HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1975-01-30, Page 1 (2)• Stephen grants salary increases,
about $1 per hour for road men
Stephen township council
recently approved pay increases
to employees which will cost the
taxpayers an additional $20,585
for 1975.
Road superintendent Frank
Mcisaac will receive an annual
salary of $10,500. The salary of
Lease coming
for post office
The Town of Exeter has been
informed that a lease is being
prepared for their use of the
former post office on Main St.
Clerk Eric Carscadden was
informed by the department of
public works that the lease was
being prepared and will be for-
warded in the near future.
Reeve Derry Boyle, chairman
of the property committee, said it
appeared that the original offer
of leasing the building for $2,250
per annum would be unchanged.
The town will apparently be able
to lease the building for a period
of 20 years, with a further option
of 10 years.
Council plans to move the
clerk's office to the post office
building, but further plans for the
building have not been finalized
as yet.
Reeve Boyle has stated
previously that it is doubtful if
there will be room to include the
police department in the building
along with the town offices.
The town will be responsible for
paying for any alterations they
plan at the former post office.
clerk -treasurer and tax collector
Wilmar Wein will rise from
810,000 to $14,200 per annum.
The clerk's assistant Sharon
Baker will receive $3.75 per hour
and other part-time office staff
will get 83.50 per hour.
A grader operator will now
receive $1.50 per hour while a
truck operator's salary will be
$4.30 per hour. Other road
department employees and part-
time help will get $4 per hour.
Reeve Cecil Desjardine said
the increase works out to about $1
per hour for the road department
All employees as well as
elected officials using their own
vehicles for Township business
will get 17 cents per mile.
At the township's waste
disposal site located on Con-
cession 14, Cliff Kenney will
receive 83.50 per hour on a part-
time basis and Percy Warden will
continue at $100 per month.
Councillors also upped their
own salaries and honorariums.
Reeve Cecil Desjardine, will
receive $25oasan honorarium and
deputy -reeve Kenneth Campbell
will get $200 per year.
The deputy -reeve and all
councillors will receive $30 for
each regular and special
meetings attended provided
special meetings extend for more
than two hours. For a meeting
lasting Tess than two hours the
pay will be $20 for each member
The increase for the reeve and
deputy -reeve honorarium is $50.
Last year the meeting pay was
Hay, Stanley, Zurich
okay fire agreement
Zurich village council approved
a one-year fire -fighting
'agreement with Hay and Stanley
Townships at a meeting Tuesday
The agreement, which covers
the village, the northwestern
third of flay and southern Stanley
will divide costs on a basis of
relative assessment.
According to the new
agreement flay will contribute 48
percent of the cost, Zurich, 31
percent and Stanley 21 percent.
The agreement came after
weeks of discussions among
village and township councils. it
ended a stalemate produced
when Hay objected to an earlier
formula which would have had it
pay more than half the cost.
"We didn't want to get over the
50 percent mark", Hay Coun-
cillor Lionel Wilder said. "That
would have meant that, in effect.
Hike salaries
20 percent
Exeter's RAP committee
approved pay increases for their
staff this week, but they're not
telling the ratepayers what those
salaries will now total.
Bob Pooley advised his fellow
members Monday that pay
boosts ranging from 12 to 20
percent were recommended and
these were approved by RAP.
No member asked Pooley for
any specifics as to which em-
ployees were receiving the
minimum or maximum pay
Last year, RAP salaries
amounted to almost 840,000,
indicating that this year the
taxpayers will be faced with an
increase of about 88,000 in this
There was an indication that
the employees were prepared to
settle for a smaller increase, but
when council boosted some other
town employees' salaries by 20
percent, RAP followed suit.
Bell, dog
are stolen
Two thefts were reported to
Exeter OPP this week.
A bell on a former Stephen
Township school owned by the
Dashwood Boy Scouts was
removed. The building had also
been entered and ransacked.
The bell was valued at 8150.
The building has not been used
for the past two years.
Charles Dittmer, Usborne
Township, told police a hunting
dog was stolen from his property.
The animal was valued at 8200.
On Sunday morning, police
were advised by three Usborne
residents that their mail boxes
had been damaged the previous
night. Two of the boxes were
smashed and the other pulled off
the post:
They were owned by Andy
Miller, Don Easton and Ron
Police this week recovered two
gold chalices stolen earlier from
Trivitt Memorial Church in
we would have assumed
ownership of the system".
Hay's share was reduced ac-
cording to Wilder by taking a
portion of the township out of the
fire area. Ile said that the sidroad
two and a half miles north of
Dashwood would be changed
from the Zurich fire area to
coverage by the Dashwood Fire
brigade. He said that this would
produce more of an equalization
of the areas covered by each
brigade and would offer better
protection to those closer to
He said that it didn't seem fair
to the residents of that area to be
covered by the Zurich board
when they were' geographically
closer to Dashwood.
The three south Huron
municipalities were technically
without a firefighting agreement
since the end of the one-year pact
on December 31.
Zurich and the townships were
close to signing a new agreement
in December. but Flay opposed
the proposed share of costs. t; nder
that agreement Hay would have
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Has suggestions
for OFY grant
Any students in the area in-
terested in filing an application
for a project under the Oppor-
tunities for Youth program may
get some ideas from Exeter's
recreation director Jim
McKinlay told RAP this week
he has some ideas for programs
that may be of interest to young
people, but explained RAP could
not become directly involved as
the initiative and planning must
come from the young people.
However, he said he would be
interested in talking to any young
people looking for a project to
secure summer employment
under the OFY scheme.
Building inspector Arnold
McCann will receive 81? for each
permit issued and animal control
officer will get $2.50 per hour plus
Road superintendent Frank
Mcisaac was instructed to call
tenders for the supply of gravel
and calcium for application to
Stephen roads this year.
The gravel tender will call for
the crushing and spreading of
approximately 20,000 cubic
yards. The gravel will be ob-
tained from Prout's Pit in
Usborne township.
A bylaw was passed allowing
the township of McGillivray to
administer the water system at
the south end of the municipality
near Mt. Carmel.
Residents in both townships
will be obtaining water from the
provincial London to Parkhill
water line at a point about a
quarter of a mile south of Mt.
On the advice of engineer B. M.
Ross. Stephen officials have
assured ratepayers in this area
they will pay only one frontage
charge if another line to serve
other parts of the township goes
by their properties.
A severance application from
John Glavin at Lot 19, South
Boundary Concession was given
tentative approval.
One Hundred and Second Year
MARCHING MOTHERS RETURN — A large number of Exeter Marching Mothers participated in the Abili-
ty Fund canvass Monday night. Dorothy Pfoff, seoted, chairman of the local drive hos recently received o
pin for completing 10 years with the canvass. Standing from the left ore EleanorBlommoert, Pat Scott,
Beatrice Dykstra, Ann Nicol and Jean Zeehuisen. T -A photo
Price Per Copy 25 Cents
WELL PREPARED — The town of Exeter was well represented in Minor
Hockey Day at the arena Saturday. Above Mayor Bruce Shaw propels
councillor Lossy Fuller to centre ice to off,ciate in the exhibition game
between the Waxers and the Big Mamas. Reeve Derry Boyle was the
third official. T -A photo
Pays $53 penalty
over fatal collision
An Exeter man, involved in a
fatal accident on August 11. was
fined $53 on a charge of failing to
yield the right of way when he
appeared before Judge Glenn
Hays in Exeter court. Tuesday.
Bradley Datars. Andrew
Street, Exeter, was charged
following the accident which
claimed the life of Alvin Cud -
more, RR 1, Woodham.
They collided at the in-
tersection' near the former
Hurondale School in Usborne
Evidence revealed that
damage was not major in the
collision, as both drivers had
applied their brakes prior to the
However. Cudmore was thrown
from his small vehicle and
sustained severe head injuries
when he hit a truck in a nearby
A total fine of 8343 was levied
against Robert James Carlile,
Hensall, who pleaded guilty to
charges of failing to provide a
breath sample and of having
liquor in a place other than his
He was charged after police
spotted his erratic driving. The
court learned his speech was
It was noted that Carlile had
driven some friends to their home
in Zurich and was returning to his
own home when the police
stopped him. He had a previous
conviction for impaired driving.
in addition to the fines. Carlile
had his licence suspended for 12
A six-month suspension and a
fine of 8200 was levied against
Ronald Keller, Grand Bend who
pleaded guilty to a charge of
impaired driving.
On August 2. the car being
driven by Keller went off the road
and struck a pole. A breathalizer
gave a reading of 170 mgs.
The only other fine levied at
Tuesday's court silting was a 828
penalty assessed by Justice of the
Peace Douglas Wedlake against
Keith David Rader. RR 3. Zurich
He had been charged with
operating a vehicle with no valid
licence markers.
The accused told the court he
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CARNATION FOR MOTHER — At the conclusion of Saturday's hockey game between the Waxers and
their mothers the boys presented their moms with carnations. Above, Darren Vandergunst hands his mother
Agnes Vandergunst the flower. T -A photo
RAP will make second bid
to form area rec committee
Exeter's RAP committee will
once again embark on a project
to form an area recreation
Attempts had been made last
year to form such an
organization, but after a couple of
meetings, the idea was. dropped
when area municipalities failed
to show much interest.
Recreation director Jim
McKinlay outlined a plan of
action to get discussions going
again and he was authorized by
RAP to proceed. The com-
munities which will be contacted
in the newest move are Hensall,
Zurich and the Townships of
Stephen, Usborne and Hay.
in his remarks about the plan,
McKinlay used such phrases as
"very slow approach" and "soft
He indicated it may take up to a
year to get anything formulated.
The initial groundwork will
incl an examination of all
.ptiMc programs now, =-being
operated by RAP to detail the
participation of residents of the
other communities.
RAP will then proceed to open
discussion with one community
at a time. rather than having a
general meeting of represen-
tatives from the recreation
committees in all the com-
Contact with that first com-
mittee will be aimed at en-
couraging that committee to
recognize that "indeed they do
have an obligation to help share
the costs. in return for the use
that their residents make of the
various facilities " in Exeter.
However, the door will be left
open for other communities to
enable them to maintain a
position "where they can pay
what they feel is fair. rather than
to levy a certain fee."
if some success is generated in
the initial approach. that com-
munity will be asked to join with
representatives from RAP to
make an approach to one of the
other communities until all have
been contacted.
McKinlay said that if after
visiting all the municipalities a
minimum number have not given
support to an area committee (he
said three of the six may be the
minimum 0 the plan would be
scrapped for the time being and
RAP would have to seek another
alternative. such as the two -
price fee structure for programs.
The latter was implemented
last year for the swimming
program when out-of-town
residents were charged 82.00
more than local participants.
McKinlay explained that an
area recreation committee had
been working successfully in the
St. Marys area for the past six
years. Each community still
operates its own program. but
join with the others in programs
of mutual interest.
Health minister
visiting hospital
Ontario health minister Frank
Miller will be paying a visit to
Huron County next week.
included on the itinerary is a
visit to South Huron Hospital on
February 7 between 2:00 and 3:00
p.m. Members of the board, staff
and Auxiliary of the hospital have
been invited to attend. along with
area doctors.
The health minister will outline
some -of the contents of the
Controversial Mustard report and
will then answer questions from
the audience.
He will also visit hospitals in
Goderich, Seaforth and Clinton
during the day and will attend a
public meeting in Clinton that
There is no specific levy in-
volved. as each community
contributes what it wants on a
voluntary basis.
Members of RAP noted there
was much to be gained for all
communities, including -Exeter,
in .such a venture. The ball
program in Usborne. for in-
stance, was cited as being ex -
Charge suspect
breaking window
A person has been apprehended
by Exeter police officers and will
be appearing in court at a later
date on a charge of wilful
A large plate glass window in
the home of Mrs. Ella Desjardine
was broken by a flying object
cellent and one that could
possibly be joined by Exeter in
view of the general lack of in-
terest in ball in this community.
"i think it's worth the effort to
try," Reeve Derry Boyle said in
endorsing the plan of action. He
noted that the area communities
had been co-operating in some
areas now, such as the fire board,
and he said that "was working
"i've never worked with a
group with so much co-
operation." Boyle said in
reference to the fire board. which
comprises Exeter. Stephen.
Usborne and Hay.
McKinlay suggested it would
he sometime. in March before he
has the necessary material
compiled to make the approach
to the first community on the list.
There was no indication of which
community would be designated.
Police report
coming soon
A study of policing in Huron
County which was begun in the
summer has been completed and
may be released this week, 11 was
announced by Elmer Bell,
chairman of the Ontario Police
Commission on Friday.
The four month study con-
ducted by the commission is
being studied by Ontario Solicitor
General, George Kerr and Mr.
Bell, a resident of Exeter, said he
"anticipates" the study will be
sent to municipalities, county
council and municipal police
forces this week.
The study of alternative
methods of policing the county
was requested last May by police
chiefs of Huron's five towns;
Goderich, Seaforth, Clinton,
Wingham and Exeter. The group
was led by Exeter chief, Ted Day.
Chief Day told the T -A this
week that he had not yet seen a
copy of the report and could not
comment on which alternative
would be most feasible.
The request for the study was
promoted by recommendations
in the Ontario task force on
policing that Ontario Provincial
Police police towns with less than
15,000 population.
Each of the county's five towns
has its own municipal police
force and populations of around
.3,000 - except Goderich which has
a population of about 7,000. OPP
detachments police the
remainder of the county.
The chiefs were concerned that
()PP policing in the towns could
be more costly and impersonal
than the existing system.
Several chiefs, led by Ted Day,
suggested a county -wide force
would improve the present setup
and still retain local autonomy.
A committee of police chiefs in
Iluron County met in the spring to
convince county council to ask
the solicitor general for the
Mr. Bell said the study began in
September and was conducted
entirely by Ontario Police
Commission staff.
Ile refused to release any
conclusions but said four alter-
natives have been proposed for
policing in Huron County.
- Retention of -the existing
system with no changes;
- Retention of the existing
system with a major upgrading
of communications between
forces. featuring a centralized
dispatch system;
- Establishment of the proposed
county -wide force;
- Takeover of all policing by the
A BENDING SAW -- Some of the female contestants in the log sowing contest at Centralia College of
Agricultural Technology Saturday hod a bit of trouble keeping the blade 'trorght Above. a tumor Animal
Health student Fran Chapman tries her luck . T -A photo
North Star reopens lines,
attends boat show in Spain
Work on the new plant for
North Star Yachts Ltd in Huron
Industrial Park is progressing
close to schedule. Ron Baskin.
assistant to the president. said
this week. The steel structure for
the 55.000 square foot building is
all up and Baskin said the
building is supposed to be closed
in by the end of February
The company hopes to move
into the new building in June.
Contrary to a report in the fall
of last year. the company. which
builds fibreglass sailboats
ranging in size from 25 to 40 feet
will be moving all of its facilities
into the new plant.
"We are abondoning the old
hangar completely", Baskin
said, "it is not very economical
for boat building".
The new plant will have a below•
floor level pit system throughout
the plant and an overhead
monorail system for transporting
the boats from one part of the
plant to another. it will also have
a temperature controlled glass
Baskin said that' North Star
expects "a significant increase in
the number of people employed
at the plant in the near future"
Ile said the plant is much larger
and "we hope to build boats a lot
faster than we are able to in the.
present plant"
Hope to top
'74 fund total
The marching mothers from
Exeter collected over 81.202 in
the campaign for the March of
.Dimes Ability Fund on Monday
Chairman of the campaign.
\1rs. Dorothy Pfaff • said that
there are still six canvassers to
report and she hopes to top last
year's total of 81.220.
This year 46 local women
canvassed homes in town for the
Ability Fund drive.
Dorothy Pfaff received her 10
year pin as Chairman of the
Exeter campaign for ten years at
a banquet in London last Fall.
Mrs. Pfaff said that anyone
who was missed in the door to
door canvass can call her and she
will pick up the donation.
He cautioned. however. that an
increase in staff depended en-
tirely on the economy and
whether the boats were selling
quickly and said that it was
possible the plant could go to
another shift if everything went
North Star attended the recent
boat show in Toronto which was
the biggest ever, being held in the
coliseum this year.
He said they were "surprised it
was as good as it was considering
the economy". From the show
they discovered that not only
people with lots of money were
buying. but also those who could
afford the 26 foot boats.
North Star had recently
discontinued its line of 26 foot
boats because they felt that
people who normally bought 'this
smaller boat could not afford
them this year. They had swit-
ched their lines entirely to the
larger boats, including the new
North Star 1500, a 40 foot model.
Baskin said that the show in
Toronto proved that the smaller
buyers were still interested artd
their smaller boat tine, the North
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