 8:30 • 6:00 8:30 - 9:00 Saturday 8:00 - 4:00 At Our EXETER YARD