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Times -Advocate, December 21, 1988
Times Established 1873
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Good news of great jo
By Rev. Duke Vipperman
Rector, Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church, Exeter
and St. John's by -the -Lake, Grand Bend
Somewhere in the annals of interstellar space, there is
a story about an interplanetary conference. Representa-
tives from every world gatheredto report the -progress
of .their civilizations. There seated around an oval table
on some great space station, the various delegates await-
ed their turn to tell about their achievements:One plan-
et shared that they had completely overcome disease and
suffering. There was applause. Another talked about
nding war and conflict. Again there was applause. Yet
an ther boasted of a divorce rate that had been reduced
to 've percent. On and on the good news was an -
noun ed.
There sat earth - taking it all in and feeling more and
more uncomfortable with each announcement. During
the coffee break, the.Earth delegation asked each other,
"What can we tell them? Diseate and suffering are still
around. War and conflict especially in families are still
a fact of life. What can we say?" .
Eventually their turn came. The chairperson called
upon Earth to mount the podium. With some hesitation;
the delegate confessed to not having the success of other
worlds. Then he paused. "There was one thing that hap-
pened on earth many years ago. It may seem a small
thing, but at a point in time, God visited the Earth."
There was a hush.
Much to the amazement of Earth, every delegate
around the table was spellbound by the news. Someone
asked, "How did He come?" Earth answered, "Born in a
barn."' "Why was He born in a barn?" "Well, there was
no room for him anywhere else," admitted Earth
shamefaced, "But He grew up to be a man, a great teach-
er, and a great healer." "
Then someone else asked, "What did you do with
Him?" Earth's delegate glanced unhappily around all
the faces who were looking up at him in wonder and
awe. "Well, actually...," he shuffled awkwardly on the
podium, "Actually, we killed him. But he rose again!
God visited the Earth!" (Story attributed to Bill ilockin,
"God, for Monday Morning!"
Is it any wonder that much of our planet still does not
recognize that God came to call? The only news briefs
and sound bites God used to announce His arrival were
to shepherds = labourers working the night shift - those
on the lowest end. of the economic ladder. When God
visited the Earth, he announced it to the lonely and the
Maybe that's why so many have missed His visit - and
will miss it again .this year. God came for those who
needed Him. When the angels announced the birth they
did not say, "Unto God is born a boy!" but rather,
" to you is born.... a babe," To you, the lonely and
the lowly, God has come! The heart of Christmas beats
for you in the babe.
This child, Jesus, is the Christ, the Messiah, the Savi-
our, the Lord, the 'one to give glory to God in the high-
est, and the one to give peace to people on whom God's
favour rests. The shepherds were the first to celebrate
Christmas and -they did so because "all the things which
they had seen and heard... were just as they had been
told." They rejoiced because this Saviour came' for
them, for those who needed Him.. • -•' . -
'We should not be surprised thatany will miss.cele-
brating God's visit of our =planet. mmercialism is no
better or worse today than it was the People will al-
ways find'ways of filling their time with other things,
just as the •Bethlehemites 'were to busy. God did not
come to enhance our joy with feasts. He came to give
joy to those who had none.
God came for those who know they don't have it all
together, who feel the• need for God's guidance, who
want God's help to cope with life: When God came, he
came for those who needed Him. May you each find
room to welcome. the babe who is Christ the Lord, for
God came for you.
The angel said to thA Shepherds, "Do not be afraid.!
bring you .good news of great joy thar will be for all the
people. Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been
born to you; he is Christ the Lord..." (Luke 2:10.11).
ma. ��_� _ _ `fir-��-� �- -
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
& North Lambton Since -1873
Published by 1.W. Eedy Publications Limited
At this holy time, we extend the blessings
of the season to you and yours. May the
peace of Christ abide within every heart.
Let's have a Blessed Christmas_
Do most of us really have the
Christmas Spirit?
The answer to that question
Would likely in. most instances
be, "No, not really."
Sure everyone would- say that
they have the Christams Spirit'at
this time of the year. But, is that
We should take time to realize _
the significance and true meaning
of the humble birth of Baby Jesus
some 2,000 years ago and as we
often sec in the many Sunday -
School concerts at arca churches,
the youngsters do realize_why we
celebrate Christmas:
For many of the boys and girls
they have been taught that Christ-
mas is a time of sharing and giv-
ing. Let's us adults catch that
same spirit and keep it going for
all 365 days in the upcoming year
of 1989. _
We should all be like children
when it comes to Christmas
Just remember, it is more
blessed tb give than receive.
A look at thc basement of the
Exeter United Church early last
week would give one the impres-
sion that arca residents have tak-
en that saying of giving right to
heart. The amount of groceries;
When it comes to Christmas and
realize the true meaning...The
Christmas Spirit is well and alive
in the hearts and cycs or little
'children. May all of us find love
'and hope and pcacc.in the eyes of
children and in the eyes of thine
who can he like children.
Irrdm the
;editor's disk
by B
Ross Haugh
.toys and clothes gathered for the
-luron Christmas Bureau was al-
most unbelievable.
There arc other ways to give of
yousclf not only at Christmas
time, but throughout thc entire
year. flow about taking some of
our senior citizens for a drive,
.especially when many areas arc
so beautifully decorated at this
time of the year.
We should all be like children
' Unfortunately it is true. that. •
many people come -to the end of - •
the year and the wav they gauge
their success is in the amount -of -
money they made.
Wouldn't it be better at the end
of the year to cherish and remem-
her the good things you did (lur-
ing 1988 and then the same atti-
tude during the following 12
months will make it the 'best vcar
you ever had. -
Let's take the Christmas Spirit
to the fullest and then We can all
sav like "Tiny -Tim. " God Bless
lis everyone."
May each of our readers have a
very Happy. Joyous and most
important, a•ve.r�• Blessed Christ-'
m.is season.
The best gift of all
All of this last year I have
rushed from deadline to dead-
line. Obligations had to be met.
Many promises and appoint-
ments had to be kept.
Now there arc just a few days
left before Christmas, and I have
decided to make time standstill.
i refuse to work. i am going to
enjoy the season and the people
around mc.
The children grow up so fast.
They'll be gone in no time.
These are thc good old days
they'll remeMbcr later. We may
as well make today as, memora-
ble as we possibly can.
Christmas presents? i suppose
they arc necessary, too. They're
• part of Christmas, but - for me -
cctlainly not the most important
part. i'ma mushy sentimentalist
when it comes to Christmas. 1
think far more important than
presents is the time we spend to-
gether. .
I've experienced quite a fcw
Christmases without any pur-
chased presents whatsoever, and
i remember them well. Thcy
wcrc times of great joy, of carols
and candles, of solitude and _re-
Perhaps we give our children
far too many material things.
We're under constant pressure.
We're being bombarded by ads
and displays, by wishes and de-
mands. It is difficult and unsatis-
fying to resist these prCssures.
So we give in. and give and give
and give again.. -
What we don't give enough is
-•••••-••••..... -al 1 .m.u.
ourselves. How many times do
our children beg us to do things
with them: "Will .you play a
game with me? Will you read to
mc? Can i show you some-
thing? Will you help rile with
my homework? Will you sit at
my bed for a while?" And typo
many times the answer is: "I
by Pctcr Hesse!
Next year I'll try not to he
caught in the vicious cycle again.
We work hard to produce mate-
rial things. Because we- work so
hard. we have no time for our
kids. Because we have no time •
for -them. we feel -guilty. Be-
cause we feel guilty. we com-
pensate by giving them material
things. i3ecausc material things •
cost lots of money, we have to
work harder.
Better to work less and to he
i with the children. Thal goe, lor
--L—Faiathers and Iathers. --_
_ We have already set up our
Christmas tree. Wc'vc decorated
it together. We're going for long
-walks -together. We watch vid•
co • movies - together. We're
playing board games - together.
We Visit the grandparents. - to-
.gether. Once, a day we take one
child at'a time and (lo things on'a
one-to-one -basis. It's ixoiu1 1'r'�-
I wish i could makatime.stand
still-. This, quieti time before
Christmas. This time of peace
andcloseness and love. ..
Do you have young children?
Be with them. Do you have par-
ents or grandparents'' tic with
them. Do .you know any lonely
and forgotten neighbors or
friends? Don't send them a card.
Surprise them with. the best gift
of all - time.
Frani: our house to yours, we
all wish you a very happy,
peaceful, quiet and harmorfious
• Pctcr, taizahcth, Alexander,
Duncan, Stephanie.
don't have time right now. in a
minute. Later. Don't bug me.
i'm. busy. i have to go. 1 have,.
to run. Tomorrow. Remind me
again cin the weekend."
in 10 years from now, Alex-
ander will bealmost 20, Duncan
and Stephapic 17.. Then we
.might beg. them;. "Will you
spend an evening at home with
us? Will you cbmc for al visit?
Will you tell us about your
life?".. And more often than not
the response will be: "i'm too
busy.. i have a date. 1 have an
exam. Maybe next week.
Maybe in the summer. Dont
bug me. F have to run..."
I'm going to enjoy my kids to
the fullctt during these ncxt few, •
days. And thc mkt precious
present I will give\them this
Christmas is titre, ,