HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-14, Page 246 Services r. Page 8A Times Advocate December 14, 1988 WITH OUR µo„ ,o ft, ,inn i ..•,.. . . rHe .Iro..e•er d, ...� Ov, ... rna+n <e 11 r sage Dir,,, tnat well a ne r • - Do r forge, .noir:r,,. yon,. ort .n the rte" ." n.,, ge:-".l ,• ray, name oddr••. '�'� oY ra„WIH binrig CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $7.00 per col- umn Inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $6.00 per column inch. - (Minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.5C per insertion Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Wordp.joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words '$7.00. 150 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 150 per word, minimum $3.00 $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT BIRTHS - 30 words $7.00, 150 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices, - 20 words $7.00, each ad- ditional word 150. IN MEMORiAM3- $8.00 plus 250 -per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -20 : ords $7.00;. each additional word 150. Three insert() or the price of 2. CARDS OF KS 30 words $7.00, addition rds 100 each. Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 pm Mondays. VISAPhone 235-1331 JANITORIAL SERVICE la roqulr•d for our new office in Clinton, approx- imately 1300 sq. ft., mostly carpeted.., Please submit a written estimate of mon- thly fee before December 31188 to: HURON ADDICTION ASSESSMENT & REFERRAL CENTRE R0. Box 1120, Clinton, Ont. NOM 11.0 For further Information, please call Lynda Price, -Director 482-3416 Employment Opportunity The Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System has an opening for a combination in- staller and technician. Duties to include installation and re- pair of telephone services, cable splicing and repair, construction work and C.O. maintenance. Applicants must be self -motivated and aggressive. • Experience would. be an asset put not necessar, as training will be available.. Applications and resumes stating qualifica- tions and .experience must be in the hands of the Secre- tary -Treasurer by January 10, 1989. Attractive salary and benefits package available to the right individual. Duties to begin immediately. Please forward appliKation clearly marked as to contents t0: Tuctiersmith Municipal Tele- phtine System R.R. #1 Varna, Ontario NOM 2R0 Attention: Mel Graham, Secretary -Treasurer (519) 233-9908 $7 SUPER AD!! Advertisers wont. one thing ... /{ESULTS. And that what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee of S7.00 wel run your ad in our newspp- per unN you get the results you want. -All you dais call us by Friday and ask fa SUPERAD. You can take up to 40 Prwate non-commercial ods only! wads and we recommend you useo price for whatever you ore advertising. 11 you do not get results by the fol- . owing weekond.-call us on Monday and well godly re- pegt the of at no charge. And we7.keep runnbx,7 the ad as sang as you want. (Excluding real estate), Plus Your Ad WiII.Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus At No Extra Charge! CALLUSAT235.1331 -4-_ classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services '7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery • 9 Sports f:yuipmcrit, Vch. •11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets - 13 Musical instruments 14 Appliances, 'television 15 Personal 16 For Sale • 17 Wanted to Buy It Wanted 19 Property for Sale • 20 Property .for Rcpt_ 21 For 'lent 22 For Sale or.Rcnt 23 V.; anted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices - 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 4 Help Wanted CAREER IN TRUCKING - transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A licence. For free information session and job placemen information contact Mery Orr' London 1-800-265-3559. (3511n) POSITIONS OPEN for experience bar help. Apply in perso at Exet Tavern, 58 Main Si. N. Exeter. (47tfn) TOWN & COUNTRY Homemakers require mature, reliable caring peopl- to- work as homemakers in the Exet area. For more information please cal 235-0258 or 357-3222. (4.:50c)• , BABYSITTER required for 3 yr. old child. 8-4:30. 5 days a week. " Al applications should be in Crediton o Huron Park areas. Call 234-6219. aftc 5 p.m. (49:50c) DEPENDABLE Men and Women to work in Warehouse Jan. thru Apr. Good •wages. Call G&L Farms 296-4461. (49:5.0c) COMMUNITY SUPPORT for Families - Huron County .ncedg male/female workers willing to provide individual support to children/teens with .a developmental handicap on a part-time basis, evenings and/or weekends. Compensation for time and mileage . provided' Sehd resume inculding references to: Community Support for Families, .General Delivery. Clinton, Ont. NOM 1 L0. (49-51c). ORGANiST required for 2 manual pipc organ to start in January. Caven Presbyterian Church. Phone 235-1778 aftcr.6 p.m, (49:50c) GROOMS .WANTED - Individual with experience with horses in -cleaning _acid caring needed for Granton horse farm. Hours between 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. approx. Mon. to Fri., 1/2 days Saturday. Wages S275.00 per .week. inquire Wilson Farms 225-2290. (49:50c) PLANT . WORKERS and turnip trimmers. Apply Exeter Produce, Hwy. 83 West 235-0141. (50:52c).- MATURE loving person to babysit two children in my home in .Grand Bend, 3-4 days a week. Please call 238-8762.(50:51c) . WAiTERS/WAITRESSES for cocktail bar, part time, experienced, Clinton arca. 482-3489. (50c) DEALER DISTRIBUTOR required , 51000.00-55000.00 • Investment secured by stock. Excellent , oflponunity with Triple AAA rated company. New to Canada. Call Brad at 522-0175 Scaforih. (48-50c) . - t' s d er e • er 1 I r t 1 Lost, Strayed WATCH lady's diamond,-vacinity of Senior and Gidley. Reward for return. Phone 235-2529. (5(k) 3 Situations Wanted TUTORING - Grand.Bend area" - English, reading and riting. Primary and 'secondary experience. Phone 238-8941. -- WILL . BABYSIT - in your home Hensel' area. Days only. - Phone 262-3124.(50c) • 4 Help Wanted DISC JOCKEY WANTED, Thurs.. Fri. and Sat. nights, steady work. Own music, 50's to the 80's, personable and -.expericnccd.482-3489. (5(k) Usborne ,,1,�,-,1'i� Township %`f��'` Council ` requests persons interested in serving as the non -council representative to the South Huron Recreation Centre Board to submit their name by December 19, 1988 to: Sandra J. Strang, Clerk Township of Usborne P.O. Box 1420, Exeter, Ont NOM 1S0 235-2900 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Invites applications for membership on THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE This Committee consisting of board members and volunteer citizens may make recommendations to the Huron County Board of Education in respect to any matter affecting the establishment And development of special education programs and services in respect of exceptional pupils of the board. Volunteers must be nominated by a local, incorporated association and appointed by the Hurorl County Board of Education. THE SUPERVISED ALTERNATIVE LEARNING FOR EXCUSED PUPILS COMMITTEE This Committee reviews applica- tions from parents of 14.15 year old pupils requesting alternative learn- ing programs. The Committee devises recommendations which permit such pupils to be excused frorry full-time attendance at school to participate • in alt_ernattve programs. Any qualified interested elector is in- vited to apply. Applications should be forwarded to: C. K. Rowland Superintendent of Student Services Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street CLINTON, Ontario NOM 110 • •Each comr,-rree requires a Wes year membersh.p r e meenngs are on an as needed bases. nor usually more than once a month Ilk R.e. Anon V� Director J Bala Mill Llattllit Oltalo( DI Ili World MORRISSEY DEMOLITION * Custom bulldozing * Take down silos - no,dynamitc * Will move buildings of any description * All -type of used building materials for sale BOB MORRISSEY RR 2 CREDITON 234-6783 • 1 • 1 • • JOIN OUR CREW! We're- one of Ontario's larg- est power boat, dealers, 21 years in business. We, rte - quire a SERVICE & PARTS ADMINISTRATOR For our ultra -modern service shop doing all phases of power boat repair, mainte- nance and electronic instal- IStions. The ideal candidate must be well organized and very personable. Mechanical knowledge is an asset, but not as important As the abili- • ty t0 efficiently ,co-ordinate scheduling and do the ne- cessary paper work and fol- low-up required. Duties to commence January 30, 1989: 1f you feel you haw. !'re rd, 11ications for th, , p' on and.are a non-smoker., send me your resume. SWIM - Riddell . I4I14RNER £uTOMARINE oc. P.O. Box 339 • Grand Bond, Ont. NOM 1 TO 6 Services DRIVERS' YEHiCLE LICENCE OFFICE. 46 Main St. E. Zurich. 236,4830 (beside Vet Clinic). (IOtfn) SOUTH HURON AGRi SYSTEMS ' PATZ Feeding and Manure Handling Equipment FARM EZE Belt conveyors and feeders MULTI CHOICE FE.FI)ERS BSM Stabling - Hog and Dairy BERG Stable Cleaners, Mixers, Meter Mills FLEX- AUGERS • RR- 2 Crediton 2a4-6403 WOODHAM MEAT MARKET - wholesale and custom killing. 57.00 to kill, 14e a lb. cutting and wrapping. (9tfn) - BOOK NOW for your Christmas Portraits. • Also available Limited Edition Prints, custom framing, cameras. Walden Photography & Framing 482-7675 or 523-9212. (42tfn) • BOB'S TREE • SERVICE, tree trimming, complete tree. removal. Phone 235-0706: (42tfn) TIMELESS REFLECTIONS . Video • Productions, Portraits and Team • Photos, Custom B&W Printing. Phone 228-6474.(45tfx) , RTs . MOBILE SERVICE. Mobile Mechanic Service. Reasonable rates. -:fob --done - -on .--site. ..Call Ron . at 228-6460.(49:50*) • FULL HOUSEHOLD CIEANING service, reasonable rates, C I now for bookings 228-6136. (49:50c; LES BOTT PAINTING • Brush, Roller, Airless Spraying • Caulking & Minor•Rcpairs interior and Exterior Residential & Commercial Call before 8 a.m. & after 5 p.m. Ask for Les j235-1589 7 Livestock LARGE SELECTION, good quality, aggressive working boars, York, Land, Duroc, Hamp, Spot Hemp x Duroc, York x Hamp, Duroc x Spot. Also bred and open gilts: ROP tested. Reasonably priced, - guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Richard • Stroebel, RR 2 Granton, (519)` '225-2587or 284-2628.-(3tfn) - • - OUR FARM IS SOLD R(JT WE ARE STiLL IN 'BUSINESS. PUREBRED .Yorkshire, and Hampshire, Duroc boars and gilts, R.O.P. tested, Government Health inspected. Ted Schcndera, 225-2734. (28tfn) WHiPPLE TREE RiDiNG STABLES. Open all year. -We have horses to give away • until spring. Saddle and bridle included to good homcs only. Phone 238-2836 or 236-4223 or 234-3265. (50:51c) EIGHT STEER CALVES' 450-650 lbs. Phone 263.5342 after 4 p.m. (50*) NUBIAN GOAT KID, three month old maid disbudded. Please call 229-8175 after 6 p.m. - 8 Farm Machinery FORD 8N TRACTOR, 6 ft. scraper , blade; fan type snowblower, 52000 buys all. Firm. Phone- 235-1091 between 4 and 9 p.m. (49:50c) 1984 YAMAHA 340' ENTICER, seen little use. Excellent condition. Phone 234-6253. (50c) 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1977 OLYMPIC 340 SKIDOO. very good condition, S900. ' Phone 284-1343. 11 Cars, Trucks PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT For Cars, Trucks and Vans available at EXETER PRECISION MACHINE and WELDING 16.8 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ontario - Phone 235-1035 GERMAN SHEPHERD mother dog - and five pups to give away. to good home, Ready by Christmas. Four female and one male. Phone 235-1033. (49tfn) 1984 VW RABBIT, 4 door, 5 speed. Excellent condition, 54700. Earl Long 235-1115. After six 235-2484. (50c) 1981 .CHRYSLER LE BARON, stationwagon, 4 door, automatic, air, AM FM, tape as is. $1500. Phone 228-6439. (49:50c) 1982 LADA, only 50,000 kilometres, very good condition, best offer. Has been used for short trips only. Phone 284-3764 (ask for Norma) , 1987 DAKOTA DODGE LE, 2 tone blue, auto, 28,000 km. excellent condition. Phone 229:6448 or 229-6430. (50*) 1975 DODGE DART, good motor and body, uncertified. S700. Phone 235-2014.(50*) 1987 CHEVY SPRINT, 5 'spied hatch back, AM/FM cassette, great fuel economy $6300. Phone 238-2742. (50c) RARE 1965 Dodge Polara model 440 2 door hardtop, p.s., p.b., big block 318 cu. in. engine, one year old Delco Freedom battery, Monroe shocks, Pioneer stereo, automatic transmission needs work to' certify.. S800. Call 235-2605 Exeter. - 11 Cars, Trucks 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY with only 50,000 o 'gine' miles, 52.200, firm. Call 1-28 572 or 235-2473. (50:51c) MUST SEL - 1975. Dodge Coronet some poor areas due rust , and poor muffler but otherwise good condition. Phone 284-2887 or 284-2715. 12 Pets FREE: Healthy playful tabby cats: Mother and twe kittens (one black).and 2 young cats. Good mousers. Phone 235-1976.(49:50*) ANGORA RABBIT and cage. non-alergenic. Best offer. Pair of peach face love birds with cage. Best offer. Call after4 p.m.235-1951. (49:50*) FREE - German Shepherd and Doberman cross excellent watch do female,. spayed, all shots. Looking for a home with adults. Phone 234-6239. (49:50*) COCKER SPANIEL P.UPPY, 10 weeks, 5150.00. No needles. Phone 228-6829.(50c) BUYING -OR SELLING A VEHICLE? Get in on the action at John McKenzie's Auto Auction Thursday . -evenings, Associated Auctioneer's Inc: •1881 John St. RR.8" London. 453-7182 or 1-800-265-1906. Res. -686-0471. (4tfn) - Go Into Business -For Yourself... Witll Us. Looking for.jobsatisfaction and above average income? Join the leader. We offer: - • expert training • guaranteed -starting income • existing client base •• excellent benefits • unlimited Opportunity Build a successful business marketing The Prudential's wide range of insurance and financial services products. Call our London Office collect: 271-5880 The Prudential r hi Insurance & Financial Services Full time GROCERY -CLERK Experience preferred Also person to work part time in our BAKERY DEPARTMENT • For appointment call Mike Darling's !GA 235-0420 Summer Employment Pinery/Ipperwash Provincial Parks Summer employment is available for a variety of positions in- cluding maintenance, camp office attendants, visitor services etc., for the 1989 summer season (May to Labour Day max.). We are looking for students who are 17 years of age and older, 'have developed good communication skills and enjoy working with people. For more information and applications contact the Park Superin- tendent,,Pinery/Ipperwash Provincial Parks, R.R.. #2 Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 170 (519) 243-2220. Deadline for applications: March 3, 1989 Ontario Ministry of • ' Natural • Resources Vincent G.,Kerrio Minister J BUS:NfSS OPPORTUNITY FOR SUCCES AVAILABLE! FOR INFORMATION ON HOW YOU, TOO, CAN JOIN THE MAC'S SUCCESS TEAM. CALL OR WRITE: 1112 DEARNESS DRIVE; LONDON, ONTARIO N6E 1N9 (519) 686-0804