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Times -Advocate, December 21, 1988
Trying to keep his balance -Joe Scherer, of the Exleter Mohawks tries to keep his balance. after being knocked•
down by a player from the Elora Rocks.during a Senior B contest Sunday night at the South Huron Rec Centre.
Scherer scored an empty net.goal with one second' left. as the Mohawks defeated the Rocks 5-3.
Irish feat Mitchell twice
LUCAN - The league leading. Lu. -
u,. can Irish picked up three more,big
Wins last week to -increase their lead
to 11 points over second -place
Mitchell Hawks by beating the
Hawks' twice Iast.wcck. • -.
Last Wednesday, the Irish beat the -
Hawks 9-5 at the Lucan Arena, they
beat the H s 7-3 Friday night in
Mitch-CI—and on Sunday the Irish -
bcat the Scaforth Centenaires 5-2 in
Paul Barnes led the Irish attack
wi,h three goals Wednesday, includ-
ing one on a penalty shot. Single
goals wcrc scored by Todd llayter, -_
-Paul Manders, Dean . Doerr, .David
Hinge, Colin Telford, and Briatie
Barnes chipped in with a pair of
as did Tim Hayter, -while
Andy Ross, flings, and Joe Febrcy
icked upone each.
The difference in the game was
the four -goal- outburst. by the Irish
in the first period.'
The Irish were trailing 2-0 after
the first period but came out flying
in. thc second scoring three times
-and adding four more in the third.
Jeff Hartzell and Dave Murray led
the Irish with two goals apiece,
while Scott. Dcnomy, Telford and
Tim tfayter chipped in with one
advance -
Winning pairs in the High -Low
Doubles sponsored by Hiram Walk-
ers Brands Special Old wcrc Andy
-McIntyre and partner Marie Jacques,
Rick McKinnon and his partner Ge-
off Moss.
These house -round winners will
advance to the Zone finals.on Janu-
ary 15, 1989, to be held at Lucan
Sunday was the Christmas Bowl
night of fun with a game of Don-
key Bowl to finish the evening
high and low scores received small
gifts. •
Molting Hawks
win twice'
The Molting Hawks picked up
two wins and one tic in three games
last week.
Last Tuesday, they beat the Lucan
Classics 5-3. Bob Jones and Bob
McDonald each notchcd two goals,
with Pctc McFalls adding the sin-
gle. •
Bob McDonald, Ernie Ahrens,
and Walt Tiedeman all had two as-
• sists, while Bob Jones and Scott
Burton each added one.
On Saturday, thcy travelied to
London and came home with a 3-3
Ken Bergmann, Ron Moore and
Eric Finkbe'nicr, who broke out of
his scoring slump, • each notched
• onc goal. Ron Moore, Brian Hod-
gins, ‘Valt Tiedeman and veteran Al
Flynn addcd.singlc assists
Glen Stirs played a strong game
in goal for thc Molting Hawks. On
Monday night, they came from an
early 4-1 deficit to defeat Stephen
Township 7-5. KO Bergmann. was
the big gun notching three goals
while, Scott Burson, Ernie Ahrens,
Pete A1cFalls and veteran 13i11 Pin-
combe added singles. Ron Moore
and Brian Hodgins eat:h had two as-
sists, -while Bob Jones, Bob McDo-
.nald, Eli Pfaff, Eric Finkbcincr and
Kcn Bergmann added single assists.
This week they travel to Sarnia
on Tuesday. Their record up till
Christmas stands at 15 wins, 9 -
losses and 4 tics.
: goal each.
Dcmony h• d a pair -of assists, and
singles cane , om Telford, Ed Van
Kerkle, Mike rtrcll; Febrcy, Jeff
Hirtzcll, Murray and Barnes.
Febrey-and Jamie Pearce .led the
way for the Irish in the win over
Scaforth with two goals each, while --
Scott ,Denoiny picked up the single -
goal for the winners. .
Dcnomy was tops in the- set-up
department with- a trio, Telford and
Brad Muir *each had a pair, while
Mike Hirtzcll and Febrcy picked up
onc cath
The Irish now have 36 points, 11
more than ttie Mitchell Hawks.
Next game for the Irish is tonight
when the Tavistock Braves will be
atthe Lucan Arena for an 8:15 con-
test. Friday night the Irish travel
north .to Exeter- to take on the
Hawksat 8:30 at the South Huron
Rec Centre.
Mohawks beat
Elora Rocks again
'ELORA - The Elora Rocks were
supposed to provide the Exeter Mo-
hawks their stiffest competition
this year.
After their first meeting, on Octo-
ber.23 which ended in a 1-1 tie, it
looked like that was going to be the
case, but the Mohawks have beaten
the Rocks every time since then,
including a pair of victories on the
weekend, 9-6 in Elora Friday night
and a 5-3 victory Sunday night at
the South Huron Rec Centre.
• Monday night the Mohawks
played for the first time this season
in Tavistock and the Mohawks had
their 11 game winning streak
snapped after the 2-2 tie against the
• Royals.
The Rocks.were also supposed to
give the Mohawks a run for their
money in.Hardy Cup points this
year and after the tic in the double
home -and -home series, the Mo-
hawks took the series seven points
to one to advance -to the next round
of the Hardy Cup.
Friday night, the Mohawks
pumped in four goals in each of the
first two periods and coasted to the
victory. '
. Paul Barton lcd the way with a
four -goal performance, followed by
a .pair by Jeff Shipley and singles
were scored by Ron Goodhand,
Quincy Wilker and coach Geird
Brooks, who was playing his sec-
ond game of the season. General
manager Bob Rowe handled the be-
hind -the -bench duties once again.
Wilker and Dave Randerson led in -
the assist department with four
each, Jeff McClenaghan had three,
and Mark Soehncr, Tim Adair,
Wayne Urbshott, and Brooks
chipped in with one setup each:
Sunday night, the Mohawks spot-
ted the Rocks a 2-0 lead after the
first tcn minutes and except for a -
late . goal by the Rocks; shut the
door on them the rest of the way.
After falling behind, Wilker got.
the Mohawks on the board at 13:20
of the 'first, from Randcrson, and `
the Mohawks tied thc game two
minutes later when McClenaghan
connected for a power -play tally
..from Wilker and Randcrson.
Jeff Shipley gave 'the Mohawks
Hauled dawn - Larry Lewis; right, of the Exeter Hawks, hauls down Jason Coulter, of the Brussels dulls. when
•hose teams met at the South Huron' Rec Centre Friday night. The Bulls came out on top 8-5 in this contest and
Sunday the teams met in Brussels with the Bulls winning again, this time .5.3.
Hawks miss chance to
steal win from Bulls
EXETER - The Exeter Hawks
missed a golden opportunity to steal
two points from the Brussels Bulls
Friday night at the Rec Centre. But
a flat first two periods ended up
costing them the game: •
- Trailing 7-3 at 9:37 of tha Third
period, Brussels only dressed goal-
- tender for thc game, John Stcffler,
had to leave with an injury and with
no backup goalie, the Bulls were
forced to have defenceman Kevin
Talsma don the pads and play be-
tween the pipes for the final 10:23.
The Hawks managed a couple of
goals with less than three minutes
to play but couldn't take full•advan-
tage and ended up losing the contest
The two teams met in a rematch
Sunday, this' time in Brussels, with
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paornart,waives amants ronamamamare
Brussels coming out on top by a
score of 5-3.
"We were -really flat in th^ first
two periods and it seemed like they
were hungrier than us and they
wanted it more than we did," said
Hawk coach Jack Nairn after Fri-
day's loss.
The Ilawks were down 5410 mid
way in the second frame bcfofe they
finally hit the score sheet, with
Doug Clark doing the honors, from
Jeff Ansems and Dan, Nairn.
Steve Dubarry got one back for
the Hawks at 6:55 of the third,
from Ansems, while on a power
Exactly one minute later, Jim
Duplantid scored an unassisted goal
to cut the lead in half.
Brussels scored at 9:37 to make it
a 7-3 game, but that was when
Bulls' John Steffler took himself
out of the game after getting hit by
a Hawk player few moments
Brussels scored again before the
Hawks managed two quick tallies
on Talsma, onc by David- Dalrym-
ple from Larry Lewis and onc by
Jim Lewis unasv`t; ed, just 19 sec-
onds later but that was as close as
thc Hawks could get because Brus-
sels tightened up defensively and
didn't allow the.Hawks many shots
on net the rest of •the way,
The Bulls struck quickly, at 34
seconds of the first period and they
increased the lead to 2-0 at 1:41 of
the second before Jim Dickins got
the Hawks on the board with his
first of two, at 4:10 of the period, •
Please turn to page 3A
the eventual .,game -winner, with a
little more thdn five minutes left in
the second period, from Joe Scherer
and John Kenrick.
Kris Bedard picked up an insu-
rance goal when he tipped in Ron
Elliot's shot from the point at 5:31
of the third.: McClenaghan picked
up the other assist and it was also a
power -play goal. ,
Elora pulled to within one goal
with just over a' minute left but
Scherer restored the two -goal cush-
ion with an empty -net tally with
just one second left on the clock.'"
Exeter goalie Bill Dark made 18
only saves but many were of the
difficult varicty.•Urbshott and Ker -
nick also played strong games de- •
fcnsivcly for the Mohawks. •
Monday night's game against Ta-
vistock was a tight -checking con-
test with the Mohawks' Dave Ran-
dcrson gelting.the tying goal, from
Wilker and Barton; with 44 sec-
onds left to play, while having a
man advantage.
Each team. scored once in the •
first per. and once in the final
period, ut'a strong game by -both
netmin rs,. Royals' John t: alis and
Dark, Helped achieve .thc tic.
Elliot: got -the Mohawks' other
goal, from Wilkcr-and'Randerson,
at 6:17 of the first.period.
• The Mohawks sec action nem on
'i uesday when the Ro 'als will be
at the Rec Centre for an 8:30-con--
Plcasc-turn to page 24A
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