HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-28, Page 7Council get request
from Winter Carnival
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - At their regular
meeting last Tuesday, village coun-
cil agreed to a number Of requests
from the Grand Bend Winter Carni-
val'. , •
Permission was granted for the
Use of the ball field and bases Feb-
ruary 4-5, 11-12, 1989, use of the
soccer held onsame d'atel,-and per-
mission to put tenipordry Silo;
Pitch. net on soccer field, provided
• its installation does not diige the
field and as long as it is moved at
the earliest date .iissi Ic after the,
'• Use of the Public Works Build
ing was granted _as a warm up arca
on those dates, plus use • of the
• washrooms in the building.
Council gave the go-ahead to
hold a Winter Carnival parade on
Main- Street, beginning at- 11:30
a.m.16 noon Saturday February 11
and use of 81 Crescent to form the
parade on the -same date:
Main Street will be cleared to the
beach February 11-12.
A banner will . fly across High-
way 21 promoting the event •at
Lake Road intersection provided it,
passes PUC-requirement.s.
- No Parking signs arc to. be erect-
ed on the north 'side of Municipal
Drive from the PUC building to
the fire hall February 1.1-12, and
permission was given to put up a
hay ride stop signs at old river bed
skating rink, near the al -chat -I and
• near Finnegan's Restaurant.- -
Permission Was given for the
-winter carnival -committee to • use
the Municipal Drive parking lot to
raise funds for the 1990 winter car-
nival, • on. the .following weekends,
May 20-22 1989, -August 5-7, 1989
and two other -weekends of their
choice, if they meet certain condi-
tiO0 laid down by council. The.
winter carnival had originally want-
ed all long weekends in the summer
but council .gave only two so the
other two could he used by other
. • groups. in Grand Bend. . • -
The council also granted permis-
sion to erect a 10' X -10' block of
snow on the -front lawn of the mu-
nicipal building in the first.week
- of. January and it will .be used as a
practice piece for the .Grand Bend
winning ice sculpting -team that
will- be competing in the world
championships in Milwaukee Wis-
consin January 22-29 1989.
• The council also agreed to let the
Ladies Guild of the Huron Country
Playhouse use the,lower level of
the council chambers during Winter
Carnival weekend. • •
Church news
. By Roberta Walker
• GRAND BEND - Immaculate
Heart of Mary Church. was crowded
to the dools as over 500 parishion-
ers and visitors attended the Christ-
mas Eve service.
, The evening Mass was preceded
by carols, readings, and muic pro-
vided by the young people's gtoith.
Under the capable direction of Mar-
. tin Vrolyk, they performed a selec-
tion -of carols. .-
Jacqueline Vandenberk, Roberta
Nlommer:Stecg and Joanne 'Groot-
,jens played the flute, Cathy Peters
and David Vrolyk played the saxo-.
• phone and Stephen Vandcnberk.
• played. the tuba. -
1)elores. Tighe . led the church
-choir- and Paul •Dietrich was organ-.
ist. _Case -and Anne Vandcnbyyaart
were the Eucharistic Ministers and
A. Vrolyk was .reader.
. During- the Mass, David Vrolyk.
played his trumpet as the choir sang •
Angels_ We Have Heard on High..
JacquelThc Vandenberk played her
flute as' Roberta Walker sang "0
-Holy Night" and Walker also- per-
formed !When Blossoms Flow-
The church echoed and resounded
with the beautiful music of Christ-
mas. The pageantry began with
young Master Brendan Walker car-
rying in the Baby Jesus to place in
the Manger.
Father Beck reminded the congre-
gation that Christ comes today -as -
lie came 2000 years ago, to be the
center of our •lives.
Mass was also celebrated at 9 and
11 a.m. on Christmas Day. The
choir and the young people'sgmusic
group performed the same program
at •the II a.m. Mass. Walter Co-
stello -was the reader and he and his •
wife were Eucharistic Ministers. _
Young Jonathan Tighe -Morin, in-
fant son of Alain Luc Morin and
Katherine Tighe was received into
the church through Baptism. Jona-
than is the first grandchild for Ed
and Delores Tighe, the choir direc-
Father Martin Royackers will cel-
ebrate New Years Eve Mass with
Father Beck at .7:15 p.m. on De-
cember 31.
New Year's service
at Grand Bend UC
• - - United Church . news
Christmas eve service was held at
Grand Bend United, led by Rev. -
Teddy Smits. -
The .first part of •the service was
scripture readings from Isaiah, Mi-
cah. St. Luke and St. Matthew, al-
ternated by carol singing. Scripture
readers were Fred Desjardinie, Susan
Ratz, Fred Willert, Marg Desjar-
dine, Bob Southcott, Corey Eddy
and Dianne Rice.
Members of the Church of God
joined Grand Bend United for. the
Christmas eve service.
Communion was served, followed
by prayer and moreShristmas car-
A New Years sen ire will Isii,••.1
Sunday January 1, and i!
ment of Holy Comm( .1.1T1-
uary 8, at Grand Bend . 1,,!
On Christina. .1 mint
service was hal at Grand Bend
United with our sister church,
Greenway United.
• Rev. T. Smits sermon text was
from St. Luke 2:15, "Let us go
over to Bethlehem- and .see this
-thing that h.+, „It); fled, which the
Lord has made km ,w ii to as."
The responsive reading his morn-
ing was, A Christmas Canticle.
The children's .storyas told by
Re% Smits . • about a shoemaker
in Russia, named Nan. -On Christ-
mas day he looked for Jesus to call..
First an elderly man called at the
shoemakers and he was invited in
for soup and tea. •
Next a young mother and baby,
whom he fed, then, two homeless
boys who.had stolen apples, re-
turned them, and were treated by
...•1.• 41-
Ivan to food. In Ivan's dream that
night, Godtold him Jesus bad
called three times, when Ivan helped
the poor and lonely folks. Bob and
Susan McKay were door grecters,to-
Holiday visitors •
- With Mrs. Lawrence Johnson,
was her daughter and son-in-law,
Neva and Duncan McVittie, Robin
and Lawrence of Southampton, and
here sister Beulah Holt.
Boxing day guests with Alex and
Clara Hamilton, was Brad and Rita
Hamilton, Allan, Ronnie and
Keith, of Brantford, and Clara's
brother, Eber Lewis of Clinton.
Elizabeth Norris, of Grand Cove,
spent Christmas in Sarnia with her
family, son lack and daughter-in-
law, Gloria, grandchildren Scott
Norris, Kathi and Roger Van Den
Huevel, and great-granddaughter Va-
A good number of Grand Bend
seniors enjoyed the bus trip on De-
cember 20 to see the Christmas
lights in Sarnia. Thc lighting in
Sarnia Centennial Park, the Chem-
ical Valley, boats in the St. Clair
River and so many beautiful deco-
rated homes as well as the Blue
Water bridge were so outstanding.
The weather was fine tab, the
sun shining' on the way down',
with no rain or snow. One. lady in
Grand Bend saw the lights a second
time, as she enjoyed them so
much. There were 46 on the bus,
with driver Peter McNaugthon and
hostess Nola Love.
Ladies arc reminded that Bible
study begins January 3 at Sauble
Court lower lounge arca.
... ringing out our warmest thanks!
A sincere "Thank. You" to all of our cusfomers and friends for their
patronage in 1988.Weltiolt forward to serving you even better
: in the New Year.
Seasons Greetings from all of us at
Bakery &Cheese House
Re "Traditional quality" Onto 1929
Exeter 235-0332
-Champion ice sculptors - The champion ice sculpting team of,
from left, Cam Haist, Sharon Theil and Jackie Schottroff, of Grand
Bend, has been invited to compete at the International Ice Sculp-
ting Competition in Milwaukee Wisconsin next month, after win-
ning the titleat the 1988 Grand Bend Winter Carnival. The trio
didn't have very good weather for practicing last week, but they
hope to be warming up for Milwaukee this week,.with.a 10' X 10'
block of ice in front of the Municipal Office, if the weather -co-
Time,s-Advocate, December 28,1988
Page 7
GB ice sculptors
head for Milwaukee
GRAND BEND The winning
ice sculpting team from. the.1988
Grand Bend. Wintecfpaival, com-
posed of Jackie Schottroff, Sharon
Theil and Cam Haist, have, been in-
vited -to compete in the Internation-
al Snow Sculpting Competition
January 22 -29 -,-in. Milwaukee Wis-
consin: .
The team. subinitted a picture of
their winning entryfrom the Winter
Carnival and the team was choses
as one of two teams from Canada to
compete in the international m6ct.
They will be competing against
teams from, Argentina, China,
France, England, Switzerland, Swe-
den, Poland, Morocco, Israel, West
Germany, United States, and the
other Canadian team; from the
- Montreal arca.
It will:be the first time any one
of the team will have competed in a
competition of that magnitude and
Schotroff didn't want to say ‘Vhat
'their chances of.winning were, but
she said they would de.the best they
Schottroff and Tiled have been
sculpting sand *ether for many
years starting in the Grand. Bend
Sandcastle'Days, and turnedao ice.
about two years ago. Haist. joined •
the team recently because a previ-
ous member could not take the time
to go to Milwaukee to compete.
They took two days to sculpt
their winging entry in the local
Winter Carnivid but will be sculp-
ting for the.entirc. week in MilVtau- • •
kce with only one day off. •
The trio willicave for Milwaukee
Jangary 22, with the Winter Carni-
val committee providing their trans-
portation and once they get to their
• dtstination they will be guests of
the City of Milwaukee.
- If the weather co-operates, to get
ready for Milwaukee, they will be
practicing on a 10' X 10' block of
ice in front of the Grand Bend Mu-
hicipid Office this -week.
Regardless of how well they do in
the international competition, they
:will be back in Grand Bend to de-
fend their title .at the 1989' Winter
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