HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-14, Page 7n the Street By Jim Beckett .. \ ast week's column showing what on American columnist with the Los Angeles Times thinks of Canada and Canadi- ans has brought an immediate response from Daryl Little. You'll find Daryl doesn't mince his words. Read and en- joy.. Daryl Little responds to Mike Downey column If your column hadn't been so obviously warped I might have had. reason to hate you, however further investigation proved it to be -to- tally laughable. - New blood you say? What, pray tell, has the United States got for us? New blood from a society so ripped -with crime that the killing" • of a police officer goes unnoticed;so torn that children, no, adults can't walk city streets safely at night. Sounds like giving a victim of the common cold a transfusion from an AIDS victim. Why must we. fight to equal the gluttonous monster to the south. Lalonde lost, you say, but perhaps he won more than you think. Le- onard beats a nobody and thinks he can still fight. Is that such a sur- prise? We up here in the land of ice, snow and hockey didn't expect Lalonde to win and though we expected Brian Orser to win,.we love them none the less because he took the silver. We Canadians don't demand victory to be approved, we dernand hard work and determina- tion, win or lose. Why -do we need a new hockey player. We've got plenty and to spare. Grctzky, of course, we will not spare. He's ours, we know it, he knows it, but you, poor deluded. Yankee, have overlooked much: Why no acclaim for Bernie Nichols or Luk Robitaille? Don't think for a minute that because Mario and Waync moved south that they're American, they're not fools,. Mike. Perhaps we arestuck, as you say with these second rate players such as Hawerchuck and friends but if they're second-rate how do you stand up? To get to our level of hockey, you still have to pass the Finns, the Swedes and the Czechs, not to mention the formida- ble. Russian Red Army, all this of course, assuming you couldbeat Poland and West Germany. Is the Stanley Cup and synchronized swimming all? Oh, I forgot,. we won three world hockey titles last year (or was it -four?) I lose track, there are so many). (That mention that the Bruins may have . won the Stanley Cup should be accompanied by a cuff on the head and a brcathalier test). b Don't worry about us fighting Mexico, Mike, perhaps we.don't' have as many bombs as you, funny thing Mike, we don't -have as big a deficit either and we in Ontario have one of the highest stan- dards of living in the world (yes., even higher than most of the pre- cious stars and stripes). • Oh, I forgot, we can breathe pretty much anywhere without seeing the air, you should come up here Mlke, it's really neat, only one smog warning in my whole 20 -year life and my eyes don't burn out- side; In fact, you may not believe we even have air, being so used to seeing it and all. And finally, dear Yankee, relax. Up here we don't have Mason- Dixc3Ft tinosand other isuaginaLy.ideasrOF (seyottlt.witi Arc.- - NBA, tl -- NBA, Super bowl and Rose Bowl, how could you help it, you've only got Americans to beat. Take your blood you've so kindly offered, take Minnesota, Mona- na, North Dakota and Washington, take your crime and polluted air and for that matter take George Bush and Dan Quayle and shove- them.all... well you know where to shove them, how about Three Mile Island. And so, from the land where winning isn't everything, bigger isn't necessarily better, the freeways are free of flying bullets and crime . doesn't pay, i bid you good day. - Signed a true Canadian through and bloody through, Later, Daryl Little • * * * I don't normally use this space as a blatant advertisement for an event but the cause for this one is so good and the night sounds like so much fun that I couldn't help myself.. ' • This Friday the Lions Club and Schneiders are teaming up to put on one of the famous and popular rib and sauerkraut and pigtail sup- pers.we've all heard.about.Supper is served from 6:30 to 8:00 at the South Huron Rcc Centre and a few tickets are still available at Gais- er Kncale Realty. If all this isn't enough, the Lions have more. After the supper you'll be able to join in the fun of a turkey and ham raffle and Monte Carlo Night. Proceeds from both events go to thtExetcr Li- ons Youth Centre. • • s + r Have you ever wondered why people in Exeter give their street ad- dress to people Who send them marl (rather than their postal box)?. We don't have mail delivery and th'e way the Post Office is cutting back we never will. Imagine what happens when a letter with your street address rather than you box number gets to the Post Office. Someone has to look up your box number. Multiply this by thousands of letters per day and you have,a problem postal staff would.like to correct,' The Post Office has asked people to check all the mail they receive for the next two months and if it does not have your box number on it you should contact the sender to have it corrected. : s * * Do you know someone in Exeter who you feel deserves recogni- tion for their volunteer service or outstanding achievements? Now is the time to do something about it. - The town is looking for nominations of individual volunteer or non-profit organisations that are related to the mandates of the Mini- stry of Citizenship and the Ministry of Culture and Communica- tion. The nomination forms must•be completed by Dec. j1. If you need more information contact the town office at 215.0310. if anybody has a used school bus or a large station wagon for sale it might be a good move to contact Larry Taylor. Larry and Liz Taylor are the proud parentrofa'ilally bby, their third boy and child number six. After all the excitement I'm pleased to report the father is doing well. R * * • If you're looking for somewhere to go on a scenic drive I suggest you take a tour around Exeter arty evening. This year has to be the best ever for sheer numbers and quality of Christmas lights. My favourites were going to be listed here... but where do you stop? Included among the best has to be the large tree in front of Harry DcVries' Wellington St. home.. JACK'S Plumbing & Heating (Exeter) Inc. High efficiency gas furnaces Water Softeners Contra! Vacuum JACK MAVER (5L9) 235-0581 Times -Advocate, December 14. 1988 Page 7 Exeter's Laidlaw still healthy EXETER - Laidlaw Carriers Inc. will be staying in Exeter saycom- pany officials, despite the sale of the partial truckload business, once. the mainstay of the Exeter opera- tion. • "We are definitely going to stay in Exeter," confirmed terminal man- ager Jim Scott on Friday afternoon, who said he was worried about the fate of the 51 -driver operation when the . announcement of the sate - to J.E. Transports (JET) of Listowel came through. Scott guessed three or four drivers will move to JET, but the rest will stay with Laidlaw for the full truck- load operation. Frayne opens as Toyota dealer EXETER A new car dealership is adding to Exeter's reputation a's a centre for automotive dealings. - Rick Frayne opens Exeter Toyota this week as the world's third largest automobile manufacturer aims at tapping a gap in the Southwestern ' Ontario market between London and domestic automobiles arc rapidly • fading as the Japanese move manu- facturing facilities, to North America to take advantage of cheaper shipping and to sidestep import quotas. Toyota Camrys arc coming off a new assembly line'. in Ken- tucky and Corollas arc built in Goderich. . Cambridge_ - "Thcy came up and did some mar- - "The whole auto industry has ket researchand decided they -wanted made some radical .changes in the to be here now," said Frayne, not- -past few years. It's a giobalindus- ing until he approached Toyota they try,"_ acknowledged Frayne. had not considered entering the Ex - Exeter Toyotawillalso be han- { eter market for a few years. • dling used car sales and servicir etc z, j Ffaync,lc!<t,1#ter-fries:dcalrs_r hqi tws— - e r ss lncnc'of the ;'years ago for a change of pace. He white squirrel, Andy DeBoer, is bought a Toyota, liked it, and con- overseeing the service department. . tatted the company about setting up It took three months to build the a dealership in Exeter.- - five -car -showroom that was stocked Frayne guesses that as much as with cars this weekend. Thirty new 50 percent of his business will cars arc on the lot and salesman come from London car buyers look- . Ron Rader said he expects the-dcal ing for a better deal in Exeter where crship to sell about 150 new cars in smaller operations mean lower over - the first year. Leasing of alt. makes ham.- ` - . - and models can also be arranged. Arguments about.foreign versus New dealers - Ron Rader (left) and Rick Frayne opened the new Exeter Toyota dealership this week. Be- hind therm is one of the sport/ utility vehicles they think will be a big hit with customers. :That makes me fecl400d," said Scott. He said a trucking operation always makes it easier to bring new industry inici a town. Exeter indus- tries presently relying on less -than - truckload transporting are not ex, petted to be affected in any way be- cause JET will be providing that service without interruption.. Laidlaw. used to be a strictly truckload operation, but entered the less -than -truckload market when it bought the Guenther -Tuckey opera- tion housed in Exeter.. The salehas broughti the company full -circle. Scott said Laidlaw is planning to relocate the Exeter facility away from Main Street once the present property is sold for commercial de- vclopment. 10/ 49, Dr. Linda Steele is pleased to announce that Dr. Jerry Jadd has joined her in the practice of family medicine at 489 Main St., Exeter 235-0233 Back in time 10 years ago •1 -lay Township reeve Jack Tinney was acclaimed warden of Huron County at council's inaugural meeting. •A student at Centralia College was charged with mischief after a fire hose was turned on, flooding three floors of the men's dormitory with ,500 gallons of water. Damage was estimated at S1,000. •Grand Bend council voted to rescind an October bylaw which would have seen the stipends for councillors increased. ReeVc Bob Shaven .said the move kept Grand Bend's middle of the road position for municipal salaries in Lambton county. 20 years ago •The Exeter Police Force received salary increases, bringing the wages of a probationary constable up to 55,460 a year and the police chief to $7,200. The total cost of the pay increases was $4,424 for the - four -man force. • 'Editor Bill Batten.noted the increase in the new sport of snowmobil- ing, but asked enthusiasts to keep the noise down. Batten also noted that it cost more to mail (Christmas card than what the•card was worth. *The Exeter Hawks moved up to only one point behind the New Hamburg Hahns in their first year of Junior C action.. SO years ago •Mark Drysdale of the Bonthron and Drysdale hardware store in Hensall recovered more than 100 boxes of shotgun shells stolen from the store. The goods were recovered as the -thief tried to cross the border at Windsor. - 'The Times -Advocate began a new serial story Dangerous Cinder- elia by Evelyn Shuler. Chapter one of this tale included such breathless prose typical of the p riod as "But the wedding dress wasn't for her. The ethereal beauty of the dress that seemed a pan of her own being a perfect seeing for her youthful loveliness was not hers to possess. it could never be hers." •As the'last Christmas before World War II arrived, the Exeter PUC suggested electrical labour-saving devices made'xceilent gifts "that' every housewife appreciate more and more as the years go by." • 100 years ago • . •The Exeter Times reported the total revenues for the Dominion of Canada to be S3,024,514.21 for the month of November, an increase over November 1887. •AM municipal election time neared, the Times noted very little interest in the community, but expected Exeter to become enthused quickly. -- "There is nothing remarkable about the present council that would give them a very prominent place in the town's'history, and yet they have conducted the affairs of the corporation with all due preciseness and consideration...The roads are in good order and we can justly claim to have as good if not better walks than any town in western Ontario." The paper suggested reeve Rollins was a likely candidate for re- election. •A local resident "H. Romp, who attempted to derail a train near Got, . ich , recently isinsane, and was thus prompted to commit.the act. He i' :n safe keeping now, however." • EPSON® DON'T SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS •Co• -outer games and ea ucaronafsoh- ware are -also -available 0 r+rrt117t rtltr,r; EQUITY T -+ With Epson LX -800 Printer Hard Drive Model With Printer Only $1895.00 9Har 00 Dn Exeter area please contact / G.W.GParsons & Associates Inc. ,1 396 Main Street South, � - 1r 1r, ' Exeter Ontario NOM4 1 SO ��// INC.) (519} 235-1304 AUTO INSURANCE RATES PROPOSAL PUBLIC HERRING The -Auto Board will commence a' Publ;c Hfor pct ,beginning December 12;1988 to consider Aurc Insurone Rotes to be effective in '1989 Independent consultants have now slued their proposal for these rotes. Copies ore available .. The Board is not bound by this proposal. Public participation in the hearings is essential. You have the,right to be'hgard. For further information call Toronto: 222 -AUTO Toll free: 1-800.668.0128 Ontario Commission de 5 Park Home Avenue Automobile 1'assurance- 41h Floor Insurance automobile North York; Ontario Board de ('Ontario • M2N 6L4 • Ce, o.,ses, dspc••^ •ereo^'ontoie