HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-14, Page 11a • Enrolled - Twelve Tweenies were enrolled in the First HurQn Park Brownie pack at the Dejember meeting. Back Left are Chauntelle Ducharme, Sa- rah Tilley, Sarah McLaren. Sarah Hodge, Melissa Robertson, Ceceilia Dinney, Becky Hunt and (trona Nicole Revington, Julie Forrest, Melissa Todd, Kelly Bowers and Crystal Conlan. Exeter seniors enjoy Legion :ladies dinner EXETER - Over 100 Exeter Scn- iorCitizens were again served a de- licious Christmas dinner by the Ex- eter Legion ladies. A lively sing song followed and Pat Skinner, retiring president, read a poem n Christmas. Bob -Heywood then entertained for nearly an hour singing and ac- . companying himself on his new accordion to the enjoyment of eve- ryone. Pat conducted the business after reading a humorous little boy's es- say, The Anatomy. Bingo at the Village will be in charge of Dorothy Bullock and Verna Greenlee on Boxing Day. • Alice Heywood reported the suc- ces's of the Sarnia Festival Lights -thew (-Country �. Spire' • 3\ Gift • , Studio u END • OF. LEASE w; CLEARANCE W' ti T V. OFF.-., ENTIRE STOCK Dec. 15 to 24 R.R. 1 MITCHELL on Highway 83 1 Mile West of Russeldale OPEN 7 DAYS PER WEEK 10 a.m. till 5 p.m P11. 229-6341 a ,Pedden's Collector Plates Located on Highway 81 - 8 miles south of Parkhill Christmas Sale Young farmers series #1 "You been farming long?" 8 1/2" $38,25 #2 "You pushing or pulling?" . 8 1/2" $38.25 . 10% and 15% off new issues of collectors plates 10% off all round and octagon plate frames for 1 •4 plates over $20.95 . 2004 off framed Keirstead prints- Order early for Christmas We oarry hundreds of plate frames and Bradford Exchange plates: Frames $14.95 and up •Open 7 days a week till Christmas Monday to Sunsfay 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tel. 1-247-3341, 1-232-4472 Visa, Master Card We mail plates and frames trip and outlined a one day trip to the Geritol concert at Hamilton Plate and buffet on January•20 for S40 Exeter will be hosting the Onta- rio Provincial Senior Games, June 26 and 27. Anyone 55 years and older may compete. Preparations must begin soon. • Huronvicw invited us to host the birthday party on February 15, which requires program and lunch. Birthdays and wedding anniver- saries. wcrc'recognized. Doations were made to the. Ex- eter Legion, to the Ladies' Auxil- iary of the Legion and to Cliff Moore who kindly sets up tables etc. for our meetings. . A petition regarding a hospital lottery met with some opposition. Irene Davis of Hensall installed • BOYLE - HENDRICK Jayne Maureen Hendrick and Dean Earle Boyle were united in marri- age on Saturday, October 8, 1988, at Exeter United Church with Rev. Richard Hawley officiating. The - bride is the daughter of Emil and Pat Hendrick, Exeter and the groom �.is=L ss ,tda�gh ems -B rti- - Boyle, Dashwood. Matron of hon- our was Connie Van Gerwen and bridesmaids were Lisa Hendrick, Julia Martene and Robin Kraft. The best man was Terry Bender and guests were ushered by Chris Van Gerwen, Earl Marlene and Trevor Boyle. Nancy Becker was the solo- ist and the .organist was Robert Cameron. After a honeymoon in Mexico, the couple is now residing' in Exeter. Photo by Mary Layton To Marry - Mr. and Mrs. Murray C and of .Exeter. Ont. are pleased t announce the forthcoming marri- e of their daughter, Pamela Doro- thy, to David Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Medwid of Dryden, Ont. The ceremony will take place on Saturday. June 17, 1989 at, St.Luke's Anglican Church, Dryden, Ont. For more information call 235- 2679, D.F.C. CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY Christmas- Special Limited Time Offer - CaII Now Get 5 rooms or up to 500 sq.ft. of carpet and a 3 cushion cloth , couch or sofa steam cleaned for The Low Price of $ 95 And we move the furniture! / *6. 7\1 Bonded .& Insured Toll Free 1-800-265-4327 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Free Deodorizing for Pet Owners We Still Have A Few Appointments Left! r Re -opened for 1 Business! Charmaine's 1 Family Hairstyling 1 fiAdultAa ttrt=- -__ - -$5.00 Children .under 12 $3.00 1 Shampoo &Set $6.00 1 Colours $15.00 l Perms $25. & $30 For more information or appointment, please call 234-6731 Tuesday thru Saturday 1 Thisad is good for $5.00 off I any perm. 1 Offer expires March 1 sV89 L J the new slate of officers: president - Alice Bowen, 1st vice president, Olga Davis, 2nd vice president, Murray Greene, secretary, Laura Dickicand treasurer, Mary Neal. Pat asked that wc.give Alice the support he has enjoyed. Thank you to Pat and Gladys Skinner for a job well done. - 1 Times -Advocate, December 14, 1988 Mount Carmel MT. CARMEL - The December meeting of the Mi Carmel C.W.L. was held at Barb's Country Crafts. Barb Passmore spokc on a variety of crafts,.such as quilting, folk art, silk painting and hardanger em- •,broidery. Everyone enjoyed hearing and learning a little more about all the 4ifferent crafts: As lunch was set out, we were given a chance to look around the shop and purchase if desired, any of the - large variety 'of crafts or craft items available. Barb was also on handto help anyone to choose an item or match ,up something or give ideas to those requesting them. Thanks again, Barb! The business meeting began .and Theresa McCann gave a report on the sale of cookbooks; they are go- ing welt, especially' for Christmas gifts. She thanked all who had helped in 'preparing the books in - time for the bazaar and for the great sales efforts since that time. She in turn was thanked for her organiza- tion of and continued -work with the books. The --Mt. Carmel C,W.L. Bazaar which was held on Nov. 12 was a great success and a• great way for everyone to work together to brine PLAN -A -TAN the TAN -FAST -IC WAY Phone 238-2412 B :.R D.•.A.•. .fru %lave a wcdaing, date �xt-- �ut wiia-f you r,ee4 I. peace of mind ,,A roup ot'- proPee•Aionale;qutgatfiereri +oge+l,er to pre m a Sewn rut r on t7A(. PL-ANVIINEl: • Weaa.ng Knot,. CknTon : • Country Flowers, Exeter • Exp.h<.- :- s Har Exeter L •'Wuerth Shoes, Exeter • Gwen Dykeman Catering, Centralia • Second took, Exeter • Bart DeVries Photography In juee. 3 hours - you will know virtually everything you need tt, know about props ri rig yourc,e I - for or9ani .ing a weddi vtg. Plain to meet with t) Wed • Iowan? . t�t3q - ro►tit 1 -lo pm at the Exeter Towh Hall. Call Country Flower -kr ►fore f aorwt4f-iorl. 5�2350- =_.R - - - •• • •� • Page 11 C.W.L. meets about that success. A big "thank you" goes out to our president Theresa Larkin for her great efforts on the bazaar and cooktxx►k and also to all the ladies, gentlemen and young people of the parishwhose combined .efforts made the bazaar such a wonderful day. . • A cookie exchange. is to he held. on Thursday, December. 15 at 8:00 p.m. in. the meeting room. Every- one is asked to bring three dozen cookies for 'exchange. Theresa Larkin w ished all the la-. dies a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Next meeting is.. January 3, 19119. *'$4:1 ra Door. Crashers Mincemeat $2.69 1 kg Reg. $3.65 All Candy Molds $1.69 Reg. $2.79 Ground Sage 20 gr. 79¢ Rubbed Sage 10 g. 490 4 Poultry Seasoning 11fit- 20 gr. 53¢ . r� Lindt Chocolate Products available • .Just an added treat jAChocolate Almonds ` Roasted Salted 7 71 Mixed Nuts . IT 14r IT 13 Cookbook by Mt. Carmel Women's League We will get you to -t1te Church on fi rnG l • •• • Mon. -Sat. 9 - 5:30 Closed Sunda R. ti •• • Buy Those Special Christmas Gifts That Last: Dishwasheis F,ansi 51 9 o:re Campbell Appliances. 1 a ` Sales and Service 235-1501 M1:11FFAT Frost Free Fridges L From 69 9 0 BEAM Built-in Vacs DON'T LUG A VACUUM• PL UG iN A BEAM!. From 39 9 MOFFAT Microwaves From 1 5 9 63 Main St., Exeter (lower level) • 1