HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-12-07, Page 16Page 16 Times -Advocate, December 7, 1988
SS concert set at Saintsbury
Rev. Beverly and Ray Wheeler
entertained the congregations of St.
Pauls Kirkton, St. Thomas, Gran-
ton and St. Patrick's Saintsbury to
open house at the rectory Kirkton
Friday evening. All three churches
were well represented.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob MacGilliveay, Court-
ney, Katie -Scarlett, Caleb and Cor-
bin, Mrs. Micahcl Davis, Crystal
and Harley were last Sunday dinner
'guests with Mr.. and Mrs: Ross
McFalls and family.
Mrs. Dorothy Dietrich, Lenny
Dietrich of Dashwood, Hugh and
Hazel Davis were -Saturday evening
dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Davis, Crystal and Harley.
SAINTSBURY - Rev. Be/erly
Wheeler rector of St. Patrick's con-
ducted morning prayer service at
8:30 a.m. Sunday morning, Marg
Carroll was reader, Sheryl Carroll
was at the piano.
Crystal Davis with the help of
Rev. Wheeler lit the second Advent
Candle. She took her text from the
gospel according te.$t. Luke 3:1-6,
. "Every valley shall be filled and
every mountain and hill shall be
broughcabout and the crooked shall
be made straight and the rough
ways shall be made smooth and all
flesh shall sec the Salvation of
- Next Sunday the Sunday School
pupils are to entertain the congrega-
tion. Lunch will be served follow-
- ink the 11 o'clock service.
The A.C.W. members are invited
to Hazel Davis's for their Christmas
Party, the roll call to be answered
with a can of food for the needy.
The meeting is called for 8 o'clock
Lucas .OPP
LUCAN. - During the past week,
Ontario Provincial Police officers at
Lucan investigated 10 motor vehicle
accidents. Two of the accidents re-
sulted in six people receiving minor
injuries. Seven accidents involved
property damage only and one of
thein was a hit and run accident. •
'William Douglas Galloway of
111 Mill Street, Ilderton, parked his
car in his driveway last Sunday and
-an unknown vehicle entered the
driveway and struck the right front
fender of his vehicle. Damage was
li::tcd at light to Galloway's 1984
Oldsmobile Sierra:
The R.I.D.E: program for the
Christmas -New Year's was intensi-
fied last week. A total of 304 vehi-
cles were checked by officers in Lu -
.can. One liquor related charge was. -
laid and one 12 hour suspension
was issued due to the spot checks:
The spot checks will continue daily
until after the new year begins.
There were a total of 31 general
occurrences reported- to Lucan De -
,next Thursday evening, December
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall and
Robert and Marylou Tindall, Mis-
sissauga and Mr, and Mrs. Ron
Cunningham, April and Tom, Mar
attended the "Tindall Family Din:
ner" .at Heywood's Restaurant.
Sunday at noon, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Tindall, Exeter entertained
the "Tindall" family.
Mr. and Mfrs. Earl Greentree were
dinner guests Sunday with Mary
Kevin Bannister, London town-
ship and friend Tammy Smith were
dinner guests Sunday with Kevin's
grandmother Mabel Needham, Lu -
Enjoy sundaes - Students of Huron Centennial chool enjoyed a 30 foot ice cream Suhday Friday as a reward in
completing a successful ,magazine sales program. From the left are Taunya Brown, Bonnie McLeod. Beth
Clarke and Jessica Rodgers.
tachment. Three break and enter,
two damage complaints, and four
Liquor Licence Act charges were in-
cluded in these investigations.
During the Christmas season
when many gifts are being pur-
chased, many thefts and break-ins
occur. People become victims by
leaving -parcels in unlocked cars and
by not properly securing their
homes. To avoid losing property by
-crivac�: Ict� �se:..�nsur . v�,ii .put Fyour
shopping parcels in your-vcftte `�'"`T "„n"-"”' ""�"
trunk and lock your vehicle.-
ehicle.Also have neighbours keep an eye
on yoar house while you arc away
and leave lights on at night. lt's
everyone's job to prevent crime. If
you see suspicious person(s) or ve-
hicle(s) in your neighbourhood,
please call the police.
Graduate - Kim MacGregor, daugh-
ter of Clare and Barb MacGregor,
graduated with honours from the
Westervelt School of Business in
Legal Secretarial on November 28,
1988. She is presently employed
at Bentley, McNair and Butkus,
London, Ont.
Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual
Fire Insurance
Exeter; Ontario NOM • 1S0
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full Insurance
for Farm Properties
New Applications are
Jack Harrgan RR 3 Lucan 227-4305
Robert GarCner.-RR2, Staffs .345-2739
I oyd Manson. RRt St. Marys . 229-8277
1 ane Feeney. RR2, ..... .. 345-2543
.lack Hodgert, RR1, Kirkton 2291'52
Joseph Chaff*; RR5 Mitchell .348-9705
floss Hodgert. Woodham 229-6643
John Moore. Dublin . 345-2512
Joseph Urtiac. MCheN . 348-9012
lead orae. Exeter ' 235-0350
A refund' from surplus, was
declared for all policy hold-
ers who qualify, are on
record, and In good
standing as at
December 31, 1987
1\4. At
and only