HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-01-30, Page 14 (2)Page 14 Times -Advocate, January 30. 1975 Lucan and district news Phone 227-4714 Correspondent: Mrs. M.H. Hodgins Plan to meet monthly UC holds annual meeting A brief period of worship, led by Rev. Ewart Madden. with Mrs. H. B. Langford at the piano. Op opened the 1975 annual meeting of the Lucan United Church. following the service on Sunday. and a "finger" luncheon. Mrs. 'David Park chaired the business part of the meeting when it was decided the Board of Management should meet the first Tuesday of each month. rattier than meeting only once every three months, keeping their meetings as brief as possible. The hour of worship will remain at 11:15 a.m. for the year Shower for bride -elect Debbie Nixcey and Mrs. Paul Melanson {nee Judy Froats school girl friends sponsored a miscellaneous bridal shower for Jane Lockyer, at the home of Mr. & Mrs: William Froats on Saturday evening. The guest of honour was seated in a chair decorated with white bells and streamers. The guests enjoyed slides of* Judy's wedding when Jane was a bride's maid, also slides of Butchart gardens and Rocky mountain pictures. Two contests were won by Mrs. Ed Melanson and Maria Vanderloop. The bride elect was assisted by Linda Hardy. Debbie Nixcey. Judy Melanson and Mary Maxwell, nee Jorna 1. Guests were present from London. Denfield. Ilderton, Granton and local friends. Jane becomes the bride of Bill Cornish on Saturday. February 15 at the United Church. -L Wallpaper SALE lots Room. 5 0 % OFF . Flocked, Non -Pasted Regular 513 95 '4 9' Plains, Good Assortment Price 52 99 DOUBLE ROLL DONNA'S DECORATING 186 Main St , Luton 227-4827 NEW LUCAN LOCATION LICENSING OFFICE 1975, Joint service with Holy Trinity Anglican Church will be held again this skimmer during the vacation of the ministers. in the aforementioned in July and in the United Church in August. The United Church of Canada came into being on June 10, 1925 and across Canada events are being held during the year to celebrate 50 years of unity. The Anniversary Sunday in Lucan -will be June 8. During reporting by treasurers. presidents and leaders it was found that all groups and the church had en- joyed a good year. . . Mrs. Sheridan Revington, reporting for the nominating committee. stated that Ivan Stanley, long time member of the Session, had asked that his name be removed and it was added to the list of honorary elders. Harvey Latta is a new elder and Cliff McLean a new member of Metric system at Biddulph At the January meeting of the Biddulph-Lucan Home. School and Community Association in the . Lucan School Auditorium. Dick Robinson, Grade 8 teacher. explained the Metric System. He did this very clearly- and simply by using video tapes. posters. exhibits. scales. rulers. etc.. and those present benefited greatly by attending. President, Mrs. R. C. Ilofrichter of Granton announced the next meeting, on Thursday, February 13. This will be the annual Family Fun Night to which everyone is invited. parents, children and friends. Mark it on your calendar NOW. The students at the Biddulph- Lucan schools have just finished a week on the Metric System. "In -school" Public Speaking competitions are in progress and will be completed early in February. This is the last week of the skating program for K-3 at the Arena in an 8 -week session. At St. Patrick's School preparations are in progress for the Canadian Legion Public Speaking Competition to be held in the Lucan Legion Hall on Friday evening. February 17. Spring near - chicks hatch Mr & Mrs. Howard Currie have acquired a brood of Bantam chicks and their mother. The chicks were hatched on Saturday, January 25. andare being housed in a large dog crate in the basement of the Currie home. They were fed oatmeal over the weekend but are starting on regular chick feed this morning. Monday. This MUST be a first for this early in the year' • Substitute for the news For the weeks of February 20 and 27. Mrs. Harry Wraith will be acting as Lucan correspondent. Please have your news to her at the store or by phoning 227-4219 by Monday. February 17 and 24. We'll Do the Job Right... Whateverthe project, call on us for Ready -Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. CENTRALIA, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 228-6961 the Committee of Stewards. Thomas Barr and Donald Revington also asked that their names be removed from the list of members of session. The names of Mrs. David Park and Mrs. Murray Hodgson were added to the M.&S. Committee and Donald Maguire asked that his name be removed. Several names of young men and teens were added to the list of ushers who will organize soon, to serve on a regular basis. The M.&S. chairman. Mrs. Wrn. Froats. announced two events to be held in London to which the public is invited. "Ten Days for World Development" on February 9 at 7 p.m. at Wesley - Knox U.C. and "Division of Mission" on Haiti and the Caribbean at Trinity U.C. at 7:30. February 25. • MR. AND MRS. TIM TOOHEY Slippery roads cause most area accidents Three of the six accidents in- vestigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police oc- curred Sunday and slippery road conditions were responsible. The first took place at 2 a.m. on County Road 22 a mile south of Clandeboye when a vehicle driven by Arlene Campbell, RR 1 Ilderton left the roadway and struck a mailbox owned by Mervin Carter. DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Not so dumb By SID DALEY Not so dumb: Little junior. who hadn't spoken a -word in all of his four years. finally blurted at breakfast: "Mom, the toast is burnt." His amazed mother shrieked with joy. hugged him and said: "Junior why haven't you spoken to ug before this'" "Well." replied. Junior. "Up to now everything's been O.K." And after that I had better come up with a little news of what to expect around lively 540. - Our public speaking chairman Comrade Bill Smith advises the branch 'Speak Off' will be held in the Legionauditorium on Friday evening February 7. Why not come over and listen as these youngsters vie for the privilege to speak at the zone finals. The subjects are of the speakers own choosing and to say the least these young orators do a fantastic job. Sure hope to see more blue blazers in attendance 144 .iecv.x United A Service of Healing was conducted by the Rev. Ewart Madden during the service on Sunday morning. The choir sang "Lord God, Accept My Heart This Day." Flowers in the Sanctuary were from the funeral of the late Mrs. Eva Henson. Next . Sunday. Mr. Bill Routledge, Executive Director of the London Red Cross. and Elder in Byron United Church and former Lt. Col. in the Cdn. Armed Forces will be the guest speaker. GYPSWY announce a Coffee House on Saturday, March 1, at 8 p.m. with Music groups, local and imported. All youth welcome. A message from the Choir - "unless more men respond the Cantata will suffer." Come out Thursday at 9.00. if you enjoy singing, this includes everyone 14 years and over. Pentecostal Holiness Puppets Lucy and Lionel ap- peared at Sunday School telling the story of the African Witch Doctor who became a Christian. John Armitage led the song service at both morning and evening services with his wife at the piano. The Rev. Ray Brewster. speaking from John 12: 23-33 told his congregation that if we lift Jesus up in our lives and con- versation. He will draw men unto Himself. At the evening service Cathy Hopps and Joan Lockyer were soloists and Mr. Brewster spoke on Job, saying "Job is an example - of a person who remained faithful to God through great trials and then was restored to more than he had previously." CGIT plan bake sale Members of the Lucan C.G.I.T. met on Tuesday evening, con- tinuing work on their Banners and each girl made a poster for the Bake Sale on Saturday, February 8 in the Parish Hall. IThe Opening Ceremony was conducted by President Gwen Densmore and the Purpose rfeated by the group. Leader Mrs. Randy Paul, led in Worship. and remember admission is free - so what have you got to lose - see• yu there. Attention all children of Lucan and area -Branch 540's 5th annual childrens snow vehicle party will be held at the Lucan Legion on Sunday. February 9 between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. Our fraternal affiliate mem- bers have promised to make sure ample snow vehicles will be in attendance. The good ladies of the sports club will have a busy Sunday as well, preparing and serving hot dogs and hot chocolate in an attempt to whet the appetites of the many youngsters expected to be in attendance. This is an open day for all the children of Lucan and area, so bundle up warm and come on over to the Lucan Legion for an afternoon of fun and laughter. Now Hear This Now Hear This — All those "who are or are not" bowlers Branch 540's 3rd annual mixed fun bowling will be held at the Lucan Bowling Lanes on Sunday. February 16 between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. Following the games we congregate at the Lucan Legion for a pot luck supper. All you have to do is pay for your own bowling and bring something to place on the table that all can share. Let me tell you the pot luck suppers to date have been a delight to behold and beside that good eatin'. So make it a date to participate - just remember this is fun bowling and is put on for your enjoyment. Borden Smyth where were you Saturday night - your name was drawn for the 50-50 draw and you not being registered lost your share of the $75 pot o'gold. Meanwhile the pot continues to grow - by the way have you registered for this week yet. Of course it is understood this draw is for paid up members of Branch 540 only. And while on the subject of paid up members please remember 1975 dues are now due - make it a point to get this important item off the books - The only way you can remain active in the action packed Legion is to be a paid up member • Come alive in 75. Our good ladies of the Auxiliary will be holding their February meeting on Tuesday, February 4 The regular Legion meeting will be held on Wednesday. February 12. Both meetings commence at 8:30 p.m. sharp. Support your Legion by your attendance at these meetings. and that's 30 for this week - Remember - Intuition is what enables a woman to contradict her husband before he says anything. Constable W. R. Disher in- vestigated and set damages at $205 At 2.20 p.m.. Sunday, a pickup truck driven by Hobert Traut. London left Concession 10 of London township and struck a hydro pole. The pole was broken off causing a power failure in the area for a short time until repaired by Ontario Hydro work crews Constable B. D. Munro was the investigating officer and estimated damagesat $850. ' The third Sunday mishap oc- curred on Concession 4 of Bid- dulph township a quarter mile north of Highway 4. Involved were vehicles driven by Polly McIntire. Lucan and John Van Gaal. No injuries were reported and Constable D. R. Vance set damages at $220. Saturday at 6 p.m. on Highway 4, south of Highway 7 vehicles driven by James Hunter, London and Allan Ross. Toronto were in collision. Constable G. N. Wilcox estimated damages at $950. A Friday accident at 10.30 p.m. on Highway 4 at Concession 7 of London township sent Elizabeth Vandoorne, RR 1 Arva to University Hospital suffering cuts and bruises. Three vehicles were involved. The other drivers in addition to Miss Van Doorne were Robert Wright. London and Alan Mountain, RR 1 Arva. Constable D. R Vance set damages at $2.625. • About three hours earlier the same night, vehicles driven by Kimberley Aldrich, RR 4 Den- field and Thomas McArthur, Owen Sound collided on Highbury Avenue at Bryanston. Constable G. N. Wilcox set damages at $1,100. Detachment officers in- vestigated 44 general oc- currences this week and laid 40 Highway Traffic Act charges and issued 30 warnings. During the recent armed robbery and kidnapping near Thamesford, nine officers of the Lucan detachment assisted London officers at road blocks and observation points. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkinson spent Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Park and children of Oil Springs. Mr. & Mrs. Evan Hodgins attended a Wednesday evening birthday party for Mrs. Margaret (Franklin) Hodgins. Ilderton, who was celebrating her 80th birthday. Her three sons and daughters•in-law and grand- children held the party for both sides of the family in the Sunday School Room of Bethel Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Paul Melanson of C.F.A. Borden and Mrs. Fred Schembri of London spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. William Froats. Friends of Mr. & Mrs. K. J Schenkel will be happy to learn that Robbie has arrived. Susan and Danny are also happy to have a baby -brother. Carolyn Madden and. David Zalwski were weekend guests with the former's parents, Rev. & Mrs. Ewart Madden. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Revington and. son Brett returned home from a two week holiday in Florida. Anniversary celebrated On the occasion of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Tim Toohey, on January 14, Father J. McGraw celebrated Mass at their home followed by a dinner for a few friends and relatives. Included was the bridesmaid at their wedding, Mrs. Marie (Quirk) Dorcey of Detroit, Michigan and the groom's sister, Sr. Regina of Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse, London, Ontario. They have one son, Jim at home and a daughter, (Loretta), Mrs. Ozzie Gillis of Dresden, Ontario. Rose McLaughlin, daughter of Ed. and Bridget McLaughlin and Tim Toohey, son of Jim and Maria Toohey were married, January 14, 1925 at St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph Township, by Father J. Hogan. A reception was held in the Lucan Legion Hall on Friday, January 17, when around 300 guests called to congratulate 'the couple. Fr. R. Glavin, a cousin of the bride publicly congratulated the jubilarians on the special oc- casion. In his address he said that they had been life-long, well respected residents of the area. Music was provided by Doug. Lewis of Ailsa Craig and Harvey Smith of Crediton. ' Guets were present from Freemont, Ohio; Davison, Michigan, Detroit, Michigan, 11'indsor, Dresden, Toronto, Sarnia, Stratford, London, Exeter and the surrounding area. Seniors to start bowling During the business meeting of the Senior Citizens' Club on Thursday, chaired by president Gordon }Jolson. the members agreed to underwrite the balance of the cost of a projector to the extent of $100.00. It was an nounced-that Bowling for Seniors would commence on Tuesday, the 28th, that a Ceramics course would be offered at St. Patrick's School through- Fanshawe College. Those interested should contact the president at 227-4916. Bowling and ceramics are open to all seniors in the community. J. Alex Young, Chairman of the New Horizons Committee asked members to bring suggestions next week for things needed by the two groups, as a further grant will be applied for soon. He also read a letter from the Seniors' Bureau in London, stating that the Income Tax Service was now extended to the County of Mid- dlesex, and any Senior in this community, needing assistance with Income Tax problems should call him at 227-4633, for further information. Letters of thanks were read, cards suggested for several persons who are ill and birthday wishes were extended to Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Euchre was enjoyed, playing for high score with Mrs. R. 'Atkinson winning for the ladies and Harold Cobleigh for the men. Mrs. Eldon Hodgson gave a reading "Growing Old" and Mrs. Lorne Barker presented "The Sack" telling of the various uses sacks had been put to in past years. Lunch was served by Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Reycraft and Mr. Stewart Munro Area president attends conference Len Maslen. president of the Lucan & Biddulph Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society and Al ('ocquyt, Co-education chairman, attended the 1975 Campaign Conference at Inn on the Park, Toronto, over the weekend Mr. Maslen reports a most informative day on Saturday, but Sunday morning was lost as the speakers were on highrise and large industrial campaigning. Ron Calhoun of Thamesford,, the originator of "The Women's Great Ride for Cancer" was the chairman for the First General.,, Session. Saturday morning and for the luncheon. Topics discussed included Recruiting for the Cancer Society, The Canadian Cancer Society in the Classroom, Doctors in Cancer Control Work (A panel of Doctors), the Canadian Cancer Society in the Plant, 1975 Cam- paign Publicity, etc. with several film and slide presentations. 373 Main St. Phone 235-1570 or 235-1070 EXETER PHARMACY LTD. Now Open Wednesdays - 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. , ,e • •� mEmolRlALS , -: 'is rx, rf, s,►, T. PRYDE & SON LTD. D Phone 235-0620 Main St., Exeter • MONUMENTS • MARKERS • INSCRIPTIONS Contact Jack Pryde: Office 235-0620 or Horne 235-1384 DISPLAYS ALSO IN GODERICH AND CLINTON "OUR BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1919 •s MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE INCOME TAX — ACCOUNTING for Farmers and Businessmen INDIVIDI'AI. TAX RETURNS No Job Too Small PHONE 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. BUSINESS & FARMERS Bookkeeping - Accounting as required Weekly - Monthly - Quarterly Yearly Financial Statements Taxation Returns Call Neil Romphf 235-0443 HURON BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWIIERE We give complete sale service. rno rr BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service . Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind. any place. We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. IN('u\I l: TAX - ACCOUNTING for 1.AUUSI & BUSINESS 107 MAIN ST., LUCAN Telephone 227-4851 C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN 1. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panne) lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 13v appointment please ACTION CENTRE MART Located on Highway 44 1 J1ile North of Exeter TILE 13R;. LITTLE MA I(KI':T Large Auction Hoorn available for complete or partial estates Complete refinishing centre Minwax wood finishes. etc -Weekend Antique Flea Market Open 10 am to. 5pm Before You Buy (or Sell) Give 1's a Try Bill & Lavarre Clark, Owners 672-3566 Percy Wright. Auctioneer 262-5515 The Hobby Shop CRAFT SUPPLIES HAND MADE GIFTS 101 IDEAS Hwy. 4, 1 Mile North of Brucefield 482-7222 FARM SALES Auctioneer TOM SHOEBOTTOM ILDERTON 666 0289 Free Appraisal Coll now for complete Auction Servxe HOUSEHOLD SALES NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants 1 A NORRIS l D GEE 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 150 (5191 2350101 SUITE 208 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON. ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 1519 673 1421 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS': 20 Sanders E EXETER 2350281 RES: 10 Green Acres GRAND BEND 238 8070 Banghart, "Kelly, Doig and Co. Chartered Accountants 768 Main St , Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resident Partner Bus. 235-0120, Res. 238-8075 •I