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Times -Advocate. December 14. 1988
Present picture Iry Amstrong of the Exeter Villa advisory committee
preSents a. picture to Jim Smith on behalf of the residents of the rest
home. .
Kirkton Horticulture
group holds annual
• KIRKTON - The Kirkton Horti
Culture Society held its annua
meeting on December -6 at the Kirk-
-ton-WoodhamCommunity hall..A
. large crowd enjoyed a pot luck din-
ner The hall was decorated for the
Christmas- season. • -
. President Marjorie Atthill wel-
comed all. The Perth County Board
of Education- Youth Choir entcr-
- taincd with several numbers and
-.with all joining in singing Christ-
mas carols.
The choir was just formed three•
. years ago to provide an enriching
• 'musical experience for students who_
ategifted in the field of "vocal mu-
- sic. -
ln its -short history, the choir has
performed at local festivals, church-
es and special events; and this fall
-was at the ploughing match and for -
the •Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.
The choir presents• two formal
concerts during the- year, one their
Christmas concert.
They arc conducted by Doug
Mountain and Suzanne and David
A magic 'show
KIRKTON - A. amazing outra
•gcous magic show is coming to -the -
hirkton branch -Library on Saturday
December 17th at 10 a.m. •
. The Magnificent N-lcrt, clown cx
trordinairc, will entertain and baffle-
\‘‘,th Magic, . juggling, balloon
sculpture and assorted. silliness.
\lcrt the 141agnificent's show will
be a treat for children of_all ass.:\dml,sir+n -is�Trec of charge -
Mcrry ('hrisunas to all our Kirkton
Branch patrons. .
The ,how . is sponsored by the
I turon County Library.
Strahan. We were fortunate to have
thein entertain us. Jean Ratcliffe
'thanked them for coming.
Several draws were made for door
prizes. -
Sheila Shearing of London made
several Christmas arrangements.
She also announced the winners of
- Christmas arrangement competi-
tion: On Earth Peace - first Gertrude
Willis; second Joyce Strahan, third
kan Ratcliffe; Christmas Eperagne
- first Joyce Strahan; second Josie•
Ryckman, third. Gertrude Willis.
This is the Season to be Jolly - first
Jean Ratcliffe, second Gertrude Wil-
lis, third Karen Foster; Corsage -
first Josie Ryckman, second Joyce
Strahan, third Gertrude Willis.-
Mrs. Marjorie Johns thanked
Sheila. Jean Lynn read the minutes
of the last annual meeting and gave
•the treasurer's report. Jean Copeland
- gave the activity report of,the year.
Mrs. Donna Paynter conducted the
election of officers for -1989. Fol-
lowing are the results: past presi-
dent Mrs. Joyce Strahan, president
Mrs. Marjorie Atthill, first vice
president Mrs. Marjorie Johns, sec -
=And vice president Mrs. Madeline
Parkinson, directors for one year,
Mrs. Olive Selves, Mrs. Olive
Hodgins, Mrs. -Jean Ratcliffe, Mrs.
Marilyn Robinson, Mrs. Joyce
Directors for two ,years, 'Mrs.
Bcaulah MacDougall, Mrs. Olive
Thomson, Mis's Doris Elford, Mrs,
Evelyn Wiles, Miss Jean Copeland.
Associate Directors: Mrs: Myrtle
Willi,; ALA. _liasic.Rtrrlcmani-14Es:-
1lMarjoric Hodgcrt, Mrs. MaryTuft,
Miss Ruth Skinner and Mrs. Eve-
lyn Harrigan.
Examiners arc Delmer Skinner
and Mrs. Francis Kints.
Optimists Aid Pool Kirkton Woodham Optimist president 1 ord Robinson
presents a $1,0ebeque to.Brion Hardeman of the Kirkton-Woodham
swim pool com utlee. • •
Hensall native gets
University promotion
BETHLEHEM, PA - Ten faculty t;nivcrsity- -Their appointments
members have been appointed de- were announced by David A. Sart-,partment chairpersons at Lehi�tli'.. chez, Lehigh's provost and academi
vice president, and were effective as
of the fall semester.
Included is Dr. Carey B. Joynt, a
native of Hensall and a graduate of
Exeter High School .
Joynt earned bachelor's and mas-
ter's degrees from the University of
:Western Ontario, and a doctoral de-
gree from Clark Lipiversity. His
field of specialization.is theories of
international relations and 'he has
been author of numerous ppublica-
• bons in professional journals. -
He has been the recipient of sev-
eral awards including Lehigh's Hill-
man Award for doing the most to-
ward advancing the interests of the
University, and was the first Lehigh
faculty member to be named Mon-
coc J. Rathbone Professor of Inter-
national Relations. Joynt previous-
\Jy served as chairrnan from 1957 to
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