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Times -Advocate, December 7, 1988
BANCROFT - Krista Katelyn
tipped the scales at 7 lbs. 6 oz at
2:15 a.m. on November 30 at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London. A cute
little sister for Michael and a bundle
of joy for John and Elaine Bancroft.
Proud grandparents are Murray and
Mary Mancroft of Newton and Gabe
and Julie Aubry of Alexandria. 49c
CLARKE-DOWN - It a wee lass.
Brian Clarke and Barb Down are
pleased to announce the early arrival
of Justine Anne Clarke. Weighing
in at 5 lbs. 10 oz, Justine is the
first grandchild for Bob and Pat
Down and the fourth for Betty and
Art Clarke. First time great grand-
parents are Clarence and • Dorothy
Down, Ross and Win Marshall.
Thanks to all for the visits, cards,
gifts and also care we received while
in the hospital. 49*
KIRKLAND/WEIR - Martha and,
Tony. She took us by surprise!
Lindsay Catherine,, born November
16, 1988 at McMaster Hospital,
weighing 2 lbs. 13 oz. We thank
God for her safe delivery and fiesty
spirit. A treasured grandchild for
Malcolm and Mary Ellen Kirkland of
Kitchener and Jim and Teresa Weir
of Owen Sound; a first great-
grandchild for Roy Miller of Dunn-
ville and Lena Kirkland of Exeter. A
huge thank you to the supeib medi-
cal staff -at McMaster Hospital, espe-
cially Sandi, Dr. Brennan, Dr. Birnte
and the fabulous nurses on 4A. 49c
MOTZ - Ron and Janet are proud to
anncunce the arrival of their first
child, Shirley Amanda, born Novem-
ber 29, 1988, weighing 8 lbs. 15
oz. at York Central Hospital, Rich-
mond Hill. Little granddaughter for
;v1rs. Leone Brock. 49*
The family of Clarence Millson cor-
dially invite relatives and friends to
an Open House on Saturday, Decein-
ber 10 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. in the
afternoon to be held in the auditori-
um at Craigholme Nursing Home,
Ailsa Craig. Best Wishes Only
Please. 49c
MURRAY - I would like to thank
everyone who sent cards, flowers
and fruit and visited me while I was
a patient in University hospital and
since returning home.
49c Don
Sunday, December 11
9:45-10:30 a.m. Sunday School and
Adult Bible Class
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship
11:00-12:00 noon Family Bible Hour
6-7 p.m. Communion Service
A Nursery is provided
for the above services
Tuesday 7:30 p m Kids Club and
Bible Study
•All Services held at
Usbome Central School
Huron St East
Rev Don Rogers
Youth Pastor - Rev Kevin Rogers
C.E Director - Mrs Verona Snider
Hwy. 4 South
Sunday, December 11
1000 a m Sunday School
11 00 a m. Worship Service
7 00 p m Evening Service
Wednesday night 7 00 p rrtl
Family Night .
Programs for all ages
Nursery available for all services
• _ Everyone Welcome
BECKER - I would like to thank
my family, relatives and friends and
everyone who sent flowers, cards
and treats, also the phone calls and
visits while 1 was in St. Joseph's
Hospital and since returning home.
Also many. thanks to Dr. Y. Lam,
Dr. Kevirs Gurr, the surgical team
and nurses in 4th floor. A special
thank you to the ones who helped
me at home. Your thoughtfulness
will always be appreciated.
49c Dianne
BEREN DSEN - The family of the
late Johanna Berendsen wish to ex-
press their sincere thanks to rela-
tives, friends and neighbours for 'the
love and support during the recent
loss of our mother, grandma and
great grandma. Floral tributes, visi-
tations. mass cards and memariam
donations are gratefully appreciated.
Your thoughtfulness will always be
49c •
BROWNING - I would like to
thank everyone for flowers, treats,
cards, visitsand phone calls while 1,
was in St. Joseph's Hospital and
since returning home. Special
thanks to Charlie and Doreen for
special attention.
49* Chuck
CASE - During the stay in the hos-
pital and since returning. home I re-
ceived many beautiful flowers and
cards, visits, and warm wishes for a
quick recovery. 1 would like to
thank you all. It was really appre-
49* - 'Deb
CHESNEY - We would like to
thank our family, relatives, friends
and neighbours who sent cards;
flowers and gifts on the occasion of
our 50th wedding anniversary. It
was all much appreciated. Thank
49c Alex and Helen
CLARKE - Sincere thank to all our
family. Also we would like to thank
_all our relatives, friends and neigh-
bours for the lovely gifts, cards and
flowers we received on our 40th an-
niversary. And thanks to everyone
who came out to the Open House. It
will always be remembered.
49c Roy and Marg
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday. December 11
10.00 a m Worship.
11 10 a m Sunday School
Nursery available
'7 30 p m Worship
Everybody welcome
Come and Worship with us
Main Street at Godley
- • 235-2565
hnst,nday, December 11
15 a m Moming Prayer
mas Lessons 8 Carols
'White Gitt' Sunday
Third Sunday of Advent
Rev Walter (Duke) Vipperman
Church School
Everyone Welcome
Interim Moderator
Rev. Bob Bisset
Organist -
.Mrs Joan'Keys
Sunday, December 11
9.45 a m. Morning Worship
Sunday School
Guest Minister
Rev: Robert Bissett
Everyone Welcome
Nursery Available
Sunday, December 11
9:30 a.m. Congregational
Christian Education
11 00 a.m. Church Service
Everyone Welcome
Main St. North
Rew Robert Arbogast
Sunday, December 11
10.00 a.m. Worship
Sunday School - (Preschoolers)
2 30 p m. Afternoon Service
.• Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Listen to •
The Back to God Hour
CKNX Dia1920 - 1d 30 a m.
Faith 20 - Global 6 -(cable 3)
Comer of James and Andrew St
Minister The Rev. Richard W Hawley
Staff Associate:
Mrs. Bev Robinson
Minister Ementus:
The Rev Grant L Mills
Organist and Choirmaster
Mr. Robert Cameron
Third Sunday in Advent
Sunday, December 11
10.45 a.m. Carol Sing
11 00 a m. - Moming Worship with
The Rev Richard W Hawley
11 00 a m. • Sunday Church School
Courtesy Car for December
Mr Chester Duan --
Call 235-1400
Nursery Facilities Available
3 30 p . Sunday Church School
Chnstmas Concert
Everyone Wekome
187 Huron St W Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin'Rutledge
Sunday, December 11
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11 00 a m Moming Worship
'Make A Wish'
7 00 p m Evening Fellowship
'Should We Fear Godr
Wed 7 00 p m Family Night
Everyone Welcome
IIAYTER - I, would like to express
my sincere thanks to my family,
friends and the schools who visited,
sent flowers while I was a patient at
University Hospital and since return-
ing home. A special thank you to
Donna and Jim of Hoffman's Ambu-
lance for their quick response. Also
to South Huron Hospital Emergency
and U.H. for their excellent care.
Pastor Larry Stojkovic for his
prayers and visits. Your kindness
was greatly appreciated and will be
long remembered.
49c Harry
HEYWOOD - We would like to
thank all our friends, neighbours and
relatives for their cards, flowers and
prayers while Laverne was a patient
at South Huron Hospital and since
returning home. Thanks to Dr. Eck-
er, and the hospital staff and Pastor
Kevin Rutledge for his visits.
49c Laverne and Beatrice
to thank all those who in any way
made our Annual Santa Claus Parade
on Sunday, December 4th such a Big
Success. Merry Christmas to all of
you from us.
49c •
MCBEATH - I sincerely want to
thank my relatives, friends and
neighbours who remembered me with
cards, treats and visits while 1 was a
patient in St. Joseph's hospital and
since returning home. Your
thoughtfulness will be remembered.
49c Alex
PRANCE - i would like to thank
my family, friends and relatives for
visits, cards and ,the beautiful fruit
baskets I received while I was a pa-
tient in University Hospital and
since returning home. Thanks
again. •
49* Jaynes
ROLLINGS - Thanks to my family
and friends for their thoughtfulness
while I was in St. Joseph's eye clin-
ic and returning home.
49* Charles
SKINNER - Words cannot express
the gratitude I feel for my very spe-
cial family and grandchildren who
with much love and care arranged my
birthday party. Thanks for cards,
flowers and gifts. To all who visit-
ed and extended good wishes, may
God's richest blessing be with you
through the holiday season.
49c Ina
TiENtAN - Sincere thanks to my
family, relatives and friends for their
prayers, flowers and cards 1 received
while a patient in University hospi-
tal and since returning home. Spe-
cial thanks to my sister Genie
McCrae and' my brother, Harry Hoff-
man for their help. it was all ccry
much appreciated.
49c • Alice
2923 111:-R0\ -•AND JIiDDLES-
would like to thank everyone who
supported our fund raising project by
purchasing a ticket for a draw for
Toys R Us Gift Certificates. We
would like to congratulate our win-
ners: 1.t prize 5100. Caths Seip;
2nd prize SS). Betty Blue and 3rd
prize S2 5. Floyd Cooper.
49* •-
MCBRiDE - At South 'Huron Hos-
pital Exeter on Wednesday, Novem-
ber 30, 1988, Mrs. Margaret Helen
(McNain) McBride, of R.R.2 Zurich
in her 91st year. Daughter of the
late Samuel and Agnes McNain. Be-
loved wife of the late Roy S.
McBride (1973). Dear mother of
Hugh of R.R.2 Zurich, Wesley of
Varna, John of R.R.1 Zurich and
Phylis (Mrs. Earl Dcichcrt) of R.R.2
Zurich. Mrs. McBride is predeccsed
by one son Keith (1971), two broth-
ers Hugh and Jim and by one sister
Mrs. Jennie Robb. Also surviving
is one brother Alvin McNain of
London, 1.5 grandchildren and 17
great-grandchildren. •Rested in the
Zurich Chapel of Michael P.
O'Connor Funeral Homes after 2
p.m. Thursday -where the funeral ser-
vice was conducted on Friday at -2
p.m. with Rev. Sam Parker and Past-
er Ephriam Gingerich officiants. In-
terment in Bayfield Cemetery. As
expressions of sympathy donations
to the Canadian Cancer Society
would be appreciated. 49c •
Saturday, December 10, 9 a.m.
2p.m. Ailsa Craig Town Hall.
Sponsored by Gala Days Committee.
We have something for everyone.
BAZAAR AND. TEA - Trivitt Me-
morial- A.C.W. Bazaar and Tea
Room, Saturday, December 10th, 10
a.m .- 2 p.m. Baking, Deli Table,
crafts, sewing, knitting mince-
meat. 47,48,4*
be held at the Township of Stanley
Community Complex on Wednesday,
Desembcr 14, 1988 at 8, p.m. 15
games for fresh turkeys plus share
the -wealth. Everyone welcome.
47,48,49c -
HEALTH UNiT - invites you to
attend the Child Health Clinic" held
at the Health Unit Office, South Hu-
ron Hospital, Exeter on Monday,
December 12, 1988 from 9:30 -
11:30 a.m. for: Health Surveillance,
Anaemia Screening, .immunization.
Adult immunization will also be of-
fered at this clinic. 49c
cember 9 and 10. Friday 9 a.m. - 9
p.m. Edelweiss Wood and Craft,
Dashwood,. 237-3382. 47,48c49x
COOMBES - At South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter on Sunday, December
4, 1988, Margaret Coombes
(Cutting) of Exeter; in her 75th
year. Beloved wife of the late Ed-
ward Coombes (1979). Dear mother
of June -Grant of Calgary. Dear sis-
ter of Jack Cutting of Huron Par, Cal
Cutting of Lucan and Robert Cutting'
of Exeter. Rested at the Hopper
Hockey Funeral Home, William
Street, Exeter. The funeral service
will be held on Wednesday, Decem-
ber 7 at 4 p.m. with Rev. Duke Vip-
perman officiating. Interment in
Exeter Cemetery.
REDDEN - At his late residence in
Hensall, Sunday, December 4, 1988,
Herbert George Hedden, in his 73rd
year. Beloved husband of the late
Hilda M. Smith (1983).- Left to
mourn is one sister Mrs. Ruth E.
Carter of Clinton and 3 brothers; Or-
ville and Russell of Si. Catharines,
'and Frank of Yellowknife, NWT and
several nieces and nephews. Rested
at the Hensall Chapel of The Mi-
chael P. O'Connor Funeral Home,
118- King Street, where the funeral
and committal service will be held
on Wednesday, December 7 at 2
p.m. with Rev. Stan MacDonald of-
ficiating. Interment Exeter Cemet-
ery. As expressions of sympathy
donations to the Diabetes . Associa-
non would be appreciated. 49c
HORN - At the Bluewater Rest
Home, "Zurich on Monday, November
28, 1988, Mr. Waldo Oscar "Doc"
Horn, formerly of Zurich in his 78th
year. Beloved husband of the late
Ellen Stewart (1984). Dear father of
Ron and his wife Eleanor of Exet-
er. Predeceasced by one son Murry
(1982) and by, one sister Mrs. Nora
Stoneman. Also surviving are three.
grandchildren and .five 'great-
grandchildren. There will be no fu-
neral home visitation. A private fu-
neral service was conducted -on
Wednesday, November 3th. Inter-
ment in Exeter Cemetery. Michael P.
O'Connor Funeral Homes, Zurich
Chapel, were in charge of arrange-
ments. 49x
PAVKEJE - Peacefully .at Clinton
Public Hospital on Monday, Decem-
ber 5, 1988 Mrs. Pauline Pavkcje
(Sabo) formerly of Centralia in her
87th year. Beloved wife of the late
Paul Pavkeje (December 1982) and
dear mother of Joe and Mary Pavkeje
of Centralia. Dear grandmother of
Paul Pavkeje of Centralia, Bob Pav-
keje and his wife Sharon of Dash-
wood, Jean Pavkeje of Calgary and
Margaret Pavkeje of London. Dear
sister of Anthony and Emil Sabo and
Mrs. Mary Cicha all of Slovakia.
Predeceased by one brother Michael.
Friends may call at the Hopper
Hockey Funeral Home, William St.
A funeral Mass will be held at Our
Lady of Mount Carmel Church on
Wednesday, December 7, 1988 at 2
p.m. with Rev. Father Gary Goyeau
officiating. Interment in Mount
Carmel Cemetery. Prayers were held
at the funeral home Tuesday evening
at 8 p.m. 49c
WHITE - Harry Arthur passed away
on Tuesday, December 1 at the Exet-
er Villa, formerly of R.R. #2 Blyth
in his 84th year. Leaves to mourn
his brother William White of Exeter,
sister Gladys Hocking of Brussels
and borhter-in-law James Riley of
Exeter and several nieces and neph-
ews. Body rested at M.L. Watts Fu-
neral Home in Brussels. Service
held on Saturday, December 3.
Spring interment in Brussels Cemet-
ery. 49c
BEEVES - In loving memory of a
dear brother and uncle Asa who
massed away -December 10, 1987.
From Stella, Doug, Kathy and fami-
ly. 49c
JOHNS - In loving memory of our
dear - mother, grandmother, great-
grandmother and great -great-
grandmother, Mrs. Beatrice Johns
who passed away one year ago, De-
cember 10, 1987. -
We had a mum with a heart of gold
Who was more to us than wealth un-
Without farewell she fell asleep
With only memories for us to keep,
Little did we know when we awoke
that morning
the sorrow that day would bring
The call was sudden, the shock se-
To part With one we loved so dear,
No one knows the sorrow we share
When the family meets and you're
not there,
We hold our tears when we speak
your name
But the ache in our hearts ever re-
A wonderful mother laid to rest
For -each of us she did her best
Your place on earth no one can fill
We miss you so and always will.
Lovingly remembered and sadly
missed by all your family. 49c
MERNER - In loving memory of a
loving wife Ethel Meurer who left us
on December 8, 1987.
When evening shadows are falling
and 1 sit quietly alone
To my heart there comes a longing
Wishing you could come home
So many things have happened
Since you were called away
So many things to share with you -
Had you been left to stay
Many folks may think 1 have for-
When at times they see me smile
But how little then know the heart
A smile hides all the while
You are where 1 cannot reach you
Your voice 1 cannot hear
Yet 1 know you walk beside me
Never absent, always near.
Your loving husband Leonard. 49*
MERNER - in loving memory of a
dear mother and grandmother Ethel
Merner who passed- away December
8, 1987.
We mourn for one we dearly loved,
For one we could not save,
Beloved in life an mourned in death
Remember in the grave.
Her loving voice we will never for-.
Though years may pass away;
The loss of her we sadly feel
As keen as that first day,
When all is still and silent,
And 'sleep forsakes the eyes;
Our thoughts are in a silent grave
Where our dear mother lies.
Sadly missed but not forgotten, Syl-
via, Ken and Jennifer Mittelholtz.
MERNER -In loving memory of a
dear sister Ethel who passed away
one year ago December 8, 1987.
Fond are'the ties that are broken
Dear is the one that is gone,
In memory we shall keep her
As long as the years roll pn.
Lovingly remembered and sadly
missed by her sisters, brothers and
families. 49c
loving memory of our dear husband
and father who passed away Decem-
ber 2, 1977.
God was Proud' 11 Years Ago,
When He took you by the hand,
For He knew He led a loving father,
Into the Promised Land.
He praised you while you walked
with Him,
To your new home above,
For the memories you have left be-
Are. the strongest gifts of love.
In, our hearts you will always live,
The dearest father God could ever
Your memory is like the heart of a
The older it gets the sweeter it
Lord please forgive us if we ask why
The thorns live on and the roses
Loved and sadly missed by wife,
family and grandchildren. 49*
THORNTON - in loving memory
of our great grandparents Joseph
Thornton on September 10, 9166
and Mary Alice Thornton on Decem-
ber 9, 1982.
You arc always in our minds,
No matter what we do,
All the time within our hearts,
There arc thoughts of you.
To some you may be forgotten,
To others a part of the past,
But to those who loved and lost
Your memory will always last.
Always remembered an sadly missed
by great grandchildren Richard, Mac,
Elaine, Katherine, David, Lorna,
Brenda and Barbara and great great
grandchildren. 49x
THORNTON - in loving memory
of our grandparents Joseph Thornton
who passed away 22 years ago Sep-
tember 10, 1966 and Mary Alice
Thornton on December 9, 1982.
Our family circle has been broken,
A link gone from our chain
But though we're parted for a while,
We know we'll meet again.
Time may heal the broken heart,
Time may make the wound less sore,
But time can never stop the long-
For the loved ones gone before.
They say memories are golden,
Well maybe that is true,
But we never wanted memories,
We only wanted you.
You never said goodbye to us,
Perhaps that's just as well,
We never could have said goodbye-
oodbyeTo one we loved so well
We miss you in so many ways,
We missed the things you used to
And when old times we do recall
it's then we miss you most of all.
God keep you ever near. •
Always remembered and sadly
missed by granddaughter Shirley
and grandson Stan Preszcator.
BLYDE - In loving memory of a
wonderful wife, mother and grand-
mother Irene who passed away one
year ago, December 9, 1976.
December has come again with sad
regret, -
The month the day we will never
You left us quietly
Your thoughts unknown, -
But you left us.with memories,
We are proud to own,
We will always retnember the way
you looked,
The way you spoke and smiled
The little things you said and did,
Are with us all the time.
Always loved an remembered by hus-
band George and fancily. 49c , _
Dec. 7
front your
Sweet Sixteen Kim Van Dongen
Love from Mom, Dad, Cassie
and Knsu
Nancy Volk
Richard Vanderhoek
Fri., Dec. 16
For information
238-8263, 237-3324
Wednesday, Dec. 7
Bingo Starts 7:30
Regular Games
Jackpot Game
Total Prizes $2300
Air Conditioned
Due to the licence regulations,
no one under 16 allowed to play
Licence #537495
eS 3 nitecj
December 18
7:00 pm..
Everyone Welcome
Offering Will Be Received
Christmas Musical - Drama
70 Voice Children's -Choir Directed by Barb T lrT ebner
Fri. Dec. 9th - 70-0
Sat. Dec. 10th - 7:00 p.m.
Sun. Dec. 11th - 7:00 p.m.
Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle
11. Hwy. #4 South
A Wonderful Event for the
WhAe Family!
Everyone welcome
�. •.•—..