HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-14, Page 1:1'17D001^� North Middlesex Inside First dinner Villa residents welcome relatives, friends Page .4 Toyota arrives Rick Frayne opens new dealership Page •7 Have a heart Jump Rope Skippers visit. Crediton WI rage 6A Police seek flasher at variety_ store EXETER - The Exeter Police Force and the OPP are seeking a suspect for a series of indecent exposures they believe are linked. On Monday December 5 a white male entered the Becker's store in Exeter around 9 p.m. and followed the female store clerk into the back room whcrc he ex- posed himself to her and left run- ning from the store. The suspect was chased by a male customer but was lost in the arca behind the Evcrthrift store. He is described as being about 6' tall, 160 lbs, about 30 years of age with dirty blonde hair and a moustache with about four or five days growth of beard. He was wearing a 3/4 length dark blue coat and a blue toque. A composite drawing has been issued and police believe he may be linked to similar axcurcnces in Hensall. Should the suspect not be found in the next week, the draw- ing will be made public. a & Lambton Since 1873 December 14, 1988 Price per copy 60 cents Workshops rap pornography pires, but Kerr points out the group had been operating before' funding was available and will continue to • do so afterwards. . "We will continue if people can pay for the workshops," said Kcrr. The Goderich workshops were at- tended by 20 women, comfortably. ,within RAP's guidelines of a 25 person maximum. "We pay particular attention. to women's responses to this materi- al," continued Kerr, doting how many of the workshop's participants are shocked at the images pornogra- phy depicts. Of 56 adult videos Kerr screened; she found an average of three scenes in each where sex was linked to vio- lence, a common bait in pornogra- phy. But she points out sexual vio- lence exists in everything from R rated movies through PG, in rock videos, song lyrics, and advertising. . Binch explained the images of fe- male submission depicted by -por- nography have created an entire "pornographic society" in which sexual attitudes influence every - Please turn to page 2 By Adrian Harte GODERICH - The .Survival Through Friendship House' is host- ing a series of workshops dealing with _problems .of pornography in today's society. The shelter for battered women's staff, board members and women from the community were invited to participate in four three-hour work- shops presented by the Toronto based Resources Against Pornogra- phy (RAP) • - The first workshop deals with how pornography -distorts the per- ception of women's sexuality. The second links pornography to rape, incest, wife battering, sexual harass- ment, prostitution and women's ec- onomic inequality, while the third and fourth workshops encourage personal and community action against pornography. RAP co-ordinator Alison Kcrr and co -facilitator Karen Binch spoke with the press before Thursday's session about their program. RAP has been operating with government funding for the past three years, a grant which now ex= County to survey salaries GODERICH - Huror County council has approved the hiring of Personnel. Management Associates to conduct an external salary sur- -vey at a cost of $4,000. - The decision was made after a 35 minute closed door. session after Exeter Reeve Bill Mickle questioned a recommendation of the executive conimittce that the study be done when at the last m: ---ting it was recommended that t • be nom dy, :veil an internal stun} that wouluu't have cost the county a cent. Mickle told council, "Why change and spend so much money? I have questions as to why we're looking outside the county." • Warden Bob Bell quickly spggest- -oditin ;opt rikiSutd--want to con- sider questions in committee of the whole. When the meeting was opened to the public again, the mat- ter was passed with no debate. Councillors also approved an in- crease in committee and session pay from $82 to $90 for a full day and from $55 to S60 for a half day, Tess than three hours. The Warden will receive a S5,200 honorarium:per year based on S200 • every two. weeks and the cost of funding hospitality suites at ap= proved conventions will now be picked up by the county and not the warden. The old rate was S5,108. The travelling allowance and mileage rate will be S80 per month plus 22 cents -per kilometre for 25 cents -per kilometre if no car allow- ance. is paid. The conference ex- pense allowance was upped from $30 per day to $35 per day. • Four founduilt g y EXETER - Doug Wedlake dealt cost Wayne A. Schilbe, RR2 Zu- with three guilty pleas and an ex rich, $100. parte case in JP court in Exctcr on Thc tavern owner had sent the ac - December 6. cused a registered letter a few Wayne. Denomme, Dashwood, months earlier informing him he pleaded guilty to leaving -he road was prohibited from entering the not in safety. The charge had been tavern. Schilbe refused to leave laid after he made a left turn from when his identity was discovered. Anne to Main St. in Dashwood on He was escorted out by police. October 2, accelerated rapidly, lost Schilbe paid his fine before Ieav- control on the wet road and struck a ing court. . pole. He was- given 30 days to pay Patrick John Perrier, Kitchener, did a fine of 553.75. not showup to defend his not Grant S. Pearn; Mitchell, was.giv- guilty plea to driving while sus - en three months to pay a S500 fine pended. He had been stopped by a for having no insurance when. he police patrol on Highway 21 in allowed another person to drive his Hay township on September 4. A vehicle•and the other driver was check showed his licence had been stopped for a HTA violation on suspended effective November 24, concession 10-11 in Hay township 1987 for nonpayment of fines. Per- on October 8. • rier had two previous convictions Turning up costumed and masked on the same charge. at a Itallowe'en party at the Domin- A fine of $653.75 was imposed, ion Tavern in Zurich on October 30 with 30 days to pay. Stephen reeve calls for .CREDITON - Thc theme of co- operation was evident at the first meeting of,Stcphen township coun- cil held December 6. • . incumbent 'reeve Tom Tomes in his inaugural address called for between his own town- ship, the county of Huron •and neighbouring municipalities. Tomes, told council he felt the township with an excellent staff was now a well-run. operation and there was a good calibre of candi- dates in the recent election: Challenges ,ahead for the new council according to the reeve arc planning for • Sesquicentennial. cele- brations •in 1992 and solving the waste, management site problem. • While the township has a good road system, Tomes says council needs to look at a new road depart- ment building and expansion of the present office facilities. In her invocation and'praycr, Rev Deborah Carter of Centralia United Church also called for.co=operation by councillors in making the town- ship a better place in which to live. In addition: to making appoint- ments to a large number of hoards and committees, council appointed Tomes to the Exctcr and arca fire hoard, Garry .Baker to the Grand Bend and arca fire hoard, Pat O'Rourke, Baker and Bill Weber to the Stephen fire board and Gary Ea- gleson, Wchcr and Baker to the -Dashwood and area fire board. • Approval was given to repairs to co-operation the Lewis -Regan and Colwell, Cro- nyn and Isaac municipal drains in McGillivray township. Council supported a resolution from the Rural Dignity grhip as thcy.attcmpt to keep rural post of- fices throughout the province open. Due to requests from a number of ratepayers, clerk Wilmar Wein was instructed to investigate with Belt Canada and the Hay Municipal Tele- phone System for free telephone dialing between Cirand Bend and Crediton and Parkhill and Crediton. Councillors P:at O'Rourke :md Clary Eaglcp'on will he rcpresc ntnag the "township al the 1989 convcn- ti0n,of the Association of •Munici- palities•of Ontario. New Osborne council meets LISBURNE - Stora- property at Pan Lot 8. Southeast hers of Ushorne council -moved into- boundary concession was given an in camera session soon after be- third and final reading. . ing sworn into office to discuss a ' legal •matter with lawyer ,Randy , Evans of thc•Exctcr law firm of Little and Evans. • , ' • Next on the ,Agenda Were Ross and Joyce Cartcr to present council with the deposits required as pan of their development agreement. Thc Car- ters were advised that building plans most meet with the approval of the township's chief planning official. A bylaw authorizing the execu- App revel was writing tion of a development•agreeinent be - off $541.63 in uncollcctable 1988 twecn Ronald Ross Cance and the township was passed. taxes: A` bylaw establishing site plan The agreement between the town Control for rezoning Gerald Francis' ship and Lloyd Davis was cancelled in her report on pay equity, clerk Sandra Strang recommended that the committee be reduced in size from the entirc.councit plus department heads to two members dimwit plus the clerk and road superinten- dent Ken Parker. To avoid the.high cost or consultant fees, council sug- gested that a suinnter student be hired in 1989 to assist with prepara- tion of a pay equity plan. alter Davis advised council he could no longer pick up scrap metal free of charge. John Zuhic Limited of , LondorrI, tatcd his wlllin*1css to. take the scrap at• no •cost' to has= borne. Acting on a complaint 'from Dor- . othy Hem about the need for irn- ptovem^nts to the y -intersection on the Usbornc-Riddulph boundary road, the road superintendent was asked to contact the comity engineer for recommendations.. • . • ,The municipality' will provide a township flag for the •Kirkton- Woodham community centre. • Assignment. to the y0ridus.com- mittces -will be made at the next regular .teeing on pcccmbcr 20. Spirit of Christmas Ught Advent Candles I- Crystal Knee ` igh'ts`tate 'til rteAtivents-onactle:..at„CPnt_6;,,i ,t )nited Church; Sunday1 Nativity scene - Rehearsing their parts for the Christmas presentation. at Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle are star Julie Mann. Joseph Don Purdham; Mary Kindi Tuck, three Oriental kings Danny Nagel (back- left): Bryce Dayman and.Luke Stahl, and shepherds Mark Stahl and Tim Robinson Animals hit in area accidents • EXETER - Animals were in- volved in two of the six motor vc- hicic accidents investigated this week by officers of the Exctcr de- tachment of the Qntario Provincial Police. . • . Monday , December 4_ at 6.50 a.m. Robert Hawke of Dashwood was southbottnd on Highway P when a drag ran in from of him. Damage to the vehicle was mcxicr- ate. • • Sunday evccning, December) I. Allan Regicr'of RR 2,.Zurich was northbound on Concession 12-13 of Hay township when he came upon some stray cattle on the roadway. 1-k was unable to stop and hit one of the animals. Damage to the vchi- cle was listed as severe. The same day at 10.40 a.m., damage was listed as light in a mi- • nor mishap at the intersection of Victoria and King streets in Credi-- ton involving a vehicle driven by John Pritchard, Creditor)/ and a parked vehicle owned by John Hoxl- . gins. Exctcr. Slippery road condi- tions were responsible. Saturday at• 11.45 a.m, vehicles driven by.l redcrick VarrOsch. RR .2, Crediton and John Harrigan, RR 3, I.ucan were involved.in a mishap .on'Portland streetin('cntralia. • A vehicle driven by Kimberley Colwell, London ,was northbound. :on Ifighway 4 at -4;40 p.m., Satur- day when it slid off the highway into the ditch. Damage was light; Victor Boyko of Waterloo was treated for minor injuries and re- leased from South Huron Hospital after his vchicic struck a patch of icc on I lighway 4 at 6.30 a.m , Fri- day and was involved in a collision with a tractor- trailer unit operated by David Soudant of Hensall. . During the weck,officcrs investi- gated 31 general occurrences. in- • chided in chargcsiaid were 38 under, , the Highwa.x Traffic Act, six Liquor Licence Act charges , one impaired driving charge and 'rnc driving sus- pension of 12 hours was issued. • THE R.i.D.p:. program is flow in effect by officers of. the Exeter OPP detachment and the Exeter town police department. _ - ,Kcmemher to reduce speed w hen faced with poor road and. weather conditions. Also fasten that seat- belt. Exeter OPP officers have lately investigated a number of accidents whcrc people have been needlessly injured because they were not wear- ing seatbelts:. - As a result -starting next week, no seatbelt warnings.will he issued: if yew are not wearing your seatbelt, yon will he charged. Buckle up and save the expense and possibly your hfc. . •