Times-Advocate, 1988-12-28, Page 2Page 2 Times -Advocate, December 28, 1988 1988 featured Sportsmen's Dinner, new ice machine.. Continued from front page • proposed Sunday Shopping Icgisla= tion. • February 17. - Julie McBride of RR3 Kippcn was hospitalized after her truck slid into a CN jpowplow train. The first baby of 1988 at South. Huron Hospital was Courtney Hrud- ka, the seven -pound daughter, c l Lorrie and Peter Hrudka. • The Exeter Firefighters Associa- tion told town council of concerns they had with the present location of their firehall. The hall has since been sold and negotiations continue to find its future location. Exeter reeve Bill Mickle -voiced his concerns that the removal of South Huron and North Middlesex •• from CN service would threaten the possibility of the future prosperity of the area. February 24 An overheated steam iron was to blame for a fire at Bob Swartman's Mens Shoppe in Exeter, -The store was closed for a few weeks to repair -the smoke damage. Ken Fenwick resigned as Zurich councillor. •• • Southcott Pines was refused their annual grant from Grand Bend for •road upkeep. Reeve Harold Green ' put the issue on hold in light of current boundary disputes with the area Grand Bend would eventually like to annex to the village. ' March 2. • The . Exeter PUC budgeted $25,0(X) to remove polychlorinated- biphcnyls from town. transformers March 16 team. Moat local United Church clergy- men came out in opposition to the proposal to allow.- ordination of ho- mosexuals. Lucan minister.Darryl Shaule went aS far as to say 'he would. not continue to serve the church after August 18 if the propo- sal went through. The Hensall District Co -Op won eight federal contracts to supply 17,000' tonnes of corn destined for the -third world. Manager Earl Wagner said the contract was the largest the Co -Op had ever handled. M.M. Dillon consulting engi- neers unveiled their plan to bring a sewage treatment plant -fp Lucan as soon as 1990. The plant was esti- mated to cost S5.4 million. Keith Semple was elected to fill .. the vacancy on 'Zurich council. . March 23 Thousands of trumpeter swans' proved a major,attraction for local birdwatchers as the giantbirds made their annual stop in the cornfields near Grand Bend. - Gus Gregus made a personal do- nation of.S4,325 to bring the fund for the South Huron Rcc. Centre's new ice resurfacing machine to its goal. . Exeter council banned smoking from the town office, the library and the recreation centre.. Dashwood Industries-_ suffered •mass confusion as police brought in helicopters and dogs to investi gate a bomb threat at the factory.. Exeter Hawks secretary Gord Rook went public with his dissatis- faction with coach -pave Bogart. The dispute- touched off a series of • April 6 Residents'of Biddulph township won their battle when University of Western Ontario officials agreed not to store PCB's in the township. The Exeter public works commit. - tee set out plans to upgrade the. cross-over program at the tntersec- •tion of Main and Victoria streets. - The Exeter Lionsess .club ushers in spring with a very successful • fashion show. Allen and Rosemary Scott and family of Zurich left for Poland to work duringthe summer 'as mis- sionaries in building the Church of the Free Christians. TV London personality Ross Dai- ly presented both sides of the Free Tradg issue ,to, the Tuckersmith, Godcrich and Stanley township Fed- erations of Agriculture. • Paul Kraempf of RR 2, Grand Bend was a mcmebr of the Fan- shawe College team which won the Canadian College Curling ehampi- • onship: April 13 The Dashwood .Businessmen's 'Association.have shownInterestin establishing- a non-profit housing complex. Liam Brennan of Crediton be- , • comes the newest member of the .. Exeter police department as a fourth • class constable. Trudy Simpson of Grand Bend launches a new career'after graduat- ing from the Mery Orr Transport ' Driving School. - Tim Davisson is named the new general manager of the Huron Country Playhouse. gg • Huron-Brucc MP Murray Cardift` outlined Canada's prison and correc- tional services at thc annual banquet of the Kirkton-Woodham Winter Carnival. The Exeter Red Cross Blood Don- - or Clinic sponsored by the Ausable River Nomads was one of the best ever held. here. The Exeter Mohawks wo the right to play in the E stern nada Hardy Cup champions 1 in New -Brunswick by defeating the Lanark Flyers. The towns of Godcrich, Exeter, Clinton and Seaforth agree to con- tinue with a Huron police commu- pications.system after the town of • Wingham' withdrew, April 20 Exeter council okayed f9r the sec- and time an office complex for ac- countants and lawyers on the west side of Highway 4, near the Co -Op Gas Bar. -Officials of the Exeter Villa have told town council they are willing to lend their assistance in any com- munity disaster. - • Salaries of a number of town -of Exctcr employees andofficials were _set for 1988. Stipends of - councillors were adjusted on the existing policy ofthe other four Huron -county towns. Sportsmen's Dinner-- . Eddie Shack. and wrestler Billy Graham horsed around at the 'annual Lions Sportsmen's Dinner in Febru= ary. The fundraiser was _called a roaring success. and to store- the contaminated oils until such a time as disposal is pos- sihlc. March- 9 The .Exeter • Police Force's annual report showed a reduction in break and enter and thefts reported in 1987. Hensall's longstanding Agripress agricultural advertising agency. en- teral "dormancy" spelling .eyentual layoffs fdr 22 employees. Phoney invoices were received by several local businesses. The con - artist ploy was seeking payment for listing businesses in a non-existent classified directory. problems for the organization in.thc following weeks. March 30 The new Olympia ice machine ar- rived at the South.Huron Rec..Cen- Sixty-five skaters performed in the Zurich Figure Skating Club's annual carnival. •Dashwood Industries celebrated their 60th anniversary. The Mohawks entered the race for the 21st Hardy Cup Championship with a five -game series against the Lanark Flyers. - Meanwhile the Hawks were doing well,_ taking a two -game lead in .the Western Jun- ior D final 'against the .Brussels Grand Bend council GRAND BEND - At their meet- ing last Tuesday, village council was still discussing thc possibility of purchasing a new communica- • tion system for the Public. Works. vehicles. Jamic Looman, of New Ventures Communications, was on hand to tell council of the advantages of having a two-way radio with an FM frequency, but concerns were raised over the cost of such .a radio since Looman pointed out That a Citizen's Band Radio could' do the job for about half the price. . Councillor John McDowell said a CB radio might be more practical -for the village vehicles but Loon -Ian said he would submit a quote with prices for both radios and leave council to decide which radio they would like to purchase. Permission was granted to foul men from Forest to bow hunt at the waste disposal- site Provided they agree to all the conditions laid down for all previous_ people who used the site to bow hunt. Permifision was give to Tom Whiting, Joe 4Gcorge, Bill Tomlinson, all of For- est and Allen'Bressette, of. Kettle Point. Councillor Bruce Woodlcy cast•thc only vote against thc mo- tion. Coun'I is waiting for the Harbor Committee's report recommending to charge for dock fees next year. Someone from the Harbor Commit- tee after their next meeting will re- port .back to council sometime in the new year. ««««««««««««««« Council also decided -it would like to head start in budget deliberations sometime in early January. ««««««««««««« A bylaw was passed by council, numbered 2154 of 1988, to transfer • • 555,0(y) from Reserve Fund to Capital. General Fund and ,S10.,000 from Parking Reserve Fund to Cap- ital General Fund to apply against, 1988 expenditures. It was decided that council would s meet the first Tuesday afternoon and the third Monday evening of each month for the regular meetings. Councilor Shirley Mitchell objected to the Tuesday afternoon sessions saying that she could not take time away from her business and she re- quested a recorded v kte on the mo- tion and she cast the only vote against that motion. In his report, Public Work fore- man Bud Markham said that the new Petro Canada station would like .the village's busincss for their vehicles. Prospers' garage currently gets most of the village's business but since it is not located in the village, it was suggested that the village rotate its busincss- to the three arca gas stations, Petro Cana- da, Dale's Esso and Prosper's. Reeve Sharon thought it would be agood idea to purchase'a Visa card, in the name of the village to pay for it. Council thought it wise to give each place one month's busi- ncss and rotate each month at a time. A pair of sign permits were also granted by council at the meeting. One was for a temporary sign for Ridout Developments, 78 Green Acres, for 15 days and for two at the Trading Pest. Reeve Sharon de- clared a conflict of interest in this matter. ***************** Council. will also be advertising for Members of the community to be on- diffemt committees, such Harbor and Recreation, in the first .week of January. . t The Huron Park Pacers won the Ontario Scnior 'D' ladies hockey championship. • Earl's Taxi- of Centralia has opened -a service in Grand Bend. Thc Huron Federation of Women Teachers marked thc anniversary of the Charter of Rights and the 70th anniversary of the Federation of Womcns Teachers Association of Ontario. Students of South Huron District High School presented a very suc- cessful " The Time of Your Life" fhion show. April 27 A 15 months renovation pro- gram costing $173,000 was com- pleted at the R.E. Pooley Exeter • Branch of the Royal Canadian Le- gion. -, The Exeter Lions Club an- nounced plans to build a Youth. Centre adjacent to the present Scout Hall at an estimated cost of. 5274,000. The South Huron Association for the Mentally Handicapped cele- brated 20 years df accomplisament. The use of alcohol was banned. for the Victoria Day holiday in southwestern Ontario provincial parks. Arca elementary and secondary school students participated in Edu- cation Week. The Ailsa Craig Junior Institute and Junior Farmers held a 50th re- union banquet at the Ailsa Craig - Legion Hall. May 4• Huron -Middlesex. MPP Jack Rid- • ,dell denies opposition to the 'pro - 'posed Sunda shopping legisla- tion. Former councillor Don Winter has undertaken duties to organize a seminar on economic develop- ment. Richard Paul Vernon of Tillso- burg was arrested and charged with growing 882 maijuana plants in Stephen township. Honoured with Excellence in Ed- ucation awards by -the Huron Board . of Education were SHDHS teachers Glenda Burrell and Ric Graham, students Mary Fleming, Leigh Soldan, Beth Sweeney, David Jo- sephson and Said Osman and Times Advocate staff reporter Yvonne Re- ynolds. , David Josephson spent a week in Ottawa as a participant in a Forum for Young Canadians. Erika Cocck and Kim Crawford qualified to participate In the OFS- SA badminton finals in Timmins. Thc Kirkton United Chruch cele - braced its I(Klth anniversary. May 11 Dumitru StanChirita of Listowel and Ronald Walker of Exeter were killed in a highway accident in Brit- ish Colurttbia.They were the ron- in -taw and grandson, respectively of Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Dietrich of Cen- tralia. A large delegation of Lucan resi- dents took council to task for se- vere sunintcr water restrictions. • A controlled burn at Pinery Pro-' ..vincial Park was put on hold be - Lemon Apposes 'preachy atmos- phere' on the beach.. Said Osman of SHDHS received a prestigious certificate for achieve- ment in.science and David -Joseph- son was honoured for a second place finish in a Canada -wide geog- raphy.essay contest. • The pultlic schools in South Hu- ron held a succesful track and field. meet in Exeter. , :• Attendance at the 1988 Hensall Spring Fair drew close • to 1,000 visitors and Jane Papplc .was when his vehicle went out of con- trol on the Highway.4 curve at Clandeboye. SHDHS principal Bruce Shaw re- leased the list of 13 Ontario Schol- ars. --The top female and male stu- dents were Jeanette Van Esbroeck and Robert Bowers, respectively. • A new cxtesnion has been com- pleted to the Hessenland Motel and Restaurant at St. Joseph. The 10 -year history of the Huron Town and Country Homemakers is a success story. New ice machine -'d new ice resurfacor brrived at the South Huron R eation Centre in late March. The $36,300 machine replaced a tractor, fomes from which were causing worry among players and spectators. Funds fonthe machine, came -from local donors, businesses, :and organizations. cause of a manpower drain caused by raging forest fires in Northern Ontario and Manitoba. • May 18' The South Huron Rec Centre - Board has offered the Exeter Agri- culture :Society a 25 percent dis- count on rental -rates for the Exeter Fall Fair. - - Exeter council approved -a zoning change to allow the transfer of thea. Sherwood • Ltd. farm. machinery dealership to move to a new lo ca-. tion on Highwasy 83 east. The annual audit revealed a sur- plus of 531,000 for the town of Exeter for 1987. • - " - • Former Exctcr "resident Jim Wal- lace takes overas general manager of the Sudbury Downs race track. Missionaries Peter and Susan Frayne arc returning to Senegal fpr -another four-year term. The annual'Exeter Lions- Ausa- ble Bayfield Conservation Authori- ty fishing derby" attracted more an- glcrs and morc co-operative fish. -May 25 The' claim by Archie Gibbs of Parkhill to ownership of the beach at Grand Bcnd will begin in a Sar- nia courtroom on May.30. A .new Huron Safe Homes for Youth program has been esta- . blishcd for teenagers underahc di rection.• of co-ordinator Sharon W urm.. • The Kippcn East Women's Insti- tute hosted the 85th annual meeting cif thc Huron South District Wom- en's Institute. ' - • Ontario's Minister of Agriculture Jack Riddell said the "job market looks good" at the 20th graduation at Centralia College of Agricultural. Technology. Doug Schadc and Terry Cox com- bined for a no-hitter as the Exeter Cd -Op juniors defeated the Exeter Express seniors 4-1 in a Great Lakes Senior League baseball game. •The Farm Show presented by South Huron District High School students produced a bumncr crop. June 1 Terry John Knowles of Ilderton was killed in a traffic accident on Middlesex County road 16. Stanley township plans to extend watcrmains from Drysdale to Bay- field. Brian Johnston , Exeter's chief building official for the past cight years re-signed to take a similar po- sition. with the Liquor Liccncc Board of Ontario. Five Hay township subdivisions may have to go through OMB hearings before water distribution systems can be installed. Jacqui Hyde of Hensall now working as a respiratory therapist in a hospital in the United Arab Emirate was home for a short vis- it. • • The 25th anniversary of the Dashwood Community Centre was celebrated. Fred Lewis of London township was namcd president of the Ontario Plowmen's Association. The Lambton Heritage Museum celebrated its 10th annivc.t•sary with a big birthday party. June 8 An Access Awareness Day point- ed out that Exeter was not user- friendly for the handicapped. Building permits "issued in the town of Exeter went over the mil- lion dollar mark for the month of May. Exctcr council approves the pur- chase of a computer system for the municipal once. Rural Dignity takes Canada Post to task over rural service. Kim Van Dongcn and David O'Connor were named junior ath- letes of the year at SHDHS and the senior award winenrs were Laurie Forrester and Rob Bileski. June 15 Orand Bend councillor Marsha • crowned Queen. - June 2.2 The Blue. Water Rest Home in Zurich announced a million dollar expansion program. Exeter council approved a recom- mendation from.the Exeter and arca fire board to -purchase a new fire pumper truck... - Leon Paul was named Citizen of the Ycar;by.the Kirkton-Woodham Optimist Club. - Exeter Heritage Days' held on the weekend of 17,18 and 19 were very - successful. Father Joseph- Nelligan was the guest speaker followingthe-seventh annual Dave Scatchcrd invitational golf tournament at -the Oakwood Inn at Gravid Bend. Students of St. Patrick's School at j,ucan enjoy a long triip td Quc- Charlie,Proadwell•was honoured for 20 years of scrvicc with the On- tario Bean Producers Marketing Board. June Stephen township ning for 150th birthday scheduled for 1992: • Thomas Auld of 2.9 begins plan-- celebrations Exetcrwas killed ,. Rob Bileski., a graduating student at SIIDHS"accepted a golf scholar- ship at Nevi" 'Mexico State Unvcrsi-• ty; July 6 Tuckey Beverages, of Huron Park, joined Pepsi Cola, 7-Up, To- ronto, as part of a bid to consolidate. Pepsi ditribution- networks in Southern Ontario. Exeter's new building official, David Moyer, was welcomed to. town by Exeter council. - Unusual weather patterns were .,playing havoc- across the arca. As if a coping with serious drought was not eno}igh, 'fanners were assessing • damage( left after a heavy y frost in some finds. . A-Teeswater man was charged with impaired driving causing bodi- ly harm following an accident July _ 1 on Highway 83, at Thames Road. • .South Huron District High School rewarded its honor students with a banquet at the South Huron . Rec Centres • - - Ovcr•450 people participated in a -triathlon at the Pinery Provincial Park, near Grand Bcnd, despite very hot weather. Please turn to. page 9 A • Hay council briefs HAY TOWNSHIP:: Repair work on the West Branch of the Black Creek municipal drain 'has been ,completed. The township will be applying for up to 80 percent fund- ing from erosion control grants. Property owners will be billed ac- cording to their assessed benefit,. Repairs to thc Becker -Bender drain will require some remedial work in the spring, but a similar funding situation applies. • • Hay council has asked for a study • to be conducted by the ministry of energy to determine if energy cost savings, can be real( cd on thc township office, works. shed, or township hall. The ministry has made grants of 50 to 75 percent available for municipal buildings that can benefit from .v35'ys to re- duce heating or air conditioning, costs. • Township tatcpac,a/s who enter • into''non-payment of'taxes or fall into arrears will be chargal a rate of • 1 1/4 percent per month. A ratc increase is now in effect for those connected to the I lighway - 21 pipeline. Water, will now he billed at a rate of 620 per 1,0(0 gal - loins for ih'ose with metered scrvicc, . with a htiniinujcharge Of Sl(I per •• month. Those who pay a Ilat rate will see- an increase. from S80 to • -$90 per,ycar. As. per the 1988 budget, Hay Township has fulfilled its commit-' ment to the Zurich Arena Board with a payment of 52,(X)0. EXETER - A record (number of people entered this year's "Shop Exeter" lucky draw sponsored by over 40 Exeter Businesses. The following winners.will-be notified by letter of their prizes. - Carolyn Gilfillan Ann Klungcl Gail Ralph Barb Harrison Cynthia Osborne Marcia Tncvithick Beatrice Mann • Sandi McCarron Robert J. Simpson Linda Russell Oliver Jaques Brian Clarke Doris Sillcry Mcllanie Phillips Bev Cunningham Dorothy Moffatt Jean Geoffrey Russell Brown Jean Snell Mrs. C. Crowe Chris Liulechild _ Margaret Lawson, Dave Woodward Patty Webber Adeline Ford Carole Alce Pearl England Jean Hem Dorothy Bullock H. M. Roberts Marj Green Louise Wein Don Kerslake Tony Denomtttc T. Burke It. Winters Alva Hcywo l Marlene Rundle Clarence I Winer - Vera Shantz.. • G. J. Nagel Ddrothy Taylor Toni Den Otter Doris Hackney Mrs. Edwin Morley Violet Stone Deanna Brock Marie Brunr.low " Mrs. G. McDonald George Blackwell Patty Webber Mildred Thomson Doris Wessman Mrs. D. Stccklc Lynette Heywood Betty Coughlin Lorne Ilrudka Dan McKinley Doug Webber Carla Revington Mary Moser Susan Dolphin • •