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Times -Advocate, November 30, 1988
Crediton WI supper Thursday night
By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Sunday, December 11 at 10:30 a.m.
CREDITON - Choir practice is Personals
Wednesday, November 30 at 8:00 Sympathy is extended to' the
p.m. "We need sine,ers please".. families of the late Vernon Schatz
The sermon topic was taken of Dashwood. Mr. Schatz passed
from Ezekiel 3:15-21 and Romans away Thursday . at South Huron
10:1-17 titled "In Missions Scriptu- . Hospital, Exeter and a funeral ser-
ral". The service was. conducted by vice was. Sunday at Hoffmans Fu-
-Rev. Robert Peebles and he sang a neral Home. .
solo titled "So Send 1 You".. Mrs. Earl Steele of Seaforth vis -
The U.C.W.. will begin their ited Wednesday •and Thursday with
Christmas supper evening with a . Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator. '
pot luck meal at 6:30 p.m. followed . Mr. and Mrs. Mike Durrell and
by a program of music. Plan to at- James Walton and Mr. and Mrs.
tend on December 1 and bring your David Glanville, Listowel were
husband or friend. • - Sunday supper guests with Mr. and
White Gift Sunday is December Mrs. Stan Preszcator. .
4, and will be part of the regular Charles Browning returned horn
service. We ask that you bring from. St. Joseph's Hospital, 'Lon -
foods, goods, or toys in good condi- don.
tion. If you would like to give a William Wilds- returned home
cash donation, please place it in an Friday from St. Joseph's Hospital,
envejlope. marked "White Gift London.
These gifts are for the needy. For Dorothy Dundas of Crediton ccl-
more,infbrrnation contact the Pastor cel-
ebrated her 80th birthday November
or Larry Ratz. . • 26, 1988 at the. home. of Mr. and
The Christmas Program will be Mrs. Don Dundas, Bruce, Donise,
Leanne and Kristy. Supper guests Awards were given out for com-
were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dundas pleted Projects.
and Laurie of Burlington. Brian A 10 -year Leader award was giv-
Dundas of Toronto and friend Carrie -en. to Mrs.. Donald (Lorna) Fink -
of' London. Mr. and. Mrs. Max beiner also Best page covers awards.
Cowan, Brad and friend Julie of Ca- In the Spring, the next project •
,ven. Mr. 'and -Mrs. Darrell Cowan will be From Fleecy to You.
and Tania of Peteborough, Mr, and If anyone is interested in teach -
Mrs. Rick Cowan and Tyler of ing 4-H please contact Jane Muegge
Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Frank. of Clinton '
Rombough and David of Stoney
Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cronyn. .
Jacqueline, Allison, RR2, Lucan and Kirkton W 1
friend Steve Hall, Parkhill, Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Schenk of Crediton, Dr.
and Mrs. Bob Kemp of Stoney KIRKTON - Kirkton Women's
Creek. • Institute held their November meet -
The Crediton and District Social - ing at the Community Centre on
Club dance is Saturday, December November 24 in Kirkton.
3.. Music• is by Smoky Hulloes.• The president Evelyn Wiles wel-.
The Children's Christmas party is corned the members present reading
Sunday, December 4. "Weight Lifters"
4-1-1 The Roll Call "Name a Historical
An Achievement Program was building and show' its' picture."
held Tuesday, November 22 at Ste- Some local pictures were looked at
phen Central School. The -different and brought memories back.
clubs presented skits and exhibits. Donations were given to Stratford
Children's.Aid Society and Town
and Country Homemaker for Huron
County. A new smaller coffee perk
will be purchased as the other one
Fines, jail for impaired drivers
EXETER - Judge R.G.E. Hunter
handed out fines and jail sentences
for theft and alcohol-related offences
while presiding in •Exeter provin-.
cial court on November 22.
Donald. Arnold Taylor, London,
was sentenced to 60. days in jail to
be served on weekends for driving
while suspended, and fined S500 or
a further 30 days in jail, for taking a
motor cycle without the owner's
consent. He was picked up after re-
ports of someone driving a motor-.
cycle erratically on County Rd. 2 f -
on May 20.
The Kawasaki belonged to Tay-
lor's landlord. Taylor's licence had
ben suspended until Jan 1990 as a
result- of two previous convictiOns
for driving with a BAC over 80.
David F. McVeeney, Huron Park,
'pleaded guilty to impaired driving "
causing bodily harm after going off
the road and striking a bridge railing
- at Centralia College on July 1.. His
passenger suffered head injuries in
the accident. • Two breath samples
gave readings of 230 and 250..
Mc Veeney was fined S1,500 or 30
days in jail, given a 12 -month driv-
ing suspension, and scntcnced to •
one compulsory day in jail.
Driving with a BAC of at least
190 on July 9 on Stephen Sidcroad
20-21 cost' Wilmer Jack Pfaff, RR3
Dashwood, $600 and -a three-month
Leonard Stanley Facey, RR3 St.
Marys, pleaded guilty to driving
with a BAC over 80, and operating
a vehicle while suspended, after be-
ing s(oppcd by the OPP on High-
way 83 on August 23. He .has
three previous convictions for im-
paired driving.
Facey was given a six-month jail
" sentence on the first charge, and a
• further 30 days on the second. His
licence is suspended for three years,
. and he will be on probation for 12
Months after release. Counselling
for alcohol abuse was recommend-
Ronald W. Crawford, Exeter, will
serve 14 days in jail on weekends
and lose his licence for two years
for driving while impaired.•
A police officer sent to Conces-
sion 6-7 of Stephen township to in-
• vestigate a report of a car parked in
the middle of the road found the ac-
cused slumped over in his vehicle,
which was facing north in the
southbound lane withthe. engine
running and the lights on high
beam. Crawford has a previous
conviction for driving with a BAC
over 80.
Paul Thcander, Huron Park will
be sentenced on January 10 after
pleading guilty to impaired driving
and failing to provide a breath sam-
ple. He was stopped when a police
officer saw a vehicle being driven
erratically on Concession 2-3 of
Stcphcn township on June 4.
The sclf-cmployed bricklayer was
given time to find a driver to trans-
port himself and his•crew to work
sites. •
Jaynes A.. Fox, Georgetown, was
found guilty of driving with a BAC
• over 80, fined S750 and given a 127
Month suspension. He had hccn
westbound on Highway 83 'in Hay
township when stopped because his
vehicle had no rear licence plate. Fle
failed the ALERT test.
A toxicologist was called as an
expert witness for the crown atter
Richard C. Elliott. Dublin, subntit-
ted a not guilty plea to a chartc_uf
having a BAC.ovcr 8(1 alter being•
stopped in arandom OPP check dur-
ing a RIDE program in Hensall.
The accused refused to answer some
questions on the advice of his law-
yer after being taken to the police
Elliott said he had limited himself
to three drinks during the evening
spent with friends at the Kinsmen's
Elimination Draw, and had also tak-
en three tablcspcxms of cough syr-
up. -
The toxicologist testified that the
accused would have had to have sev-
en or eight beers throughout the
evening to have breath sample read-
ings of 127 and 131. The -cough
syrup had a 5.35 -percent. alcohol
Elliott was found. guilty, fined
S750 and had his 'licence suspended
for 12 months.
s worn out.
Doris Spence and Evelyn Wiles
gave their report from the London
Arca Convention in October. Mrs.
Oliver McIntosh is the new presi-
dent and send our congratulations to
The wall hanging our institute
had made for the Plowing Match
will be donated to the Library in St.
Guest speaker Rob Black from
Stratford spoke on picking good
leaders. His slides presentation was
most interesting and Black answered
questions and handed out pamphlets
to the members. Rob was thanked
by public relation convener Elaine
Hensall grant
TORONTO - The village of Hen-
sall is eligible for a provincial grant
for a water works project, Hon.
Jack Riddell, MPP for Huron, an-
nounced Friday on behalf of Envi-
ronment Minister Jim Bradley:
The grant is estimated at 84.29
percent of the total eligible cost of
a watermain extension on Highway
4 to service eight homes:
The decision on eligibility is
based on preliminary information
available. On completion of pre-
paratory work and cost estimates,
the Ministry of the Environment
will be able to consider the com-
mitment of funding.
Bowler honoured - June Fisher received an award from the Ontario Five -
Pin Bowler's Association to mark her highest triple score in Ontario -in la-
dies class IV bowling.. Gary Huston, chairperson for the Zurich Five -Pin
Association, presents Fisher with the award.
5' to 6' Scotch Pines
FRIDAY — 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.
SATURDAY — 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.
SUNDAY — 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.
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All you need to remember
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