HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-14, Page 9A hug from Santa - Jeffrey and red hug from the jolly fellow in the Ray Suit Ratz at have the rather mixed children's feelings Christmas party as at they the watch Mitchell Tiernan getting a Dashwood Community Centre. Times -Advocate, December 14, 1988 Page 9 Santa Claus comes to town By Bernice Boyle DASHWOOD - The Dashwood. Women's Institute members and husbands were served a delicious turkey dinner December 6 at the Dashwood Community Centre. President, Emil Becker was ab- sent. Past president Eben Weigand and the executive were in charge of the short program. The skit "A Great Saving' was presented by Ka- thy Keller and Sherrie Stade. Two readings were given by Martha Wei- gand.- • foSr tephtheanluckyie Ccocup. .ck won the prize Euchre was played and high prize was won by Florence. Marterre and Earl KpIIar. Low Edith Baker and Ebin Weigand. Most lope hands to Gloria Bierling. Sherrie Stade served homemade candy and punch during the meet- ing. • -United Church Calvary United Church Women held their annual Christmas dinner. Wednesday December 7: They entcj- tained their husands, choir members and Sunday Schoolteachers. Rev. Bob Peebles sang two so- los. Allan and Rosemary Scott showed their slides on the trip to Poland. They urged any teen who wanted a new experience, join the 1989 teen 'missions. If you're inter- ested contact them t Zurich. Marian Dearing, Regional Presi- dent brought greetings and -touched on the UC problems we face in the future. Pastor Bob closed with prayer. Personals • Anyone wishing to go on the bus trip to Sarnia to view the Christ- mas light display should contact Nola Love at 238-2948. Harry Hayter underwent heart sur- gery Monday at University Hospi- tal. Howard "Boots' Klumpp is a pa- tient at South Huron hospital. Bridge The G.N.O. (Girls Night. Out) bridge club held their Christmas dinner December 8 at. the Exeter Three AAA Restaurant. The host- ess Vera Guenther invited the ladies to her home in Exeter. The bridge winners for the evening - first prize Frledsburg presents The. Dashwood 1=riedsburg Days committee recently presented'a $3.000 cheque to the Bernice Boyle and second was won Dashwood Community Centre. Above, Larry Weido and Tom Hayter present the cheque to Maude Hoffman and by Vesta Miller: Alma Gerlttner. - PLUS! ON ALL IN -STOCK '89 CORSICAS & TEMPESTS NOMONTHLY PAYMENTS 'TIL APRIL'89AND GM PAYSTHE INTER$T FOR 90 DAYS' Now you can have a good old family Christmas with a great new familybar, without having to put out a lot of cash before Christmas. See your Ontario GM Dealer,today about any new'8R Tempest or Corsica currently in -stock, and still have something left to put in , your stocking. - HURRYIT'SALLOVER DEC.17TH! YOUR ONTARIO GM DEALERS CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC • PONTIAC • BUICK • CHEVY & ()MC TRUCKS CI TOTAL •11111 I« 1 1• 1• WPM, "'��`�""""''�•"` SEE YOUR CARTICICATINGGM DIALER FOR EUII DETAILS. ONTARIO GM DEALERS ASSOCIATION, c/o 180 LESMiLL ROAD, DON MILLS, ONTARIO M38 2T5 ►0..Y•;p4. •Nrv- Cr.. en .4 Op*, 4,11 1. 0..•, w-•Aw•.e.•••Mv..•q, e%- a, •.••M•spot e•e_, wEw•••e • •• C:•••C •••••.d Ye Mev Oe•Y•• •1•• •e. •. • t(• le•. d !•. w«• ec 1 •.« b e0 As.. •x.• e••• d.w v g•••••••••• f•••o•• .• •••••••, ,8••••e41 cow .•.e-•. b 1:10.••r. • 0 S12 000 ...Nod d+•.A. e, 73`• IN ^•.•••r •Ow• Ssst .s Co* d b•••••••••11 . S s Os? 60 r .wpm! &id• •N •r•••••. *44 •r• 0._ •+b ••.•e••6V b H Mr• r, d •01•14•1•••••• •.wev •p. -••a. eM 4w. •.•.•••o •M&•M-M.a•e• CIM• .•bd.. G•. ad► •..«n•.•. ••...oa.•. I••r i.e.• •. b•w• ••4••• •e• Apt -V Going fishing - Little Cory Ford gets help with his fishing from Amy Rader • and Martin Van Raay while waiting for Santa to come to the Dashwood Community Centre. :Rassing::-out- time :goodies --•Martin gall tufty-site'ue.R 'li1t'aturiart-1,►+tie • among those handing out 13ags of candy and cartons of juice to the chil- dren who came to see Sanra at the Dashwood Community Centre. ' Centralia by Mrs. Tom Koov - By MRS. TOM KOOY CENTRALiA - Mr. and Ron Kenney, Dcrrick and Chad have moved from the village. to the home they have purchased in Exeter on Huron St. E. We.wish them well in their new home. They will be sure- ly missed in town: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gallagher of Huron Park have •bought the Ken- ney_ house. Harvey Godholt moved a new home -onto his lot in the vil- lage and both expect to move- in the near future. l larvey is a former resi- dent of this community. We wt4- comc them all to the village. - Tom and 'I attended 1hc'hanquct sponsored by Nabisco Brand Union Saturday evening at the Exeter Le- gion Hall. At the United Church on Sunday bcing the third Sunday in. Advent, three of the Advent candles were lit. Rev. Carter chow as her topic "With Joy You Will Draw Water' On Wednesday evening this week at 7:30 the Stewards and Trustees are asked to meet at,lhc church. .Senior Choir practice at 8 p.m. Thursday evening. Christmas con- cert will:lie held at Centralia church December 19. • - . - At the cuchrc on December 5 five .prizes went to high score Mary Moser, Murray Carter; lone hands • Marg Lawson, Mary Kooy (playing a man's card); low score Wilma Hesse'. Charlotte Barker. Next cuchrc will tk December 19 at 2:30 p.m. - At .the cuchrc at Centralia Com- munity ('entre prizes'went to: high -.score Jean Noels. Percy Noels; lime hands George Cunningham, Earl Morgan; low score Mary Lou Mor- gan. 'Ed Armstrong. (may score winners were kulh Gurst, Jack i)ickin�:r .. Next cuclirc on December 19 at 8 p.m. will he convened hy'Ear1 and !N1a.ry Lou Morgan. •^ E.•Or ! O•a MinerIS1S7?]S t•tG •AMU ► I IS/ 0'., war 'sw Mt 7,11 Gaiser Kneg1e Insurance GIC RATES 1 1 YR. 7/8% 1 078% 5 YRS CALL TODAY FOR .THE HIGHEST RATE AVAILABLE Rates subject 16 veriticathon P's' 11 ...af `r Fincher's LL CUDDLY; • SOFT PLUSH. 1 TOYS. • You'll Find 11 :1 t .. MAP.' NT. EXETER 235-2022IS l A no ()h.% • (.IVIS S74110AF:R1 GAMES • TO .S 1