HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-21, Page 23Serving South Huron, Wintry weather causes mishaps EXETER- Wintry weather -condi- tions were responsible for most of the accidents investigated this week by officers of the Exeter detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. Wednesday at 11.25 a.m. a vehi- cle driven by Godfrey Curtis of Grand Bend slid .on an icy patch of Pebble Beach . Parkway at Grand Cove Estates and was involved in a crash with a vehicle operated by Monica Bedard, Zurich. Damage was light. At 9.50 p.M., the same.evening John Brown of Centralia was back- ing a pickup truck along sideroad 10 in ,Hay township when it slid off the roadway into a tree damaging the passenger door: Thursday at 7.20 a.m., a vehicle driven by Lisa Dietrich, RR 2, Cre- diton slid on ice on Concession 6-7 of Stephen township, north of side= road 20-21 and rolled into the ditch. Three hours later,vehicles operated by Augusts Daugavietis, Godcrich and Ross Herron, Aylmer collided on Highway 4. The same evening at 8.50 p.m., vehicles driven by.Donald Walper, RR 1, Grand Bend and Lonnie Gow- er, Grand Bend were in collision at theentrance to the Oakwood Inn parking lot at Grand Bend. In the accident report in the De- cember 7 issue,.the time of an acci- dent involving a vehicle driven -by Rita Gebel of .RR 2, Lucanwas listed as 5.30 a.m. It should have read 5.30 p.m. The Exeter OPP wish to remind you to buckle up your seatbelt and, teduee. your speed when faced with; poor road and weather conditions. The R.I.D.E. program will be in• full force this holiday season. If you are drinking,- plcasse don't drive. • We'II be late Due to the Christmas holiday, the. Exeter Times Advocate will be published one day later than usual next week. Advertising deadlines will be 4 p.m. Tuesday and the paper will be printed Wednesday night for Thursday morning delivery. Police seeking male suspect EXETER - A male ':flasher' is be- ing sought by Exeter police. A man entered the Beckers store -on Main St., Exeter, on Monday, December 5 at about 9:00 p.m. He followed a female employee into the back room, exposed himself, and then ran from the store. He was Composite drawing of. suspect chased and lost in the arca behind the Everthrift store on Main Street. The suspect is described as a white male about 30 years old, six feet tall, weighingl60 pounds. He had dirty blonde, collar -length hair, four to five days' growth of beard, a moustache, and was wearing a three- ont and a -bloc toque.. Anyone -having any informdtion about this occurrence is asked to contact the -Exeter Town Police at 235-1235 or, if wanting to remain anonymous, to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800.265-1777. Leads police on short car chase EXETER - An Exeter man faces charges of failing to stop for police and dangerous driving after leading Exeter police on a two -kilometer chase through six stop signs at speeds of up to 70 kph on Friday, December 16. The driver was ar- rested after a brief foot chase. There was no injury or property damage. Cars driven by Carol Finlayson, RR3 Exeter and Lydia Regier, Zu- rich collided on the Canadian Tire pada' ig f of on December,14. A 4eaticle owned by Jan Vanhaar- 1 of Exeter was parked on Well - in St. on December 17 when it struck by a vehicle driven by Dawe, Dashwood. North Middlesex & Lambton Since 1872 Wednesday, December 21, 1988 Price per copy 60 cents Making Christmas merry Mountains of donations - Volunteers Marion Dearing (left), Yvonne Evans, Alma Godbolt and Dolores Shapton hold some toys -while standing amid hundreds of items of clothing, toys, and othergifts donated to the Christmas Bureau this year. The 'donations filled three large rooms In the basement` of the Exeter United Church. Building hits new all-time high EXETER -The building boom in Exeter whcih went past the $6 mil- lion mark for the first time in 1987 has continued and this year's figures will reach.an all-time high. Chief building official David Moyer reported, to council Monday night that the building: permit value for the month of November had reached $1.,363,480. This is the most for one month this year. The 1988 total now stands at $6,583,161 with the month of De- cember still to be reported. This figure exceeds last year's 12 month - mark by more than a half million dollars. During November, 20 permits wcre issued bringing the 1988 total to 241, one Tess than at the same time a year ago. • _ The November total -was headed by two industrial projects valued at $948,000`and one industrial addition at .$125,000. The new industrial permits were for Nabisco Brands and Roger Dougall. Construction while the industrial addition permit was issued to Northlander Industries, One single family dwelling per- mit valued at $90,000 was issued along with a single family dwelling addition worth $89,580. Town to ask for meeting with. MPP EXETER - Exeter council will be asking Ontario Minister of Ag- riculture Jack Riddell to attend a meeting in the very near future to discuss a number of problems. The invitation will be made as the result of a discussion on un- conditional grants brought up by Reeve Bill Mickle. Mickle said unconditional grants available to Exeter for 1989 are the same as a year ago. He added, " The formula has been partially up- set and there should be police and • per capita grants for each of the 30 or so dew houses built and that will not likely happen." The reeve continued, " Municipal monies seem to go to conditional grams. A lot of this money is go- ing to social services. This is a start of erosion of monies to mu- nicipalities:" Councillor Ben Hoogcnboom concurred saying, " I agree 100 per- cent on what BiII said for once. We should irrike,pur MPP to hear our views ndlt. 04 on this matter, but on a number of other concerns." BIA request A request from the Exeter Busi- ness Improvement Association for council input into a plan for. a fu- tureincrease of Christmas lighting in the town has been sent to the ex- ecutive committee for a decision. A letter from BIA manager Dolly Creces said the executive has made a commitment to set aside capital cpxenditares for future Christmas decor in the expanded boundary arca: Creces continued, " Giving con- sideration to the joint effort that is extended between ourselves and town in the matter of the purchase of Christmas decorations, we would appreciate your input as to your ide-' as for the timing of the sames" The letter went on to say, " We recognize that there are quite a num- ber of light standards to be decorated in the new area. It woudl seem rea- sonable to purchase and erect these in stages. With your agreement, we are prepared to have -the project completed in two years. Creces indicated the BIA has al- ready set aside expenditures for pur- chases to take place in the spring of 1989. On this subject, councillor Ben Hoogenboom said, " 1 was in Sim- coc last night and their decorations arc tremendous. As a member of $IA I would like to sec these deco- rations extended. We can improve our park and at the same time beau- tify the town." Newly elected councillor Dave Urlin joins Hoogenhoomon the board of directors of BIA. Drinking drivers fined EXETER - Three men pleaded guilty to BAC counts over 80 when they appeared before Judge RGE Hunter in Exeter provincial court on December 13. Donald F. Stuckless, RRl Exeter, gave breath samples that read 180 and 160 after being stopped while driving in Stephen township on No- vember 9. He was fined $600 and had his licence suspended for 12 months. The same -sentence was meted out to Bruce Linton, RR3 Goderich. He had been pursued by police using ra- dar on Highway 4 near County Thieves hit at Centennial School BRUtEFIELD - Huron Centen- nial School in Brucefield was the recent victim of a burglary. Thieves made off with almost $6,000 in el- ectronic equipment. The Goderich detachment of the Ontario provincial Police say the thieves entered the building between 6:10 p.m. Friday, December 2 and 9 a.m. on Saturday, December 3, when a teacher discovered items from the library. Stolen were two PC 3 computers, and three VCRs from the library,. and staffroom. These items were valued at almost $6,000. Police have not determined exact- ly how the thieves gained entry to the school. A search by the school's plant manager, of the en- tire outside of the building, re- vealed nothing. Godcrich OPP be- lieve the burglars may have forced a door and are investigating some leads. Road 21 in Stephen township on October 12. Two breath samples gave readings of 150 and 140. Willard L. Schweitzer, London Road S. -Usborne township, was fined $1,000 and given a two-year suspension for having BAC counts of 210 and 260 after being stopped on March 9 while driving west on County Road 4 in Stephen town- ship. Gcorge A. Clark, RR1. Hyde Park, pleaded not guilty to driving with a BAC over 80 in Hay town- ship on April 29. The defense ques- tione4l the accuracy of the breatha- lyzer, particularly the test procedure stating the temperature of the alco- hol standard and the room tempera- ture must be within one degree cen- tigrade. The judge ruled that accuracy can not be based on only one step, and that the temperature of the two ele- ments was within one degree. Clark was found guilty as charged, Name chairman for RC board A Turnberry man, Vincent McInnes, has been elected chairman of the Huron -Penh Roman Catholic Separate School Board. Mr. McInnes, who represents Wingham, Brussels and Bfyth, as well as the townships of Grey, Morris, Turnberry and Howick, for- merly was board vice chairman. He is starting his third term on the Hu- ron -Perth board. Ben Brown was named vice chair - and paid his $750 fine before leav- ing court. His licence was suspend- ed for one year. Failing to provide a breath sample when stopped for speeding on Octo- ber 5 in Usborne township cost Leo Paul Dietrich, Centralia, $600 and a Please turn to page 6 A 4" Gaiser-Kneale Insurance • Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238-8484 Ilensall 262-2119 Clinton 482 -9747 - Bayfield reeve is new warden Striking Committee inembcrs: Ex-- eter Reeve Bill Mickle,-Hay Reeve -Lionel Wilder, Zurich Reeve Robert Fisher, Turnberry_ Reeve .Brian McBurney and Goderich Reeve Har, ry WorsclL Several local dignitaries were on hand' to w-eicothe the new warden and council, including-_Godcrich Mayor Eileen Palmer and John Je witt,.chainnan of the Huron Coun ty Board of Education. Johnston; who has been. involved in municipal government, .was elected reeve in 1983. Among his community involvements are coaching minor hockey, working as a volunteer fireman and a member- ship with the local Lions Club. - He spent five years in the Navy and. 15 years on the Toronto and. arca police force. He is married to Gail, and they have four sons, three daughters-in-law and three grand- children. GODERICH - Bayfield Reeve Dave Johnston is the new warden of Huron County, beating out his only rival, Reeve Marie Hicknell of McKillop Township, by eight votes. Johnston- was elected 20-12' at a special session of Huron County . Council. Council chambers were filled to overflowing, with people sitting in the hall and the chamber door. 1 look forward to 1989 and the. programs facing the county", the 51 -year-old Johnston said in his first speech as warden. "I know the 32 men and women here will have serious decisions to make, but I think Huron County • has people who can deal with those decisions. "Let's work well togcther.and sin- cerely, and I know we'll accomplish what we set out to do." Johnston also announced the new Thieves caught in act EXETER - Exeter OPP have charged two young offenders from, Kinloss township and an adult male from Walkerton with break, entcr and theft after the daylight robbery of the Mervyn Durnin home on Lot 31, Concession 1, Usborne town- ship, on December 14. Royal Doulton figurines, jewel- lery and $22 in American money taken in the robbery were recovered. . The three wcre caught later that day in the act of robbing the home of Jack and Tovc Bell, Lot 11; Concession i, Tuckersmith town- ship. A woman who had stopped at the Bell home sensed something was wrong. She removed the keys from a pickup truck idling in the drive- way and calle&policc. Arrests were made by ,the. Code-. rich OPP , assisted by Exeter OPP officers. Investigation of the robbery con- tinues. The three face additional charges of hreak, enter and theft. Mcrncr's Meats at Dashwood was the site of a break-in on Saturday night. Access was gained by smashing the window in the front doors Approximately- S600 worth of cigarettes wcre taken. -The occurrence was investigate by the Exeter OPP. Cemetery plans expansion • EXETER - At the latestmeeting of the Exeter Cemetery . Board, su- _ perintendent Harry-Knip provided a cost comparison of growing plants at the cemepy greenhouse as op- posed to -purchasing them whole- sale. Knip who has been growing the plants in recent years said the ap- proximate cost for this local service for 1989 would be $3,400. He pre- sented a figure of•$6,943 in pur- chasing flowers and plants from a wholesale grower. The annual charge for the mainte- nance of flower beds at the cemetery - will be increased by $5 to $45 and - the perpetual flower bed fee will rise from $375 to $385. On the subject of expanding the cemetery grounds, the board decided to send out invitational tender forms to each land owner asking them to bid on the sale of10 acres, and to provide a map showing'location. 'lite -board will pay for a survey _and if taken in the mune of the mu- nicipality, severance should not be necessary. The secretary-treaaurer will con- tact .the ministry of Transportation 10 detcrrn inc the required setbacks for cern cries. .The Cemeteries Branch: in to, will also he -asked about any restrictions when . planning the development of a new cemetery.. Cemetery Decoration 'Day for 1989 will be held on Sunday, Au- gust 13 with fhe Exeter Cemetery Board as the host. Superintendent Knip was given a - merit bonus increase of S500 for a job well done, effective January 1, 1989. Deputy reeve Lossy . Fullerob- jected to the bonus saying "this :should go to the employee rela- tions committee and he part of the 1989 budget." - ' She added "1 know he has done a good job, but .we have other depart- ment hcads'in similar situations." Prohibits snowmobiles EXETER - No snowmobiles are allowed at . Morrison Dom Conservation Arca according to Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Regulations. The regu- lations allow the Authority to lay charges against snowmobilers who enter the Conservation arca. Morrison Dam has cross- country ski trails which will be groomed when there is sufficient snow cover. The two kilometer loop trail is cnjoycd by many skiters and is the only groomed trail in the arca. Even one pass of a snowmobile can destroy any ski trails. For the .snowmobiling enthu- siast, snowmohaing is allowed in the A.B.C.A.'s Hay - Swamp prop- erties and trails arc groomed at Parkhill Conservation Arca. Trail maps for skiing and snow- mobiling arc available at the A.B.C.A. Administrative Office at Morrison Dam Conservation. Arca. man. He represents the townships Honour custodian - Frank Van Geel who filled the position of custodian at the Lucan Public School for more than of Ellice, Fullerton and North and 21 years was honoured at the ann0al Chrlstmes concert. He received a gift from Marty West in the wheelchair, South Easthope. ' Ronald Kirk and David Hudson. M