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Times -Advocate, December 28, 1988
Lucan OPP check 42 occurrences
LUQAN - Ontario Provincial PO -
lice at Lucan Detachment had 42
occurrences and a total of 11 motor
vehicle accidents bet y•arrDecember
.18 and 25. Most of lis rrcnces
were minor in nature uch as found
property, vehicles in the ditch and
false intrusion alarms. .
Two complaints of assault and
one break and enter were investigat-
ed. Two men were charged with as-
sault and two young offenders were
charged with escaping lawful custo-
dy from a dctcntion.1acility.
One hundred and fifty-six vehicles
were checked at R.I.D.E. (kid Im-
paired Drivers Everywhere) stops.
•Police were pleased to sec no im-
paired drivers up until Christmas,
however three persons were charged
• with liquor related charges and two
drivers.had their licenses suspended
for 12 hours after roadside_ alcohol
' tests.
The 10 accidents resulted intwo
Neighbour's watch
LUCAN - NeighbxiurhocxI Watch
is a program of neighbours watch-
ing over other neighbour's .property
during times when thefts, damage,
and break-ins arc likely to occur. •
A police. officer patrolling may
not recognize a stranger in your yard
- but your neighbours would! The
program works through mutual aid -
neighbours watching out for each
other and reporting suspicious per-
. sons and or vehicles to police. The
. Neighbourhood Watch program is
already working in many areas.
Due to the increased number of
rural thefts and break-ins, police
would like to see this program ex-
tended; If you are interested in see-
. ing
ing this'program, or any sagely or
crime prevention program, devcl-
opcd in your arca, contact.your local
police for details and information.
Due to a printing delay
the after Christmas Fly-
er will not start until.
Wed., Dec. 28.
people being inured., Both persons
received only minor injuries. and
fortunately no one required hospital
. Drivers and vehicle passengers arc
reminded to make use of their scat
belts and to make sure children arc
.properly restrained in car scats.
Many serious injuries can be 'pre-
vented if scat belts are worn. Scat
.belts do not stypall injuries and in
, violent crashes do sometimes cause
injuries. Seat bolts do reduce die se-
verity of injuries inflicted. Com-
pared .to injuries among unbelted
occupants, belt injuries arc minor
when scat belts are worn properly.
The reasons: some pcoPTe have for
not wearing'a seat belt could prove
them dead wrong.
Saintsbury by Mrs. Heber Davis
SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's
Church was almost full for the
Christmas Eve Candlelight and
Holy Communion service: She was
- assisted by Nadine. Bedell with Julie,
Carroll as server, • Sheryl Carroll
was pianist -and Ryan Carroll read
the lessons . and lit the advent,
candles.. Rev. - Beverley Wh.:eler
chose her text from St. John 1:14.•
She asked how she could improve
on the Christmas story, it's so sim- . •
ple yet so mysterious and she
stressed the same familiar story and
message. Church scrvicc next Sun-
day is cancelled for the holiday. -
Following the scrvicc, Mr. and
Mrs. harry Greenlee, Derck; Debbie
and Chad and Mr. -and Mrs. Leslie
Greenlee, Kim, Pamela and Steven
• visited with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Greenlee. and Christmas
dinner with their other. son Leslie
and Carol and family as did all the
"Grcenlec" faanily including Miss
.Verna Greenlee, Exeter and Elmer
and Bert Greenlee, Ailsa Craig. •
Mr. and • Mrs. Robert MacGilliv-
ray, Courtney, Katie Scarlett, Cor -
ben and Caleb and Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Davis, Crystal and .Harley
and Mary Davis v i ited Mr, and
Mrs. Hugh Davis and Christmas
Day the MacGillivrays and .Michael
"Davis were dinner guests. with Hugh
and Hazel. GeOrgcMilier, Michigan
called on the Davis family on
Christmas Day
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tindall, Ex-
eter'and Mary Davis were dinner
guests with Mr. and Mis. Bob and
Robert Tindall. ..
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carroll en-
tertaincd • their family Christmas
Day. and Terric andBrenda Iredale
and Matthew and Mitch and Ian Car-
Mr. and Mrs.. Wayne Carroll, .Le-
sia, Julie and Ryan and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Carroll spent the Christ-
mas holidays with Mrs. Wayne Car-
roll's relatives in Sa'nia. • -
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Love and
girls and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron
Davis were dinner guests Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker enter-
tained their family, Mrs. Lorne
Barker and Mary 'Davis to dinner
Boxing Day.
Candlelight at Lucan UC
LUCAN - Despite the foggy
night, the congregationras well as
visiting relatives and friends; filled
the church for the candlelight -and
carol service on Ghristmas eve.-
Guest organist, Doug Barr, of
Toronto, home to spend Christmas
with -his parents, Tom and Marion
Barr, accompanied the many carols
:Ind also Waved the piano to accom-
pany his another as she sang"a beau
tiful solo "0 Holy Night".
Kit Hearn led the scrvicc and nar-
rators were Marguerite McRoberts,
Bernice Lockyer, and Mabel Froats.
Scripture readers were Bob Murray,
Rob Brady,.Terri McRoberts, Gwen
Grose and Marj Park.
On Christmas Sunday, Dale. and
Linda Froats and their family assist-
ed with the scrvicc as greeters, read-
ers and .Linda as t .anist.
Rev. John F. N •- ay, Chairm'.
of Middlesex Presbyt as guest
minister, his Christmas message
was entitled "A Sign In the Straw".
Mrs. McKay told the children a de-
lightful Christmas story which the
adults enjoyed as well.
Announcements included an offi-
cial board meeting with Rcv. Au-
gust Meacham of London, in charge
to be held on Thursday evening.
Sunday School resumes January 8.
The General UM, meets on
Tuesday. January 5..
Optimists shopping spree - Winners in the recent Lucan. Optimist club shopping spree were Jim
McRoberts and Rosemarie Smale. Shown with Optimist Vic Neil and Darling's IGA store manager Gil
Cook are Rosemarie Smale with her. second prize winnings of $153.38 and Ruth Ann Gingell who
shopped in the amount of $251.75 for Jim McRoberts as first prize winner.
News from Lucan Revival Centre
LUCAN - Christmas eve Gilles
Rancourt read Galations 4:4 and
-Isaiah 9:2-6 to open the scrvicc.
Mrs. Judi Ross. led in chorus sing-
ing. While .Mr; Kevin Dance read_
the Christmas story, slides -were
shown of. former Christmas pro-
grams. Miss Estee Bancourt sang-.
No Room, while Mr. Dan Wucrch
played the piano. While baby -Jesus
.was shown on slides she sang
Away in a Manger.
Pieter Schinkleshock called the
children to the front pews to tell -
them a story. Using a flannelgraph,
Mrs. "Jeannette_. Schinkleshock
placed the story figures on it, while -
he told of a boy called Abe whose
family was so poor they sent him
to work heading the sheep for his
Schinkleshock told the story of a
preacher being asked by a soapmak-
er what good religion was. Finding -
a little girl playing in the mud, all
dirty, the preacher asked what good
the soap was. The soap maker •re-
-plicd it was no good unless you
used it. The preacher said religion
was no good unless you used it.
Schinkleshock said it is very im-
portant we do not keep the Christ-
mas story to ourselves; but that we
tell others about the Christ Child.
While "everyone lit their candles,
all_sang Silent Night.
Christmas morning Pieter
Sehinkleshoek led the worship in
song. During .he offering, Kevin
Dance played an organ solo, The
Holy City. -
Rev. Roger Mason read Luke
2:1-20, the Christmas story. The
shepherds, after hearing the angelic
announcement of the Messiah
birth; said °to one another to go to
see this special Baby. -It is Chris-
tians at Christmas in their minds
are drawn to Bethlehem. It is ex-
pressed in song and pageant.
Upcoming events - Watch Night
service from 10:30 p.m. December
31st. '
Ncw Years Day - Pot blessing
dinner at 12:30 p.m. Service at
2:30 p.m.
January 22 - Membership Sun-
Sharon Campbell
o{Exeter won the queen size sofa
bed in a draw made December 24 at
63 Main St., Exeter
HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon. -Fri. 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Sat. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.;
James Crocker, Clerk Jack McLachlan, Clerk
Town of Seaforth Township of Tuckersmith
P.O. Box 610 G.M.B. 117
Seaforth, NOK 1 WO Clinton, NOM 1L0
527-0160 • - 482-9523