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Times-Advocate, 1988-12-14, Page 22
1 Page 6A Times -Advocate, December 14, 1988 A skipping we will go - Lorne Voigt at the age of78 has no trouble in keeping up with Jump Rope for. Heart skip- pers Julie Lisle and Carolyn Pike from .WinglIar» Public .School. The skippers entertained at the Crediton WI din- ner for senior citizens. . Treats for seniors - Crediton Social Club president Bob Reynolds hands out dinner for senior citizens. The front row recipients are Vera Bullock. Cora Wein tRON'S HHEALTH CENTRE' .. HENSALL • • Abh Be a wair Winner and Smile 0 Shop to at 40;),f. Rons Lots of Lucky Lottery Winnersoee •tGres a�e�� oo�a e Q �\‘‘‘(\ tit Merry Christmas from Won and lean ft eWO fAcfrie •V ®fit$ 0 treats at .the recent Crediton and Gladys Wein. Hensall Arena Events Wednesday, December 14 2:30-3:30 p.m. Monts & Tots - 5:30 p.m. Hensall Minor Hocken WI guest speaker - Lavonne Ballagh of Wingham was the guest speaker at the recent Crediton WI dinner for senior citizens. She is shown here in the centre with WI members Irene Haugh and Anne Cottel. News from Elimville By SHIRLEY COOPER • ELIMVILLE - The Sunday School conducted the White Gift service Sunday morning. Marjorie Johns was at the organ and Marion Skinner, Susan Grubb and Ann Delbridge_ led in carol singing be- fore the service; The children came in during the processional hymn "Joy to the World". Joan Cooper led in the call to worship. Janet Coward led in the opening prayer. Elizabeth Kerslake read the Old Testament lesson. Crystal Hovius read the New Testa- ment reading. Dcnnis, Sandra, Shawn and Matthew'Rowe lit the tliird candle. The Sunday School presented "The Meaning of Christ- mas" and what our gifts to Mission and Service docs throughout the world. The White Gifts wcrc pre- sented and put under the Christmas tree. ' The children and teachers had been putting their Sunday collection in a special jar for several Sundays and this jar was presented by.Tylcr Tay- lor to Ruth Skinner for the Mission -Ind Service Fund. The offering was received by Andrew Weston, Nathan. Elford, Matthew Rowe and Chad Smith. Janet Coward led in the of- fertory prayer. Joan Cooper led .in the Benedic- tion. Rev. Shiela MacGregor told the childrcns story: She asked the chil- dren,.how you could show someone Ott #rs liartt m "� ' -- `©u-ktved4hcm- and'haStrct"'her story Thursday, December 15 5:30 p.m. Ringette - 8:15 p:m. Ree. Hockey Friday. December 16 l:Ot121k) p.m. Public School Skating 4:15 p.m. Hensall Figure Skating 7;30 p.m. Forest vs Hensall old timers Saturday, December 17,- 930 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey: Bclgrave vs. T 'ke 1:00-3:00 p.m. Free Public Skating Ionated by Kinettes 3:30.6::30 p.m. Ringette 7:1X)-9:01) p.ni. Family Skating Sunday, December 18 1:1N) -3:1X) p.m. Public Skating :41-7:311 p.m. Ringette Monday, December 19 5:15 p.m. Hensall Minor hockey Tuesday, December 20 1:111)-3:00 p.m. Public Skating •1.15 p.m. Hensall Figure Skating 8:00 p.m. Broomball. This advertisement sponsored by: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Box 100 Hensall, Ont. _J NOM 1X0 41) CIBC VISA ONE GRAND PRIZE to the Lucky Winner Up to $1,1000.00 Cash -Back to Customer on their Purchase •of HOMETOWN Window Improvement Y.1 HOMETOWN Window Improvements Lrmrted Vertical Blinds from Dee. 7, 1988 - Jan. 7, 1989 TERMS, Cash, Mastercard Grand lend Dsc.raflng and Flooring Centre 2 locations to serve you Grand Bend 46 Ontario St. S. 238-8603 Forest, 50 King St. W., 786-6761 on this.,She ended by having each child conte to the front and receive a candy kiss. Attend open house A large number of members from the Thames Road-Elimville charge attended open house at the manse Sunlayafternoon and evening. Evc- ryone enjoyed a goo.) visit, good Christmas music and the children. enjoyed some Carol singing. ` 'l'Ite Elimvillc United Church women wcrc' in charge- of the re- freshments.. The manse had been beautifully decorated for the Christ- mas season. Personals Visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Dan Smith, Chad and Courtney on Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bray, Vanessa, Kristy and Jessica, Wendy Smith, Pctc Lang, Mrs. Kay Mor- ley, Mr. and .Mrs. Floyd Cooper, Joan and Doug. They wcrc celebrat- ing Courtney's 41h birthday. • The Elimvillc Women's institute will be meeting Wednesday after- noon (today) at the !ionic of Mrs. Millie Fulton'. Mrs. Judy Dougall will be the -.guest demonstrating ,glass etching.' • • Christmas concert The Christmas concert at the church will be Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Crediton WI hosts to area seniors CREDTION - Feet were tapping and hearts were jumping in Crediton on Tuesday night, December 6 when the Crediton Women's Insti- tute hosted more than 50 area senior citizens to a delicious Christmas dinner. Entertainment was provided by four.members of the Huron Hearts demonstration skipping team from Wingham Public School under the dirceuori of teacher Dave Shaw. In addition to displaying their skipping techniques which areused quite freegtiently to aid the cause of the HuronChapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation , two of the girls put their toes to tapping. The guest speaker was Lavonne Ballagh of Wingham and she also used a heart theme with a very amusing pocm. , The poem began with a fellow by the name of McBeast with a mean old heart and ended with a transition to a heart more suited for the festive Christmas season. The program was under the direc- tion of Crediton WI members. Anne Cottel and and Irene Haugh. Crediton - Social Club president Bob Reynolds was in attendance to present each senior with a Christmas treat on be- - half of his group. A. John Hughes, C.D. Denture. 'Therapist Box 839. 37 Green Acres, . Grand Bend, Ontario (519) 238-5300 409 Baker St. (Rear) London, Ontario (519) 439-9386 End of Season Clearance Sale CHILDREN'S SHOP 54 Ontario St S. Grand Bend 238-2954 Store Closing for Season Dec. 24/88 See you in March/89 Infant to Size 14 Open Thurs. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 't beleftout in the old. You have until December 31 to open an Ontario Home Ownership Savings Plan (OHOSP) and still qualify for a 1988 OHOSP tax credit. if you are saving to buy your • first home and your income is low or moderate, you can earn intejest on . your savings and be eligible for an OHOSP tax credit...tip to $500 per person and $1,000 .per couple. Act now before it's too late. Your nearest financial institution can p ide you.with an application M rrstry Bevard Grandmaitre of Minister Revenue On ar•o form and further details about the program. Or, you can call the Ontario Ministry of Revenue toll-free . for more information: • in Metro Toronto call 965-8470 • in other parts of area code 416 call 1-800-263-7700 • in area code 807 call 1-800-263-7965 Yin area codes 519, 613, 705 call 1-800-263-3900 • Telephone Device for the Deaf ,1-800-263-7776 - r: • Ontario Home Ownership Savings Plan ioeg y6meear