HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-02-06, Page 8 (2)Don Brodie, Brucefie(d Crediton. TALKING ABOUT BEEF — A short course of Centralia College of Agricultural Technology featured beef feedlot management. Above, Huron Associate Ag Rep Stan Paquette talks to Blake Alton, Lucknow; Can play important role and Lloyd Lamport and Criticism of marketing boards By ADRIAN VOS Bob Eaton, parliamentary assistant to Ontario's Ministry of Agriculture -.and Food, had some - very interesting remarks to make in a recent speech in Lindsay with regards to the criticism of marketing boards. At the same time that Professor Forbes condemned marketing boards with quotas in the name of the Food prices Review Board, Pal. 8 Times -Advocate, February 6, 1975 ROBERT FARQUHAR INSTALLING • Vinyl/Aluminum Siding Soffat and Facia Covered • Eavestroughing • Aluminum Storms and Doors • Shutters - Additions Phone 236-4808 Zurich Free Estimates NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice Is Hereby Given That the 100TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich — ON — SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 AT 2:00 P.M. for the presentot or of the Annual Report to elect three direc- tors to replace those whose terms expire. and to transact all business as may be done at a general meeting of the policyholders The Directors whose term of office expire are Leonard Erb. Hensall Reinhold- Miller. Dashwood: and Mox Turnbull, Dashwood who are eligible for re-election, Reinhold Miller and Max Turnbull are not seeking re-election. Notice of intent to amend the following Bylaws: No. 21 - Qualifications of Directors. No. 24 - Retirement of Directors in rotation. a., No. 33 - Remuneration •itic !AFD CAMPBELL President JOHN R. CONSitT, Secretory-Monoger Please Note Bylaw 21 Qualifications of Directors d Any person wishing to seek elect•on or re-election as o Director must tyle his intention to stand for election ,n writing ..:nth the Secretory of the Corporation at least ter days .n advance of to Annual Meeting or Special Gereral Meeting culled for the purpose of electing Directors .1 se— Roger Dowker Manager Exeter 235-2111 Atoms go on Scoring spree The Exeter atom "B" club went on a real scoring spree Sunday night as they chalked up their most decisive victory of the season 9-0 over South London. Trevor Boyle,and Brian Black- burn each turned in a hat trick performance to pace the atom scoring. Getting one goal apiece were Scott Brintnell, Rick Mattucci and Brent Atthill. Captain Jonathan Melhuish was the top playmaker with three assists to his credit. The Huron Park atoms scored a 4-2 win over the Exeter club at the Exeter arena. Wednesday night. Lucan scored a 2-0 win Friday and Dorchester downed the locals 6-2 Saturday. The only Exeter goals against Huron Park came at the first and last of the game. Chris Van Gerwen scored on an unassisted effort and Trevor Boyle con- verted a pass from Scott Brint- nell. Steve O'Neill scored twice to pace the Huron Park scoring these same marketing boards had reasonable and stable prices for their products. Overall prices went up 16 percent. ---The lowest increases, however were in the very products Professor Forbes said that marketing boards were setting unduly high prices on. Homogenized milk went up 3 percent. Grade A turkeys had gone up 1 percent, and the eggs had gone up 5 percent. Those products that were sold without the benefits of • a marketing board with quotas, as fresh tomatoes, up 64 percent, and these came from other Juveniles drop opening contest The Exeter juveniles were in action on two occasions Sunday and dropped two decisions. In the first round of OMHA juvenile play, the locals lost 6-1 to St. Marys and in a . Shamrock league game they lost 6-5 to countries. Red Brand strip loin steak up 52 percent,potatoes up 27 percent and salmon up 21 per- cent. __ The _averall_price_ increase _to. the restaurant trade was 43 percent. The regulated products however went up least. The restaurant paid 12 percent more for milk, 8,percent for grade A turkeys. 5 percent for chicken and 17 percent for eggs. All well under the average 43 percent increase. The real increase was in the unregulated product, as sugar was up 118 percent, shortening up 8lpercent, beef fat up 86 percent, potatoes 46 per- cent. salmon 56 percent, coffee 28 percent, and steak up 44 percent. "It is interesting to note," Eaton said. "that over that same riod of time, producers under the marketing boards that the Professor was condemning for unduly high prices, gave in- dications they had a stable and reasonable return on their products." Forbes also blamed tariffs and export quotas as causing ar- tificiallyhigh prices and referred Lucan. again to milk, dairy products, The second game of the OMHA eggs. broilers and turkeys, none juvenile series best -of -three of which had import restrictions. series will be played in Exeter Looking at these facts. he Sunday at 8:30. If a third game is necessary it is scheduled for the following Sunday also in Exeter. In the loss to St. Marys, Cam Haist was the only Exeter marksman on a play started by Tom Richardson and Gary Jennison. The game against Lucan was close from start to finish with never more than one -goal separating the twoteams. The Exeter goals came in attack. Getting single goals were single fashion from the sticks of Steve Morrissey and John Insley. Rick Moody, Kim McKinnon, Fred Campbell. Ken Pinder and Adding assists were Warren Brion Penhale. Gilles and Steve btorrissey. Jim Benn with three goals was Hitting the mark for Exeter best for Lucan while Gord Moon against Dorchester were Scott hit the mark with two shots and Brintnell and Jonathan Melhuish Scott Anderson added a single. both on unassisted efforts. Arranging a Registered Retirement Savings Plan is as easy as 1,2, A lot of people look forward to their retirement. But they don't look forward to a reduction in income. 1 hat's why the Royal Bank has available three separate Registered Retirement Sas ings Plans. if one doesn't suit your needs precisely; you can choose a mix of two, or all three. Current tax legislation permits you to deposit up to 20% of earned income to a maximum of S-1.000 annually if you are self-employed or do not have a registered company pension. If you do have a registered company pension plan your combined contributions ma} he up to 20% of earned income to a maximum of $2,500. Your contrihtations are deductible for tax purposes. (,ise me a call today. I can assist you in making a meaningful choice. 1 Royal Bank Retirement Deposits. Your contributions will he placed in a special deposit account and you will reeds a an interest return geared to the general deposit rate structure. Because of the long-term nature of the deposits we expect the interest rates to he at the upper end of the scale. 2 Equity Fund. Your contributions are placed principally in Canadian common stocks. This portfolio is managed hy-professionals. hacked by investment analysts and economic consultants. who also manage well over 5100 million for other people and corporations. The emphasis here is in long-term capital growth with reasonable rate of return. 3 income Fund. Your contributions are invested in high -yield bonds. deposit instruments and in mortgages insured under the National Housing Act. The portfolio is managed by the same professionals. whose policy here is tb achieve as high a current income as is compatible with main- taining reasonable price stability as well as moderate capital appreciation. 3 Registered Retirement Savings Plans for you: R YAL BANK erving Ontario • serving you 4 John Govers, T -A photo suggested that Professor Forbes should be analysed for per- formance. Summing up Eaton said, "really- what we are saying to ourselves when we assess per- formance is how well you took an interest in your board or the marketing of your product. How well you support your board, the type of people you elect to your board and the type of management they hire. Given some commitment to these items, marketing boards can claim an increasingly im- portant role in the development of a strong agricultural industry in Ontario. Waxers drop pair of games The Exeter Waxers were on the short end of a 4-1 score in an exhibition novice contest against Brussels in Exeter Thursday. The only Exeter goal came from the stick of George Pratt on a pass from Darren Vandergunst with six minutes left in the game. In a return game, the Waxers lost 8-1 to Brussels. The only Exeter goal came from the sticti of Mike Tiedeman. By MISS ELLA MORLOCK The ten leaders of the five 4-H Crediton Clubs attended the two day training sehool at Exeter United Church last week. Those attending were: Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Glenn Hodgins, Mrs. Ed Nethercott, Mrs. William Muller, Mrs. Cliff Kenney, Kathleen Gielen, Mrs. Donald Finkbeiner, Mrs. Barry Clarke, Patti Task() and Theresa Ondrejicka. Annual meeting Zion United Church held its annual meeting Friday evening. Rev. Armin Schlenker opened the session with prayer and a meditation on "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness." Ray Morlock was chairman,Wilmar Wein secretary. Details of the annual report were considered. It was decided to invite Audrey Fink- beiner to explain the work she does with young people. The next communion service will be March 16. Anniversary Sunday ik May 25 with Rev. Jim Somerville the guest speaker. Ed Hendrick moved a vote of thanks to all officers of the church and Sunday School and to Doris Schwartz for her preparation of the church bulletins and the annual report. William Schwartz moved a vote of thanks to the Pastoral 1 REMEMBER YOUR SPECIAL V b 411'ir: HOW'S THE TIME To Place Your Orders For, SEED GRAIN All Mixes Available Take Advantage of Our February DELIVERY DISCOUNTS EXETER DISTRICT Phone 235-2081 Relations Committee. Because there are many dedicated workers, the organizations -of the church have continued to operate smoothly despite the lack of a minister. A letter from Rev. Bruce Pierce was read by the secretary. Rev. Schlenker conducted the installation of officers, following which a potluck "lunch was ser- ved. Adult social Sunday Ed Baker of Lambeth conducted the morning service at Zion United Church. The Adult Class of the Sunday School is planning a social evening at the Village Inn Retreat February 28. That event will be for all adult members of the congregation. Mark Whitney is a patient at Victoria Hospital. Dwayne Finkbeiner son of Mr. & Mrs. Eric Finkbeiner has returned home after spending some time in South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Walter Weber has been discharged from hospital and has returned home. Weekend guests with Rev. & 11rs.Armin Schlenker were Mr. & Mrs. Carmin Schlenker and Mr. & Mrs. Max Howard of Kit- chener. With Mr. & Mrs. Emmery Fahrner was Calvin Fahrner of Mississauga. B 1 G HORSEPOWER F806D with 38" rear tires, good condition F1256D with cab F 1206D with cab, new engine, tires F806D with cab, late model, excellent 2-F826D with cab, new rubber (low hours) F966D with cab, excellent SOLD F806D with 20.8 x 34 tires, excellent condition F 1066D with cab, real good condition F656D Hydro with cab, real clean e•-4he ref- SOLD David Brown 1200, 1775 hours Int 434D with power steering Int 656D, excellent condition Sint 624D, reconditioned and painted Int 460G with loader Ford 4000 Gas N.T. MONTEITH LTD. EXETER 235-2121 'Thr best in service when you need it most!" SHOP NOW SAVE on GARDENLAWN & TRACTORS (Federal Tax Included In Prices Shown? 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