HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-07, Page 27Tree lighting
begins festivities
By Susan Hartman
• HENSALL - Hcnsall kicked off
the Christmas season Friday eve-
ning as villagers -gathered at the
steps of the Town Hall to see the
official tree lighting ceremony.
Reeve Jim Robinson -enlisted the
help of the children to give a count-
doW.n to get the tree lit, after which
Kathie Barlow led the public school
choir in a singsong of favorite
Christmas carols.
Rev. Doug Wright of the United
Church was on hand to extend his
Christmas wishes to the village.,
OecoraUing• contest
Hcnsall residents are reminded
they don't have to register for the
-annual Christmas House Decorating
Contest. Bc prepared because the
judges will he making their rounds.
on December 16.
United Church
-On December .1•K`thc senior choir
• will be hosting a Christmas concert
and carol sing at 7:30 p.m.
The official church board meets
this Thursday at 7:30 for the execu-
tive, 8:00 for the committees, and
8:30 for the full board.
Sunday was the White Gift Ser-
vice to raise money for the Mission
and Service Fund. The Huron Perth
Presbytery is hoping to offset a
projected shortfall of funds in the
London Conference by asking 2(X)
Arena Events
Wed. Dec. 7
2:30-3'30 p.m. Moms and Tots
5:30 p.m. Belgrave vs Novice
Hensall Minor Hockey
Thurs. Dec. 8
5:30 p.m. Ringette
8:15 p.m. Rec Hockey
Fri. Dec. 9 -
4:15 p.m. Hensall Figure Skating
7:30 p.m. Wingham vs Hensall Old
Sat Dec. 10 -
10:30-12:30 m .Hensall Minor
100-3:00 p.rp. ree Public Skating
donated by Kinette
3:30-6:3b p.m. Ringette
9:30 p.m. Open Ice
• ' Sun. Dec. 11
1:00=3:00 p.m Public Skating
3:15 p.m. Kippen Church
5:30-7:30 p.m. Ringette
8:00 p.m. Open ice
Mon. Dec. 12
5:15 p.m Hensall Minor Hockey
R- ..-ti.w-".,--• �
4:15 p.m. Hensall Figure Skating
8:00 p.m. Broomball
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families to oach give an additional
SI00. • •
George Parker expressed thanks to
the Sunday 'School and teachers foil-
ortheir contribution to the service.
The UCW are accepting .canncd
goods and other gifts for the Survi- .
val Through Friendship House.
Contributions can be left in two
boxes in the narthex outside the
sanctuary entrance doors.
Shuffleboard •
The November 29 round gf shuf-
fleboard left Pearl McKnight, Mark
Hookcy, and Walter Davis as the
five -game winners with scores of
246,194, and 192.
- Six -game winners were Walter -
Spcncer, Bruce Watson and Irene
Finlayson with scores of 247, 236,
and 234 respectively.
Jake and Mary Jane Knudslicn of
Lac La Biche, Alberta, arc spend-
ing a few days with- their grand-
mother Babe McGregor also her •
parents Jim and Betty McGregor
and family.
Jack McKnight of Ottawa spent
the weekend with his parents Glen
and Pearl McKnight.
Mary and Dan Gravett, Hanover,
spent Sunday with the McKnight
family, also.
Times -Advocate, December 7, 1988 Page 11A
Tree lighting - Hensall gave a rousing start to their Christmas season. The public school choir, Kathie t3urlow, reeve Jim Robinson and Rev:
with a: tree=lighting.ceremony on Friday evening on the Town Hall steps. Doug Wright lead the audience in carol singing.
New council
ZURICH Reeve Bob Fishcr and
the tour Zurich councillors appoint-
ed 10 office by acclamation in the
\oivcmbcr election were sworn in to
begin their three-year tcrms at coun-
cil's inaugural meeting on 'Decem-
ber 1.•
Clerk Maureen Rcgicr adminis-
tered the oath of office to Fisher,
councillors Hcrb Turkhcim and
Keith Semple, and newcomers R•1ar-
garet Dcichcrt and David Gclinas.
After a brief homily by Rev.
Steve Alles, Fisher listed some of •
the accomplishments of the last
term, and aspirations for the next
throe years.- Among the former
were. the completion of the hydro
substation, the review of the
!age's five-year plan, introduction of
an emergency plan, preparing the
vra,,v-,f4. :plug hcad with repairs to
the Zurich drain next year ltii3''kc:el;
ing tax hikes within the rate of in-
The only unsolved problem was
failing to find a solution to unau-
thorized hook-ups such as caves -
troughs to the village sewer system.
Fisher said PRIDE funding has-
been requested to assist financially
aims to keep tax hikes low
- , with the Zurich drain and repairs to
`local sidewalks, hut these will go
• ahead with or without government
ficlp. . -
Another,priority•is the repair and
enlarging of the Community Cen-
• ire. Fisher said the Centre is one of
the village's few drawing cards, And
its biggest industry. He promised
that the needled money will be raised
through bingos and other •fund-
raisers,.and not through taxes.
Semple agreed with the reeve's
priorities, saying council ;mill
handle each issue as it comes up.
Turkheim warned that Zurich citi-
zens should show more interest in
municipal government.
"If too many sit hack (and refuse
if) run for elected office) the govcrn-
!tient may impose regional govern
ment", he added.
Turkhcim is pleased with the
number of housing -.developments
on the horizon, and the number of
little shops that are opening up
"all over,town".
- Gelinas said he hopes the new
council "can keep going the mo-
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New Zurich
Zurich council • Members of Zu-
rich council were sworn in at their
inaugural meeting -on' December 1.
Shown (hack left) are newcomer
David Gelinas. Keith Semple: Herb,
Turkheim and (front) clerk Mau-
reen Regie!. Reeve Bob Fisher and
new councillor Margaret Beichert.
Books, Book-Bboks
Harririzuer_s, Paperbacks
Novels, Cookbooks,
Humor Books "
Autobiographies •
Historical Books e
Calendars, etc.
mentum started by the previous
council". - • '
Dcichcrt, only the second woman
in Zurich's history to serve on mu-
nicipal council, reiterated what fel-
low councillors had said about de-
velopment, and said •she hopes
there will be more houses and
stores during this council's term.
Fisher announced tate nlcnlhers of
the various committees of council.
In each case, the first named is
chairman. .
Hydro, electric and water.systcm:
Turkhcim,-Gelinas, Fisher.
Finance and property: Semple,
1) ichcrt and Fisher.
. Struts, sidewalks'and drains: Ge -
lines, Semple and Fisher.
Recreation, parks and community
• centre: Ucichert and Fisher. •
Zurich and arca fire hoard: Sem-
itic -and Turkhcim. • -•
�-..-Ecitaoll44%aIW I MOM . T -t k•
helm, Gelinas and Fisher.
Agricultural Society: Deichert._
Landfill: Fisher and Sem-
plc.Doug Mcflcath, Joe Kends,
Brenda Schulbe and Martha Overholt
have been appointed to the recrea-
tion committee.
Lou Schilbe and Fred Habercr
will he members of the economic
development committee. -
In other business, the contract of
Dave Moore of Pctroxan, Exeter,
was renewed for another year. His.
tender to supply heating oil to the
arena and the fire hall at 20.8 2 per
litre was the lowest of three rc-
A special council meeting was
held on November 24 to ati`roriwe
an agreement - to pay Anastasia
Martens 59,500 per year from 1989
to 1992 for use of the landfill site.
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