HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-21, Page 13•Usborne concert - This group of grade
• borne Central School.
and seven sttldents performed in this year's Christmas concert at
I Usborne concert characters - Tara Hunking-as Raggedy Ann, Cheryl Bat
-lantyne as a cat, clown Jeanette Alblas and jack-in-the-box Carrie Simp-
..son appeared in the Usborne Central School Christmas concert.
y"arl t
may the miracle
of Christ's birth -.
live on in our .`
hearts and
minds. ..
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Us -
Santa Delivelrying
.By Derek Etherington
Usborne Central
Santa Claus was delivering all the
toys for all those girls and boys. '
Hc had 1 more house to deliver to.
The one place with the smallest
chimney all through the town. He
had never got stuck in it before. He
hoped that fie wouldn't get stuck in •
it this year either. He grabbed his
sack and went for the chimney. He
get to the bottom 'hut -he got stuck.
On no, what's that; Oh it's just the
wood down there. But"what if the
children -see -me or if their parents)
do. Oh, no, Oh, no . Well my,only
hope is to go hack up the chimney
and go down and in the front door.
Justus he staved up he fell down
and his sack hit him in the head.
He said, at least I'M in the house.
He filled the stockings and put
presents under the tree. Went up the
chimney and flew away till next
A Scene
By - Kelly Maguire
Age 11, Biddulph- School
Brown small stable,
Baby Jesus laying in manger,
The Virgin Mary,
_Joseph standing beside Mary.
Jesus laying on hay,
Lighted candles,
Grey donkey Mary rode on.
White angels all around,
Three Wisemen with Jesus,
Big camels beside the Wisemen.
Shepards praising Jesus,
Star shining bright, .
Shiny gifts,
Being joyful,
Peaceful -
White and brown -Cows laying
down, - -
The smell of animals and hay.
Little baby looking around
Lots of love.... -
By John Hartman
St. Boniface
loving, healing
Showing his love for us
Taking our sins away
A -Saviour
Christmas in the
. Piney Woods
By Sara Mcallister
Grade 3, Usborne Centre
Once upon a time, in the woods,
three little beavers were cutting
down a very fine pine .tree.
"Christmas is near, one beaver
"I will -find the mole and he will
make a. hole in the ground for the
tree." So the 'beaver went off to
find the mole.
Then another beaver said, "1 will
ask everyone to find all their deco-
rations for the fine pine tree."
So he went to ask all the ani-
mals to find all their decorations.
And the - other beaver said,
"Christmas is _even closer than it
was before.
We must get things ready," The
one beaver found the mole an the
mole started to make a hole. And
the other beaver got all their deco-
" rations from Mrs. Squirrel and thc
rest of the animals of the forest.
Christmas came nearer and near-
er. All theanimals were excited.
Finally the big day came. Every-
body brought their presents and
goodies. Every animals came from
the fores %That day was the great-
est. Every ' 1 e liked it very much.
When the `. as over, everyone
had about two I three presents.
They were all great.
By Sarah Mosuringjohn
McCurdy Public School
M Mary and Joseph are the parents.
E Every Christmas we remember
Jesus. -
R 'Rudolph helped Santa in the
storm. -
R Reindeer pull his sleigh
Y Yuletide Carol
C Christmas is a time to be jolly
FF Having fun!
R Remember the evening star that
guided the Wisemen.
1 Icicles hang on the ledges -
S Stockings hanging by the chim-
ney with care....
T Twas the night before Christ-
M Mistletoe! Oh, oh watch out!
A And not a creature was stirring
not even a mouse...
S Sing carols for people! It's fun!
MyTimes -Advocate, December 21 1988 Paget1
Letter to Santa from an elf
By Jamie Hoffman
Cr. 4, Stephen Central
In Elf Country everyone had A job
except Juggle. Juggle looked and
The Christmas
Concert Disaster
By Room 6
Stephen Central
The Christmas Concert was on
Tuesday, December 13, 1988. The
title was "Sing the Christmas Sto-
ry". was
the students were in a
choir. The students sat in a corner
of the gymnasium. The concert was
supposed to start at 7 p.m. Instead
it started at 7:30. When they opened
the curtains they collapsed. The cur -
tams collapsed .on Joseph's family.
. It looked like an orange ocean. The
ocean moved behind the backdrop.
It was,so hot in the choir four peo-
ple fainted. Some people from the
audience picked then, up and took
them outside. While the kindergart-
ens were singing some fell off the
stage. They .fell amongst the Pri-
mary. Choir. The Choir screamed
and cried. Then they ran into the
hall. The parents ran after their
kids. That left only the teachers.
That was the end of thc Christmas
Christmas Is....
By Viena Vilay Inthavong
Grade $, Precious Blood
Christmas is a time to give,
A time to share,
A time to care,
A time to love,
A time to spend with your loved
A time to think of the less form.-
Christmas is just a ti
looked for a job but every place he
looked it was the same thing: No
Jobs Here.
One clay When Juggle was going to
find a job at the super market he
heard the Paper Ellsay "Santa needs
an elf for the stable to keep the rein-
deer warm Read all about it."
I will take one "Fifty cents please".
1 just might have found a job. •
It says here that Santa needs an el -f
for the reindeer. - '
It says the interviews arc at one
o'clock Sunday at the Town Square.
I will go and see if 1 can get the
• Snowman
By Bridget Groot
St. Boniface
Cold, white
Smiling with joy -
Letting people look at him
Poor Santa
By Alyssa Darling
Gr. 2, Exeter Public
It was the night before Christmas
and Santa had pneumonia. Santa
can't go out for Christmas. He was
sad. Nobody would have Christmas
this year. The children would be sad
"Oh dear," said Mrs. Claus. "Your
reindeer arc sick too." "Oh no," said
Santa. "I need some medicine now."
"Okay," said Mrs. Claus.
But at 12 o'clock he wasn't sick
any more, "Yeah, Yeah," said San-
ta. "I feel. much better now. But
what about the reindeer?" "Oh," said
Mrs. Claus. "I will -go to the rein-
deer and sec if they arc bcttcr."
Mrs. Claus came back and said
the reindeer arc much better. Santa
was off to the houses.
When he got there there was only
him there.
Santa said "You are hired."
He was happy because he didn't
have to do the interview.
Santa said that he docs. the best job
"in. the .whole `table.
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