HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-21, Page 12Times -Advocate, December 21, 1988 - Lucan OPP calls down" LUCAN.- As the Christmas Hol- idays approach, the number of oc- currences have decreased during the past week in the Lucan-O.P.P. arca including 10 motor vehicle acci- dents and 27 general occurrences were reported.. Residential break-ins and inci- dents of ornamental evergreens trees being cut down have increased dur- ing the past couple of • weeks. Po- lice are ryguesting•assistancc from the public to help deter further crimes of this nature. If you see any suspicio_ rsons or vehicles in your neig urhood, please call the police. ttempt to determine license plate numbers-- and umbersand descriptions of thechicle and person(s) involved w n you report to the police. When the public acts as the eyes and ears' for police, it greatly in- creases the chances of apprehending those who are responsible for these crimes.. . The fZ,I.D.E. Program resulted,in 314 vehicles being stopped and checked for impaired drivers and one liquor related charge and one 12 hour suspension were issued. There were four minor injury accidents with five people being injured.- Storage njured. Storage Cars, Boats, Machinery New- Shed • 14 ft. clearance, 24 ft. door Call - Jack Taylor After 6:00 p.m. 229-6472 Four property damage accidents and one non reportable accident were also investigated during the past week.. . _ The new telephone number for 24 hour police services is now in effect for the Middlesex County residents. If you require. the attendance of a' police officer for any emergency or investigative nature, please call the new toll free numbers which will e answered by the O.P.P. Communi- cation in LONDON, • By regular telephone call 1-800-265-7191 (no charge). By TDD/ITY: (for deaf only) 1-800-265-7198 (no charge). General inquiries arc to be directed to local detachments during normal business hours at the numbers' list- ed in the telephone directory' white pages. The members and staff at Lucan O.P.P. detachment would like to take this opportunity to wish every- one a Merry Christmas and offer best wishes for the ncw•year. Triebner Electric Ltd. Box 1973 Exeter 235-1756 We truly hope '4 your stockings. will be filled to the top with gifts of joy, hope and love Our thanks. GRAM SYSTEMS LTD 263 Main St. N., Exeter 235-1919 • �►,�, r McGillivray Township Champs - The Centralia Juveniles won the. McGil- livray township League Fastball championship. Back, left, Mike Hirtzel. Steve Wilson, Jeff Hirtzel, Steve Pym, and• Jim Lewis. Centre, Bill Les- sard, Rick Price, Steve Lightfoot,- Jeff Francis, Steve Watson, and Rob McKnight. Front, Coach, Pete Smith, Mark Sutherland, Brad Borland• and coach Bob Watson. They wish you a merry Christmas. rime Stoppers Crime Stoppers of Huron. Cpunty Inc. and the Exeter Police .Force arc seeking the assistance of .the public in. the solving of a break, enter and thcftwhich took place -in the Town of Exeter. On December 16, 1986 em- ployees of the Burkley Restaurant and Tavern located at 312 Main St.Exetcr fouhd that the premises had been broken into.- - The thieves pried open an exte- rior door and gained entry into the restaurant. Once inside, the cul- prits searched the entire building. "1 -hey took loose change from the till area and removed 100 assorted packages of cigarettes plus three full cartons from a cupboard in the same arca. They went from•room to room removing items: In the basement they broke into a locked cabinet and removed $5,(X)0 in cash. The thieves then emptied two large white canvas laundry bags and filled them with the riga- .. reties, -three 40 oz. bottles of - Mc(nncs White Rum, a 40 oz. bottle of McInnes Gin, one 26 oz. of Tia•Maria and one 26 oz. bottle of Triple Sec... .Once they had filled theirbags they left using -the same door lc.av- ing it open. In total, ovcr55,(XX) in cash plus cigarettes and liquor was stolen. If you have information about this or any other serious crime call • CrinlcStoppers.of Huron County toll-free at -1-800-265-1777. Your -call will not be traced, nor recorded and your anonymity is guaranteed.. if an arrest is made you could earn a cash reward of up -to S 1 O(X) You will not have to . identity yourself nor testify in court. Remember crime doesn't pay, but Crime Stoppers docs. Ctorlartyby Mrs. Robert Laing CROMARTY - The Sunday School children presented the pa geant, "A Rainbow of Promises" at the White Gift service on Sunday morning. Dressed in the colours of the rainbow, they told the story of God's _promise to Noah and to Isaiah, and related . them to the Christmas Story. Narrators for thc pageant wcrc Christopher Scott and Leanne Gar- diner. Also taking part were Heath- er Kerslake, Tessa _Dill, Nicholas Chesscll, Nevin, Tara and Kailcy Dow, Julie and Becky Martyn, Ste- ven, Lisa and Amanda Pullman, La- riJo Gardiner, Carrah and Cain Templeman, Christie, Jeremy and T.J.. Clough, Christcna and Adam • Milier, Pamela Miller, Cassandra Parsons, Dan and Kim Bertens; Sa- rah and Trevor Elliott, and Susie McKellar. The children were assisted in pre- paring for the pageant by their teachers, Carol Ann Scott, Alice Gardiner, Bev Templeman, Eva La- ing, Cathy Elliott, and Ruth Laing. • Sunday school superintendent Alice Gardiner led in the worship service witb scriptures and prayer being given by Sherri and Sarah El- liott. A reading "Manger in the Cook's is pleased to announce we've j�inE thep&H y.. On December 31. P &H products are exported around the 1988. Cook's will world, to many of the Same countries become part of the where Cook's edible beans are marketed. Parrish& Heimbecker • group of companies. Throughout their 75+ years, Parrish and Heimbecker have developed an excellent reputation for fair trading and good business. You may not notice a great deal of change at Cook's You'll find the same people Okid our counters, in our trucks, our erevators and offices. You'll still. findthe Cook's name on our facilities. And most importantly, you'll still find Cook's to the place where "you can trade wit confidencb At Cook's were delighted with the acquisition. While P&H may be new to Ontario's edible bean country. they're • well known in Canada's agricultural ity. Founded in Wiinnipeg in 1909 by the Parrish & Heifnbecker families, P&H has continued to grdw and invest in agriculture. Today. Parrish & Heimbecker employs over 1500 people at 90 locations across Canada ... in grain elevators, feed mills. poultry operations ... even on P & H lake freighters. Members of the &H family include Swift Feeds. New life Mills, P &H Foods kmarketers of the Butterball turkey) and Ellison Flour Mills. - eu'. Division of Parrish&Heimbecker, Limited SF NMii ngton Street . t icnsall Ontario NOM 1X0 ' filephone (519) 262-24f0 Cross" was taken by Hugh and Kar- en Norris, Michelle Martyn and Danny Elliott, .Lisa Gardiner and Sherri Elliott., . The third candle of the Advent Wreath was lit by Craig, Peggy and Ian Kerslake. The offering was re- ceived by Tom Laing and Dennis Elliott, with Dan Elliott giving the Offertory . Prayer. JACK'S Plumbing a. Hearing (Exeter) Inc. . Nigh efficiency gas furnaces Water Softeners Central Vacuum JACK MAVER (5L9) 2.'35 O581 AWr MI6 ,5•i 9•., ✓W E4nb �•9, 2364464 •5.9.I�.4 Q 2n6 Gasser Kneale Insurance GIC RATES 1 YR. 5 YRS. • CALL TODAY FOR THE HIGHEST RATE AVAILABLE Rates subject to verdicat'on ' G.I C.'s may be registered as R.R.S.P.'s' INF May your gifts this season be Peace, Love, and Joy During the Holiday Season more than ever. our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. And in this spirit we say. simply but sincerely Thank You and Best Wishes for the Holiday Season and a Happy New Year BILL, BOB, 82, STAFF lentlA FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Exeter Sales, Service & Dashwood 235-2121 Rentals Since 1932 237.3242 gun RCETi4iiGS er thefields and through the snow-covered countryside gp our warmest • Christmas . wishes. In this tradition, we greet our friends and cu , tourers, with hopes for your holiday happiness, and with gnuine appreciation for your good will. 111.N s Exeter 235-1115 Blyth 523.4244 CHRISTMAS HOURS Closed Dec. 24, 26, 27 Open Dec. 28, 29, 30 8:00 .e.m. Closed Dec. 31/88 Open Jan. 2 89 8 a.m.